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HHH's Motivation

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I been thinking recently about HHH's booking of himself and I'm torn over why he does it the way he does.


Basically, I'm really struggling to believe that anyone can be that selfish and egotistical about his spot. Does anyone think that maybe HHH honestly believes he is a huge draw and has to be the focal point of every single show or the ratings would completely die? I can almost understand his thinking of that in the hot period of 2000 he's the only one left so he's the only hope of eveer getting back to those hights, but at the same time the facts don't back that up, which he must know...


I'm probably being far to generous to him, but it's just something i've been thinking about and thought it could make for an interesting discussion.

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I remember In The late 90's thinking that Bret Hart was probably The biggest Mark for himself and that nobody would ever surpass him. I was wrong.

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HHH was just born too late. What he's doing now isn't so different than what Hogan, Dusty, or Flair did 20 years ago. It's just that we now all have access to the dirt and the internet, so we all know more about the behind the scenes stuff.

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Guest Brian
HHH was just born too late. What he's doing now isn't so different than what Hogan, Dusty, or Flair did 20 years ago. It's just that we now all have access to the dirt and the internet, so we all know more about the behind the scenes stuff.

Not going to make it anymore right. Especially when you don't draw well.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

Hunter is kinda typical of what wrestlers are.


Almost all wrestlers who make it to the top are wired to keep the top spot on the card at all costs.


The difference with Hunter at this point is that he's basically a part of the ownership, yet he still makes moves that are better more him instead of better for the company.


I mean he gets all the numbers, he sees what he's drawing on top. Yeah he gets a huge buyrate at Mania every year, and yeah he usually gets to wrestle last on that show, so maybe thats enough to justify his spot. But why cant he maintain any kind of drawing ability the rest of the year?


Why was it that no RAW PPV last year was able to draw a sellout crowd?


You would think Hunter would figure I'll spend the next 2 or 3 years making new stars so that the company can make more money and so I can become richer. Its still a selfich line of thinking, but it'll actually make him more money.


But his 'wrestler' mind takes over and he only does what will keep him on top. That combined with the fact that 98% of wrestlers are the biggest marks in the world, so they see being on top as being the best.

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I think he does cause it's a factor of a few things, not just power hungry.


The comment about him being the only guy around the 2000 boom period is definately one of them. He tries way too hard cause it is in his heart that much. No one can deny everything he's done and he's one of the best. I think he believes that Raw can't do without him. He needs to understand he's never going to lose his overness. He's always going to be one of the biggest money guys in wrestling as long as he stays in it, like him or not. And he's always going to have good promos and matches. It's just that when you constantly see it, seemingly shoved down your throat, it gets old and tries people bonkers.


He needs a reboot. I mean, I thought Blade Trinity was going to do that but it really didn't. He's got another film coming up so maybe then. You can't say "depush him to the midcard" because that would just be idiotic. It would make no sense. Upper-mid card, yeah that's probably where he needs to go in order to give Batista fresh opponents.


He needs to go explore other ventures and give other guys a shot. Business is down, and it's going to take a collection of a few guys to become major superstars to turn things around. Him trying to do everything himself and putting himself over everyone else is not only not fair, but it's not good business.

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Guest news_gimmick

I've also got to believe that not only does he believe Raw needs him, more importantly he has convinced Vince that Raw needs him. You have to believe that over time he has gotten closer to Vince and Vince trusts his opinion, especially being family now. If Vince didn't, I don't believe we would see Triple H as much as we do. I think Vince is the one who has lost his touch and hangs on with Triple H says nowadays moreso than anything.

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so does anyone else since the title going back to HHH at Vengeance?

I think that's pretty much a given. The only way it doesn't happen is for Edge to steal the title by beating Batista directly after the HIAC match, and for HHH to take it back the next night or in short order just so they can pay off the Edge angle. He'll be champ again before June is over, and will likely hold it until the Survivor Series or Royal Rumble.

