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Guest Pariah

Things that people remember incorrectly

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Many people apparently think the Hogan/Piper III Steel Cage match at Halloween Havoc was for the WCW World Heavyweight title. The title wasn't on the line though, and Piper won.

Yea, I thought the Starrcade 96 match was for the title, until the show came and Piper won and wasnt the champ. I also assumed th havoc matc was for the title, but nope.


Interestingly, it took Piper 12 years to finally job to Hogan. And he won the WCW series 2-1. HMMMMph

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I've got one. People think the HHH/Nash HIAC was a terrible match, because everyone assumed it would be based on the fact that Nash wasn't over and could barely walk. However, they actually managed to work a real fun little match. Not five stars or anything, but definitely worth watching.

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I've got one. People think the HHH/Nash HIAC was a terrible match, because everyone assumed it would be based on the fact that Nash wasn't over and could barely walk. However, they actually managed to work a real fun little match. Not five stars or anything, but definitely worth watching.

If people think the HIAC match was terrible, that's their opinion. The thread is meant to be about facts that people don't remember correctly.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

People think HHH was over before the Foley feud in 2000 and people also seem to think the fans were demanding a HHH run with the title.

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Guest LooneyTune

Pfft... I was damning it to the point I actually cheered Vince McMahon winning. then reality slapped me in the face and made me realize that was an even WORSE decision.

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Up until about 4 years ago. I always thought Jimmy Snuka beat Don Muraco in the famous MSG cage match. The Superfly splash from the top rope, being the finishing mover for Snuka.

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Up until about 4 years ago. I always thought Jimmy Snuka beat Don Muraco in the famous MSG cage match. The Superfly splash from the top rope, being the finishing mover for Snuka.

Same here.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

People think David Schultz was fired for attacking Stossel when in fact it was for attacking Mr T

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Guest LooneyTune
People think David Schultz was fired for attacking Stossel when in fact it was for attacking Mr T

Really? I thought the incident on the Stossel dude was part of the reason, but never heard about him attacking Mr. T. What happend?

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Up until about 4 years ago. I always thought Jimmy Snuka beat Don Muraco in the famous MSG cage match. The Superfly splash from the top rope, being the finishing mover for Snuka.

Same here.

I'm sure lots of people think Foley beat Taker in HITC II I think there is some review on Amazon.com that says that


Wonder how many people think D-X STARTED as a "Merry Pranksters" Face group since they get alot of face treatment in retrospectives and such (before the group's face turn because they faced off against The Nation)


Or believe revisionist history about the WWF under Jess McMahon being performed soley in smoky bingo halls, when in fact Bruno and Backlund were selling out MSG, Shea Stadium, the old Boston Garden, ect

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
People think David Schultz was fired for attacking Stossel when in fact it was for attacking Mr T

Really? I thought the incident on the Stossel dude was part of the reason, but never heard about him attacking Mr. T. What happend?

T had a big head, plus he was an outsider taking a main spot on the card.... Dr D was a tempermental SOB

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People think David Schultz was fired for attacking Stossel when in fact it was for attacking Mr T

Really? I thought the incident on the Stossel dude was part of the reason, but never heard about him attacking Mr. T. What happend?

He was fired for both attacking the ABC reporter and what happened with Mr T, but he did not attack Mr T. What happened was that at a major house show in Los Angeles, Mr T and his entourage wanted to come into the locker room, but Schultz wouldn't let them in, and blocked their way.

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Or believe revisionist history about the WWF under Jess McMahon being performed soley in smoky bingo halls, when in fact Bruno and Backlund were selling out MSG, Shea Stadium, the old Boston Garden, ect

The Shea Stadium shows came long after Jess passed the torch to Vince Sr. (1935). The first Shea show was 1972 with Pedro vs. Bruno, and none of those sold out.


Not sure about the Boston Garden but MSG wrestling was pretty new at that point.


The bingo halls is more right than wrong.

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Or believe revisionist history about the WWF under Jess McMahon being performed soley in smoky bingo halls, when in fact Bruno and Backlund were selling out MSG, Shea Stadium, the old Boston Garden, ect

The bingo halls is more right than wrong.

