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Batman SE DVDs coming

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I was considering sticking this in the Begins thread, but just in case--


Swiped off Insidepulse who swiped it from DVD Times:


According to DVD Times, the first four Batman movies - Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever and Batman and Robin - will be released in brand new special editions in October.


The Region 2 release date is listed as being October 3rd, and assumption is that the DVDs will release at the same time world-wide. The films will be sold individually or in a 'Batman Legacy' 4-pack.


The new DVD's will include newly-recorded commentary tracks (Tim Burton, Joel Schumacher, etc), both old and new featurettes, trailers, and new footage. For example, Batman Forever is rumoured to be a director's cut that will run at almost two and a half hours.


Then, the newest film, Batman Begins (Which has nothing to do with the previous four, in case anyone still doesn't know that), will follow the four films, hitting store shelves on October 24th.


Maybe Forever will be a bit better in the DC--or maybe just longer and more boring.


I'd expect Schumacher's commentaries to be bitter and venomous. Or deluded and hilarious.

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I'd venture more towards deluded and hilarious. He had a vision for Batman, it's just the majority of people didn't like it. I remember an interview he had promoting Batman and Robin where he said he was tired of Batman being so brooding and dark and that is why he changed the mood up. Right there and then I knew he didn't get it.

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That's the biggest problem fans have. *His* vision. The 60's show/movie, stupid as it tended to be, was pretty close to how the comics were at the time, but that's not the case for B&R.


And Burt Ward was still better than O'Donnell. I couldn't buy a young man who looked about 23 crying hysterically over his family's death and needing a guardian. Come on, don't insult our intelligence (okay, deck chairs/Titanic in regards to B&R, but still). At least have him get loaded, take cheap shots at Batman and become Nightwing right away if you're not going to honor the tone of the comics. Ward I could at least buy as still being a minor.

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Well I'll look forward to picking up the 1st 2, and of course I'll get Batman Begins on DVD too.

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The 60s show was never supposed to be serious, and it worked quite well for what it was. A lot of Batman fans hate it because of the impact it had to the character in the minds of the general populace, but it is a very underrated show these days. If it was some generic character in that show instead of Batman, it would be thought of more highly. Even today I consider Adam West to be the one and only Batman, just like Sean Connery is James Bond and Chris Reeves is Superman.


I still like Forever as well, in large part because I though Kilmer was the best of the new Batmen (Keaton played Batman as borderline psychotic and Clooney was just a buffoon) and also because Jim Carrey's Riddler is easily the best villain in the series after Joker. It is also the only film of the four where a large part of the narrative is about who Batman is and why does he do what he does. Batman is actually a hero in this one and doesn't kill baddies for no reason like in the Burton films. In the Burton films Batman himself doesn't evolve as a character at all. There are of course flaws in Forever (Two-Face, neon, O'Donnell), but there are some good moments as well. It is possible that a director's cut with all the edited stuff from the diary storyline could make this a better film than the original, but for now I would put it at #2. People really tend to overrate Returns just because it is dark and because Catwoman is pretty cool, but in terms of plot it is a mess and the Penguin is a terrible villain. The best thing about that movie is Christopher Walken. They should have just ditched Penguin and made him the main villain. B&R is just hopeless. I can't think of a single redeeming feature in it. Easily one of the worst movies ever. Even Street Fighter was better (at least Raul Julia & Wes Studi were entertaining).

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Excellent assessment of Returns. I will say that Returns boasts my favorite Batman theme song by Siouxie and the Banshees, "Face to Face." I don't know why, but I'm a huge mark for that song. "Hold me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" was also a great song as well. I really wasn't feeling "Batdance" or that one Smashing Pumpkins song for Batman and Robin. (the title escapes me right now)

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Guest Desperate Housewife

Can I just say this. Batman and Robin is not that bad. AT THE VERY LEAST, it has a coherent plot, which is more than you can say for Returns, A better villain (Uma Thurman) than Returns'.......whatever the hell the Penguin was supposed to be and Wlken's evil shop manager.



Returns is downright awful. Batman and Robin isn't much better, but its better

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that one Smashing Pumpkins song for Batman and Robin. (the title escapes me right now)


I think it was something like "The End is the Beginning is the End"


And enough with the "Batman Returns" hate, I must be the only one on this board who not only likes the film but views it as some weird little masterpeice. It may not be a great "Batman" film, but as a dark character film, with a witty funny script and creating an odd unique world that the characters inhabit I love it. And I'm no Burton apologist by any stretch. The man's weakness is and always will be character development. But here is a film with 4 main characters all with split personalities. Of course you have Bruce/Batman, Selina/Catwoman, then there's the dichotimy between the animalistic Penguin and the publicity created Oswald Cobblepot and then even Max Shreck has his public businessman face and his dark villianous side he keeps in private. The film isn't perfect but I think if people let go of looking at it as a comic book/action/"Batman" film and gave it a closer look there's much to appreciate and admire in the film.


Phew I'm done.

