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A Few WWE Dvds

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I was wondering if/what the matches and extras are on the following DVDS, I seen them in a 3 package deal for 9.99.. so I was thinking of grabbing them...


Lita: Feels Just Right (hold the Edge jokes) = pink case

WWF's Funniest Moments = Mick Foley's sock on the front.

WWE Action = Torrie I believe is on the front along with Raven


Also there for 9.99 was WWE Insurrextion 2002 ... is it worth it?

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Action! (9/25/01 release date)


- Kurt Angle defeated WCW World Champion Booker T via submission with the ankle lock to win the title at 10:29, despite Steve Austin interfering and hitting the Stunner on Angle after a Harlem side kick from the champion accidentally knocked out the referee; late in the bout, many members of the Alliance came ringside to help save Booker's title only for a WWF contingent to make the save, with both groups brawling around ringside; as the referee was distracted, Kanyon came in the ring and hit Angle in the back with a steel chair; moments later, the wrestlers were escorted backstage by officials or battled into the crowd (7/24/01; Pittsburgh, PA)


- WWF World Champion Steve Austin pinned WWF Tag Team Champion Chris Jericho at 10:59 with the Stunner; moments prior to the finish, William Regal came ringside and pulled surprise guest ringside enforcer Mick Foley out of the ring as Jericho had the champion caught in the Walls of Jericho; in the ensuing brawl on the floor, Foley accidentally hit Jericho with a steel chair blow to the head as he attempted to attack Regal; Vince McMahon was banned from ringside for the duration of the bout; after the match, Foley brought Regal into the ring where he was put in Jericho's Walls of Jericho while at the same time sustaining the Mr. Socko Mandible Claw from Foley (6/4/01; Minneapolis, MN)


- Jeff Hardy pinned WWF IC Champion Triple H to win the title at 8:06 with the Swanton after Matt Hardy ran in the ring and hit the champion over the head with a steel chair (4/10/01; Philadelphia, PA)


- Steve Austin fought WWF World Champion Kurt Angle to a no contest at around 12:20 when Triple H came ringside, pulled referee Earl Hebner out of the ring as Austin had Angle covered with the Stunner, led Hebner around the ring by his hair, and ultimately knocked him out with a punch; after the bout, Austin threw Angle to the floor and invited Triple H into the ring; after battling in the ring and at ringside, Triple H busted Austin open with a series of blows with a steel pipe, finally laying Austin across the announce table and posing on top of Austin's motionless body as the show came to a close (1/8/01; San Jose, CA)


- Triple H (w/ Stephanie McMahon) pinned WWF IC Champion Chris Jericho with the Pedigree to win the title at 7:30 after hitting Jericho over the head with a steel chair as the champion had Stephanie in the Walls of Jericho; moments prior to the bout, William Regal ran into the ring with the chair, as the Walls were applied on the challenger, but Jericho dropped him before he could use the weapon (4/3/01; Oklahoma City, OK)


- WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz & Spike Dudley defeated Edge, Christian, & Rhyno via disqualification at 5:54 when Edge hit Bubba Ray in hte back with a steel chair as the remaining participants battled on the floor; after the bout, Spike fought off Edge and Christian before being Gored by Rhyno through a table set up against the corner (3/20/01; Providence, RI)


- The Rock defeated WWF World Champion Steve Austin (w/ Vince McMahon) via disqualification in a steel cage match at around the 6-minute mark when McMahon entered the cage and knocked out referee Tim White with a double axe handle after the challenger hit the Rock Bottom; moments prior to the finish, McMahon pulled the referee out of the cage to prevent him from counting the pin as Rock had Austin covered with the People's Elbow; the referee responded by shoving McMahon to the floor; after the match, Triple H entered the cage with a sledgehammer, teased a face turn, but eventually helped in triple teaming the Rock; prior to the bout, McMahon did the ring introduction for the champion; as the show came to a close, the Rock was beaten bloody while Triple H, Austin, and McMahon shared a few beers (Rock's last match until July) (4/2/01; Ft. Worth, TX)

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Lita: It Just Feels Right (8/28/01 release date)


