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The Undertaker's Cemetery

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Hey guys and gals,


I just visited highspots.com, and they've got a 2-Disc Set listed, for release on May 10th, entitled The Undertaker's Cemetery. I assume this is a WWE release, but have heard nothing, nor do any other site(s) list this set. Has anyone heard anything about it? If it's got some WCW/early WWF stuff, or some 2000/01 Attitude stuff (yes, I know it'll be blurred), then it would be a pretty good deal. Otherwise, it would probably suck the meat missile with great fervor.


Any news or thoughts??

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Anyone want to predict the matches?


Undertaker vs Hulk Hogan (Survivor Series '91, first title win)

Undertaker vs Mankind (Boiler Room Brawl, SummerSlam '96)

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Hell In A Cell, Bad Blood '97)

Undertaker vs Bret Hart (One Night Only)

Undertaker vs Kane (Inferno Match, Unforgiven '98)

Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam (Vengeance '01)

Undertaker vs Ric Flair (WrestleMania 18)


I can't immediately think of any strong Undertaker matches since the end of the attitude era.



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Anyone want to predict the matches?


Undertaker vs Hulk Hogan (Survivor Series '91, first title win)

Undertaker vs Mankind (Boiler Room Brawl, SummerSlam '96)

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Hell In A Cell, Bad Blood '97)

Undertaker vs Bret Hart (One Night Only)

Undertaker vs Kane (Inferno Match, Unforgiven '98)

Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam (Vengeance '01)

Undertaker vs Ric Flair (WrestleMania 18)


I can't immediately think of any strong Undertaker matches since the end of the attitude era.



Undertaker v. Triple H - Wrestlemania x7

Undertaker v. Randy Orton - Wrestlemania 21

Undertaker v. Rock v. Kurt Angle - Vengeance 2002


All strong matches


I'd assume Taker v. Kane from WM 20 would be on there as well.

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Undertaker vs Brock-HIAC

Undertaker vs Kurt Angle-Smackdown

Undertaker vs Big Show from.....i think No Way out a few years back was decent enough for two big men to get a dvd spot.


and hell since they are so gung-ho on pushing his undefeated streak at Wrestlemania....why not put all of the wrestlemania matches on the dvd even though half of them suck.

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You know for something thats coming out on May 10th, you'd think the WWE would have some sort of match list out on the internet or something promoting it a little while ago. I'm guessing this we'll probably be pushed back a bit.

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Undertaker vs Vader @ Canadian Stampede. I heard that was a good match.

True - that was a good match.


I heard something about the match was meant to be Undertaker vs Ahmed Johnson, but was changed due to Johnson's injury. Any truth to that?



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Hopefully this is a coliseum video style 'Paul Bearer's hits from the crypt' esque compilation of awful tv matches hosted by taker in bucketloads of dry ice.

You mean the one where about 99% of the matches end in a DQ or Countout win for Taker? Yup, that one's a classic.


Rather than predict matches on it, here's some that I'm hoping for.


vs. Bret Hart (One Night Only): I've still never seen this, and it's supposedly one of Taker's last really great matches.


vs. Angle (SD, 9/03): I watched this when it was on TV. I was taping it, but after the commercial break, I ended up forgetting to press the record button, again. Yeah, I was pissed. Outside of the ending, I loved this match.


vs. Ultimate Warrior (any time): Sure, they were most likely really bad matches, but I was always interested in the feud between these two, especially since I used to be a fan of both of them way back. There's bound to be some classic Taker matches on the DVD anyway.


vs. HBK (Ground Zero): I almost like this match more than HIAC. It's one of my favorite matches of all time, and the DQ ending actually works here to set up HIAC. It has yet to be on any DVDs, so why not?

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Guest Fook

Ones that haven't been mentioned:


vs Jake the Snake (WM8)

vs Mankind (IYH: Revenge of the Taker)

vs Underfaker (SS94, just for camp value)

vs Diesel (WM12, good big man match)

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Well, they included the famous barbershop segment on HBK's From The Vault DVD. I'd say there's a good chance some Funeral Parlour segments will be on it.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
I can't immediately think of any strong Undertaker matches since the end of the attitude era.




You put two on your DVD. Here's a list of great UT matches post WM X-7.