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Can I just say this. Batman and Robin is not that bad. AT THE VERY LEAST, it has a coherent plot, which is more than you can say for Returns, A better villain (Uma Thurman) than Returns'.......whatever the hell the Penguin was supposed to be and Wlken's evil shop manager.



Returns is downright awful. Batman and Robin isn't much better, but its better


I'll just say that it sounds like you're *vulgar term for guano* insane, and leave it at that. Ooh, a pun! I'm a great villain now!


And I thought the last 1/2 hour of Returns was utter crap and it was a mess overall, too.


I might give SE Forever a rental, since it might make more sense and be a better movie.

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Guest Askewniverse

I was kinda looking forward to the Special Editions, but after rewatching the movies recently, I'm indifferent. I'm not planning to buy any of them, but I'll probably check out the director's cut of Batman Forever.


I'll definitely get Batman Begins when it's released. For now, it's the only live-action Batman movie I need.


And I still want a Mask of the Phantasm SE. In my opinion, it's a lot better than Burton and Schumacher's movies.

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Forever DC won't be fantastic by any stretch of the imagination, because many of the problems will still be there. But it should be a better film than the theatrical version. which I think is underrated to begin with.

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Guest El Satanico
I was kinda looking forward to the Special Editions, but after rewatching the movies recently, I'm indifferent. I'm not planning to buy any of them, but I'll probably check out the director's cut of Batman Forever.

Exactly how I feel, but I'd also like to hear Shumacher's batman and robin commentary.



I blame WB for Forever and B&R more than Shumacher. WB didn't like the freakshow Burton's films turned into on Returns, partly due to complaints from parents, and wanted a lighter kid friendlier Batman.


Shumacher, who clearly grew up on 60's Batman, gave them what they wanted. There's alot of people who believe Burton's "gothic freakshow" is the only true Batman, so Shumacher thinking this of the 60's batman isn't so nuts.

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The first two Batman movies were awesome because they showed who Batman was and what he was all about. I also loved how they portrayed Gotham City as a dark, brooding setting.


The last two Batman movies sucked for the simple fact that they portrayed Batman as a fucking cartoon, not the dark, scary, and INTIMIDATING person Batman is supposed to be. The way they portrayed Robin and Two-Face as well was just awful. Carrey played Riddler way too over the top for my liking. Kilmer as Batman was better than Clooney thought.


To say Batman and Robin is even close to being better than Returns is just a smack in the face to cinema everywhere.

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And enough with the "Batman Returns" hate, I must be the only one on this board who not only likes the film but views it as some weird little masterpeice.

You're so not the only one. Of the four, Returns is my absolute fave. Walken, the score (by Elfman, correct?), the setting, Selena.. whats not to---er, wait, nevermind on that one ^^;


The man's weakness is and always will be character development.

Now, I'm no apologist either, nor a fangirl. I don't follow him as much as I do Walken, Depp, and Cumming, but I will say this. His character development is a subtle art. Not everything is spoken outright, and what is said can be interpreted so many ways. Just my two cents.

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That's right, I forgot about Elfman's score, it improves on the Batman score from 89

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Guest SP-1

Before I experienced BEGINS, I'd have wanted buy the SE's of 89, RETURNS, and FOREVER. Maybe. (Batman and Robin should have all its original prints burned at a big bonfire . . . just sayin').


But now . . . I'll rent 'em. If something about them strikes me right I might buy them.

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I find Batman Returns to be an interesting and weirdly cool tim burton movie, that's always watchable.


as a batman movie its really disapointing though.


I think I'll pick up the SE of the 89 Batman.

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The first two Batman movies were awesome because they showed who Batman was and what he was all about. I also loved how they portrayed Gotham City as a dark, brooding setting.


They do? It comes up in the first film that he pretty much wants revenge on criminals for the murder of his parents (his "I'm going to kill you" line to Joker). Character-wise it isn't terrible, but its not Batman. I have no problem with making creative decisions to differ from the comics, but if you bring it up that this version is like what Batman is supposed to be in the comics I'm going to bring this up. The first film is my favourite of the four, and I am not too concerned that they don't go into a lot of depth with the Batman character in the film because it is basically an introduction piece. But we learn absolutely nothing more about the character in Returns. He is simply there. Chip Shreck gets more character development than Bruce Wayne does in that movie. Batman is simply a set-piece in Returns. The other characters do things and he reacts accordingly and that's it. He also makes decisions that go against his character, like showing his face to two of the villains at the end. The whole Penguin plot is just rediculous. I can believe that he was abandoned by his parents and grew up in the sewers. The being raised by penguins stuff is pushing it. But what I really can't believe is how a guy who spent the last 40 years in a sewer ends up running for mayor of a large metropolis two days after leaving the sewers. That whole section of the film is just awful, not to mention that it is in complete contradiction to everything else that Penguin does in the film. His later plot about wanting to kill the children of Gotham certainly isn't tasteful, but at least makes more sense. Catwoman is terribly written and is more of a minor nuisance than a real villain, and it is only Pfeiffer's energetic performance that saves the character. Shreck doesn't have the best evil plot or anything, but his character is the only one in the movie that has a clear motivation and defined goals. Everything else is just chaotic and one scene flows into the next with no rythm at all. It is only in Forever that we get an explanation of Wayne's past and why he does what he does.


