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because the fans are too stupid to notice that Hassan is American...I dunno...

Lance Storm got on the mic at an ECW House Show while fighting Super Crazy, and said "What are you saying USA for? I'm Canadian and he's from Mexico. What are you, a bunch of idiots?"

I was at that house show, and the crowd almost immediately began chanting "Mexico" to get on Storm's case. Classic shit.


And yes, Hassan should just start calling everybody who chants "USA" during his matches idiots.

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Um Jericho was born in the us, and lived here quite often (not sure where he lives now any help?) so technically he is an american, as well as a canadian.


and the funny thing is that hassan has never said he hates america the country, just people who are racist and judgmental. American Wrestling fans by and large are conditioned to boo and chant usa at any person who wears clothign of a foregin country or has a different flag or speaks other languages then english. even if they had made him a face, he woudl have got booed.

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Nah, but he made it clear he's an American

Really? i recall him frequently talking about growing up in Winnipeg, and, in a pretty good bit with HBK a few years ago, becoming "Mr. Canada" until HBK mentioned he lived in Florida

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Nah, but he made it clear he's an American

Really? i recall him frequently talking about growing up in Winnipeg, and, in a pretty good bit with HBK a few years ago, becoming "Mr. Canada" until HBK mentioned he lived in Florida

He's referring to Hassan...

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Guest Jim Ross
Um Jericho was born in the us, and lived here quite often (not sure where he lives now any help?) so technically he is an american, as well as a canadian.


and the funny thing is that hassan has never said he hates america the country, just people who are racist and judgmental. American Wrestling fans by and large are conditioned to boo and chant usa at any person who wears clothign of a foregin country or has a different flag or speaks other languages then english. even if they had made him a face, he woudl have got booed.

The worst case ive seen of crowd chanting was when i was at Summerlsam 92. There was a 6 man tag match with Hacksaw Jim Duggan and the Bushwackers against some other 3 guys.


One of the bushwackers was getting beat up.. so hacksaw decided to get a USA chant going from the Apron. Naturally it worked and the Bushwacker got the hot tag.. but It baffles me how a BRITISH crowd chanting USA is going to help a guy from NEW ZEALAND

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and the funny thing is that hassan has never said he hates america the country, just people who are racist and judgmental. American Wrestling fans by and large are conditioned to boo and chant usa at any person who wears clothign of a foregin country or has a different flag or speaks other languages then english. even if they had made him a face, he woudl have got booed.

NAW! It's not really conditioning the fans so much as presenting something they'll find easy to dislike. Wrestling fans are xenophobic motherfuckers. Don't let intelligent people on the internet fool you.

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Sorry, I "was sniffing glue in the parking lot".


A hearty pat on the back to anyone who can identify that movie.


Nope, you're thinking of "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue"

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The absolute worse "USA" chant was a match between Bret and Owen Hart. First of all, they are brothers from Canada. Secondly, even if they were from the US, they are brothers, therefore both from the US. Geez.


Hm, here's a question: Why didn't Edge use his Money in the Bank title shot after Batista was down from the ulmighty pedigree? Seems like an easy win to me...

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Because Edge is dumb, don't you get that by now?



Dude, you said that to CanadianChick.


And she's beautiful.


And she's a moderator.

And you're sucking up. Embarassing.


Anyway; how come Diesel didn't win the title when Undertaker pulled him under the ring in the steel cage match at In Your House Feb 96?

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Because Edge is dumb, don't you get that by now?



Dude, you said that to CanadianChick.


And she's beautiful.


And she's a moderator.

And you're sucking up. Embarassing.


Anyway; how come Diesel didn't win the title when Undertaker pulled him under the ring in the steel cage match at In Your House Feb 96?

Because, while it was under the ring, it was not outside of the shape of the ring.


If he got him outside of the ring area, then he would have won.

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Sorry, I "was sniffing glue in the parking lot".


A hearty pat on the back to anyone who can identify that movie.


God Im a nerd

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Guest Redhawk

What is the actual physical effect of the Stone Cold Stunner that would put you down for a long time? Same goes for the Mandible Claw.