- Lita, Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated Test, Albert, & Trish Stratus at 13:12 when Lita pinned Trish with a moonsault; the Hardyz fought off T&A after the match, although they sustained a beating in the process (Fully Loaded 00 - 7/23/00; Dallas, TX)


- Trish Stratus pinned Lita in a leather strap match at 1:38 after Stephanie McMahon interfered and hit Lita with the Women’s title belt (Raw is War - 7/24/00; Austin, TX)


- WWF Women's Champion Lita, Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated Jackie, WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian (Smackdown! - 8/29/00; Fayetteville, NC)


- WWF Women's Champion Lita pinned Jackie in a hardcore match after spraying her with a fire extinguisher and hitting the challenger with a cookie sheet (Raw is War - 10/9/00; Anaheim, CA)


- WWF Women's Champion Lita defeated Trish Stratus in a Bra & Panties match at 2:08 (Raw is War - 10/23/00; Hartford, CT)


- WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, & Perry Saturn (w/ Terri) defeated Lita, Matt & Jeff Hardy in an elimination match at 8:03; Jeff pinned Guerrero at 2:56 with the Swanton; Saturn pinned Jeff at 3:41 with the DVD; Matt pinned Saturn with the Twist of Fate at 5:07; Malenko pinned Matt with a roll up at 5:33; Malenko defeated Lita via submission with the Texas Cloverleaf (Armageddon 00 - 12/10/00; Birmingham, AL)


- Perry Saturn & Terri defeated Matt Hardy & Lita when Terri pinned Lita after Dean Malenko interfered and hit a DDT on Lita, following Lita's moonsault onto Terri (Smackdown! - 12/30/00 - San Antonio, TX)


- Lita (w/ Matt Hardy) pinned Molly Holly (w/ Crash Holly) with the moonsault after outside interference and Molly receiving a DDT; due to pre-match stipulations, Lita became the #1 contender to the Women's Title (Raw is War - 2/26/01; Phoenix, AZ)


- Jeff Hardy (w/ Lita & Matt Hardy) pinned the Big Show with the Swanton and a fast count from the referee after the moonsault from Lita and a legdrop off the top from Matt and all three covering Show to the mat; after the match, Show chased the Hardys, Lita and the referee from ringside; moments prior to the finish, Show shoved the referee down (Smackdown! - 4/3/01; Oklahoma City, OK)

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Action is a hella good DVD. The extras are what make it, though, especially the Austin/Angle match, and the Austin/Jericho match, which I found to be really entertaining.


Methinks I may watch that DVD again later tonight for old times' sake.

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Lita: It Just Feels Right (8/28/01 release date)

I would make a joke about the title of the DVD, but it's way too obvious

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Good God there is a Lita DVD? Who in their right mind would buy that?


Hell, Stephanie McMahon had a better match with Trish than Lita did.


EDIT: Actually that is the ONLY women's wrestling match I like.

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The Austin/Angle match on Action features JR's best line ever: "The Game has screwed Stone Cold out of the WWF BY GOD TITLE!!"

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buy it, if only cuz of the rarity of WWF DVDS (wrestlemania 16 and 17 and 19 are going for up to 500 or 700 bucks on amazon.) Though these are worth less, its still rare


Geez I didnt know action had full matches on it, i could have bought it once too :(


The lita one has a feature on her life and career I saw it once on ppv fanatix when my ppv went unscramble for a few days for some reason. The feature was ok, but nothing special.


I saw survivor series 01 and funniest moment dvds on sale used at a blockbuster a few weeks back. I probably shoudl have at least picked up the SS one.

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buy it, if only cuz of the rarity of WWF DVDS (wrestlemania 16 and 17 and 19 are going for up to 500 or 700 bucks on amazon.) Though these are worth less, its still rare

If anyone is buying them they must not know about half.com.


Although on there I sold Rumble 2000 for 25 bucks.

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Guest Ransome

Get the Action DVD. Not just for the matches, the actual segments make it worth owning also. Lots of great TV moments from WWF 2001 before it all went downhill with the Invasion, such as the the Austin and Angle alliance (including the singing sketches). Makes me wonder why they haven't released any similiar DVDs (that is, showing highlights from the past several months of WWE TV) since.

