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Black Lushus

Who Should Have Went Over?

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Guest MikeSC
He then dominated Hunter at Unforgiven in one of the biggest fait accomplis in recent history. And this was after a dominating win over Jericho and a clean pinfall over the Rock.

Did you even watch their match at Unforgiven ? Hunter dominated most of it. I'll get to the Jericho and Rock matches in a minute.

Hunter did all he could do to make GB look like a million bucks in the ring.

There's not much more you can do with a worker who is both horribly limited in the ring and pure shit on the mic.

While that may be true, if you're going to put him in the main event scene, book him so he can actually draw. Disguise his flaws, don't shine a spotlight on them.

It can't be done. I love that when a shitty worker who is facing a guy you do like has a shitty match, it's NEVER the good worker's fault. Say Benoit v Billy Gunn. Absolute crap --- but nobody EVER stated that Benoit shined a light on Gunn's rampant flaws.


Same case here. GB is not the insane physical specimen he was in WCW, so him annihilating Hunter would make no sense whatsoever. Hunter STILL let him make him his bitch.

When was he treated as a clueless putz?

I can only guess you never watched the nunumerous Raw's where he speared the referee or other babyfaces by accident, and very rarely speared who he was aiming for. During the build up to his matches with Jericho and Rock he was spearing everyone except the guys he was aiming for. He was portrayed as putz who couldn't hit the target. Yeah, that'll make people get behind him(!)

Yeah, "That guy can't hit the guy he wants to hit" is a surefire way to make sure the fans hate him. :rolleyes:


The man is limited. He can't sell to save his life. He can't cut a promo. He can't actually show any vulnerability.


There isn't a heck of a lot you can do with him.

WWE has to keep somebody competitive with him to be able to challenge him at some point in the future.

Which is where building up the midcard comes in.

When he annihilates them to "protect" him, it's a little hard to pull off.

He was put over clean over Jericho. Clean over the Rock. Clean over Hunter repeatedly

He beat them clean, but he was never really put over them, because the build up to most of those matches made him out to be an idiot.

Jericho made him look like an idiot? Really? Because it seemed to me they made Jericho look like an utter pussy against Goldberg.


And how is Hunter putting a bounty on him making GB look like an idiot and NOT making Hunter look like a coward?

Because it doesn't last. It never lasts. A job --- which he'll have to eventually do --- will kill his character. It killed it in WCW. Even a total screwjob like he did against Nash ruined his drawing prowess.

Sure, it might not last, but that doesn't mean you don't even try, or do your best to cut him off as soon as possible. And while the screwjob loss to Nash might have damaged his drawing power, he still got big reactions from the fans.

Hulk Hogan always gets fan reactions. He doesn't DRAW squat, though.


Same with Goldberg. The fans cheered --- far less fervently than they did PRE-job --- but they stopped paying to see him.


Which is the only thing that matters.

Goldberg looked great against Hunter at Unforgiven. It's not Hunter's fault that the WWE is not big on sub-five minute main events, which seems to be the ONLY time Goldberg looks competent in the ring.

Again I have to ask if you actually watched the Unforgiven match. And so what if Goldberg only looked competent in short matches ? You don't book a guy to expose his weaknesses, especially if he's meant to be a main eventer.

Goldberg is allegedly a pro wrestler. He should be EXPECTED to work matches of 10 minutes or more. Less is a total rip-off on PPV.


He's going to HAVE to do it. If he can't, so be it. You can't blame anybody else because of his ineptitude.

Hunter has done plenty of things deserving of criticism --- "burying" Goldberg is not one of them.

People who know better say otherwise.


I'm going to let everyone else debate the question at hand. It's tiresome having to explain basic booking concepts over and over again.

And I find it tiresome that you are fundamentally and repeatedly wrong about this.


You don't see me griping about it.


GB was going to HAVE to work longer matches if he was going to be in main events in the WWE. That is simply how it was. If he could NOT do so, that is HIS problem ---not Hunter's, the WWE's, etc.


Goldberg didn't do well in the WWE for the biggest reason he didn't do well for most of his WCW stint. Namely, he's just not very good or compelling. He refuses to do what is asked and refuses to provide ideas to make up for the ideas he nixes. He can only get over when you willingly sacrifice your company for him.


I said signing him was ridiculous because he was insanely overrated draw to begin with.


Steve Austin managed to draw when the WWF's roster appeared to be in the crapper. When WCW started tanking, Goldberg was simply another guy who couldn't draw squat.


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HHH's motivation is to beat Flair for the 16x World Champion thing.


This confuses the hell out of me. Isn't/wasn't Flair HHH's favourite wrestler?


Cuz I can't see doing something like that to your favourite wrestler. I mean, if I was in his spot, I wouldn't book Benoit to kiss my ass all day and then spend my career trying to top his accomplishments.

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HHH's motivation is to beat Flair for the 16x World Champion thing.


This confuses the hell out of me. Isn't/wasn't Flair HHH's favourite wrestler?


Cuz I can't see doing something like that to your favourite wrestler. I mean, if I was in his spot, I wouldn't book Benoit to kiss my ass all day and then spend my career trying to top his accomplishments.

HHH will always be HHH's favorite wrestler.

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Hunter did all he could do to make GB look like a million bucks in the ring.


Goldberg didn't do well in the WWE for the biggest reason he didn't do well for most of his WCW stint. Namely, he's just not very good or compelling. He refuses to do what is asked and refuses to provide ideas to make up for the ideas he nixes. He can only get over when you willingly sacrifice your company for him.

HHH only does what will make himself look like a million bucks in the ring.


Saying Goldberg was overated or not compelling is just wrong. Was he a good worker? of course not. Goldberg was over during the winning streak because there was a formula that clicked with the fans. Things went downhill when they deviated from that formula.


WWE shouldn't have signed him because the only way it would work was if they went with the formula and everyone knew that wasn't going to happen for a couple of reasons:


1.)He was a "WCW guy" and WWE simply wasn't willing to go with it.

2.) The other wrestler's would have had a cow.

3.) In many ways, steamrolling over the roster simply wasn't practical.


I hope that "sacrifice your company" line isn't inplying that the winning streak had something to do with WCW's downfall. Ending the streak was one the things that sarted WCW on the path to its demise. There was a lot of milage to get out of the winning streak, but WCW decided to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

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Guest MikeSC
Hunter did all he could do to make GB look like a million bucks in the ring.


Goldberg didn't do well in the WWE for the biggest reason he didn't do well for most of his WCW stint. Namely, he's just not very good or compelling. He refuses to do what is asked and refuses to provide ideas to make up for the ideas he nixes. He can only get over when you willingly sacrifice your company for him.

HHH only does what will make himself look like a million bucks in the ring.


Saying Goldberg was overated or not compelling is just wrong. Was he a good worker? of course not. Goldberg was over during the winning streak because there was a formula that clicked with the fans. Things went downhill when they deviated from that formula.


WWE shouldn't have signed him because the only way it would work was if they went with the formula and everyone knew that wasn't going to happen for a couple of reasons:


1.)He was a "WCW guy" and WWE simply wasn't willing to go with it.

2.) The other wrestler's would have had a cow.

3.) In many ways, steamrolling over the roster simply wasn't practical.


I hope that "sacrifice your company" line isn't inplying that the winning streak had something to do with WCW's downfall. Ending the streak was one the things that sarted WCW on the path to its demise. There was a lot of milage to get out of the winning streak, but WCW decided to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

When you have nobody left to challenge GB, you have a dead company.


WCW had the nWo annihilate most of the roster and had GB kill the rest.


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