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I didn't catch the game other than the score, so I assumed the kid got knocked around like he did earlier this year. Francesca today was saying that he seemed to pitch scared, nervous, and like he was trying to avoid having an outing like his previous one. Apparently he's more of a AAAA pitcher?


What is quadruple A

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I didn't catch the game other than the score, so I assumed the kid got knocked around like he did earlier this year. Francesca today was saying that he seemed to pitch scared, nervous, and like he was trying to avoid having an outing like his previous one. Apparently he's more of a AAAA pitcher?


What is quadruple A

Quadruple A is a term given to players who are thought to be good enough to merit promotion from AAA, but not good enough to succeed in the majors.


Graman is no prospect. He's 27 right now, and his peripherals are good, but not outstanding. Still, he could be an average major league pitcher somewhere. Or of course, if given a shot in relief he could surprise people.


The bigger problem is that people like Francesca look at a player's first few major league games, and when that player fails, they assume the player will NEVER succeed in the major leagues. Minor league statistics are every bit as useful as major league statistics in determining future performance if you know how to translate them. Sean Henn started the season at AA, before advancing to AAA. He struck out 34 in 48 innings at Columbus. That is not a strikeout rate that indicates a pitcher ready to succeed in the big leagues. The problem isn't that Henn is a AAAA pitcher, or that he can not handle the pressure. The problem is that he is simply not ready to pitch at the highest level.


If I were the Yankees, I would give Graman another shot. They do not need a world beater, just someone who can keep the game close. That the Yankees' defense is terrible does not help matters.

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OH, I thought AAAA was teams like Pittsburgh, who send all their best players to contenders midseason. At least, that's what I thought in 2003.

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OH, I thought AAAA was teams like Pittsburgh, who send all their best players to contenders midseason.  At least, that's what I thought in 2003.


The Ramirez trade was bad, but remember a different trade netted the Bucs Jason Bay AND Oliver Perez.

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I didn't catch the game other than the score, so I assumed the kid got knocked around like he did earlier this year. Francesca today was saying that he seemed to pitch scared, nervous, and like he was trying to avoid having an outing like his previous one. Apparently he's more of a AAAA pitcher?


What is quadruple A

Quadruple A is a term given to players who are thought to be good enough to merit promotion from AAA, but not good enough to succeed in the majors.


Graman is no prospect. He's 27 right now, and his peripherals are good, but not outstanding. Still, he could be an average major league pitcher somewhere. Or of course, if given a shot in relief he could surprise people.


The bigger problem is that people like Francesca look at a player's first few major league games, and when that player fails, they assume the player will NEVER succeed in the major leagues. Minor league statistics are every bit as useful as major league statistics in determining future performance if you know how to translate them. Sean Henn started the season at AA, before advancing to AAA. He struck out 34 in 48 innings at Columbus. That is not a strikeout rate that indicates a pitcher ready to succeed in the big leagues. The problem isn't that Henn is a AAAA pitcher, or that he can not handle the pressure. The problem is that he is simply not ready to pitch at the highest level.


If I were the Yankees, I would give Graman another shot. They do not need a world beater, just someone who can keep the game close. That the Yankees' defense is terrible does not help matters.


Here I thought his A key got stuck.

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OH, I thought AAAA was teams like Pittsburgh, who send all their best players to contenders midseason.  At least, that's what I thought in 2003.


The Ramirez trade was bad, but remember a different trade netted the Bucs Jason Bay AND Oliver Perez.


Amazing to think San Diego owned both 2004 ROTY candidates (Khalil Greene and Jason Bay) as well as Oliver Perez.

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Guest Fishyswa

Thank you Jeter.


If there was ever such a thing as a must win game against the Devil Rays in June, this is it. We gotta be confident that we can over-come, and rebound quickly, we lose again it's back to streak, funk, streak, funk, we win today and pull the series out tomorrow, it'll be the first time we weren't totally deflated by a loss in a long time.

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Trot Nixon saves the bullpen's ass with a Web Gem catch in right. Can't this pen hold even a SIX run lead?

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Woody Paige's prediction of the Yankees being in 1st by the ASB isn't going to pan out if they can't even take series against the DEVIL RAYS. I just wish Aubrey Huff would start cranking out some dingers since I have him in a HR pool.

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RJ needs to give the Yankees Offesnse a big fucking THANK YOU.


Ouch. Travis Harper must be crying.







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Guest Fishyswa

FUCK. I leave for an hour and I miss that.


I was kind of hoping they might pull out an 12-10 or something, but a 13 run 8th? I can't miss that....

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Good thing I didn't bench Sheffield like I had thoughts of doing. I almost benched Jeremy Bonderman because he's been awful against the Twins in his career. Once again, going against instinct helped, as he went the distance with nine K's in a Tiger win tonight.

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Guest Mosaicv2
Woody Paige's prediction of the Yankees being in 1st by the ASB isn't going to pan out if they can't even take series against the DEVIL RAYS.  I just wish Aubrey Huff would start cranking out some dingers since I have him in a HR pool.


That ain't a surprise... since Paige sucks the Yankees ass any chance his pathetic self does.

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