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Guest TheJuice31

How hyped are yall for WM21?

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I liked No Mercy 2001 for the most part, I enjoyed the RR this year (mostly for the humour), I liked Summerslam A LOT more than most people did. I haven't really been insanely excited going into a PPV since... Backlash 2002? That was only because they did an amazing hype video for HHH vs. Hogan and I was like "OH MAN I GOTTA SEE THIS!" (I didn't, of course). That's not to say that I don't get excited for PPVs anymore, just not WWE PPV's. I get downright giddy for most MMA shows. But there's always a certain amount of interest I have in them (WWE shows), just to see what the outcomes are and how they booked it and all that fun smarkish stuff.

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So i'm supposed to hate WWE, because you think they put out crap? I like the product, I understand that others don't, and that is their right. You seem to think that because you think the product sucks, I should feel the same. That's what make you look like the dumbass. If you hate it Rudo that is fine, but don't start a flaming battle with me for enjoying it. If you like feeling yourself to UFC battles, that's fine, it's just not my thing.


Prove to me that a top UFC/Pride middle weight can kick Benard Hopkin's ass. You can't because it just won't happen. The fight wouldn't even last 1 minute, soon as one of "your boys' tries to do do one of them sloppy take downs they'd be knocked out. I think if we took a nation wide poll I would win.


But why keep up this petty little pissing contest Rudo? Your mind is set on what you like, as is mine. You don't like WWE, I do. You like UFC, I don't. You think UFC/Pride is a real sporting competition, I know it's a work. Let's just agree to disagree.


*Goes to eat some more of Vince's Chocolate Ice cream*

You just keep bringing the content. Keep on posting man.

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Okay, I'll bite. I also would like to know if:


a) You know what the purpose of a messageboard is, because it sounds from what you're saying that you have no fucking clue. It's all about plugging your ears and just spewing crap without backing it up, well unless you count "MY OPINION IS MY RIGHT" as factual evidence. You sound more at home at a Pro-choice rally.


b) How you know that a sport like MMA (not UFC/PRIDE, much like how people don't say that their favourite sport is the MLB, but rather baseball) is worked. Please enlighten us as to what secret you hold that the rest of us are blind to.


c) Sean Sherk has been wrestling for years and couldn't avoid Matt Hughes' takedown. What makes you think Bernard Hopkins could?


That is all.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
You think UFC/Pride is a real sporting competition, I know it's a work.


Watch UFC 43 and tell us it's a work after seeing the big chunk of forehead that Belfort takes off of Eastman with a knee.


Prove to me that a top UFC/Pride middle weight can kick Benard Hopkin's ass. You can't because it just won't happen. The fight wouldn't even last 1 minute, soon as one of "your boys' tries to do do one of them sloppy take downs they'd be knocked out.


This statement is hilarious. A yellow belt with minimum skills could fuck most boxers up if they got them on the ground. Boxers are completely one dimensional.


Go watch Muhammad Ali vs. Antonio Inoki. Ali spends a lot of the fight running from Inoki because he knows the minute he touches the mat he's screwed. Lennox Lewis vs. Brock Lesnar would've been the same deal from a few years ago. Strikers don't beat grapplers.

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ANYway, trying to drag this back on topic...


This year's Wrestlemania? Actually not that bad, as WMs go. Let's do the breakdown:


HHH vs. Batista

The inevitable "HHH fights for the championship" match is truly the successor of the inevitable "Hogan fights for the championship" match. But in terms of workrate during the match, it'll look more like Flair vs. Random Big Guy. It'll be competent and watchable at worst, and if they can get a nice rhythm going and really get the crowd into the match, it might just turn out pretty good.


JBL vs. Cena

I'm not the biggest fan of Cena in the world, but he can brawl. And that's pretty much what has to happen here, a big chaotic Bruiser Brody-type fight with plenty of blood. Cuz neither one of these guys is terribly coordinated or graceful. If they keep it in the middle of the ring, it could get ugly.


Ladder Match

Spots. Lots of 'em. Kane will do some crazy stunt to make every viewer shake their head in amazement. Benoit will do a couple of things to make everyone wince in sympathy pain. Jericho and Benjamin will be there. They'll probably be sore the next day too, but most likely you won't remember more than one or two spots they did. Christian will get booed. Edge will get booed a LOT. All in all, it'll be entertaining.


Christy vs. Trish

Four minutes, tops. Think Sable vs. Tori. They'll tease nudity but won't go full monty.


