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One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

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From Meltzer's update today


--TNA will be allowing its wrestlers to work the 6/12 ECW PPV show.


So I guess you can add Raven and Lynn to the list of guys.

That's really great news... it'll be awesome to see Raven and Jerry Lynn.


Dunno if they'll even have Douglas appear or not with all the bad blood with him, but maybe they'll surprise us.


Only problem is going to be they practically need another hour for the PPV now... hopefully they tape some stuff just for the DVD.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

So I guess that means we'll be seeing TNA shirts appearing throughout the night at the ECW show.

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From Meltzer's update today


--TNA will be allowing its wrestlers to work the 6/12 ECW PPV show.


So I guess you can add Raven and Lynn to the list of guys.


Gets TNA exposure and since the WWE isn't going to run angles and WWE wrestlers won't be involved in the matches with TNA guys more than likely, it's a smart decision.


But what is the news on the price of the show? Cause even in the hey day of ECW, I don't know many if any of the fans who would have paid over 30 bucks to see ECW on PPV.

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But what is the news on the price of the show? Cause even in the hey day of ECW, I don't know many if any of the fans who would have paid over 30 bucks to see ECW on PPV.


Honestly, with the way WWE is raping everyone with the ticket prices, I wouldn't doubt that the price of the show will be in the 35-50 dollar range, in a further attempt to fill Vince's self fullfilling prophecy that himself and his promotion was the best, and everybody else is just second rate.

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Guest Brian

They should use the draft as launching ground, having a small ECW faction break off and do a round-a-bout promotion of the show, invasion-style to launch it. It be nice if they could get some steam behind it, but just to have a faction of free agents roaming around, waiting to be signed might help to drag out the process and put some actual importance on the outcome of the draft as a whole.

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Good on TNA.


It was the right thing to do.


Depends. If they will get royalties from the WWE when the DVD is released, then good on TNA. Hell, if they get a part of the PPV money from the event then double good on TNA.


Not getting royalties and I question their sanity basically giving the WWE a free look at their wrestlers.


WWE is going to make money off this deal, I would really question the mindset of TNA if they don't get a cut out of this deal other than exposure.

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Wouldn't the WWE have to pay a royalty to TNA if they released a DVD with TNA wrestlers on it?

For what?


If TNA owns a gimmick WWE is marketing, then they would have to pay for it's use.


But all of the guys I can think of (Raven, Sandman) own their names and gimmicks, so it won't be a problem.

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The only guys they'll be getting a free look at are Raven and Lynn.


Guys they've already fired.


What I meant was that the WWE seems to be making every effort to have this be an honest to God ECW show. To deny someone like Raven a place on that because he has a contract to work 3 dates a month at this point would be lame.


TNA stands to lose nothing from letting him (or Lynn...and I think that's all they've got under contract from ECW anyway) work the show.


If they gain nothing else...at least it keeps their own talent happy.

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You what's going to suck?


When the DVD comes out and the WWE inserts their terrible "replacement" theme music, ala the Rise & Fall of ECW DVD.


And damnit, I want to see one thing and one thing only:


bWo Vs. Corino & Victory & Rhyno

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So, I was just watching the Dreamer/Raven match on the ECW DVD, and I was wondering: Who the hell was Lupus?

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Lupus was an indy worker/manager type who I remember from NWA New Jersey at one point. I believe he had a ladder spot go wrong and got hurt in 2000.


Haven't heard anything about him since, really. That was the only ECW appearence I remember he (and Chastity) making, as Raven's second-rate "Nest" replacements.


Lupus was associated with Twiggy Ramirez if I'm not mistaken in NWA New Jersey years ago.

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My main concern is that stoyline/booking was what drove a lot of ECW undercards which didn't always feature great workers, but the stories behind the feuds were enough to carry average workers. Assuming there is no storylines here being that it is a One Night Only PPV, I wonder how some of these guys will come off in the ring, considering some of the marquee workers are older now, and might now have the storylines to carry them in the ring.


If they go for more of an ECW 2000+ redux, it might work better as those workers are more fresh and capable.

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Guest NateRizzle
The current plan is for the PPV to be an "ECW" style show, with hardcore wrestling, extreme women spots, and great technical wrestling.



Because ECW was just full of good foundational mat wrestling wasn't it?

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The current plan is for the PPV to be an "ECW" style show, with hardcore wrestling, extreme women spots, and great technical wrestling.



Because ECW was just full of good foundational mat wrestling wasn't it?

Well, when Benoit, Malenko and Eddie were there, yeah.

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I thought this PPV was going to recieve little promotiuon, yet there's Coach and Eric Bischoff talking about it and Bischoff saying he's getting on the phone with his lawyer which I guess means it will continue next week.

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More On TNA Stars At ECW PPV; Not Happening



Dusty Rhodes made some comments last week on the LAW radio show in which he said TNA workers would be able to work the ECW PPV.


Numerous sources within both WWE and TNA have stated there are no plans for TNA performers to be used on the PPV. Tommy Dreamer contacted Shane Douglas several months ago about the possibility of using some of the TNA stars at the PPV but it never got past the talking stages.


The plans and performers for the ECW PPV have already been submitted and they don't call for any TNA performers. (Partial Source: PWInsider)




I really have to stop being the bearer of bad news. This blows. :(

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As many websites are reporting, it looks as though TNA will not be allowing any of their talent to work on the upcoming 6/12 ECW PPV.


Being that it was our interview with Dusty Rhodes that announced this, I wanted to make it perfectly crystal clear that those were the exact words from Dusty Rhodes' mouth. We talked to Dusty this past Saturday and he clearly stated that TNA would be letting their guys work on the ECW show and make some money because they were part of ECW.


The interview with that clip will air this Sunday night on The LAW. The complete 30 minute interview will be available in a few weeks right here on our website.


Credit - LiveAudioWrestling

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Guest Rrrsh
Let's not forget the likes of Jerry Lynn, Justin Credible (who was very underrated), Little Guido, Lance Storm and others.

God, Lynn was vastly overrated. Guido was decent and Credable blew.


Is Storm OK to wrestle?

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Guest fanofcoils

WWE looks tier 2 if they don't get TNA guys who were in ECW just like the Yankees did by not stepping up and signing Carlos Beltran AND Randy Johnson.

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