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*Smackdown Spoilers*

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from Rajah:





Report by: Brent Gillett, rajah.com reader




Michael Cole and Tazz come out, loud ECW chants can be heard throughout the

arena, no surprise.


A Video package airs, recapping the brutal Main Event at Judgment Day, most

of the cowd was shocked at how much blood Cena had lost, as they were seeing

these images for the first time.


The credits roll and Smackdown is underway, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin!!!


Carlito comes out, with his Cabana already set up anhd Matt Morgan by his

side. Carlito got on the mic and said that his guest for tonight made the

biggest impact at Judgment Day, his guest is?CARLITO!?! Carlito begins to

celebrate his win, saying that he couldn?t have done it without the

inspiration and support of Matt Morgan. Matt Morgan wanted to say a few

words, but Carlito stopped him as soon as he started to stutter, saying that

his actions at Judgment Day spoke louder than words. Carlito then has the

video aired from Judgment Day, when Matt Morgan gave the F-5 to The Big

Show. Once again, the live crowd was shocked at the sight, and there were

quite a few cheers following the video. Suddenly, Teddy Long?s song hits and

out comes the GM of Smackdown. Carlito said it was Uncool of Teddy to

interrupt the Cabana. Long and Carlito go back and forth with some great

one-liners, before Teddy finally announces the Main-Event of the evening, a

?Winner?s Choice? Battle Royal. With the Annual Draft-Lotter around the

corner, Teddy wants to give one individual the chance to have a match of

their choice for the final smackdown before the draft begins. Simply, the

winner of the Battle Royal will get to choose any opponent for next week.

Carlito volunteers his services to the Battle Royal, saying that he wants

another match with John Cena. Teddy informs him that tonight, he will not

only be in the battle royal, but he will have a rematch with The Big Show.


In the first match of the night, Hardcore Holly and Charlie Haas defeated

MNM by DQ, after one of the MNM boys got a chair and rang Hardcore?s head.

Hardcore was over big time in this match, which surprised me a little bit.

MNM retain their tag team titles.


We come back from the break, and Steve Romero is in the back with Rey

Mysterio. Rey says that tonight, during the battle royal, he will get his

revenge on Eddie Guerrero.


Somewhere in here, there is an interview with Booker T and Charmelle, as

they re-air the Charmelle attack on Kurt Angle at Judgment Day.


In another rematch from Judgment Day, Paul London pinned Chavo Guerrero to

retain his cruiserweight title. Not as good as their Judgment Day match, but

a solid performance by both men.


ECW One Night Stand Commercial is aired as well as a preview of the next

segment?The Champ is Next!!!!


Cena rolls out to an amazing pop from the crowd, with his a bandage on his

forehead from Judgment Day. Cena got on the mic and cut a long promo,

basically saying that his legacy will be remembered for the two words that

he didn?t say?I Quit. Cena says that he has a gift for JBL, which of course

brings out ?The Wrestling God?. Cena climbs out of his limo and begins to

limp up the isle. JBL got into the ring and begin to cut his promo. JBL said

that everything he promised came true at Judgment Day, except for one thing,

Cena wouldn?t quit. JBL then went on to say that while he may never beat

Cena in a singles match, he would one day burn out, like Kurt Cobain and

Mike Tyson, he will one day run out of juice and he will be force out of the

industry. Cena then says that he refuses to give JBL his gift, which is a

tribute Video to JBL, after his unkind words. JBL then apologizes to Cena,

as he really wants to see the video, Cena finally plays it after about five

minutes of pleading by JBL. The Video starts up with JBL?s theme song, and a

number of images in which he was victorious over the last year, then it

switch to JBL saying ?I Quit? over and over again, which drove the fans wild

and JBL out of the ring. JBL retreated up the ramp, with the fans chanting

?You Quit? to end the segment.


Carlito vs Big Show is next!


Big Show pinned Carlito after hitting the choke slam. During the match, Matt

Morgan was ejected from ringside after getting involved. Afterwards, Morgan

returned and put a beating on Big Show, ending the assault by putting Big

Show through a table with the F-5?simply amazing.


Big Show is helped out of the arena, he will not be in the Battle Royal



A jobber comes to the ring for the ring, for the ?Kurt Angle Invitational?.

Before the match, Kurt tells the world that it has been a really bad week,

as he lost to Booker T, he got beat up by a gutterslut, and Vince McMahon

announced that WWE is backing the ECW PPV which is garbage. Angle then goes

on a five minute tirade, in which he blasts ECW and even mentions the night

that he left ECW in the middle of the show after watching the infamous

Raven-Sandman crucifixion angle. Angle then begins to step on the toes of

Tazz, which of course leads to Tazz removing his headset and the fans going

nuts for him. To wrap up the promo, Angle says that he plans on getting

together a group of Smackdown! Stars to shut down ECW One Night Stand, much

like Bischoff. Anyway, Angle beats the jobber, who never actually gets his

name announced as he was attacked by Angle while he was speaking. Simple

squash, tap out after a minute or so. After the match, Angle declares that

the Battle Royal should get underway right now.


I am assuming they take a break in here.


Everyone comes down, and the last music to play is Rey Mysterio?s, but he is

attacked from behind by Eddie Guerrero and a steel chair. Eddie lays a

beating on Rey, seemingly ending Rey?s chance of winning the Battle Royal.