Orton vs. Taker

Taker generally has two speeds at WM: abysmal (Sid, Gonzales, Bossman) or better-than-expected (Diesel, HHH, Flair). But even in the worst of the worst Taker matches, take note of how usually it's not Taker's fault that it sucked so badly. (Whether or not that's intentional is a different argument.) Orton definitely has something to prove here; a bad match at Mania just might cost him his future career at this point. Of course, the big question here is, who's doing the job? Personally, I think Orton will win, though I don't know if it'll be clean.


Eddie vs. Rey

I'd be very surprised if this gets past ten minutes. Cruiserweights never really get to strut their stuff at WM. Plus, the smaller guys do sometimes look painfully midgetesque in the enormous domed stadiums that WM takes place in. This match won't be no Halloween Havoc '97, and all the smart marks will bitch about the finish.


Big Show vs. Akebono

Every year, Vince seems to insist on having one "bad idea written all over it" match at WM. This is done in the interest of drumming up mainstream news coverage (which rarely happens). It'll be a waste of time, and hopefully they'll keep it short.


Angle vs. Michaels

If I do order the pay-per-view, this'll be why. This is one where the uncertainty of it all is a huge draw for me. Will their bodies hold up? Can they physically perform the kind of match that they dream about having? Both Angle and Michaels probably take half an hour just to get out of bed every morning considering their laundry list of injuries. HBK simply isn't as good as he was back in the 90s, and Angle hasn't had a great match in a long time either. Both of these fiercely competitive egotists will agree that their match has to be the best goddamn match of the night, if not forever. The spirit is willing. Is the flesh able? I don't know. This is one I can't call.




And personally, my favorite Wrestlemania is X-7. It had that BIG-TIME feel that so few shows capture and the matches were mostly damn good.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I don't even know if I could've brought myself to buy WM X-7 for $50.

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Guest Shadow
Eddie vs. Rey

I'd be very surprised if this gets past ten minutes. Cruiserweights never really get to strut their stuff at WM. Plus, the smaller guys do sometimes look painfully midgetesque in the enormous domed stadiums that WM takes place in. This match won't be no Halloween Havoc '97, and all the smart marks will bitch about the finish.





And personally, my favorite Wrestlemania is X-7. It had that BIG-TIME feel that so few shows capture and the matches were mostly damn good.

Staples Center is hardly a big dome. It's your basic cookie cutter arena for the most part.

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Guest bottyboy
Okay, I'll bite. I also would like to know if:


a) You know what the purpose of a messageboard is, because it sounds from what you're saying that you have no fucking clue. It's all about plugging your ears and just spewing crap without backing it up, well unless you count "MY OPINION IS MY RIGHT" as factual evidence. You sound more at home at a Pro-choice rally.


b) How you know that a sport like MMA (not UFC/PRIDE, much like how people don't say that their favourite sport is the MLB, but rather baseball) is worked. Please enlighten us as to what secret you hold that the rest of us are blind to.


c) Sean Sherk has been wrestling for years and couldn't avoid Matt Hughes' takedown. What makes you think Bernard Hopkins could?


That is all.

So now were're comparing me not liking UFC to killing babies? Look Virtue, Crumb, and Rudo i'll stop bashing UFC/Pride. I see you guys are getting a little to sensitive about this subject. I'm sorry I upset you guys when I called your favorite 'sport' a fraud, even though it is. I really don't care enough about MMA to argue about it. I don't like UFC and in my opinion it's a joke, and "MY Opinion Is My Right".


I hope you enjoy the way they book Liddell vs Corture 2, because the 1st match sucked, i'm just kidding guys I didn't even see the 1st match, but I bet it was a sleeper.


Why don't you guys give me a reason to watch Liddel vs Corture 2? What happened the 1st time around that was so special? Explain to me why I should give this MMA garbage a chance? From what i've seen it's nothing more thenn guys who couldn't make as real boxers, Kick boxers, and wrestlers (Not Pro Wrestling), and I honestly do see them rolling around in a cage 85% of the time.


Every year I order a few of these ppv's, and I always go to sleeo before the show is over. So I honestly tried to give this crap a chance. Help me to understand why you boys cream yourself for this garbage. I really want to know why you think this is so great.

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botty: there's a separate folder called Miscellaneous a couple spaces down from this one, which is WWE. That's where arguments over MMA should take place. Or in No Holds Barred, cuz you can post pretty much anything in there.

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Guest bottyboy
botty: there's a separate folder called Miscellaneous a couple spaces down from this one, which is WWE.  That's where arguments over MMA should take place.  Or in No Holds Barred, cuz you can post pretty much anything in there.

I understand. I'm sorry to every one in this thread (minus a few) especially the thread starter.