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He's just selfish. He's always in the main event. Whether he has the title or not. Look at the RAW champs so far.



Shawn...his buddy he let hold the title for one month

HHH...that was quick

Goldberg...forgetable reign

HHH...are you as shocked as I am?


Orton...someone he put in main events right along with him, so he could ultimatly take credit. He let him have it for a month.

HHH...I'm seeing a patern

HHH...he vacated the title, only to put it back on himself, putting no one over in the process

Batista...see Orton



I'm actually shocked they let Orton win the title from Benoit. He is to Raw what Lawler was to USWA. Sure, someone else will win the title, but he'll get it right back every other time. And even in one case, losing the title to no one, before winning it back.


No one else is given a serious run with the title without HHH being the top contender. So it's impossible to tell if anyone other than HHH can have a successful run with the belt...even though I wouldn't call his 2003-2005 run that.

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well, has the rumor that he wants to eclipse Flair's record actually true? if so, get ready for 3 more years of this because he ain't gettin' any younger...

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What I wonder about the guy is if he's ever going to realize that he's not really helping the product right now. The crowd probably is even starting to think that he's going to regain the title soon (which he most likely will)

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I think it's funny he's getting pushed evern harder than he was in 99-01, even though he's not as over, and not helping produce even close to the same ratings, buyrates, and live gate.


Now is the time to make a new star, they should let Batista try and do something with the title instead of drop it right back.

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I don't think he needs to leave, he just desperately needs a midcard feud that has nothing to do with the World Title. He needs to just be out of the main event for a few months. I don't even mind the guy being in the main event at Wrestlemania cause let's be honest, he is the best heel on Raw, but for months after Miami he just needs to go do something else. Looking back at HHH/Eugene, as bad as it may have been, it was sort of refreshing to see HHH doing something that didn't involve the title. Of course as soon as that ended he turned on Orton immediately and won the title back.

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Guest news_gimmick

Well if anyone isn't used to Triple H domination by now, you might as well stick to Smackdown or TNA because it's not gonna end until he feels like it.

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What he's doing now isn't so different than what Hogan, Dusty, or Flair did 20 years ago.


Except that when people like Hogan and Flair did it, it was worth a shitload of money.


I don't like people comparing HHH to Hogan, because of the critical difference that Hogan was a face. Yeah, he won all the time, but SO WHAT? He's a FACE. Faces are supposed to win, because that's what makes the marks happy.


Not saying it's bad for heels to win sometimes, but when you've got one like HHH, who wins all the time, despite the odds, then it really turns some people off. And it's totally contrary to basic wrestling booking logic; why have the guy no one wants to see go over go over ALL THE TIME?


Besides, like I said before, Hogan = $$$.

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I would be shocked if he didn't outdo Flair.

How ridiculous. Killing the show so he can say that hes a 17 time World Champion. I dont see what the big deal. That means hes lost it 16 times. God, another 7 switches to go.


I don't think he needs to leave, he just desperately needs a midcard feud that has nothing to do with the World Title. He needs to just be out of the main event for a few months. I don't even mind the guy being in the main event at Wrestlemania cause let's be honest, he is the best heel on Raw, but for months after Miami he just needs to go do something else. Looking back at HHH/Eugene, as bad as it may have been, it was sort of refreshing to see HHH doing something that didn't involve the title. Of course as soon as that ended he turned on Orton immediately and won the title back.


I think vs Eugene was one of the best feuds hes had in the past 3 years . . . when it started. The way he came out with Evo on the highlight reel and gave him a hat, T-shirt and signed photo, and then said sign on my T-Shirt Eugene right near the naked girls BUTT and then he took a photo with him and said say 'Pedigree'.


It would be nice to see HHH take a midcarder and bump him in the card...like Foley and Rocky did for him.


This is my major gripe with him. People busted their asses off for him, but the ungrateful SOB doesnt do it for others. One could claim that he did it for Benjamin, but it didnt last cause he beat before NYR. He did nothing for Benoit.


