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Wrestlers who were the biggest marks...

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He's got charisma too; he could be a pretty decent wrestler if he wanted to do it full-time.


Of course, he's still not exactly the kind of guy you want to give a 50/50 program against your big monster heel when said heel has actually been drawing ratings.

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Yeah, the Kane thing was well, like most things in WWE '03, plain out odd. He could play a nice underdog face and we know he does a good arrogant heel

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Yea, the Shane/Kane fued pissed me off, Kane, the newly unmasked unstoppable monster who was drawing ratings got his ass kicked every single week on Raw by the out of shape untrained son of the boss. Fucking dumb.


Kane won their LMS atch from Unforgiven by total fluke, just because he got up and dodged the elbow after Shane kicked his ass for 20 minutes.

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Guest jm29195
As far as I know, Shane doesn't have a reputation of stiffing people, and he had a good match with Test at Summerslam '99, which is one really good match more than Holly ever had.




I thought he did actually, or maybe it's that he's sloppy, I seem to remember in 2001 he legit busted open Angle during the KOTR street fight, and a couple of other times aswell, also breaking Test's ankle with a botche van-terminator in late 03....




Add DDP to the list, he seems like a great guy but still a real mark for himself, I suppose it goes with his motivational speaker thing, here's a snippet from an interview in early 98:-



Who's the best wrestler in the world today?

Erm, ... as far as mechanics in the ring go, I'd have to say Chris Benoit - or maybe Eddy Guerrero or Dean Malenko. But if we're talking about the best all rounder, the man who can do it from A to Z, there's no question - it's me (laughs).

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Who's the best wrestler in the world today?

Erm, ... as far as mechanics in the ring go, I'd have to say Chris Benoit - or maybe Eddy Guerrero or Dean Malenko. But if we're talking about the best all rounder, the man who can do it from A to Z, there's no question - it's me (laughs).

He sounds pretty sarcastic there. DDP is a mark for himself but he also works his ass off and went from being garbage to a damn good worker so I respect that. Plus he seems like a nice a guy.

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Guest netslob
Isn't Bagwell a mark for himself or is he just an asshole??

a little from Column A, a little from Column B.

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Hogan, Savage, Sammartino, Flair, Hart, Austin, Michaels(used to be), Goldberg, Vince, Steph, and maybe Trips.


not Jeff Jarrett!


btw: Shane + anyone = Good watchable match.


Shane + Angle = ****1/2

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Goldberg definately. Vince and Shane come in second and third. Bret comes in fourth (I agree with Mike when he said that Bret needs to move on. I'm surprised there haen't been a "Montreal Memorial Million Man March" yet"), and HBK comes in fifth.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Bret Hart, without doubt. I just rewatched Wrestling With Shadows for the first time in a while a few days ago, and it's shocking how big of a mark Bret Hart is for his own character. It's like someone needs to shake him and tell him that wrestling is in fact not real. He goes on and on about what a hero the Hitman character is, and likens jobbing on his way out of the WWF in the middle of a wrestling war to "being raped" in the middle of the ring.


The Undertaker seems to be up there, not even attending the Hall of Fame ceremony because he claimed it didn't agree with his character as if he went some members of the audience might speculate as to whether or not he actually is in fact a zombie.

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Chyna. She really does think she can bet up guys, buy she couldn't beat an out of shape Joey Buttafuco on celebrity boxing. She never thought any of the other women were good enough to even be in the ring with her and she wouldn't drop the title to Lita who was becoming more popular.

I think she got full of herself because HHH's influence protected her in the booking. It's why she was put on equal footing with guys like Jericho and no one was ever allowed to make fun of her looks on tv.

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Guest Stunt Granny

You could say Vince is a mark for himself, seeing as his on air character existed well past it's point of usefulness.

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Saying Bret should "get over the screwjob" is ridiculous, it's WWE who keeps bringing it up and igniting those "you screwed bret" chants, and the screwjob is always brought up whenever Bret is interviewed. It's WWE who needs to get over it.


Triple H is by far the biggest mark for himself...From having Raw revolve around him, to booking himself to break Flair's record, to having Flair and nearly everyone else employed, verbally blow him in interviews, to hogging up 40 minutes a PPV so he could put on a "classic" people will remember(ha...) or 20+ minutes of Raw to cut a memorable promo(ha...ha). The guy practically masterbates over himself.

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Chyna. She really does think she can bet up guys, buy she couldn't beat an out of shape Joey Buttafuco on celebrity boxing. She never thought any of the other women were good enough to even be in the ring with her and she wouldn't drop the title to Lita who was becoming more popular.

I think she got full of herself because HHH's influence protected her in the booking. It's why she was put on equal footing with guys like Jericho and no one was ever allowed to make fun of her looks on tv.

Didn't HHH's so-called influence start when he left Chyna for Stephanie anyway. Why would he be helping her in the booking. I think it was just a Russo gimmick that got over (girl can beat up guys), and somewhere along the way, she lost her mind and decided that she really did something important.

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Yeah, if he didn't have any sort of pull back then, there is no way that smarky comment on Jericho not knowing how to work on the Thanksgiving Smackdown back in '99 would have been allowed.

