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The Biggest Angle Ever

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
The only logic gap i can see here is this


Why didnt former members reveal the idenity of the group? Lex Luger and Bret Hart had reason to.


What authority were they holding over Bret Hart? I can understand Luger not being willing to leak it due to him hoping to get another chance but Bret was retired and had a vendetta against three of the members (Flair, HHH and Shawn).


The only excuse i can logically buy is that he wanted Vince McMahon to fall and knew that this was the way to do it.


Same reason why Lawler wouldn't reveal. He was scared of what was going to happen to him.

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Guest commie_050
The only logic gap i can see here is this


Why didnt former members reveal the idenity of the group? Lex Luger and Bret Hart had reason to.


What authority were they holding over Bret Hart? I can understand Luger not being willing to leak it due to him hoping to get another chance but Bret was retired and had a vendetta against three of the members (Flair, HHH and Shawn).


The only excuse i can logically buy is that he wanted Vince McMahon to fall and knew that this was the way to do it.


Same reason why Lawler wouldn't reveal. He was scared of what was going to happen to him.



Or honor. It's like police officers, or the military, or labor unions, or any other tight knit group. You don't rat on your own.

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1. Bret's anger was directed mainly at Vince for letting it happen. Bret felt betrayed that 15 years of work meant nothing. Bret saw the writing on the wall with the Kings, so the betrayal wouldn't be as deep.


2. Who'd believe him?

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The last thing we need is the focus to be on a McMahon vs McMahon fued. One of the reasons that killed the invasion.


Also, if you keep adding details to the story each week, it will seem more and more unbelievable. Example, saying Ric was porking Linda for years, if that comes into play after the group is formed, do you really think the crowd's gonna buy that?

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Guest Ransome

Excellent work. A fascinating mixture of wrestling fact and wrestling fantasy woven into a rich tapestry.


I too await the next chapter, but don't let it end at Wrestlemania 22. The group is far too powerful to be eliminated in just six months. Either way, *thank you* for actually taking the time to dream up something as complex as this.

Edited by Ransome

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Guest Stunt Granny

You could also say that the Kingdom payed Goldberg to kick Bret in the head really hard so he could never reveal them to anybody do to all the injuries and the overall whack job Bret became after that.

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Wow. Deep stuff here.


You know what popped into my head when I read it? It sounds weird, but I thought "The Color of Money". You've got the older guys trying desperately to hold on to the top spots, the limelight, the big paydays, and the fame while at the same time realizing that they need to start educating the younger guys on how the business works. If the next generation doesn't know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, the whole business suffers. So it's a dichotomy.


Plus, you could have the KO6 justifying it as, "[so-and-so] wasn't ready, so we had to step up" and "we knew we made money for everyone, so we just kept doing it." As Mick Foley said, you have to make the heels BELIEVE they're doing the right thing or else it won't be "real".


I don't have a problem with Bradshaw, as he would have been OK with the errand boy role because he knew they weren't going to be able to hang around forever.


From here though it may get a bit unwieldy. You'll have to have everyone on both shows choosing sides (or at the very least paying VERY close attention) because their careers are on the line. I'd guess on RAW Edge could be brought in, Orton, Kane, and I'll throw Benjamin in due to his link with Angle. On SD I'd go with....hmmm. Not really a whole lot of main event there. I'll give them OJ, Carlito (say Angle brought him in as a foil for Cena and Big Show, perhaps?) and Haas (WGTT again). Facing off against them on RAW would be Batista, Jericho, Benoit, a returning Eugene ("specialness" optional at this point), and Stone Cold popping up every once in a while to be the new guys' Yoda. On SD would be Booker T, Rey Rey, Eddie (backing his boy Benoit), Big Show, and RVD (who has been held down as much as him?). Not a very good balance on RAW, you may switch Shelton (say he was rejected by the rest of the KO6).


At this point it could easily teeter over into NWO territory. You'd have a huge demarcation line between these groups and everyone else. What would be everyone else's motivation? Would Vinnie Mac peronsally lead them, or would he step down so that Shane (aka, the "New Generation") could take over? Would Heyman have a part, as the disgruntled maniac who's seen all this happen before? Does is end in a Survivor Series like challenge, or do all the lines blur and it sorta gradually fade into a new kind of sports entertainment?

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It's the Circle of the Black Thorn.






The last thing we need is the focus to be on a McMahon vs McMahon fued. One of the reasons that killed the invasion.


Also, if you keep adding details to the story each week, it will seem more and more unbelievable. Example, saying Ric was porking Linda for years, if that comes into play after the group is formed, do you really think the crowd's gonna buy that?


