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Celtic Guardian

School shooting in Minnesota

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Well, I think this might be the one time where Marilyn Manson and the makers of the Grand Theft Auto series don't have to defend themselves in interviews. That's a relief that it was clearly caused by one individual's worldview, not by drugs/guns/Manson/heavy metal/Doom like supposedly every other school shooting.

Be ye not deceived.


Two things are likely to happen. One or the other will, I'm sure, maybe both.


1.) One of the deceased kids parents will wind up suing someone like Manson, or Rockstar, etc.


2.) When the inevitable Congressional hearings on the video game industry occur (and they will, at some point), some congressman, sadly likely to be a Republican, will bring up this shooting in relation to violence in video games, even though there is absolutely no connection apparent.

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Congress might also use it as justification to clamp down on the internet, since this kid might have been influenced by that one whacko group's website.

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Anyone else notice that this shooting proved that all the new security measures taken by schools post-Columbine are completely useless for preventing similar massacres? This school had security guards, metal detectors, surveillance cameras, the whole works. So the kid just shot the guards and walked right through the detectors and past the cameras. Dumb shit like see-thru backpacks might keep rival gang members from killing each other quite as often, but have absolutely no power to stop crazy-armed-kid-on-the-rampage type attacks.

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School gunman stole police pistol, vest

Student killed 9 before turning weapon on himself



RED LAKE, Minnesota (CNN) -- A student authorities say killed seven people at his Minnesota high school first shot his grandfather and the man's girlfriend before taking his police-issued weapon, bulletproof vest and squad car to Red Lake Senior High School.


FBI Special Agent in Charge Michael Tabman said Tuesday that 16-year-old Jeff Weise killed his grandfather, 58-year-old Daryl Lussier, and his grandfather's 32-year-old girlfriend, Michelle Sigana, with a .22-caliber gun before driving to the school Monday.


FBI agents would not confirm reports that Weise had posted comments on a neo-Nazi Web site.


But a person who posted on the site of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party identified himself as "Jeff Weise, from the Red Lake 'Indian' Reservation." The writer said he disliked interracial mixing among the American Indians on the reservation where he lived.


Federal investigators, however, said that while the postings may provide clues to the rampage, it was premature Tuesday to speculate on a motive. The shootings at the school appeared to be random, Tabman said.


He said authorities believe Weise stole his grandfather's police-issued pistol and a shotgun, as well as a gunbelt and vest. Authorities said he had three guns in all.


As Weise entered the school through a doorway with a metal detector, he was confronted by 28-year-old Derrick Brun, an unarmed guard. Weise shot Brun to death before proceeding into the school, Tabman said. A videotape shows Weise in a hallway, but doesn't capture any of the shootings, he said.


Weise fired shots toward 62-year-old teacher Neva Winnecoup Rogers, as well as some students, who fled into a classroom, Tabman said. He pursued them and opened fire, killing Rogers and "a number" of students, then "continued to roam through the school, firing randomly."


Four police officers entered, and Weise fired on them as well, Tabman said. At least one officer returned fire, but it was unknown whether Weise was wounded. Shortly afterward, Weise went back into the classroom and shot himself in the head, he said.


In all, Tabman said, Weise spent "less than 10 minutes" inside the school, firing many rounds: "There was a lot of damage."


According to Tabman, Weise shot and killed five students -- Thurlene Stillday, 15; Chase Lussier, 15, Chanelle Rosebear, 15, Alicia Spike, 14, Dwayne Lewis, 15.


Police do not know how much earlier Lussier and Sigana were killed.


FBI Special Agent Paul McCabe would not say if Chase Lussier was related to Daryl Lussier.


The death toll made it the nation's worst school shooting since April 1999, when two students killed 12 classmates, a teacher and then themselves at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. (Full story)


Authorities said Weise did not live with Daryl Lussier, but they would not release where he was living. There was no suicide note, Tabman said.


The school remained closed Tuesday. Counseling was being offered to tribe members, said Floyd Jourdain, chairman of the Red Lake Ojibwa Nation.


"Our community is devastated by this event," he said. "We have never seen anything like this in the history of our tribe. Without a doubt, these are some of the darkest days for our people."


About 5,000 members of the Ojibwa tribe live on the reservation. The Ojibwa are also known as the Chippewa.


The shootings occurred about 3 p.m. (4 p.m. ET) in Red Lake Senior High School, a school of about 300 students located on a sovereign Indian reservation near the Canadian border about 240 miles north of the Twin Cities.

Seven wounded


In addition to the fatalities, seven people were injured, the FBI said Tuesday, and five remained hospitalized.


Six of the wounded -- all males younger than 18 -- were taken to North County Regional Hospital in nearby Bemidji, Minnesota, by ambulance, arriving within a half-hour, hospital spokeswoman Sherri Birkeland said Tuesday.