Yes, Returns looks good. I actually like the Gothic style and set design of that film the best of the four. Everything from the Downtown Square to the zoo looks really good. But behind that coat of glossy paint the drywall is rotted.

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Guest Askewniverse

Here's something that always bugged me from Batman - why didn't Knox recognize Bruce Wayne at first? Bruce Wayne is supposed to be a well-known person in Gotham City. Knox works for a major Gotham newspaper. Logically, shouldn't he know what Bruce Wayne looks like?

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But what I really can't believe is how a guy who spent the last 40 years in a sewer ends up running for mayor of a large metropolis two days after leaving the sewers.


The same Gotham public also alllowed the Joker to have a parade after they all witnessed him murder someone right in the open.

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The same Gotham public also alllowed the Joker to have a parade after they all witnessed him murder someone right in the open.


That bugged me too, but that was just the conclusion, whereas the Penguin thing was most of the movie.


Here's something that always bugged me from Batman - why didn't Knox recognize Bruce Wayne at first? Bruce Wayne is supposed to be a well-known person in Gotham City. Knox works for a major Gotham newspaper. Logically, shouldn't he know what Bruce Wayne looks like?


Knox is an idiot. The bigger question is why Vicky doesn't know.

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And I still want a Mask of the Phantasm SE. In my opinion, it's a lot better than Burton and Schumacher's movies.


You're not alone, and I think it's better overall than Begins, but since Timm/Dini and crew borrowed a lot from Year One, they don't deserve *full* credit. They'd probably be comfortable with doing commentary since they've already done commentary tracks on the box sets. I'd be up for it, even double-dipping.

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And I still want a Mask of the Phantasm SE. In my opinion, it's a lot better than Burton and Schumacher's movies.


You're not alone, and I think it's better overall than Begins, but since Timm/Dini and crew borrowed a lot from Year One, they don't deserve *full* credit. They'd probably be comfortable with doing commentary since they've already done commentary tracks on the box sets. I'd be up for it, even double-dipping.


I think its actually "Batman: Year Two" that they borrowed from. The Phantasm is pretty damn similar to the Reaper.


I'm going out on a limb and saying "Returns" is my favorite live action Batman film (Begins excluded). Yeah, the Penguin sucked, but Walken and Pfieffer really make up for it. I preferred those two to Nicholson's super-hammed attention-whore performance any day.


Anyone who says anything nice about "Batman and Robin" really needs to put the crackpipe down.

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The 60s show was never supposed to be serious, and it worked quite well for what it was.  A lot of Batman fans hate it because of the impact it had to the character in the minds of the general populace, but it is a very underrated show these days.  If it was some generic character in that show instead of Batman, it would be thought of more highly.  Even today I consider Adam West to be the one and only Batman, just like Sean Connery is James Bond and Chris Reeves is Superman.


Feh, the only good thing about the 60's show was when Vincent Price would guest star.

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There have been Thanksgiving dinners less hammy than Carrey's performance in Batman Forever. And a Batman and Robin special edition? Who the fuck is going to buy that shit?


The first one should make a good SE, though I don't know if I'll actually buy it. It's one of the better superhero movies ever.

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A list of DVDs that I have bought were Special Editions/Updates have come later:

+ Spaceballs

+ Goodfellas

+ Meet The Parents

+ Batman

+ Batman Returns

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Guest El Satanico

You only have yourself to blame about Goodfellas and the Batman films. They were barebones and were released around the time DVDs were introduced. Everyone knew they'd be rereleased at some point, so your impatience is to blame.


Spaceballs was an old release too, so shouldn't have been a surprise.

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There have been Thanksgiving dinners less hammy than Carrey's performance in Batman Forever.


That's the point. Edward Nygma is this reclusive nerd who's initial goal is to create a way to escape reality and live out your fantasies through television. When he becomes Riddler he completely goes into the opposite direction as a result, which is a complete over-the-top stereotypical gameshow host persona. It may not be the Riddler in the comics, but it absolutely fits with the character. He's actually one of the best handled villains in the series. I would put him second behind Joker.


Two-Face, on the other hand, I have no explanation for. He's supposed to be dark and gloomy, and seems to be written that way given his backstory and the split personality, but somewhere in the script process they completely messed up by ignoring his Dent personality. Two-Face's initial speech is perfect, and then afterwards he is just his gangster personality for the rest of the film.

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You only have yourself to blame about Goodfellas and the Batman films. They were barebones and were released around the time DVDs were introduced. Everyone knew they'd be rereleased at some point, so your impatience is to blame.


Spaceballs was an old release too, so shouldn't have been a surprise.

I wanted to own those films at that particular time I bought them.


Forgive me for committing such a crime.



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