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Epic Reine

They're over...and we don't know why

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Who are some wrestlers that seem to be monster over with the crowd even though they totally suck in the ring, on the mic etc.?


A few come to mind but I wanna see what you guys say first.

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Viscera, Batista, Hiedenreich, Snitsky

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I am a Sid fan, so I feel I can talk about this. Sid got really over because unlike virtually every other wrestler of his day (save Vader, and that was really after Sid got super-over for the first time), he was seen as legitimately threatening. When Diesel powerbombed you it looked like a soft landing, when Sid powerbombed you he drove you into the mat and chances are any lower level guy would be getting stretchered out. That's why Sid got over. He stood out, especially at a time when most wrestlers were treated as jokes. He has this sort of strange charisma about him.


As for my pick, Lex Luger. He wasn't any good in the ring after 1990. His was terribly bland on the mic. And for most of his run, his character wasn't anything to speak of. Yet he was pretty consistantly over for most of his career. My only guess is that he got a lot of heat by simply leeching off of Sting most of the time.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
Viscera. I must be the only one that doesn't get the appeal of a 500 pound creepy black dude stalking females and stuffing his face w/ food.

*Nods in agreement*

I feel like now were heading towards Moolah giving birth to a foot.


Let me add Hardcore Holly.I'm still trying to figure out what ppl are seeing in this guy.

His promos are about the only thing more stiff then his actual wrestling and he hasn't done anything since his small Lesnar feud that would make people all of a sudden get behind him.

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I was a Sid mark when he was a Skyscraper, and a Horsemen, and probably for the beginning of his run in the WWF. But as soon as the whole Hogan thing happened, he lost me as a fan and I never really backed him the same afterwards. But WHY I liked him, I couldn't tell you.


My choice: Rikishi. I could not understand what it was about him, or 2Cool for that matter, that made people cheer them.

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Sid Vicious was over because unlike most everyone in WCW he was booked as being invincible. He just had this aura about him that he could destroy basically everyone. And he acted like he was legit psycho and could snap at any moment. You knew you didn't want to piss the guy off.


Dan Spivey should've been more over, though...almost as big and scary, but a much better worker. Just didn't seem to have Sid's charisma, I guess. (Waylon Mercy gimmick aside).

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Hardcore Holly was one of the reason I made this thread. He gets huge pops everywhere despite not doing anything for a long time.

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I was a Sid mark when he was a Skyscraper, and a Horsemen, and probably for the beginning of his run in the WWF. But as soon as the whole Hogan thing happened, he lost me as a fan and I never really backed him the same afterwards. But WHY I liked him, I couldn't tell you.


My choice: Rikishi. I could not understand what it was about him, or 2Cool for that matter, that made people cheer them.

Rikishi is a decent wrestler, and Grand Master wasn't too bad. Scotty takes a good beating, but I think the fans loved tghem because they were a breath of fresh air in a mostly very serious WWF(Al Snow aside). Plus their old entrance theme was awesome.

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Guest *KNK*

Holly likely gets pops soley for the fact he's been around forever.


Thats the ONLY excuse i can think of

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I still don't buy Batista as bad on the mic. Limited in the ring perhaps, but I think he's one of the most natural talkers in the WWE right now.

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Copied and pasted from an older post of mine:


Sid may not have been great in the ring (though his kip-up was amazing), but I always thought he was entertaining, whether through his interviews, in-ring mannerisms or out-of-ring incidents (stabby stabby)

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I was a Sid mark when he was a Skyscraper, and a Horsemen, and probably for the beginning of his run in the WWF. But as soon as the whole Hogan thing happened, he lost me as a fan and I never really backed him the same afterwards. But WHY I liked him, I couldn't tell you.


My choice: Rikishi. I could not understand what it was about him, or 2Cool for that matter, that made people cheer them.

RD Reynolds figured out what made Rikishi over, it was the huge ass (his rationale is that makin a difference Fatu circa 95 danced, yet wasn't over)

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Viscera and Batista are both great on the stick. They deserve all the overness they can get.


Cena on the other hand, I don't understand. I mean he's mildly entertaning, but his stuff just screams midcard, and I'm always surprised that he can be the top merchandise seller, and the top cheered babyface on Smackdown.


Of course, I'm lucky if I watch Smackdown once a month, but when I do.....Cena looks midcard.

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Cena and Batista are both mediocre at best. The only difference is that Cena has a personality and a gimmick that people can buy. Batista is just a big muscle man who hates Triple H, which is enough to get him over for reasons i don't understand. Batista is Tomko with a babyface mega-push.


Batista is FAR from great on the mic, i wouldn't even consider him good. He's decent enough not to look like a fool when on the mic, thats it. Cena isn't much better.

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Low Ki.


He has a great voice but otherwise -



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Low Ki.


He has a great voice but otherwise -



He also looks stiff as can be with those kicks(knowing martial arts or faking it well enough always looks good) plus he has that Wanderlei Silva like "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" look going

Edited by Masked Man of Mystery

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Guest JerichosHi-Lite

Batista. I understand Cena, cos Cena's cool, he's good-looking, good on the mic and appeals to a wide range of people, but Batista I have never understood. Suddenly in the space of about two months (somewhere between Survivor Series 2004 and Royal Rumble 2005) he was getting these huge pops. It happened so quickly and I still don't know why.

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Gonna get flamed,,,,, Hulk Hogan, while growing up I never understood why he was so popular, same goes for Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

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Hardcore Holly.


Also, Heidenreich right now. Man, I miss the crazy, heelish Heidenreich.

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Holly likely gets pops soley for the fact he's been around forever.


Thats the ONLY excuse i can think of

Not really. He just looks bad ass. I know all the smarks hate him but I actually enjoy him sometimes. He isn't that bad in the ring and his moves always look like they really hurt, he knows how to execute them well. He's been around forever, yeah that's one reason, but he also looks bad ass. His moves look good so when he comes they think: 'here comes some ass kicking'.

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Holly likely gets pops soley for the fact he's been around forever.


Thats the ONLY excuse i can think of

Not really. He just looks bad ass. I know all the smarks hate him but I actually enjoy him sometimes. He isn't that bad in the ring and his moves always look like they really hurt, he knows how to execute them well. He's been around forever, yeah that's one reason, but he also looks bad ass. His moves look good so when he comes they think: 'here comes some ass kicking'.

See: this year's Rumble.


JR (ominously): "Hardcore Holly hates rookies!"

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I believe the main reason that Holly's over is that he's the everyman. I mean, Benoit is pushed like that sometimes, but he still has that "greatest technical wrestler ever" thing going on at the same time watering down his everyman persona. Holly's pushed as a rednecked, bad ass, working man. Sort of like Austin-lite without the talent. It doesn't hurt that he play his role perfectly. He's an extremely easy face to cheer for when you don't pay attention to his backstage antics.

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I've never really gotten Hurricane, to be honest. I loved Shane Helms, but Hurricane...no.


I really never got Warrior either, but I think that was more of him just being booked to be invincible, so the fans cheered him. He was pathetic on the mic and looked weak in the ring, though.

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Guest netslob
They're over...and we don't know why


everytime i read that title, i think of Dana Carvey as Robin Leach...and i don't know why!


Buff Bagwell. I never understood it.


because he's a good looking guy who made the teenage girls and middle aged women in the crowd drip like faucets. that and the injury, the injury made him sympathetic (emphasis on "pathetic").

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