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We got Pope smoke...

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Why doesn't everyone just get a room and fuck already?

Slayer, I wouldn't do that with YOUR dick.

My dick is needed elsewhere

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Guest MikeSC
This thead know has nothing to do with Current Events. Maybe the biggest 180 in CE history.

You should change your screen name to Tony Shiavone after posting something like that.

Tony Schiavone jokes?




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No Schiavone, would be shocked something like this was happening...ala Macho Man turning on Hogan, and than say this is the CE's greatest thread of all time.

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This thead know has nothing to do with Current Events. Maybe the biggest 180 in CE history.

You should change your screen name to Tony Shiavone after posting something like that.

Tony Schiavone jokes?




Well, he did act like something common was the biggest thing ever...


Who else was I going to compare him to? Jesus, we're on a wrestling board, so I KNEW everyone would get it...



Tough crowd.

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Mike didn't like his shoutout? :(

Mike totally didn't see it.


I had a shoutout to mah CE brotha in the Azerbaijan article but I took it down before someone else did and suspended my editing privileges. I SUCK BALLS might remain, though.

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Call me Pope Benedict XVI.


Speaking of which. What do you this Pontiff's main focus being? Does he continue his strict conservative ways, or does the papalcy change him? In the past men who have gone in more liberal...left conservative, and vice versa. I think Pope Benedict will focus a lot on bringing spirtuality and the catholic church back to an ever increasing Secular Europe. He'll maintain the status quo in the Catholic Church doctrine, and won't be do anything that will dramatically shake the churches foundation.

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Call me Pope Benedict XVI.


Speaking of which. What do you this Pontiff's main focus being? Does he continue his strict conservative ways, or does the papalcy change him? In the past men who have gone in more liberal...left conservative, and vice versa. I think Pope Benedict will focus a lot on bringing spirtuality and the catholic church back to an ever increasing Secular Europe. He'll maintain the status quo in the Catholic Church doctrine, and won't be do anything that will dramatically shake the churches foundation.


You're trying to bring us back on topic?


What the fuck, dude?

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Guest MikeSC
Call me Pope Benedict XVI.


Speaking of which. What do you this Pontiff's main focus being? Does he continue his strict conservative ways, or does the papalcy change him? In the past men who have gone in more liberal...left conservative, and vice versa. I think Pope Benedict will focus a lot on bringing spirtuality and the catholic church back to an ever increasing Secular Europe. He'll maintain the status quo in the Catholic Church doctrine, and won't be do anything that will dramatically shake the churches foundation.

I don't think the Church SHOULD change with the time. The Church is the rock in the flowing stream of history. It's not SUPPOSED to change with the times.


Leave that to the Unitarians or whomever the heck wants to.


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Guest MikeSC
Yeah it's good to know that no matter what changes throughout the years, that Roman Catholicism still won't make a great deal of sense.

I don't think it should.


I'm not saying Catholicism is innocent --- they did some REAL shitty things before Guttenberg's Bible became available to the public --- but there needs to be some things people know won't change.


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I'm kind of hazy on what they're basing their anti-birth control stand on.


Abortion and gays I can understand why they're against....but birth control?




Still, they accept Evolution, which makes them better than the church I grew up in.

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Guest MikeSC
I'm kind of hazy on what they're basing their anti-birth control stand on.


Abortion and gays I can understand why they're against....but birth control?

Sex is intended for procreation, not pleasure.


...Shockingly enough, not a Catholic...

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Most birth control prevents conception.


I'm kind of hazy on what they're basing their anti-birth control stand on.


Abortion and gays I can understand why they're against....but birth control?

Sex is intended for procreation, not pleasure.

Who put my wife in charge of the Catholic Church?

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I'm kind of hazy on what they're basing their anti-birth control stand on.


Abortion and gays I can understand why they're against....but birth control?




Still, they accept Evolution, which makes them better than the church I grew up in.

Recreational sex is a sin, and it's a stretch but contraception would be contrued as denying the will of God (creating life).

Benedict XVI is very much conservative and orthodox, much more so than even JPII. In fact it was Ratzinger that defrocked many of the priests that strayed from the doctrine. A pity he didn't defrock the pedophilic ones, unless of course they used a condom....

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Guest MikeSC

And I can, honestly, respect a church for that view. I may not AGREE (at all), but I can respect that they think recreational sex is a sin.


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Does it actually SAY in the Bible that sex is for pro-creation only?

I don't know, but the Bible doesn't prohibit women priests or demand that priests be unmarried and celibate. Those are Catholic beliefs.

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Does it actually SAY in the Bible that sex is for pro-creation only?

I don't know, but the Bible doesn't prohibit women priests or demand that priests be unmarried and celibate. Those are Catholic beliefs.

Makes me glad there was a Reformation.

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Guest MikeSC
Does it actually SAY in the Bible that sex is for pro-creation only?

I don't know, but the Bible doesn't prohibit women priests or demand that priests be unmarried and celibate. Those are Catholic beliefs.

Makes me glad there was a Reformation.

Everyone should be.


The Catholics fucked up Christianity pretty hard up to that point.


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Yay Lutherans! :D


(I have various family there, and I went to a youth group for Assemblies of God)


But yeah, i'm pretty sure there's details that would keep me away from Catholicism, such as my belief in "cutting out the middle man" when it comes to confession and repentance and all that. There's probably some more stuff I'd hate too.

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Guest MikeSC
Yay Lutherans! :D


(I have various family there, and I went to a youth group for Assemblies of God)


But yeah, i'm pretty sure there's details that would keep me away from Catholicism, such as my belief in "cutting out the middle man" when it comes to confession and repentance and all that. There's probably some more stuff I'd hate too.

Actually, Martin Luther wasn't exactly the sweetest guy out there, so I wouldn't get too close to him.


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I believe it says somewhere in the Old Testament that some guy got in trouble with God for "spilling his seed", which led to the belief that God considers sperm to be special, and thus they should not be wasted.


And I'm aware it's impossible for guys to not waste sperm. Not my fault the church isn't.


Now, serious question: Does the Koran REALLY state, in no uncertain terms, that Muslims have to kill non-believers? I've heard that, but I'd perfer to actually see the quote, if it exists.

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