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Major Heat on Rhyno

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It's not Vince's property. Danny Doring & Roadkill still have the ECW Tag Belts.


Rhyno claims he was still in possession of the ECW Title, but said the Television Title was stolen at the last PPV and was never recovered.

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I'm sure Rhyno still has the TV Title, he's just so evil. But if he gets fired and he goes to TNA, they will immediately make him a main eventer and this time I will like it. Billy Gunn and X-Pac main eventing sucks, but if Rhyno does it I will be watching. Also, they will probably just call him Rhino again/

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BEAST would work.


Except BEAST runs into the same Marvel copyright problems that RHINO would run into.

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And if you think Rhyno is actually going to go back to help the company that just fired him two months earlier, you're insane.

It depends, really... If they're doing like they did to Bagwell when they dumped him after his shitty match with Booker T (and both guys joined the company around the same time, so it wouldn't shock me if they did,) they'll offer to keep paying him to not work anywhere else. Then they could offer him an additional one-time payout for the ECW show.


And in that case, since a guy's gotta eat, and he can't get any other employer for his services lest lose even more money...

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I still can't believe this guy was fired over breaking a flower pot.


I've got to believe he'll be back at some point.

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He's a former ECW World Heavyweight Champion.


As far as credibility with the ECW fans, I think he had more than Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, Misterio, Malenko, and Storm. All of which people probably remember more from their WCW days. And none of them were considered to be as hardcore as Rhyno either when it came to the action in ECW.


Again, it was a terribly stupid move by Vince. He can't afford to be dropping even more ECW wrestlers, especially since it looks like the show is on life support already.

This is another good example of WWE's double standards with WCW/ECW guys, they are always being treated like 2nd class citizens in Vince's world.

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Guest nokia

He's profile is still up at wwe.com, but that doesn't mean a thing...


The last Ecw champ should be at the wwe "evw show", but if i was a betting man i wouldn't bet money on it....


Rhyno could been saved if he hadn't been drafted to Raw last year....

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Rhyno basically has been jobbed out. He's pretty much worthless, the only thing they need him for is the ECW show. And he will do Vince's show, as he sucks up and tries to get his job back.

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Least we still have Viscera, Heidenreich, Dupree, Suzuki, Holly, a dozen or so sets of tits who's names I'll never learn, Jordan, The Bashams, Scotty, Masters, Henry, Genier, Rosey, and Tomko.


Cause if any of them got fired it would be a real loss.

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I remember I went to a RAW house show in December 2004 and Rhyno jobbed to Tyson Tomko in 53 seconds.


How the mighty have fallen.

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Yea but when Trips throws tantrums and refuses to job, they dont fire him. Yea the double standards run deep in WWE. Vince also wants to make every competiton look bad. (just like on the ECW dvd where he basically treats ECW as a "nothing" promotion calling it a "brand").


If booker ever breaks a coffee mug, watch out.


But then again, they had no plans for him so no big loss.


And why is Rhino a legal issue? someone has "Rhino" trademarked? Who?

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Vince does want to make guys that came from ECW or WCW after those companies died look like shit.


He was done killing Rhyno's career which wasn't hard since he didn't have much of one to begin with, he fired him. Vince is a dick, but Rhyno sucks, so who cares.

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And why is Rhino a legal issue? someone has "Rhino" trademarked? Who?

Rhino is a villain in the Marvel universe and as I'm sure you're aware, WWE has had it's problems with Marvel.


According to Joe Legend, when WWE was attempting to get around this issue, the best they thought of was "Mary". Joe told a very nervous Rhyno over the phone to just suggest changing the I to Y like they did with Chyna.

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And why is Rhino a legal issue? someone has "Rhino" trademarked? Who?


Nobody has "Rhino" trademarked, and IIRC that's why Vince changed the spelling, so he could trademark the name.

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Guest wrestling365
Source: W365


-- After being sent back to his hotel room and then being told he was not required for RAW on Monday, it is coming to us now breaking that Rhyno was told by WWE that due to the incident during the WrestleMania 21st after show party he is being let go by the company.

Seeing wrestling365 made this up for his shitty newsletter - can we finally ban him?


*sighs* Yeah because it's all a lie isn't it? :bonk:

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Source: W365


-- After being sent back to his hotel room and then being told he was not required for RAW on Monday, it is coming to us now breaking that Rhyno was told by WWE that due to the incident during the WrestleMania 21st after show party he is being let go by the company.

Seeing wrestling365 made this up for his shitty newsletter - can we finally ban him?


*sighs* Yeah because it's all a lie isn't it? :bonk:

I'm still waiting for Hulk Hogan to enter the Royal Rumble

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I still don't get why anyone's up in arms over this.

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My sig is going to have to go... Rhyno breaking a flower pot isn't as funny now that it cost him his job, and I couldn't find a non-huge picture of Jarrett smashing a guitar to do a "Rhyno picture + pot picture = guitars smash picture" sig. Oh well.

sounds like a great idea...don't give up...don't ever give up.

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Guest Neon

I don't see the big deal was since Rhyno was never all that great and yes I saw his ECW work. He actually showed signs of being a better worker in his first year with WWE. He was average at best and didn't have much going as far as personality and promo work. Rhyno was one of the new stars Heyman tried to push in ECW's final year after a lot of people left. The workers that were pushed during that time were not as good or as over as the crew from 1995-1998. Rhyno was an example of this. It was just Heyman attempting to create a new bad a$$ to replace Taz and he wasn't as effective. The net is making a big fuss iver this because they think everything ECW is perfect. I actually think that A-Train is better worker and was more worthy of opportunities.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
They sign a talent from ECW, misuse him and bury him as deep as possible, then find the first excuse to fire him like, breaking a flower pot?

How the hell were they suposed to use him? The shit that he did in ECW wouldn't have been believable in the WWE. They also did try to establish him in the WWE because I remember him sending people through tables, sending people through the Smackdown set, being an enforcer for Edge & Chirstian, being a big player in the INvasion, getting a shot at the heavyweight championsip and those are just things off the top of my head.


The man got hurt and never provided them with anythnig meaningful afterwards.


He created a very embarassing scene at their biggest event of the year. He didn't break the flower pot by accident, he was fighting with his wife and smashed the shit.


I don't see why anyblody is really upset about him getting fired.

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I'm personally not upset...fuck him.


He just got over in ECW cuz there was nobody else to take the main event spot. Plus heyman had to some pretty extreme things to get him over such as piledriving women through tables. Sandmans wife i think. Whoever she was i would have fucked her.


But anyways we all must remember...being a former ECW "World" Heavyweight Champion..doesn't mean SHIT!

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Guest Ransome

I really think that, but for his badly-timed injury after InVasion, he would have been in line for a big push in 2001. He was in several fairly high profile matches and the Gore was over with the fans, largely due to Paul Heyman efforts in screaming it out on commentary every match.


Unfortunately, after his return in 2003 they had far too many other new prospects to worry about pushing before Rhyno.

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I believe Rhyno would have been ok if they'd given his angle with Benoit a real payoff. Obviously Benoit would go over as he was headed up the card, but they never got the proper blowoff match that they deserved, a chance to do something memorable, and the perception of the angle being dropped killed Rhyno's heat, and when he started to recover from it in the team with Tajiri, they dropped that too. Rhyno isn't great or anything, but he's more interesting than a lot of the guys they try and push.

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