One died in the hospital emergency room from a gunshot wound to the head, and two others -- one with a gunshot wound to the head, a second with a gunshot wound to the face -- were flown to a hospital in Fargo, North Dakota, she said.


One of those required neurosurgery and the other facial surgery, both of which are offered in Fargo, said Dr. Joe Corser of the Bemidji hospital.


The other three were all admitted to North County, Birkeland said. None of them were in critical condition. Two had been shot in the chest and one had a hip injury. They were expected to survive, Corser said.


The head wounds were at close range, said Tim Hall, emergency nursing director at the hospital.

'Admiration for Hitler'


The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party issued a statement on its site Tuesday confirming that Weise posted messages there.


The writer of those messages assumed two user names: NativeNazi and "Todesengel," which means "Angel of Death" in German.


"I stumbled across the site in my study of the Third Reich as well as Nazism," says a March 2004 post. "I guess I've always carried a natural admiration for Hitler and his ideals, and his courage to take on larger nations."


Another 2004 posting says, "As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing, there is barely any full-blooded Natives left. Where I live, less than 1 percent of all the people on the reservation can speak their own language."


"Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly," it said. "That is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist, people are so misinformed, ignorant and close minded, it makes your life a living hell."


The group issued a statement on its site Tuesday confirming that Weise posted the messages.


"The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party ... refused towring hands over a 'tragedy,' instead pointing out that such events are to be expected when thinking people are crammed into an unthinking, irrational modern society," it said.


NativeNazi said he was a member of the Ojibwa tribe and "both my parents were Native American, though from what I understand I also have a little German, a little Irish and a little French Canadian in my blood as well."


The idea of Weise's joining a neo-Nazi group is not as surprising as it may seem, said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama. The center tracks hate groups.


"Believe it or not, we run across this all the time," he told CNN. "We've found Jewish Nazis, gay Nazis, blacks who wanted to be white supremacists. The reason it isn't so unusual -- these are powerless people to whom images of powerful people are appealing."


Todesengel said in a May 2004 posting: "Because of my size and appearance, people don't give me as much trouble as they would if I looked weak."


"I'll defend myself if someone tries something but other than that I'm a peaceful person."


The last posting was made in August 2004, according to an archive search.


credit: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/03/22/school.shooting/index.html



I also noticed that CNN.com has a gallery of school shootings. I guess the play on words was too much for them to resist.

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Well if youre dumb enough to have a country where you have a right to carry arms, these things are going to happen



RED LAKE, Minnesota (CNN) -- A student authorities say killed seven people at his Minnesota high school first shot his grandfather and the man's girlfriend before taking his police-issued weapon, bulletproof vest and squad car to Red Lake Senior High School.


Next time, learn the facts before opening your big fat yap. You MIGHT look a little less like a fucking idiot.


Although I sincerely doubt it.

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My one, only, and final word on gun control:


A few years back, a maniac tried to kill my father in our home. He shot my dad full of holes with a stolen, illegal gun that no gun control law in the world could've prevented him from getting. The only thing that saved my dad's life? When he fought the guy off for a moment and managed to grab his legal, registered shotgun out of the closet and start loading it, the attacker got scared and ran off.


So, fuck gun control.

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My one, only, and final word on gun control:


A few years back, a maniac tried to kill my father in our home. He shot my dad full of holes with a stolen, illegal gun that no gun control law in the world could've prevented him from getting. The only thing that saved my dad's life? When he fought the guy off for a moment and managed to grab his legal, registered shotgun out of the closet and start loading it, the attacker got scared and ran off.


So, fuck gun control.

Did your dad cap the fuckass or what?

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My one, only, and final word on gun control:


A few years back, a maniac tried to kill my father in our home. He shot my dad full of holes with a stolen, illegal gun that no gun control law in the world could've prevented him from getting. The only thing that saved my dad's life? When he fought the guy off for a moment and managed to grab his legal, registered shotgun out of the closet and start loading it, the attacker got scared and ran off.


So, fuck gun control.

Gun control is not about banning guns, it's about making them harder to obtain, so that not anyone who is irresponsible can have one.


We're not talking about getting rid of them altogether.

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Well if youre dumb enough to have a country where you have a right to carry arms, these things are going to happen



RED LAKE, Minnesota (CNN) -- A student authorities say killed seven people at his Minnesota high school first shot his grandfather and the man's girlfriend before taking his police-issued weapon, bulletproof vest and squad car to Red Lake Senior High School.


Next time, learn the facts before opening your big fat yap. You MIGHT look a little less like a fucking idiot.


Although I sincerely doubt it.

I thought SpongeMike Sweatpants said he would be smarter than the smartest American?


