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New Kane shirts are in..

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Guest LooneyTune

They look better than the Calrito shirts, but still, none are too good either. The 1st and 3rd ones are alright, but the 2nd is too plain.

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Guest Shadow

You can wear the second one with a jacket.


but as usual they slap on a horrible back and ruin any chances of it having the ability to be worn in general public.

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I think the first one is quite good. It doesn't look like a wrestling shirt because it's just a face close-up without shirtless manboobs like the common wrestler portraits on merch.


I think it passes the "doesn't look like a wrestling shirt" test. The only way anyone would know that's a wrestler's face is if they watched wrestling themselves, at which point they probably aren't going to humiliate you for it.

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Those are awesome. I like 1 & 3 the best.

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I think the 3rd one is fantastic.

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These are terrible. Even when WWE gets a half-decent design they usually screw it up with a painful slogan on the back in a shit font. I've still not seen a WWE shirt I'd wear.

I find event shirts at PPVs (i.e. pictures with the card and the logo) are usually not that bad. Yeah, there's a ton of portraits and shit on them but I have yet to be made fun of by strangers, a fear of which seems to prevail around these parts.


I don't see them as any different other than a guy wearing a concert t-shirt with the list of cities on the back. Those guys are everywhere and I never see anyone say "HAH! YOUR FAVORITE BAND SUCKS! GAYYYYY!"

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I dont know man I just really like that third one. I think its the best Kane shirt they ever made.

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These are terrible. Even when WWE gets a half-decent design they usually screw it up with a painful slogan on the back in a shit font. I've still not seen a WWE shirt I'd wear.

I find event shirts at PPVs (i.e. pictures with the card and the logo) are usually not that bad. Yeah, there's a ton of portraits and shit on them but I have yet to be made fun of by strangers, a fear of which seems to prevail around these parts.


I don't see them as any different other than a guy wearing a concert t-shirt with the list of cities on the back. Those guys are everywhere and I never see anyone say "HAH! YOUR FAVORITE BAND SUCKS! GAYYYYY!"

Yea people seem to be ashamed they are wrestling fans. Those kane shirts look pretty good. whats wrong with the 2nd one? cuz it says kane on the back? there is no photo on that so whats the deal?


At least there are no shirtless men on the shirt (which was the problem with the cheap ones you used to be able to get at kmart and such back in the boom period-I shoudl know I have quite a few lol)


Id have to say the one with his face on it looks to be my fav. looks creppy.

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At least there are no shirtless men on the shirt (which was the problem with the cheap ones you used to be able to get at kmart and such back in the boom period-I shoudl know I have quite a few lol)

My problem isn't even so much the shirtless men tees anymore as it is the ones with umpteen slogans that all amount to, "I can kick your ass, care to try me?"


Being of under-average height and lacking in muscle, I don't even want to TRY wearing those shirts anywhere.

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At least there are no shirtless men on the shirt (which was the problem with the cheap ones you used to be able to get at kmart and such back in the boom period-I shoudl know I have quite a few lol)

My problem isn't even so much the shirtless men tees anymore as it is the ones with umpteen slogans that all amount to, "I can kick your ass, care to try me?"


Being of under-average height and lacking in muscle, I don't even want to TRY wearing those shirts anywhere.

ok I understand your gripe.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

I think they're all kind of cool. Kitschy wrestling shirts are awesome, especially when inspired by 70's horror films.


Anyone else get a "Demon from Exorcist" vibe from the last one?

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The first is the best.


Anyone notice the second uses the same barbed wire lettering as the old ECW logo?

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that one's pretty cool, actually.


the most successful and coolest wrestling shirts are the ones where a) you can where it without the unawares realizing its a wrestling shirt and b) where other wrestling fans will see it and know it immediatly, like a secret code or something.


Plus its just cooler to have a simple logo a la nWo or austion 3:16 than garish pictures.

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