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Exslade ZX

PS3 design officially revealed...

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We don't know much, but Sony promises that "Grand Theft Auto Next" will be a PS3 launch title. This information comes from some people at the Sony E3 2005 press conference currently in progress, but we've yet to confirm the report with our own editors.



Apparently, there will be a "PlayStation P2P Online Service", although just how this works is unclear as of right now.




According to Hirai, PlayStation 3 (now confirmed as the official title, apparently) will feature dual HD outputs. The supplied controllers are wireless, as stated earlier and use Bluetooth as a connection. These last 24 hours on batteries. The PSP will be a major bonus for PS3 owners. You can have remote access to your PS3 from your PSP, and you can even use a Wi-Fi connection within PS3 to use your PSP as a controller for a PS3 game. PlayStation 3 also features a "built-in network cap".


Currently, a realtime demo of the Unreal 3 engine is being shown, running from a PS3.


The nVidia-powered graphics are twice as powerful as a GeForce 6800 Ultra.


PlayStation 3's hardware has gotten a little more detailed. The main CELL processor included will run at 3.2GHz, and feature 7 SPEs. The nVidia GPU will run at 700MHz, and there will be a 256MB XDR RAM stick included with the PS3, running at 3.2GHz. PS3 will have robust multimedia support, including: video chat, internet access, digital photo viewing, digital audio and video playback. There are quite a few slots on the PS3, including: Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 HDMI outputs, 1 A/V multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port. This is all in addition to what was previously announced.


It's just been confirmed that the PS3 will have a detachable 2.5" hard drive, six USB ports, a memory stick slot, and seven bluetooth wireless controllers.


Kaz Hirai has taken the stage, beginning his speech with "190 million PS2s sold. 2 billion software sales" Hirai then began speaking about PlayStation 3... It features the CELL processor as previously reported, and also features a Blu-Ray Disk drive, running at 6x. Backwards compatibility with both PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games has also just been confirmed. Hirai also stated that PlayStation 3 runs at twice the speed of Xbox 360. The PlayStation 3 console is capable of reaching 10 Terraflops of processing information.


Just got it from another board, so not 100% sure if it's real, but it seems like it. If so...IMO it sort of looks, just like...and opposite of the Xbox360, if you get that :/. It looks sort of the same but..instead of concave, convex, or vice versa, can't remember which is which.


Actually looks pretty cool though. Looks better then the Xbox IMO, but doesn't look like it'll fit in a room exactly without looking odd since it's rounded off like that. And is it just me, or does that font look like the Spiderman font?

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holy frijoles, just read the article at gamespot and ladies and gents that is the real deal.

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Guest JRE

What's with all these consoles I can't set my soda cans on? Eh...I prefer the 360 'cause...I got use to it first.

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"Just got it from another board, so not 100% sure if it's real, but it seems like it. If so...IMO it sort of looks, just like...and opposite of the Xbox360, if you get that :/. It looks sort of the same but..instead of concave, convex, or vice versa, can't remember which is which."




It looks like a crappy casing mod for a PS2.


I hate front-loading disc systems.


I'm just *dying* to see the controller now... ;)


"The Dual Shockless"

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And from what I've read, yes, it is the Spider-man font. (although I probaly was the only person curious >_>)


And evidently on the console, what they have of Spiderman 3 so far is amazing.



And this is the controller...holy fucking shit...it sucks..




Well maybe not...even though it looks stupid, who knows, it might feel right in the hands.

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It's the same friggen thing only with long-ass handles.


Eh, I'll buy a black one.

...Well, is it supposed to be any different?


PS2 was the exact same as the PS controller. And the Xbox 360 one is pretty much the same thing too, just diff color, and 3d ball in the middle.

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And from what I've read, yes, it is the Spider-man font. (although I probaly was the only person curious >_>)


And evidently on the console, what they have of Spiderman 3 so far is amazing.



And this is the controller...holy fucking shit...it sucks..




Well maybe not...even though it looks stupid, who knows, it might feel right in the hands.

The 3rd generation Playstation system, and *still* the stock controller has that shitty separated D-Pad.


The PSP will be a major bonus for PS3 owners. You can have remote access to your PS3 from your PSP, and you can even use a Wi-Fi connection within PS3 to use your PSP as a controller for a PS3 game.


How revolutionary.


It's just been confirmed that the PS3 will have a detachable 2.5" hard drive, six USB ports, a memory stick slot, and seven bluetooth wireless controllers.




Hirai also stated that PlayStation 3 runs at twice the speed of Xbox 360.


Gates/Moore blow their load and hand Sony every advantage. Great job.

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You don't think that's better? The PS D-pad IMO is a lot better then the 'connected' ones like the Xbox. It just feels better, and overall works better.

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Some games IGN are reporting that are on show in video format:


Tekken -- Namco.


Killzone -- Guerilla


Vision Gran Turismo -- Polyphony Digital


Formula One -- Sony Liverpool


Untitled Old West Game -- Rockstar


Oh-Ni -- Koei


Mobile Suit Gundam -- Bandai


Devil May Cry 4 -- Capcom


Super Gory Wolfensdtein Style FPS -- Insomniac


Metal Gear Solid 4 -- Konami


PYEdentify Voice Recognition Game -- SCEA


Fifth Phantom Saga -- Sega


Heavenly Sword -- Sony


Warhawk -- Incognito


Killing Day -- Ubisoft


Motor Storm -- Evolution





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Apparently, he's taking a less direct-role within this game and it has been given the theme of 'No Place To Hide!'.