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Dusty is a huge mark for himself. There is no other reason that he would book those two TNA bitches to be feuding over who gets to fuck him.

This is a mental visual I didn't need after breakfast.

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Chyna was protected from the day she debuted until they fired her. Foley has said that there was a no touching rule for the boys when it came to her. She could slam, hurrancanrana, and low blow them all she wanted but they couldn't hit back. I think that is more a case of smart booking than a case of HHH protecting her. Too bad it seems like smart booking has disapeared from the WWF since 97. Chyna drew money for the company, for better or worse she drew people to watch. I have no use for her, but obviously some people liked her a lot.


I've been watching a ton of 97 and 98 Raws lately and the way she was booked was great as far a making a star. She was the voice of reason in DX, thus smarter than the others, she never got hit, thus making her appear tough when men sold for her, and she never talked (she told Foley to kiss her "assth" in June 97 and spoke Spanish to the Boriquas in Feb 98), thus not exposing her inability to speak without a lisp at that point.


They did a great job making her a star. Too bad HHH fucked her over and she went insane, or which ever came first.

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Chyna was protected from the day she debuted until they fired her. Foley has said that there was a no touching rule for the boys when it came to her. She could slam, hurrancanrana, and low blow them all she wanted but they couldn't hit back.

That was probably more due to USA Network's problems with man-on-woman violence. Sure, eventually once she started wrestling men were allowed to hit her but that was when Raw was pulling 6 ratings and WWF had considerably more leeway with the network.

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Did Chyna ever outright refuse to job to Lita? I know she had a problem with being put into the Women's division (and rightfully so, IMO), but I've never heard anything concrete about her refusing to drop the belt (just minor speculation).


As far as her being a mark for herself...I agree to some extent, but I think it'd be more accurate to say that she's a mark for her fame than she is for herself or the Chyna character. Even back in the days when I was a blind mark for her, she always came across to me as the type of person who was in love with the idea of being famous period, and I think it's only to the extent that the character brought her that fame that she's really bought into her hype. Other than that, I don't think so. You really can't say she buys into the image of herself as this woman who can beat up men because since she's left the company, she's really only played it up to the point that it gets her recognition.

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Chyna was protected from the day she debuted until they fired her. Foley has said that there was a no touching rule for the boys when it came to her. She could slam, hurrancanrana, and low blow them all she wanted but they couldn't hit back. I think that is more a case of smart booking than a case of HHH protecting her. Too bad it seems like smart booking has disapeared from the WWF since 97. Chyna drew money for the company, for better or worse she drew people to watch. I have no use for her, but obviously some people liked her a lot.


Look no further than the cage match at Summerslam 97 for evidence, as Vince, Lawler and JR put Chyna over the whole match and barely talk about Hunter and Foley. Looking back,it was obvious that match's sole purpose was to make Chyna a star. Funny thing is, I really didn't realize that until I got the Bloodbath DVD a couple years ago.


I think part of the reason Chyna got a big ego was because she was protected too much. She clearly had no interest at all in selling for the women. The way she treated poor Ivory in their feud was a disgrace. She wouldn't allow her ANYTHING and got their WM match changed to a squash at the last minute. Once Hunter broke up with her, I think the company felt they didn't have to deal with her antics anymore and just let her walk.

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Doesn't excuse the fact that he sucks as an in ring performer.


Hardcore Holly has a nice dropkick, does thta make him any good?

Haven't you seen Kurt vs Shane at KOTR 2001? that match was easily **** and he did some pretty nice stuff inside the ring including an SSP.

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Guest JerichosHi-Lite

Honestly, as much as I like and admire him, as soon as I saw this title, Bret Hart sprung to mind. Even pre-Montreal days he used to talk as if it was actually him and not his character. It's definitely a good thing, but Bret's seemed the biggest mark for himself for years now


Ric Flair, of course.

Vince McMahon

Lita (which is weird cos at least Hart, Flair and McMahon are actually talented)

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Guest LooneyTune

Lita has talent... it just has nothing to do with wrestling.

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I think part of the reason Chyna got a big ego was because she was protected too much. She clearly had no interest at all in selling for the women. The way she treated poor Ivory in their feud was a disgrace. She wouldn't allow her ANYTHING and got their WM match changed to a squash at the last minute. Once Hunter broke up with her, I think the company felt they didn't have to deal with her antics anymore and just let her walk.

Actually, it didn't have anything to do with that. Her contract ran out, and when it was time to renegotiate, she wanted to get paid main event money, because she thought that she was that big of a star that they needed her. They were basically like "this is your offer, take it or leave it", and when she didn't take it, they just let her go.


Besides, I swear that we just went over how she got protected in '97 and '98 because of USA's rules on male-on-female violence, not because of her connection to IC Title contender Hunter Hearst Helmsley. At that time, HHH had about as much pull as Christian does now.

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Besides, I swear that we just went over how she got protected in '97 and '98 because of USA's rules on male-on-female violence, not because of her connection to IC Title contender Hunter Hearst Helmsley. At that time, HHH had about as much pull as Christian does now.

Chyna's protection had everything to do with Triple H, her then boyfriend. He was tight with Shawn Michaels, who had virtual run of the WWF at that point in time, which meant that Triple H had a level of pull, simply be being tight with Shawn.

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