That might be true, but the timeline is usually off, because all the articles about wrestling always talked as if it all happened around the same time as Wrestlemania. Not to mention they'd invariably talk as if wrestling was dying a death before that time, which is also far from true.

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Or believe revisionist history about the WWF under Jess McMahon being performed soley in smoky bingo halls, when in fact Bruno and Backlund were selling out MSG, Shea Stadium, the old Boston Garden, ect

The Shea Stadium shows came long after Jess passed the torch to Vince Sr. (1935). The first Shea show was 1972 with Pedro vs. Bruno, and none of those sold out.


Not sure about the Boston Garden but MSG wrestling was pretty new at that point.


The bingo halls is more right than wrong.

I meant Vince J. McMahon, wasn't he called Jess? As opposed to Vince K. McMahon, but the point is, they DID put regular shows in Shea during a time that revisionists say the WWF was only in bingo halls and flea markets



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Vinnie's grandfather was Roderick James "Jess" McMahon. His father was Vincent Jess McMahon. But I don't think Vince Sr. ever went by Jess.


The Shea shows were few and far between. One in 72, one in 76, and one in 80. But I do agree that business was pretty good in the 70s, generally speaking.


Most of the more celebrated WWF stops opened in the 70s (the Spectrum, the Capital Center, the Nassau Coliseum, etc). So yeah, compared to the 60s, the bingo halls were much smaller in number.

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Guest LooneyTune

People in general? Hell, Shawn Michaels, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and everyone else employed by WWE who pimps Shawn Michaels says it, and they work for the company.

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actually IIRC  it was the announcers that coined then nwo term.


This is correct. The night after Bash At The Bash, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash did an interview with "Mean" Gene Okuerland where they called themselves the New World Order Of Wrestling. I believe Larry Zysbsko (sp?) was the first person to call them the New World Order (dropping the "Of Wrestling" part), saying something like "This so-called 'New World Order' are a disgrace to professional wrestling!" or something like that. The next week, Hall and Nash draped bedsheets that spelled out NWO over the WCW letters at the entrance, and the announcers began refering to Hall, Nash, and Hogan as the nWo from that point on.


Speaking of which, when did the official nWo logo t-shirts debut? Because I remember that for the first few weeks of the angle, Hall and Nash would wear regular clothing, while Hogan would wear black tanktops that had the letters nWo airbrushed onto it. I also remember that he used to wear a tanktop that had The Terminator robot skeleton on it, with the letters nWo airbrushed on top. I always thought that was a cool shirt.


And when did they start coming out to the porno music? And what music did they use before that?


how about the fact that it was Randy Savage who first called Hulk, Hollywood Hogan the night after BATB 96.


I heard that the reason Hogan was called "Hollywood" was because WCW was tired of paying money to Marvel Comics for the rights to use the name Hulk. Is this true? Or is it because WCW thought this would help Hogan's heel act by having him act like he is some big movie star, calling himself "Hollywood" Hogan?

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No, I mean the original nWo entrance music (Didn't it appear in a porno?) Not "Voodo Child". When did they start using it?

IIRC, the Outsiders' theme was Hendrix as well if that's what you mean.

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Guest Askewniverse
People think that the WM10 ladder match was the first of its kind in the WWF.

People also think Michaels won that match.

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Guest LooneyTune

I can go one farther... People actually think Shawn Michaels INVENTED the ladder match.

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People think that the WM10 ladder match was the first of its kind in the WWF.

Go on...

There was a ladder match with Bret and Shawn for the IC title in, I want to say '92, but that could be wrong.

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Yeah there was. I've got it on tape.


And before THAT there was a Dusty Rhodes vs. Tully Blanchard "barbed-wire ladder match" in which they sorta kinda almost touched each other's forehead to the barb wire, and then climb like two steps up a ladder to grab a bag of money or somethin'.


And before THAT there were a few ladder matches in the Stampede promotion in Calgary, involving Bret, the Dynamite Kid, and that big black guy whose name escapes me right now.

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