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Feedback for the 5/5 HeldDOWN

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^True, but its a well known fact that half of these threads decend into something completelt different to feedback, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Whether it be constructive conversation like the one we're having, or just a gimmick humor thread, thats TSM for you, and I wouldn't change it.

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Just got a chance to read through the show...first HeldDOWN I've had the chance to read in a while, and it was good. I don't have a whole lot to say about a lot of the segments, but there was nothing bad on the show, and everyone seemed to further their angles nicely.


I must say that I'm seriously feeling the whole Originals/GPX angle. The promo to set up the tag match was great, and a nice lead-in to the GPX turn at the end. Really good stuff.


What also stood out were the segment between Josie and Jay Richards (funny stuff), Hoff's Panel (I marked for Igor. Seriously), and the Frankensteiners/HR backstage stuff.

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What was with the strange coding with PRL? Made it hard to read.


NICE pot shots to Vancouver by Alf. If that Bertuzzi thing was actually said, I think that person would get the biggest heat of the night, bar none.


LOVE the promo by Black T and Malibu. The emotion and intensity was there for sure. And whatta huge main event!



The Frankensteiners are like Sweden -- or is it Switzerland? I can't tell them two sissies apart -- netural, but 80-billion times tougher. WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!


I think it's Switzerland.


Fun promo, with language that wouldn't be allowed on TV but hey, Frank told that bitch to shut up, so it all works out in the end. And as the commentators hinted, I'm assuming this will be a PPV match, so something else to look forward too.


Whoa, more strange lettering. What's up with that? Nice potshot on Angle-Plex.


I liked that Leon segment, as it shows just how opposite him and Christian are. Nice two weeks of promos between these two and nice choice of name for Christian.


RICK (muttering)

Why the hell am I even around anymore?

That got a giggle out of me.


It's strange to see Superstar interchanged with Allen. Good match, but again, because of my assumed ADD, the coding really threw me off. But I want to see more of Sk8er Boiz (I fell dirty writing like that) vs. NNMX and That 70's Dude vs. Superstar.


Crazy Vampire?!? Actually, that was a hilarious way to introduce him. Hm, will he "Spanky" it and be an annoying knat until he gets the job?


Funny segment, and sorry I couldn't get any Crystal stuff in. I'm having a crazy time with school right now, so bear with me for the next little while. It'll be all over in a week. Well the stuff I care about anyways.



Vintage Malibu! The old Diving Clothesline wipes out both Tony and Dan!

This line is way to realistic to Cole for my liking. I got shudders when my mind flashed back to whenever Cole calls the Angle Slam "Vintage Kurt Angle"


Good match until GPX interfered. Great beatdown by GPX! Can't wait to see what this will bring, and how this will work out.

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Feedback first, then we'll get into the points addressed in the thread. Before I start this, a stylistic question. I used to put *commercials* in between segments, then I stopped, figuring that it'd work itself out. This week, I used it in some places and not others, stylistically. Which way is best? Does it matter? Let me know, I'd appreciate it.


- I hope KC noticed the props I gave him in the opener. "The latest designs." I really do like them, keep it up.


- I'm still not feedbacking Rocky IV (dude, zing, I hope someone gets that) until he does likewise, but as far as coding goes, I dunno. I C'n'P'ed it direct, although he did NOT use the CODE tag, so I can't guarantee his safety. I will say I have READ the segment and do have thoughts, negative and positive.


- Good Alf promo, but is Alf going after ANY titleholder, then, or just the Heavyweight Champ? It seemed like the former, until the last line.


- Another fiery Zack Malibu promo, with Black T the picture of heeldom. Excellent setup for the match later on as well.


- Uh..."the Man of Tomorrow and the Pyscho Gremlin?" Heh. Frank was on FIRE, the "Angel of Bliss" line had me rolling. Cool brawl at the end, the storage trunk spots were neat. For some reason, I imagine Holly having a really pale ass. I dunno why. Anyway, this was good.


- Simon got OWNED~! This segment was cute. I like the tie-dyed title as well.


- Nice little Rodez promo, leading into more from CW. I wonder where the Bohemoth thing will lead...also, Leon asking for GTA cheats was great.


- Very interesting Brock Ausstin/PK bit. Interesting indeed...


