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King Cucaracha

HeldDOWN~! 6/9 Feedback

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I won't say a word until more people have a chance to read it. I hope everyone liked my promo, though.


I will say, KC's bit making fun of WWE an their crazy stips made me laugh.

Edited by Hoff

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I loved your promo, very Rock-ish. Great match by Tony, not saying a word though. READ THE SHOW.

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:o @ the ME. I got Ray Charles'd on that one (because I didn't see it coming, you see).


Lazy feedback:


Enjoyed the big matches...A lot of cool spots in the Women's Match, and the Superplex spot in Crystal/Gunner/Zack/SG was nice too. The ME was nicely done, and again the title change REALLY caught me off guard. I liked the Rock-esque promo from Hoff, and KC's stuff just cracks me up.


And someone actually remembers the Illuminators. Cool.


Good show.

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Thumbs up for the Press Your Luck reference in the tag title match. Lots of good action this week, with a pretty surprising ending. The women's match was a nice piece of work and I appreciate the move explanations on moves I hadn't heard of. I'm guessing this new division is very Lucha-esque.

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Well, Sly/PFL wrote the Women's Match and I presume he watches CHIKARA, so there's Lucha influence, certainly


Big-ups on that Women's Match, very entertaining stuff. I liked the Tag Title Match a lot too. A good show all in all.

Edited by King Cucaracha

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The new division's going to be very indy-riffic, with hard-hitting, fast-paced action with high-impact, exciting moves and sequences. This week's match was based a lot on a lot of stuff I've seen guys like Skayde (Toryumon Mexico head trainer), Chris Hero, and Mike Quackenbush all display in the ring, much like next week will be a different style, and the week after that...all, I hope, will be interesting, but hopefully something different.

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- Crystal OWNS Zack on the mic. That was awesome. I always love the interaction between these two. Crystal made some good points at that.


- A good promo from Team Otaku, but it might be more interesting if one of the characters was more peppy. They kind of all seemed alike. Not bad though by any stretch.


- Leon and Josie's little bit was cute, and served its purpose.


- My God CSI is awesome.


- I'd have liked to see a little more of Guerriero...this felt less like a debut and more like it was there just to set up the SFS angle. Again not BAD...just short.


- PHOENIX FOR HI-YAH CHAMP! Hoff will go through Phoenix if he has to.


...man that was self-referential.


- Very athletic, high-paced women's match. This Jenny Adams could get over.


- Good tag match. I like how the Boiz are getting a little more confident, but still rely a lot on luck. Both teams looked good and it was fun to read. So yay! :)


- Man, Drek is an evil sum-bitch. Good little bit here.


- HA! SWERVE~! Drek Stone is so evil! I enjoyed the attack. Oh...there's a match afterward. Huh. Pretty good, a lot of action. Good crowd involvement.


- Good match so far, with TOny in control. HA! "Double-leg takedown slam." And then, whoa, just like that. It was sudden...no commentary at all, even, just BLAM, goodnight. I...dunno if I like that or not. But wow, what a moment. Congratulations to Tony. He deserves it.





Edited by Hoff

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Very good Zack/SG-Crystal skit, setting up their match later very nicely. Zack and Crystal always have good chemistry together.


Team Otaku with a short to the point promo.


Leon's out of nowhere ramble at the end was pretty funny.


Me wantie a CSI shirt. Quality clothes at a quality price. :) Good segment.


Nice debut for The Punisher.


Loved the HI-YAH hotline. Not only did they have a new champion but a new president as well. The "control center" atmosphere was an excellent touch. Somebody should make a graphic that we could use for our PPV run downs. Stick a pic of Macho Man, or whoever, in front of a black background w/PPV logo in upper right hand corner and date underneath.


Anybody else notice more women characters pop up AFTER the Women's Title disappears? At least this time it looks like the Women's division will receive a better amount of attention.


Excellent tag match involving Crystal/Gunner vs. Zack & SG.


Well-written Stone, GPX, Axel skit.


Followed by an awesome, super intense Hoff promo.


I gotta give credit to NYU for the closing of the ME, which I ripped directly from the novel of a PM he sent me with the exception of the commentary. It was so well-written, much better than anything I would of done that I had to keep it. As for the lack of commentary towards the end, I honestly didn't notice it. I've really been slacking off writing openings and match commentary, something I did really well when I re-read some of the older shows as I posted them at NGA backup OAOAST forum. I guess the best explaination I can give is the announcers were shocked at what they saw.


Imagine my surprise when I found out I was becoming champion. In my feedback for the ME of SO, which I never got to post but liked along with everything else, I had written how that match should've happened at LA with Brannigan-Axel happening at SO. Minutes later I received a PM informing me of what was going down and... whoa.

I just hope my title reign doesn't bomb.

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Somebody should make a graphic that we could use for our PPV run downs. Stick a pic of Macho Man, or whoever, in front of a black background w/PPV logo in upper right hand corner and date underneath.

A while back I was thinking of making something like the old control center booths WCW used to have back in the day for their graphics, but just never got around to doing it. I'll see if I can put one together for GAB.

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Off topic, but needs to be said...Hoff's picture of Buff with the goatee made me cry laughing when I scanned the stats thread the other day. I'm not sure why, probably the smile, but it's funny as hell.


On topic, Hoff's Rock-esque promo gets plus points from me.

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The sound of Ashlee Simpson's LaLa can only mean one thing. Well, two, if you count Hoff preparing to hurl his monitor through a window. Yes, it's HeldDOWN~!


I just caught this.


I hate you.

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Awesome show all around, the women's match, of course, really caught my eye and I'm really looking forward to being able to throw Ayane's kickboxing against someone like Confusia once the initial tournament and aftermath therein conclude. The reason the Punisher match was so short was it was initially supposed to just be a total squash to debut Punisher(I love that last name, Guerriero, and I've been wanting to use it for a character for a while) but then I came up with the idea of having John Smith join SFS. Actually, my very first idea was to have him fight a very exaggerated right wing nutjob called the Masked Repuplican, but I figured I shouldn't tick people off like that and besides, I very certainly couldn't have him join SFS. The match was patchworked, and I should've looked it over since I got it done very early. When is Great Angle Bash?

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