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WWE Season four fantasy

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I'm taking a chance next week... I have a 10 person roster with a lot of cheaper guys, hoping for another fluke like before with the Hearth Throbs getting so many points on Raw. I figure at the very least I'll get Heat points for once, although Conway has been showing up on Raw lately and Masters may be back this week too. I assume 5 of these guys will be champs this week too, so maybe some title retain points (maybe LOD will finally defend them?).


Antonio, Carlito, Benoit, Masters, LOD 2005, Angle, Maria, Conway, Hurricane.


Actually, I might not be taken as much of a chance as I thought... Antonio and Hurricane are the only questionable picks but they've been on Raw lately.


Edit: Antonio is out, Nunzio is in.

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That roster sucks to be honest because you can get a lot more from guys like Cena, Batista and HBK because they major matches on Summerslam. With Antonio you never know if he even appears on WWE TV because one week he's beating the Tag Champs and the next week the whole storyline is put aside. Same goes for Hurricane, Conway and Masters. Only decent picks are Angle and Benoit.

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Cena, Batista, and HBK have not been wreslting regularly on TV at all since this season started (Cena only recently and HBK not at all since superkicking Hogan). I replaced Antonio with Nunzio on the assumption that he's going to get title retian points on Velocity doing the "Vito kills the guy then Nunzio pins him" angle for a bit but we'll see.


Like I said, I'm taking a chance this week.

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I hate trying to pick a roster after a PPV. It is so hard to gauge what the heck is going to be on TV that week.

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I hope Never Kissed A Girl wins and then I hope he wins the entire thing so they let him appear on WWE.com and he meets all kinds of WWE guys lol while he has that stupid username. And the winner: "never kissed a girl!"

I'm up to 85th place in the overall standings now.

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Well for the first time this season all the guys in my roster who were in PPV matches (thats all of them cept for melina) won their matches. Good thing I decided to pick Randy instead of Matt, as he got me 62 total points for the week (to slightly make up for the fact that I didnt pick Benoit-cuz they ddint annoucne his ppv match till raw last week- who wound up with 68)


Im up to 331th place! ( a big jump considering I started last week in near the thousands) as I got 249 points at the ppv (if my calculations are correct)


But still not on the week leader board sadly. But I was just 12 points behind the leader for the week and now have a total of 2043 poitns this season, 230 points behind the overall leader.



My top scorer this week turned out to be Cena with a total of 72 from Raw and SS



my points for week 10 broke down like this (scores grand totals of the week prior)










for a grand total of 405 points





I cant figure out who to pick for this week (11)


right now I have


Team: IWC 4 Life





Animal and Heidenreich (theyve been getting squash wins for like 4 or 5 weeks now every week, I assume theyll be at leats one more this week-cuz I guess this week Animal gives Heidei some LOD tights to finish his image makeover)




and 4.5 mil left in the bank


what to do what to do.

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I added christian figuring hell get arevenge match vs one of the mexicools this week and perhaps even finally win a match?


HAd 1 mil left so I picked maria for the hell of it.

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ok, now my team consists of












hope thats a good team but i dont have much to work with with no matches announced for this week

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Ugh. Last week sucked for me. I completely fucking bombed at Summerslam, and this is the first week since week....3, I think, that I actually DROPPED in my overall ranking.

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I'm steadily rising the ranks... I'm like 10,000th-ish overall now (I used to be 88,000-ish) and now in the top 10 of the league. I hope my "9 cheap guys and 2 expensive ones" instead of "4-5 expensive guys and 2-3 cheap ones" pays off. Assuming Flair is in the $3m range (I'm going to check now) I might drop Hurricane for him as he may have a match with Carlito tonight.. he is at least appearing.

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damnit I'm starting to suck at this. It hurts to only get appearence points for like 4 RAW people. Damn you Vampiro69, as you are about to pass me.

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I have been lurking in the TSM top10 for quite awhile...but....maybe I can move into the top5 after next week....we'll see....

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I'll consider my experiment a failure for this week. Dropping Hurricane/Maria for Flair sucked because I only got one set of appearance points for Flair, same I could have got for Maria, plus Hurricane has a match on Heat.