- A really, really fun match that Frig should be proud of. Well-done, put together well, a good story of the numbers game, and it got a lot of people involved in a way that made sense. Outside of some typos this was pretty much flawless, and I'm not one to talk there :)


- LOL @ everyone who marked for Crazy Vampire. As for the Int'l Amnesty segment, I'll be airing a TWO-PART OAOAST.COM EXCLUSIVE tomorrow and Tuesday nights, detailing the history of Igor Stoyanovich, as well as re-airing the first two International Amnesty segments. So WATCH! Thanks for the positive feedback, though. Panther, I especially appreciated yours, being "retired" and all. Meant a lot that you read, AND remembered, AND cared enough to comment. Thank you.


- As soon as I read "CUE: Getting Away With Murder," Billy and Chuck's old theme played on my Winamp. COINCIDENCE?! These guys DID have a nice hot little match going for themselves, until OMG ANARCHY RULZ. Good promo after the beatdown that made me want to see more. MORE! I CRAVE IT~!


All in all, a good if promo-heavy show. Hopefully more matches this coming week.

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Okay. The other thing.


168. There are 168 hours in a week. Let's say a normal, avergae-length show takes a half an hour to read, which is about where I sit. Now let's say that you want to do feedbacking "right," aka with great detail. Let's say that takes another half an hour. I don't think it does, but benefit of the doubt here. That's one hour.


Say you work forty hours a week. And, let's say you get eight hours of sleep a night, which is 56 a week. Let's even say you're like my roommate and go to school as well as work a full-time job, or you have two jobs. Throw another 40 hours a week on. That all makes 136 hours. Under this model, you have 32 hours remaining. Let's say an hour of travel time a day. We're down to 25 hours. An hour a day for food. Eighteen hours. So we're sitting at everything you could do in a week working two jobs, commuting, sleeping, all that, and you have 18 true free hours left. Eighteen hours to do whatever you want. First off, that seems pretty low to me. But let's say it's true. In those eighteen hours, you can't take one to read the show and feedback? I mean, this is something we all supposedly care about. We enjoy writing, sure, But we should also enjoy the reading of it. Moreover, we should want to read the shows, and discuss them, to let others know we appreciate their work. I dunno. To me, it doesn't seem like a lot of time.


Now let's disregard the extreme cases, things like Zack's situation. Let's take CC, in high school. Instead of 80 hours for two jobs, let's say nine hours of highschool a day, for education and then extracurriculars. Five schooldays a week makes 45 hours. Add a part time job, say 15 a week, and that makes 60. 80-60= twenty more free hours. CC, I don't mean to single you out; I'm just saying that under this model, you now have thirty-eight hours of freetime. Surely, one could be spared.


The point of this long-winded rant is this: you have time. Whoever you are, except in rare circumstances, you have time. And I admit, we do all have things out of our control. The show was late because work threw me a curve ball. Things happen. But on an almost-every-week basis, everyone here ought to be able to say SOMETHING. And for those who want to "do it right," trust me, the rest of us would rather hear three words than nothing at all.


We all here enjoy writing...but as human beings, we all want to know people are reading it, and hopefully appreciating it. And if we're going to keep this an environment were everyone feels appreciated, then EVERYONE has to work toward it. Otherwise, this resentment is going to build, and we're going to lose not only talented writers, but far more importantly, people who care.

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Brock's still here! Cool. Actually, he'd make a good half of a tag team. Maybe I'll steal him sometime :)

Listen I'm not saying anything here, I'm just saying, but....stay back, Eski.



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Now let's disregard the extreme cases, things like Zack's situation. Let's take CC, in high school. Instead of 80 hours for two jobs, let's say nine hours of highschool a day, for education and then extracurriculars. Five schooldays a week makes 45 hours. Add a part time job, say 15 a week, and that makes 60. 80-60= twenty more free hours. CC, I don't mean to single you out; I'm just saying that under this model, you now have thirty-eight hours of freetime. Surely, one could be spared.

Firstly, it takes a lot longer for me to read the show than half an hour.


Secondly, usually, yes I agree with you. I usually have enough spare time to feedback, and I think in the past at least, I've been alright with it. But you have got to understand Hoff, I'm under an extreme amount of stress right now. I just finshed an AP Calculus course, and had to study like crazy for that. I'm talking three-four hours a day of studying for it. I recently had an English exam, which if I do good enough could make my end year ALOT easier. I have an AP Art History exam in two days, which I studied for the majority of this week and weekend for it. I have Chemistry, which I'm fucking blowing at, and I'm working my ass off to improve my mark. I'm constantly doing resumes/applications because I need a full time job this summer to help pay for univerisity. I have to keep up all my other marks in order to get scholarship money.