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buy it, if only cuz of the rarity of WWF DVDS (wrestlemania 16 and 17 and 19 are going for up to 500 or 700 bucks on amazon.) Though these are worth less, its still rare

Who the fuck would spend that much on a wrestling DVD? There are a few old WWF DVDs that I didn't buy when they came out that I now want, so I periodically check Gamestop.com to see if the they have any used ones at the 2 or 3 stores near my house. I picked up the Brock DVD and Before They Were WWF Superstars for $7.99 and $9.99 respectively and they had WM 19 (most likely for $9.99). I won't spend more than $25 on a new WWE DVD, much less hundreds on a used one.


BTW, the Action DVD is very good and has a ton of the Austin/Angle comedy shit from 2001 on it. Although it has Trish in a bikini (complete with a note that there is no footage of Trish in a bikini on the disc) and Raven hitting Rhynoe with a trachcan lid on the cover but the very good Raven/Rhyno match from Backlash 01 is not on the disc.

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Instead of starting a new thread, I'll just add to this one. How are these DVDs?


WWF Rebellion 2001? (Heard its really good, got it really cheap, already bought it)

WWF Hardcore

WWF No Way Out 2002 (any extras on this?)

Any of the Stone Cold DVDs


Any other older DVDs that you can find cheap worth picking up?

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No Way Out '02 is kinda "bleh", I think. Not a terrible PPV, but not very good either . . . kind of a place-filler for WrestleMania X8.


WWF Hardcore is pretty good, for what it is. Cool thing about this DVD is the extras; I think, total, there's like 15 or 20 matches on the whole thing. Of course, considering most of the hardcore matches were lucky to last 5-7 minutes, that's not too big of a deal.


Rebellion '01 is a good show - Austin/Rock, Edge/Christian in a cage, Angle/Jericho, all good matches. Rebellion '01 is one of the few UK PPV's that would've passed for a kick-ass American PPV, IMHO.


Of the Stone Cold DVD's, my fave is the Stone Cold Truth. It's got the Blonds vs. Flair/Anderson match from the Clash in June '93, Austin's first TV title win vs. Bobby Eaton, and the whole match vs. Owen Hart from SummerSlam '97

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buy it, if only cuz of the rarity of WWF DVDS (wrestlemania 16 and 17 and 19 are going for up to 500 or 700 bucks on amazon.) Though these are worth less, its still rare

Who the fuck would spend that much on a wrestling DVD? There are a few old WWF DVDs that I didn't buy when they came out that I now want, so I periodically check Gamestop.com to see if the they have any used ones at the 2 or 3 stores near my house. I picked up the Brock DVD and Before They Were WWF Superstars for $7.99 and $9.99 respectively and they had WM 19 (most likely for $9.99). I won't spend more than $25 on a new WWE DVD, much less hundreds on a used one.

Probably because they aren't made anymore since they are WWF DVDs not WWE ones.


Hell, I own WM 17. I might have to sell it then.


Here is the link on amazon.com


EDIT: Here is the link for the WM 17 DVDs on eBay. They aren't anywhere near as expensive as amazon.com is.

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Here is the link on amazon.com


EDIT: Here is the link for the WM 17 DVDs on eBay. They aren't anywhere near as expensive as amazon.com is.

People like that piss me off.


OK, so it's kinda rare. That doesn't mean you can go on Amazon and list your copy as being worth $200. Either 1) you know nothing about wrestling other than realizing your DVD is rare or 2) you do know something about wrestling and just want to rip people off. Either way, you deserve to be kicked in the shin very hard.


I see insanely overpriced merchandise on eBay all the time and it seriously makes me want to scream sometimes.

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I think the more expensive dvds on amazon were bran dnew thats why i guess.



Does anybody have wm 15-18 dvds they want to sell? cuz I want them

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I seen them in a 3 package deal for 9.99.. so I was thinking of grabbing them...

May I ask where?


I've been meaning to grab "Action" for a while now and this seems like a good excuse to do so.