The Match starts, and Eddie goes underneath the bottom rope and hides while

wrestlers begin to eliminate each other. Halfway through the math, Eddie

gets back into the ring. The final 6 are Angle, Eddie, Booker T, Doug

Basham, Danny Basham, and Orlando Jordan. Rey comes running down the ramp

and elimoinates Eddie, and Rey gets to stick around for the remainder of the

Battle Royal, as he was never eliminated. Booker T elimates all the members

of the cabinet, before Kurt Angle eliminates him, making the final two men

Kurt Angle a Rey Mysterio. The two men had a classic encounter, with near

falls, until Angle eliminates Rey with an Angle slam over the top rope!!!

Angle wins the Battle Royal and gets to choose his opponent for next week.


Angle talks about the one thing he has coveted is the WWE championship, and

John Cena should feel lucky as next week he will have the night off. Kurt

Angle then announces that next week it will be Kurt Angle vs?. Booker T?s

wife, Charmelle!!! This brings out Booker who beats Angle around the ring,

and sends him into retreat. The show ends there, as Booker celebrates in the





Nothing of note, as Booker T celebrates and Chimmel thanks the fans for

coming out. The scheduled dark-match was John Cena vs JBL and Jordan, but

obviously they were playing up the brutality of Judgment Day.




Good show, I saw three different shows in three different nights (Judgment

Day, Raw and Smackdown) and this one was the worst of the three, but that?s

not a bad thing at all. Match of the night was the Battle Royal.



John Cena

Booker T

Hardcore Holly

Scotty 2 Hotty



JBL and Angle Tie


Eddie?s assault on Rey

Orlando Jordan

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VELOCITY & Dark Matches


First up was a dark match, and Scotty 2 Hotty pinned C.M. Punk


Up next was another match, but I am not sure if it was a Velocity match or

not, as there were no announcers. Anyway, Billy Kidman pinned Nunzio after

the Shooting Star Press.


Josh and Steve Romero made their way down to the booth. Interesting note,

Steve did not show up at the arena until well after 4:00, when most of the

wrestlers had arrived by 1:00.


Joy Giavanni (I Think) came out as the special ring announcer, which is a

reoccurring theme for this Velocity. The Basham Brothers defeated Sho Funaki

and Nunzio.


Michelle McCool made her way to the ring, as the special ring announcer

(What the hell is Chimmel?s job anyway). Booker T pinned some jobber (I

think his name was Valentino). Interesting note, some people around me

picked up a pissed off look on Charmelle?s face, which is a pre-cursor for

later that night.


Torrie Wilson came out as another guest ring announcer. Orlando Jordan

pinned Mark Jindrak to retain his U.S. title and end the Velocity tapings

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Doesn't look like too bad a show. Granted its basically Judgement Day minus the three main events but it's a definite improvement over last week's that's for sure.

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So a team of Raw and Smackdown superstars are going to the ECW PPV? Anyone starting to wonder if there will be any time left over for some ECW stuff on the PPV?

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Can't wait for Angle vs. Paisl...uh, Sharmell next week. Way to waste a battle royal.


Other than that, makes me glad I didn't buy Judgement Day, seeing as they're doing three rematches on free TV the very next show.

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Is it just me, or does it seem weird that Angle is against ECW because they showed no morals, bitching about the crucifix and two seconds later, starts bringing up that he wants to rape someone?

Maybe he still remembers the crucifixion and thinks what he's doing isn't as bad...

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A Video package airs, recapping the brutal Main Event at Judgment Day, most

of the cowd was shocked at how much blood Cena had lost, as they were seeing

these images for the first time.

Well...that's not a good sign.


And yea, it really was a waste of a battle royal. But then again, a WWE title match next week, I don't think is really something I want to see.

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I agree! Who cares about a fucking title anyway, when you can have ANGLE VS. SHARMELL! Screw the titles, it's all about the bullshit.

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Man... everyone and their grandmas can lift the Big Show these days. Who's next... Paul London?


If Cena doesn't lose the title within the next month I'll puke. *sigh*

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
Is it just me, or does it seem weird that Angle is against ECW because they showed no morals, bitching about the crucifix and two seconds later, starts bringing up that he wants to rape someone?

Their just playing off what Angle said on the dvd as part of their whole 're-telling' of ECW's history.


You know, the one that makes VKM look like a saint, and blames Bischoff for it's death. B-)

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Well Vince was in fact more truthful on the DVD than Bischoff. Bisch beat around the bush, denied everything, etc. Vince basically said "Yeah some guys from ECW wanted to come here, so I offered them a contract."


I don't think SMDN will have a group at the ECW PPV since Angle is really the only guy talking about it. I think he'll get traded to Raw soon and then join Bischoff's Brigade.


Dear God, more JBL vs. Cena? It seems like when a guy says "I quit" that should be, I dunno, the END of the feud. I mean where can it go at this point? Forget this feud, let Eddie destroy Rey in a gimmick match, and give us Eddie vs. Cena.

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3 rematches from Judgment Day?


I'm glad I ordered it, but really...why should I have when I get free rematches four days later. That's fucking retarded.

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WHY are Angle and Booker still feuding? Shouildn't this angle have been locked in a vault and never mentioned again by now? Also glad to see Kurt is so stupid that he passes up a chance to win the WWE Title. Makes it seem real important. I'm sure Angle vs Charmelle will bring in the ratings next week though.

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