Look, I know it's important to leave feedback, and because I had spare time this weekend from my studying, I did so. But if I'm under this stress right now, and mind you it is temporary, I think I deserve some slack. I also am slightly offended that you think just because I'm a high school student I automatically have more spare time than those who are not. This just isn't true, because up to two weeks ago, I had all the above plus volleyball. In fact, I'm training for swimming right now. I'm a busy girl, and I know you didn't mean any offence, but I don't have an abundance of spare time.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I think CWM proves on a daily basis that you don't need an education to get by in life. Quit school and do more e-fedding.

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CC, I don't mean to single you out...

And I admit, we do all have things out of our control.

What I didn't say which I meant to was that it's understandable if you honestly can't, but it would be nice to at least hear the reasons why and that you would if you could. Even if it's an understood, people like to hear those things. It's like telling your significant other you love them -- even if it's understood, it's nice to hear. A bit melodramatic, but same principle.


Still, CC, sorry to have offended you.

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I don't feel that my character has been attacked or anything like that Hoff, but it is slightly stupid to assume students have more free time. Us kids are busy. I know you weren't personally attacking me, but if I'm this busy, surely other students are too.

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Guest Failed Mascot
It's like telling your significant other you love them -- even if it's understood, it's nice to hear.

ya CC. I know you love me but I still need to hear the words from time to time. :wub:

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I used to put *commercials* in between segments, then I stopped, figuring that it'd work itself out. This week, I used it in some places and not others, stylistically. Which way is best? Does it matter?


..."the Man of Tomorrow and the Pyscho Gremlin?"

It doesn't matter unless you're placing two different segments that are clearly intended to come on after a break, if that makes sense. One thing that I'd like to see return are the parody commericals. With all the things we have to write I understand why they come and go, but maybe one or two new ones every now and then. Eski's Cole's Bar bit is a good example.


I gotta give Patty love. He came up with the PG nickname for Frankie. TMOT I ripped off from Superman. At least I think it's from Superman. Pretty much like everything else, I'm not real up-to-date on the trends and whatnot, but I've heard the Man of Steel referred to the "Man of Tomorrow" and I thought it would be a helluva nickname for a wrestler. I really never planned on having Frank act like Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner, but Patty ran with that a few weeks back, and I kept it up. Hence the bad language.


For anybody wondering, Frankie would look like Dr. Death Steve Williams. Frank is Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner, of course.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Again Eski, tell me what ya wrote so I can feedback that for ya.


heeeeey...I'm half Swedish :( . Frank's promo got us taken off the air in like 30+ states. If he's going to keep up like this then we're going to need to move to a latetime slot on HBO. Yowza. Holly and Logan are making it so maybe we should move to Cinemax before Red Shoe Diaries.

hammer them with clubbering forearm shots

!!!! Sexual content + Fighting = Higher ratings in the male ages 16-34 category. Way to go Tony!


Hoff take those weird symbols out of my segments. Seems to be one everywhere an apostrophe should be.


I liked the Leon Rodez interview. Covered everything and was just a good old fashioned thing...like when they checked with Flair back when he had his neck broken before fighting (I believe it was) Terry Funk. Also Christian Wright seems to have a little Snidley Whiplash in him as far as sinister plans go.


Yup Hoff, seems ya gotta go back and replace every apostrophe. That's where the symbols took place.


The fans go NUT as Hoff grins a big, wide smile.

EWWWWWWW. Hoff what the fuck were you smoking when you wrote this? Really, it just sounds like you were on an acid trip and writing down random shit that popped into your head. The crowd just nutted again. Between retards and fans ejaculating everywhere I'm starting to wonder about your mental health. Hoff needs to be medicated, pronto.

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Hoff take those weird symbols out of my segments. Seems to be one everywhere an apostrophe should be.

Everything was directly copied and pasted, so don't yell at me about it.

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Guest Failed Mascot
Hoff take those weird symbols out of my segments. Seems to be one everywhere an apostrophe should be.

Everything was directly copied and pasted, so don't yell at me about it.

FIX IT RIGHT NOW %#@&*^*^*%^^^

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