Shane's role in this is still being decided. He has been an enemy of the KO6 for some time and knew they were a threat, while Vince was too confident that he could keep power. Vince never knew the exact relationship and motivation of the 6, but like most, he knew there was "something" going on with some particular wrestlers (Taker was a shock). But when you have those wrestlers, and others, say stuff like "Everything goes through Vince, he makes the call", you get caught up in it and believe the hype and think you can't be manipulated. Shane, on the other hand, saw what was happening and tried to stop it by buying WCW and trying to take control of the WWE. The guy is a part of the angle already, it just depends on how much of a part he is. Ultimately, this is about empowering the new guard of professional wrestling to take over the old guard, so that wrestling can have a brighter future.


Actually, I think I *just* figured out what Shane will be doing. Thanks. Trust me, it won't be McMahon vs. McMahon.

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Guest Rrrsh

Enough of the small talk, WE NEED A NEW CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




(Good work RRR)

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A great read. I was anxious to see where the story would go.


My only concern with the angle is where it would lead. Sorry, but I'd rather not see Steph on TV and the 6 guys would probably dominate the main event scene.


But, as far as fantasy booking, this was excellent.

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Guest JoeJoe

Great entertaining stuff right here. Vince Russo would be proud of this sort of half-shoot half-kayfabe angle. He says thats the only kind of stuff that will rejuvinate the wrestling buisness today. And the company would serioulsy draw some big ass money if they do anything similar to this fanfic.


Buts thats what it is, it remains a fanfic. Although Flair in a very recent interview did say: "If I were to reform the 4 Horsemen today, it would be me, Shawn Michales, HHH, and Kurt Angle. The 4 best talkers they have."

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Sorry I have nothing profound to add, but that was excellent Rudo.


My only suggestion would be to stretch out the mystery of the identities of the members for a few more weeks. Maybe start it a little earlier.

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Guest LOD89

That was simply amazing.


On a side note, this is my first post here on TSM. So, salutations to everyone!

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Sorry I have nothing profound to add, but that was excellent Rudo.


My only suggestion would be to stretch out the mystery of the identities of the members for a few more weeks.  Maybe start it a little earlier.



To have lackeys/allies to serve their purpose. There was always an underling or two that helped the Kingdom but was not necessarily a King him/herself.

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Did anyone catch HHH's remark, "I am the King of Kings" On Raw last night.  Made me think of this thread.


RRR, we need more!



Okay, you also had HBK, Angle, Flair, and HHH all in the same ring. The main issues were amonst themselves and the world heavyweight title. JoeJoe already brought up Flair's remark.




****POSSIBLE SPOILER******I won't spoil things but it is a rumour. The ending of RAW may very well have something to do with Smackdown and the world heavyweight title. DAMN.....I hope the damn company IS reading this stuff.

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I can't really write revisionist FB, I prefer to look ahead rather than back as if it really could happen. So with Summerslam behind us and the rosters mixed up, it's hard to get into the right frame of mind to continue it. I'll re-read it and see what I can do.

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Guest deinly1

I joined TSM after the intitial posting of this PHENOMENAL fanfic, and I echo the thoughts of those before me for the most part eg: this is great, too bad it would never really happen on TV, you need to get a job with WWE, and most importantly- I await the continuation. :)


With the draft changing the rosters so much I can see how it would be more difficult to finish. In the meantime I'll just imagine where it could go. I really like the overall underlying theme of the new guard taking over ( and the past about Austin being a Yoda-type mentor is GOLD) this angle IMHO needs Brock in it. In my mind I have him coming back and along with Batista knocking off most of the old guard through injury angles, which is the only way I see of this being resolved. Also, the part where JBL's financial expertise brings about a stockholder coup to take control from Vince is what hooked me- superb meshing of reality and fantasy man GJ.

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Yea, I think the ending should be that Hogan was behind EVERYTHING. He was the one who moved certain members in the draft and overall has more power than the Clique.


In conclusion, Hogan > God.

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The group was formed to oppose Hogan in the early 90's, Hogan can't be behind it. Hogan wasn't a part of the original angle because I don't believe he was on television at the time I was writing it, and therefore not a part of the active roster. Ditto Brock Lesnar. Ideally, a Brock Lesnar return when the chips are down would take place, but I can't just insert guys who aren't under contract. I like a bit of reality in this fantasty :) . Granted, Stephanie McMahon is not on television now, but it would require little effort to get her involved, all things considered.

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