And so would the dumbest Canadian..

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It turns out that this guy also had a livejournal (God, those EVERY unhappy, angry, confused teen these days have one of these things?)



He also made a flash movie


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Guest MikeSC
My one, only, and final word on gun control:


A few years back, a maniac tried to kill my father in our home.  He shot my dad full of holes with a stolen, illegal gun that no gun control law in the world could've prevented him from getting.  The only thing that saved my dad's life?  When he fought the guy off for a moment and managed to grab his legal, registered shotgun out of the closet and start loading it, the attacker got scared and ran off. 


So, fuck gun control.

Gun control is not about banning guns, it's about making them harder to obtain, so that not anyone who is irresponsible can have one.


We're not talking about getting rid of them altogether.

I'm amazed at the desire the left has to restrict Constitutional rights.


Who needs the 2nd Amendment, right?


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Guest Vitamin X
"In a brief bio accompanying his Flash animations, Weise described himself as "nothin but a Native American teenage-stoner-industrialist," whose favorite movies included "Dawn of the Dead," "Thunderheart," and "Lakota Woman." His favorite recording artists included Korn, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, and John Lennon. "


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Guest MikeSC
Doesn't that seem a little outdated? I mean, it's not 1996 anymore. Angst hasn't progressed at all?

Why couldn't he just shoot himself?


He caused enough misery with his writing and attempts at animation.


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My one, only, and final word on gun control:


A few years back, a maniac tried to kill my father in our home.  He shot my dad full of holes with a stolen, illegal gun that no gun control law in the world could've prevented him from getting.  The only thing that saved my dad's life?  When he fought the guy off for a moment and managed to grab his legal, registered shotgun out of the closet and start loading it, the attacker got scared and ran off. 


So, fuck gun control.

Gun control is not about banning guns, it's about making them harder to obtain, so that not anyone who is irresponsible can have one.


We're not talking about getting rid of them altogether.

I'm amazed at the desire the left has to restrict Constitutional rights.


Who needs the 2nd Amendment, right?


That wasn't me trying to ban guns or take away the second amendment. I'm not even American so the issue is not something I feel strongly about. I really didn't know the exact definition of "gun control" since it can mean many different thing to different people, seeing as how some see control differently than others.


I was merely trying to push conversation and see if I was right or wrong. KKK of all people offered up something. It's just something to open up discussion is all.


No need to be so defensive, or melodramatic for that matter.

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Gun control is not about banning guns, it's about making them harder to obtain, so that not anyone who is irresponsible can have one.


Problem is it doesn't make it harder for bad guys and gals to obtain them...

This is where the Washington D.C. folks have to speak up.


We have some strict gun control laws - and quite a bit of violent, gun-related crime.


Hell, it seems as if every month or so there's another school-shooting.

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...some congressman, sadly likely to be a Republican, will bring up this shooting in relation to violence in video games, even though there is absolutely no connection apparent.

Or Republican wannabe Joe Lieberman.

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His favorite recording artists included Korn, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, and John Lennon.


Let the media frenzy begin!!


"John Lennon must be banned from our radios and our record stores, as his music encourages teenage violence and aggression."

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His favorite recording artists included Korn, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, and John Lennon.


Let the media frenzy begin!!


"John Lennon must be banned from our radios and our record stores, as his music encourages teenage violence and aggression."

Instant Karma's gonna get you...with an AK-47.

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Guest BDC
Gun control is not about banning guns, it's about making them harder to obtain, so that not anyone who is irresponsible can have one.


Problem is it doesn't make it harder for bad guys and gals to obtain them...

This is where the Washington D.C. folks have to speak up.


We have some strict gun control laws - and quite a bit of violent, gun-related crime.


Hell, it seems as if every month or so there's another school-shooting.

This absolutely blows my mind. When I was working DC a few years back, I found out that if someone broke into your house with an illegal weapon and you shot him/her with a legally purchased and registered weapon, YOU were going to jail because it was illegal to own a firearm in DC.


DAMN, I'm glad that worked out, aren't you, Vyce?

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His favorite recording artists included Korn, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, and John Lennon.


One of these things is not like the other, One of these things does not belong


You are so right....what is Rammestein doing on that list?

If only he could have fit some Dwight Yokam into that list.


And he wasn't a stoner. Stoners are too laid back to care and have a need to kill. It's the ones who grow the stuff who are psycho.

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Guest Vitamin X

Oh, man. I just realized this will give the DEA more fuel to their hyperbole about marijuana being the greatest danger to our youths at the moment.

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His favorite recording artists included Korn, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, and John Lennon.


One of these things is not like the other, One of these things does not belong

Yeah, 3 of those musicians are nowhere near as insane as John Lennon.



Anyone who has listened to "Revolution 9" can agree.

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