Lets look at his Hit List since hes come back:


Jericho (god knows how many times)


Undertaker (NO)













Some of them thank god he did (example Nash), but look at the number of people on that list.

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I think one of the things I have against the guy is that there hasn't for the most part been a dominant heel on Raw's main event other than him. Even when he's not champ, he still gets all the focus on the show, therefore earning Raw the term "The HHH Show". Plus, they could have made someone else a credible champ, but you know it will never happen because HHH will always be the star, will always be the champ, or will always regain the title. It's unbeliveable how clueless the company is when it comes to building new main eventers. It's almost like they don't even care anymore about the future of the company.

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Guest Brian

Does Triple H, because of the quad injury, see himself as more mortal than ever, and that's why he's trying to milk whatever he can out of his career/legacy, and that's why he pulls the shit he does?

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Shawn...his buddy he let hold the title for one month

HHH...that was quick

Goldberg...forgetable reign

HHH...are you as shocked as I am?


Orton...someone he put in main events right along with him, so he could ultimatly take credit. He let him have it for a month.

HHH...I'm seeing a patern

HHH...he vacated the title, only to put it back on himself, putting no one over in the process

Batista...see Orton



This is why I tend to follow the WWE Title more, even though they keep trying to make it look second rate.


Brock Lesnar...New star in his first reign.

Big Show...Brief title run to avoid doing Brock/Angle until Mania. First time he had it since 1999, and actually revived his career after being a jobber on RAW.

Kurt Angle...2 time former champion, this was the first time he wasn't a joke.

Brock Lesnar...Lesnar's first face run.

Kurt Angle...This is the only one I found a little strange. Probably just hoping to capitalize off of the neck injury.

Brock Lesnar...Back to Brock, where it probably should have stayed since Mania.

Eddy Guerrero...Longtime smark favourite given his first title run.

JBL...Another first time champion, who miraculously ended up being the best champion in years. Came from the midcard and this was his first real push of any value.

John Cena...Yet another first time champion and rising star. Arguably the most over guy in the company.


Other than the Kurt Angle run in Summer 2003 (and arguably Big Show's title reign, although I know why they did it), this belt has been booked a lot better than the World Title. That Angle reign is also the only time that the belt has been won back by the former champion (twice; first when he won it, and then when he lost it)


I feel the same way about the Tag Titles. How many times have La Resistance held the World Tag Titles? MNM might be green (well Nitro anyways), but at least they are somebody new and that have a lot of potential.

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Well HHH had his big "return" this monday and to a sad ratings drop. So I guess that'll be SOMEBODY elses fault. Even IF he was the big surprise of the night so to speak. Even IF his return was suppose to be the water cooler buzz for the rest of the week. Blah.



HHH is a pretty good wrestler overall. But nobody can stay at that level forever. Its not like the guy doesn't have options. As in wrestling mostly at house shows for a year or so and THEN making a top run again with a good opponent.


Benoit was the guy that should have put Batista over at Mania. Think of how different things could be now with the heat that Batista has AND with good matches under his belt as champ. Sigh.

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Not going to make it anymore right. Especially when you don't draw well.


Well, the Batista chase of him this year for Mania led to the biggest money show ever, a show saved by him and Batista, a show 6 months ago was looking at drawing 550,000 buys like Mania 19 but HHH did business the right way with Batista and it paid off. Very few have drawn the kind of serious money HHH has(only Rock, Austin, and Hogan come to mind). 2000 was the biggest year ever and HHH was constantly in the top program(with Foley, with Rock, with Angle, and with Austin). Notice the constant. Sure, those are 4 great guys to draw with but still, he was the constant on top when all of that money was drawn.


And was this year's Mania buyrate about to cross a million buys, he has done it again.


His spot is absolutely justified. Sure, he needs time off and the like but to not give the guy credit as one of the biggest draws in the history of the business is crazy.

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