Undertaker vs. Rob Van Dam - Vengeance 2001

Undertaker vs. Ric Flair - WM XVIII

Undertaker vs. Rob Van Dam - RAW '02

Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle - SmackDown '02

Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock - Vengeance '02

Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar - No Mercy 2002

Undertaker vs. Big Show/A-Train - WM XIX

Undertaker vs. John Cena - Vengeance 2003

Undertaker vs. John Cena - SD rematch

Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show - SD

Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle - SD '03

Undertaker vs. JBL - Either time

Undertaker vs. Orlando Jordan - any time

Undertaker vs. Randy Orton - WM XXI


That's just off the top of my head, mind you...

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Another match I just thought of...


vs. John Cena (SD, before GAB): Taker and Cena always seem to good matches (except for the one in the tournament before Backlash 03). Unfortunately, I didn't tape it when it was on TV, but I think I remember it being as good as their Vengeance 03 match.

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Guest Trivia247

You would also need the Funeral Palor segment with Hogan where he brained him, Savage and Piper came out and whacked him with chairs and he just looked at them. when your a kid you'd think that was awesome when the guy just slowly knelt down over Hogan with a look at the two of "None of you can do anything about this" and yank the cross off Hogan, and for added effect dropping it with a slight recoil.

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Were there ever any taped Warrior/UT singles matches?


I thought Warrior just squashed Taker at every house show, either by pinfall or in bodybag matches.


They were still pushing Taker as "unbeatable" (on TV, leading to his title win at SS 91), but as house shows he was dominated by Warrior.


So I don't think there's any Warrior/Taker matches TO show.

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Were there ever any taped Warrior/UT singles matches?


I thought Warrior just squashed Taker at every house show, either by pinfall or in bodybag matches.


They were still pushing Taker as "unbeatable" (on TV, leading to his title win at SS 91), but as house shows he was dominated by Warrior.


So I don't think there's any Warrior/Taker matches TO show.

There was one on Rampage 91.




It wasn't good or anything, but it's there.

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No wonder. I remember as a kid constantly going to Blockbuster OVER and OVER again for that particiular video, back in the three year period when I'd always call ahead to see if the new Coliseums were out. I'd go in anyway to see if some new employee was just lazy searching. For some reason that was the one video they never got.

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Here is what I think could go on this DVD.


Assuming it's a "From the Vault" type, it'll be 9-12 matches.


** Match 1: Survivor Series 1990 Debut (This is a lock)


** Match 2: Survivor Series 1991 Win over Hogan (This is a lock)


I don't think they'd gap alllll the way from '91 to '96, but besides maybe Yoko/Taker from Rumble or SurSeries 94, I'm not "feelin' it".


** Match 3: WrestleMania XII Vs. Diesel


They can't put Sid/Taker on here. It's SO long and awful. They already have a big title win with Hogan.


** Match 4: Survivor Series 96 Vs. Mankind (new costume?)


** Match 5: IYH: Cold Day in Hell Vs. Austin


** Match 6: One Night Only Vs. Bret Hart


** Match 7: Hell in a Cell Vs. Shawn or Mankind (One of 'em is making it)


** Match 8: WM 14 or 20 Vs. Kane (One of 'em is making it)


** Match 9: Fully Loaded 2000 Vs. Kurt Angle ?


There's no really good Taker matches after this. They're all ridiculous. Angle/Taker from July 3rd is average and Taker not tapping made it worse. They won't throw Vengeance 2002 on here and have him dropping the title. Whoever suggested Big Show/Taker come out on a "Best of Taker" DVD just made me throw up.

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Undertaker vs Vader @ Canadian Stampede. I heard that was a good match.

True - that was a good match.


I heard something about the match was meant to be Undertaker vs Ahmed Johnson, but was changed due to Johnson's injury. Any truth to that?



Well, Ahmed f'd up his knee in a massive New Nation vs. DOA brawl on Raw a few weeks before the show. Can't remember actually them hyping Ahmed vs. Taker, but Ahmed's injury was true and they did mention on the show that Vader was Ahmed's replacement.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
There's no really good Taker matches after this. They're all ridiculous. Angle/Taker from July 3rd is average and Taker not tapping made it worse. They won't throw Vengeance 2002 on here and have him dropping the title. Whoever suggested Big Show/Taker come out on a "Best of Taker" DVD just made me throw up.

This made me laugh a lot.

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