I don't know if I like that, but it's way too early to pass judgement yet.


IGN is also reporting that this beast (the console, not Metal Gear) will be out in Spring 2006.

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Hirai also stated that PlayStation 3 runs at twice the speed of Xbox 360.


Gates/Moore blow their load and hand Sony every advantage. Great job.

That's simply horsepower, and we remember when Sony used to sit around and tell you "PS2 CAN RENDER 2094284352458347579342754 POLYGONS EMOTION ENGINE LOL" and it turned out that all those polygons had to be white and untextured and have no anti-aliasing whatsoever.


Between free online functions in any game that chooses to support it plus hard drives, etc, there's a lot more potential in the 360 in my mind than this thing. The fact that there's no hard drive support out of the box that every game would save data to just blows my mind.


It's simply like they put a supercharger on top of a PS2 and decided to not do anything else. Which is fine, sort of, because Sony has all the franchsies that people love, although those franchises won't be getting anything like downloadable extra content or something anytime soon.

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Between free online functions in any game that chooses to support it plus hard drives, etc, there's a lot more potential in the 360 in my mind than this thing. The fact that  there's no hard drive support out of the box that every game would save data to just blows my mind.

Well, Sony hadn't really announced online plans yet (ditto with MS, although we can assume at least X-Box Live + maybe extra features), but the big name titles would likely have some online support anyway.


There's a hard drive sold separately, but depending on how well the 360's version flies, they may opt for a "value pack" with it included. Once MS takes all the risks, the ball's in Sony's court to do whatever they want with it. And plenty of people will wait for them to do it.


It's simply like they put a supercharger on top of a PS2 and decided to not do anything else. Which is fine, sort of, because Sony has all the franchsies that people love, although those franchises won't be getting anything like downloadable extra content or something anytime soon.


That's something that hasn't really proven to be a huge selling point in console games so far anyway. Now that Sony's got the industy by the balls, they're not taking any risks. More power to MS for trying, though.


However, that doesn't change the opinion I've held about the 360 since I'd first heard about it--I think it's a big, big mistake for them to be launching first, as I see no substantial gains to be had from doing so.


That's simply horsepower, and we remember when Sony used to sit around and tell you "PS2 CAN RENDER 2094284352458347579342754 POLYGONS EMOTION ENGINE LOL" and it turned out that all those polygons had to be white and untextured and have no anti-aliasing whatsoever.


Microsoft reps themselves admit that the PS3 has the edge on power. I'd think they'd be more than happy to point out something similar with the PS3 if it is similarily misleading.

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Guest Vitamin X
It's simply like they put a supercharger on top of a PS2 and decided to not do anything else. Which is fine, sort of, because Sony has all the franchsies that people love, although those franchises won't be getting anything like downloadable extra content or something anytime soon.


That's something that hasn't really proven to be a huge selling point in console games so far anyway. Now that Sony's got the industy by the balls, they're not taking any risks. More power to MS for trying, though.

I think it played a major part in the success of the Tom Clancy games on the Xbox, particularly with the first Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon, and still continue to play a big factor in games like Halo and the roster updates done on the sports games.


However, that doesn't change the opinion I've held about the 360 since I'd first heard about it--I think it's a big, big mistake for them to be launching first, as I see no substantial gains to be had from doing so.

Totally agreed. They blew their wad too early and are left with something only slightly better than the previous version. The Xbox was better for me than the PS2 because of its superior hardware; it loses that, and what's it left with? Live? I can live without it.

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"I think it played a major part in the success of the Tom Clancy games on the Xbox, particularly with the first Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon, and still continue to play a big factor in games like Halo and the roster updates done on the sports games."


Perhaps, but maybe the PS2 versions of those being effing horrible also had something to do with it.


Did they outsell the PS2 versions?


I honestly can't see EA doing downloadable roster updates, and they're going to be the only game in town for the major sports franchises.

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You don't think that's better? The PS D-pad IMO is a lot better then the 'connected' ones like the Xbox. It just feels better, and overall works better.

It's a bitch with most fighting games.

I can rulzorz at Tekken and Deception with it.


I like the design of the console, though I can't set my games/guides on top anymore. I guess that's what the other console I buy will be for.

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You don't think that's better? The PS D-pad IMO is a lot better then the 'connected' ones like the Xbox. It just feels better, and overall works better.

It's a bitch with most fighting games.

I can rulzorz at Tekken and Deception with it.

They don't really use diagonals.

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Guest Vitamin X
Did they outsell the PS2 versions?

I'm pretty sure they did, but everything seems to sell twice as much on the PS2 than any other system, so I don't know. But there's a lot of people who own multiple systems and would know the Xbox version was a better one, so probably.


I honestly can't see EA doing downloadable roster updates, and they're going to be the only game in town for the major sports franchises.


Correction: So far, it's only for NCAA and NFL. 2k5 still has NBA 2k5, which I hope stays that way because NBA Live sucks.

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Tekken doesn't use diagonals? Hahaha. That's great. Tekken has more complex motions involving diagonals than anything in a Street Fighter game.

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The big question remains: "Will my PS3 blow up within 2 years?" Now onto serious matters...


At this point, processing speeds and polygon counts are a bit irrelevant to me in comparison to what games go to which system. I'm a pretty big RPG/Strategy nut, so Microsoft is going to have to push pretty hard in order to pull me out of the Sony and Nintendo camps.

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