Guys getting pinned off the WORM never really bugged me, but the fact that the guy would be down for forever off the preceding bulldog didn't make any sense.

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What is the actual physical effect of the Stone Cold Stunner that would put you down for a long time? Same goes for the Mandible Claw.


Guys getting pinned off the WORM never really bugged me, but the fact that the guy would be down for forever off the preceding bulldog didn't make any sense.

I guess the stunner could knock you out if your jaw was hit hard enough.



the mandible claw is simple, it is applied to the nerves running under the tounge and chin . Pressing on these cuts off the nerves and temporarily paralyzes the victim.

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Guest netslob
Because Edge is dumb, don't you get that by now?



Dude, you said that to CanadianChick.


And she's beautiful.


And she's a moderator.

she can't be that beautiful...she's Canadian. :D



(*ducks thrown rocks, snowballs and empty Molsonn bottles*)

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Guest Redhawk
What is the actual physical effect of the Stone Cold Stunner that would put you down for a long time? Same goes for the Mandible Claw.


Guys getting pinned off the WORM never really bugged me, but the fact that the guy would be down for forever off the preceding bulldog didn't make any sense.

I guess the stunner could knock you out if your jaw was hit hard enough.



the mandible claw is simple, it is applied to the nerves running under the tounge and chin . Pressing on these cuts off the nerves and temporarily paralyzes the victim.

The Mandible Claw explanation makes sense except for when Foley applies the move, the victim is never paralyzed, he just passes out.

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What is the actual physical effect of the Stone Cold Stunner that would put you down for a long time? Same goes for the Mandible Claw.


Guys getting pinned off the WORM never really bugged me, but the fact that the guy would be down for forever off the preceding bulldog didn't make any sense.

I guess the stunner could knock you out if your jaw was hit hard enough.



the mandible claw is simple, it is applied to the nerves running under the tounge and chin . Pressing on these cuts off the nerves and temporarily paralyzes the victim.

The Mandible Claw explanation makes sense except for when Foley applies the move, the victim is never paralyzed, he just passes out.

well i think the paralyzed part meant that the victim couldnt move their mouth (cuz when mick pitched it to Vince he responded "why couldnt I just bite your fingers?") then they would pass out.

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Let someone put that grip onto the nerves under your tongue once...or, just stick your fingers in your mouth and do it yourself. Your body won't let you put the required amount of pressure into the hold, but with barely any effort you can get alot of pain because it's, in it's essence, a nerve pinch.


Also... most times he was wearing the sock or the finger gaurd, thus making it harder for teeth to hurt his fingers if they did try to bite before he got it locked in. Also, who would want to bite a sock that had been next to Mick's balls for twenty minutes.

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Let someone put that grip onto the nerves under your tongue once...or, just stick your fingers in your mouth and do it yourself. Your body won't let you put the required amount of pressure into the hold, but with barely any effort you can get alot of pain because it's, in it's essence, a nerve pinch.


Also... most times he was wearing the sock or the finger gaurd, thus making it harder for teeth to hurt his fingers if they did try to bite before he got it locked in. Also, who would want to bite a sock that had been next to Mick's balls for twenty minutes.

I dont know Im just going on what mick said in his book ok?

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Guest Redhawk

I'd like to know why it only took Torrie Wilson like a week to get over her father's death. If this were real life, every time she saw Dawn Marie to this day there would be a fight.

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Guest Redhawk

I'm not saying I want to see them wrestle, I'm just saying if the Al Wilson-Dawn thing happened in real life, Torrie would (I'd assume) never really get over it.

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Let someone put that grip onto the nerves under your tongue once...or, just stick your fingers in your mouth and do it yourself. Your body won't let you put the required amount of pressure into the hold, but with barely any effort you can get alot of pain because it's, in it's essence, a nerve pinch.


Also... most times he was wearing the sock or the finger gaurd, thus making it harder for teeth to hurt his fingers if they did try to bite before he got it locked in.  Also, who would want to bite a sock that had been next to Mick's balls for twenty minutes.

I dont know Im just going on what mick said in his book ok?

You two know wrestling is fake, right?


It's true though. Mick said in his book, Cornette explained the move to him that way.

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