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<<Jeff Hardy pinned WWF IC Champion Triple H to win the title at 8:06 with the Swanton after Matt Hardy ran in the ring and hit the champion over the head with a steel chair (4/10/01; Philadelphia, PA)>>


I taped the Raw the day before with the same match. It was a great match. I came home from work to my wife's (then g/f's) apartment and watched Raw. Her roomie came home halfway through the match and was surprised to see me up at 2:00AM, much less watching wrestling. She was from Honduras and didn't speak a lick of English. She'd just give me weird looks when I'd jump to the floor and count with the ref and then cover my head when HHH would kick out.


I'm not a big Jeff Hardy fan, but it was just great stuff.


The funny part was that Barbara -- the roomie -- couldn't go to bed until I went to bed, as she slept on the couch. There was no way I was going stop the tape in the middle of that match.


A few weeks or so later, the downward spiral occured, with Undertaker and Kane stepping up to take on HHH and Austin after the Boyz were destroyed.

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Thank God I got my WMX7 DVD when I did . . . I bought it from half.com about two years ago or more (I think that's where I got it, anyway), and I only paid about $6.75 plus shipping, brand new, unopened.


I thought for a second about selling it, but I rarely ever part with any of my wrestling stuff. My wife hates it, but she's got 14 Rubbermaid containers and a walk-in closet full of clothes, so she'll get over it.

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As everyone else has said...Action has everything.


Only thing it's missing is Benoit/Austin from Edmonton and it would be one of the best DVDs ever.

Here's hoping that they put this on an Austin retrospective DVD in the near future. You know they're bound to be planning one ala Flair's or Benoit's, so that would rock if included.

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Thank God I got my WMX7 DVD when I did . . . I bought it from half.com about two years ago or more (I think that's where I got it, anyway), and I only paid about $6.75 plus shipping, brand new, unopened.


I thought for a second about selling it, but I rarely ever part with any of my wrestling stuff. My wife hates it, but she's got 14 Rubbermaid containers and a walk-in closet full of clothes, so she'll get over it.

Amen bro. I allow no one to tell me to get rid of my wrestling crap cuz its all mine lol.


I mean I do have all the wms on tape (and 19 and 20 on dvd) so I guess that makes me a big fantaic as well.


I guess theres sites that have the dvds cheaper, I should check them out actually.

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Thank God I got my WMX7 DVD when I did . . . I bought it from half.com about two years ago or more (I think that's where I got it, anyway), and I only paid about $6.75 plus shipping, brand new, unopened. 


I thought for a second about selling it, but I rarely ever part with any of my wrestling stuff.  My wife hates it, but she's got 14 Rubbermaid containers and a walk-in closet full of clothes, so she'll get over it.

Amen bro. I allow no one to tell me to get rid of my wrestling crap cuz its all mine lol.


I mean I do have all the wms on tape (and 19 and 20 on dvd) so I guess that makes me a big fantaic as well.


I guess theres sites that have the dvds cheaper, I should check them out actually.

Yeah, sometimes its hard to find stuff cheap, and other times very easy. We've got a used CD/DVD/Book store here in our area that'll sometimes have WWE DVD's for super-cheap, like I got my WWF Hardcore DVD there for like $4.00. Most of my commercial VHS (both WWF and WCW) came from little local video stores either getting rid of them or I just offered them a deal . . . I'm always proud that my original Wrestle War '92 commercial VHS goes for $30 or more on eBay, and I got it for $3 in a used VHS bin at said local shops.


Good stuff.

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Used video bins are sometimes a goldd mine, I got a wm x coliseum video used in 1997 for only 5 bucks.


As well as 2 for 5 and 2 for 10 sales and I got up to about 10 videos used.


My latest one was a used Hulkamania 4 for only 2.50

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I seen them in a 3 package deal for 9.99.. so I was thinking of grabbing them...

May I ask where?


I've been meaning to grab "Action" for a while now and this seems like a good excuse to do so.

Giant Tiger...



I picked up WCW Spring Stampede 2000 ( I know it's bad, but what the hell..) on VHS for $5

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I'll add to the list of people giving plaudits for the Action DVD.


I wouldn't bother with Insurrextion 2002 though. I was actually there live and it was a terrible event (complete with the ropes breaking in the HHH vs Taker main event.) Best match was an IC title match with Eddie Guerrero vs RVD, which was not bad.



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