Conway beat Hardy though, so that worked, but man, should have picked Cena. Also I don't think Conway's elbwo drop was considered a finisher (probably will be for next week, I haven't checked the page yet for my placement). At least I had Angle. Hopefully my SD! roster works out (LOD 2005/Benoit/Nunzio).

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The few times I picked Cena without a match being known before hand, he only got a few sets of appearance points. Ditto for Batista. I decided to stop picking the champions unless a match was announced ahead of time.

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The few times I picked Cena without a match being known before hand, he only got a few sets of appearance points. Ditto for Batista. I decided to stop picking the champions unless a match was announced ahead of time.

yea thats why I didnt pick cena yesterday and I got screwed for it, only winding up with like 30 points for raw. why did I go so SD heavy?

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I forgot to update this week but Cena, Batista, Hogan and Angle all won so I'm happy. On RAW Angle won and he attacked Cena, Cena won a special match, Batista will probably win a match, Carlito showed up on RAW and Chris Masters too. So not bad.

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Hey hey we still have WWE Fantasy guys. I just realized that and I changed my roster just for the deadline. Here it is:



Carlito (wrestle Carlito!)

Chris Benoit (I hope he beats someone this week)

Chris Masters

John Cena

Ken Kennedy (....Kennedy...)

Kurt Angle (since he's the no.1 contender and he needs to look good)

Rob Conway (and this week he finally jobs again, wait and see :( )


Oh and WHOO I'm now at no.13 after I screwing around at 20 all the time.

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I took the cheap way out this week and picked HBK/Masters/Edge/Hardy since all 4 are in Specialty Matches, albeit against each other. That should get good appearance/match/specialty match points. I kept Carlito and Angle too. I only have Kennedy and Benoit for SmackDown! this week. Next week I'll probably go big on SD! since 3 matches are already known.

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Well I am in 5th place right now 2 points out of 4th. My lineup for this week is as follows











Only person I am unsure of is going with Orton. But I think I can do good with this team for the week.

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Flair had to come out and negate the specialty points !!!!! (I lost 16 points right there) :(


I had





Angle-4 (I should have picked Big Show as I orginally planned)

Val Venis-0 (hope hes on heat)


for SD I have




Ken Kennedy


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Guest Christian88

My team this week is


Masters - 29

Carlito - 24

Bischoff - 9

Edge - 17

Conway - ?

Val - ?

Long - ?

Kennedy - Has Match on SD

Benoit - Has match on SD

Heidenreich - Has match on SD

Animal - ?


Pretty damn happy with that team, although i didn put Animal in at the last second and he isnt wrestling, which sucks

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My team this week is


Masters - 29

Carlito - 24

Bischoff - 9

Edge - 17

Conway - ?

Val - ?

Long - ?

Kennedy - Has Match on SD

Benoit - Has match on SD

Heidenreich - Has match on SD

Animal - ?


Pretty damn happy with that team, although i didn put Animal in at the last second and he isnt wrestling, which sucks

glad to hear benoit kennedy have matches on sd. val is on heat this week too. Hope Orton gets me some more points too. But I dont want to read spoilers

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I'm having a difficult time with next week as there are 5 matches announced right now,

plus one more out of the SD! spoilers

not to mention the fact that

3 of them are now specialty matches

and 2 of them are title matches.

Actually 3 are!

I'll see what I can come up with but I think I'll ignore the Angle/Eugene match in favour of the Masterlock Challenge and SD!s announced matches.

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I'm having a difficult time with next week as there are 5 matches announced right now,

plus one more out of the SD! spoilers

not to mention the fact that

3 of them are now specialty matches

and 2 of them are title matches.

Actually 3 are!

I'll see what I can come up with but I think I'll ignore the Angle/Eugene match in favour of the Masterlock Challenge and SD!s announced matches.

I am going with Batista and

MNM to win the tag titles

so far. As well as Masters as I think Shawn won't win the challenge so they can set up a Unforgiven match. unsure to pick

Eddie or Rey

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