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Guest Cerebus

Homolka's about to be released

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Guest Cerebus

Is almost up. For those of you not in the know, you can read all the grisly details here but here's the "reader's digest" version.


Homolka and her husband Paul Bernardo, went on a rape/murder spree that lasted several years and included Homoka's 15 year old sister, some of the rapes were even taped and played at trial. In 1992, the duo were arrested and charged with several counts of unlawful imprisonment, kidnapping, rape, and murder. The prosecution ended up cutting a 12 year deal (unoriginally, but appropriately, called "the deal with the devil") with Homolka in exchange for testimony against her husband, who was convicted and sentenced to life. It was, and is, a VERY controversial choice as it became clear in trial that Homolka was hardly the battered and terrified woman the prosecution made her out to be.


Now, she's out and the whole thing is making as much of a stir now as it did in 93. So what do the Canadians on the board feel about it, considering this made a lot more press up north, than it did here in the States

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My first thought is that I'm as sick as fuck of these ads that Global's running about it. You'd think they're the 'Official Station of Homolka's Release' or something by how many commercials they show.


I obviously don't think she should be out and wouldn't want her anywhere near me or my family, but that being said, I really don't think she's a risk to re-offend. Her safety is probably more at risk than the people who will be surrounding her (I think her dad's said she's going to be living in Montreal somewhere), not that I'd shed a tear or anything if someone took justice into their own hands and she met with an untimely demise.

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She should never have been released in the first place, and she only got that deal because she played the battered wife sympathy card.

Hopefully, someone finds out where she'll be living and takes care of the matter. Pity it didn't happen while she was in Club Fed.

Oh and during the trial, the US had more information on the case, since as usual there was a publication ban, something that frequently occurs during trials here.

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Someone I work with made the case that if we didn't live in Ontario, we wouldn't care.

If Laci Peterson wasn't so photogenic nobody outside of her neighbourhood would have given a fuck.

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Guest TheDon

If I was the father that one the girls that was killed by this bitch and her loser husband I would definately be waiting for Tammy to leave the prison with a 12 gauge shotgun. This woman is an animal. She drugged up her own sister and let her bf and soon to be husband at the time rape the sister. The reason why she did this is because the bf found out that she wasn't a virgin so she offered her sister and christmas to be his present. She is by far and away one sick individual.

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This got a full half hour segment on CH Talk Live in Hamilton.


Ordinarily, I would say that she had served her debt to society because she served her sentence.


But she deserves way more than 12 years.


She deserves to die. Yes, the biggest hippie on the board other than C-Bacon and INXS is pro death penalty.

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"Maybe (she's thinking) Quebec has a slightly greater deficit in their knowledge about who Karla Homolka is."


Yes, because French newspapers never print stories about Anglos who rape and murder little girls.




Bitch needs to be harassed and driven out of every community she lives in, every job she applies for, and every store she tries to shop in. Her life should be made as miserable as possible until she kills herself.

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She's gonna live in the NDG borough in Montreal. It's about 20 minutes from my borough (Hochelaga). Everybody is mad at the fact that she is being released. She should be kept in prison.


Now, sure, the residents won't feel safe, but she too risks being harrased, stalked or maybe even murdered by angry residents.


And she thinks that Quebec is less in the known? There has almost been a countdown to the day where she'll be released since 2000.

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She should move to the Northwest Territories. She could get away from all the bad press up there, I bet.

Plus, it'd be easier to put a hit on her and have it look like a polar bear accident or something.

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Eh, the way the whole story is told, it was her husband who was the driving force behind it all. She probably won't do it again unless she hooks up with a different psycho.

She raped and murdered Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French right along with Bernardo, ya know. It's not like she was just the passive camera operator or anything. Besides which, it was her idea to offer up her little sister to him AND she encouraged him to carry on, if not actively helped him, during his days as the Scarborough Rapist. She's just as fucked up and dangerous as he is, maybe even more so because she basically got away with it.

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Someone I work with made the case that if we didn't live in Ontario, we wouldn't care.

If Laci Peterson wasn't so photogenic nobody outside of her neighbourhood would have given a fuck.

But...but...but...she was Connor's mother!!!!!

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Guest cosbywasmurdered
My first thought is that I'm as sick as fuck of these ads that Global's running about it. You'd think they're the 'Official Station of Homolka's Release' or something by how many commercials they show.


I obviously don't think she should be out and wouldn't want her anywhere near me or my family, but that being said, I really don't think she's a risk to re-offend. Her safety is probably more at risk than the people who will be surrounding her (I think her dad's said she's going to be living in Montreal somewhere), not that I'd shed a tear or anything if someone took justice into their own hands and she met with an untimely demise.

I have to agree with Tim.

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See? There you go!


Someone suggested she move to the NW Territories, but she said "I'll have Nunavut."

That pun doesn't get used near often enough.

Are you kidding or not? I can't tell if it does get overused or not, since I'm kinda from Illinois and stuff

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I read the link and damn, I'm against the death penalty but these things make you think. She deserved at least 50 years though.

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Holy shit, for anyone that has HBO, they had the story of these 2 on a show called "Autopsy" a year ago or so. It's a show about killings and how the person performing the autopsy finds clues about what happened by things found in the autopsy. the little sister that dies had burn marks on her face from the acid of the vomit, they showed pictures of it and it was disgusting.

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My first thought is that I'm as sick as fuck of these ads that Global's running about it. You'd think they're the 'Official Station of Homolka's Release' or something by how many commercials they show.


I obviously don't think she should be out and wouldn't want her anywhere near me or my family, but that being said, I really don't think she's a risk to re-offend. Her safety is probably more at risk than the people who will be surrounding her (I think her dad's said she's going to be living in Montreal somewhere), not that I'd shed a tear or anything if someone took justice into their own hands and she met with an untimely demise.

Current psychiatric material from the Kingston Womens Prison has suggested that she is still at high-risk to re-offend. At least, that's what was on CityTV two weeks ago.


A public tarring and feather, followed by a ritualistic burning would be a fitting death for that cunt.

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