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We need a "Vince, please fuck me in the ass cause I'd really enjoy it, then stuff your dirty underwear in my mouth and shit on chest (if you don't mind sir)" forum, it'd be PERFECT for guys like you. Meanwhile, those with actual good taste can discuss better things here.

Dissenting opinions are one thing, insulting others' opinions is another. Chill.

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I hope you enjoy the way they book Liddell vs Corture 2, because the 1st match sucked, i'm just kidding guys I didn't even see the 1st match, but I bet it was a sleeper.


What's funny is you don't realise what you are saying when you say "it was a sleeper".


Ladder Match

Spots. Lots of 'em. Kane will do some crazy stunt to make every viewer shake their head in amazement. Benoit will do a couple of things to make everyone wince in sympathy pain. Jericho and Benjamin will be there. They'll probably be sore the next day too, but most likely you won't remember more than one or two spots they did. Christian will get booed. Edge will get booed a LOT. All in all, it'll be entertaining.


Man, fuck that. Shelton is going to do something crazy.

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Okay, I'll bite. I also would like to know if:


a) You know what the purpose of a messageboard is, because it sounds from what you're saying that you have no fucking clue. It's all about plugging your ears and just spewing crap without backing it up, well unless you count "MY OPINION IS MY RIGHT" as factual evidence. You sound more at home at a Pro-choice rally.


b) How you know that a sport like MMA (not UFC/PRIDE, much like how people don't say that their favourite sport is the MLB, but rather baseball) is worked. Please enlighten us as to what secret you hold that the rest of us are blind to.


c) Sean Sherk has been wrestling for years and couldn't avoid Matt Hughes' takedown. What makes you think Bernard Hopkins could?


That is all.

So now were're comparing me not liking UFC to killing babies? Look Virtue, Crumb, and Rudo i'll stop bashing UFC/Pride. I see you guys are getting a little to sensitive about this subject. I'm sorry I upset you guys when I called your favorite 'sport' a fraud, even though it is. I really don't care enough about MMA to argue about it. I don't like UFC and in my opinion it's a joke, and "MY Opinion Is My Right".


I hope you enjoy the way they book Liddell vs Corture 2, because the 1st match sucked, i'm just kidding guys I didn't even see the 1st match, but I bet it was a sleeper.


Why don't you guys give me a reason to watch Liddel vs Corture 2? What happened the 1st time around that was so special? Explain to me why I should give this MMA garbage a chance? From what i've seen it's nothing more thenn guys who couldn't make as real boxers, Kick boxers, and wrestlers (Not Pro Wrestling), and I honestly do see them rolling around in a cage 85% of the time.


Every year I order a few of these ppv's, and I always go to sleeo before the show is over. So I honestly tried to give this crap a chance. Help me to understand why you boys cream yourself for this garbage. I really want to know why you think this is so great.

My point was that you sounded like a bloody vagina with all the whining, nothing to do with actual abortion debate. Bottyboy is also slang for homosexual, not that it matters or anything. You just sound like the kind of person that would bother. Way to completely dodge every point I made by the way. No point in going on about it then.


Back on topic; I like the idea of the Money In The Bank match, but I really don't want to see Kane to win it. I really hate it when wrestlers are given this aura of invincibility just because they're bigger than the other guy, and that they can just squash them, like Kane and Christian a few weeks ago. Seriously, way to build up the match by completely destroying one of the guys in it with another. Odds are that no one can take out Kane on their own in this one, so they'll have to team up against him.

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Kotz really takes his mod job seriously for a guy who was given the spot as a joke.

Yes, because you're present and have a say in administrative stuff here. Don't talk unless you know what's coming out of your mouth. RRR consistently shows a complete lack of respect for the thoughts of others. I'd tell others to lay off of him too if he conducted himself in a civil manner.

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Guest Shadow
Back on topic; I like the idea of the Money In The Bank match, but I really don't want to see Kane to win it. I really hate it when wrestlers are given this aura of invincibility just because they're bigger than the other guy, and that they can just squash them, like Kane and Christian a few weeks ago. Seriously, way to build up the match by completely destroying one of the guys in it with another. Odds are that no one can take out Kane on their own in this one, so they'll have to team up against him.

Problem is? Snitsky will be the one to take out Kane during the match and not any of the other five men; basically telling the fans "5 men together cant get rid of Kane but Mr. Snitsky can with ease".


I think they will shock us and actually LIMIT the big OOOH AND AHHH spots and try to work a brawling match instead and using the WMX model here(more wrestling and a handful of spots involving the ladder) while the tlc matches were bump, bump, bump the whole way through.

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