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The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

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"And am I wrong in saying that this was the best Eddie Guerrero match since Eddie/Brock at No Way Out."


Yes you are wrong.


-Eddie Vs. Rey (WWE Title Defense) was better than tonight.

-Eddie Vs. JBL (Judgment Day) was better than tonight.

-Eddie Vs. Angle (SummerSlam) was better than tonight.

-Eddie's involvement in the 2005 Rumble was quite good, tho not really a whole match.


The rest you win. WM 21 match was awful. I can't remember anything else, although some of the Rey/Eddie tag matches were probably up there.

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Ok... I forgot about JBL/Eddie. You have me on that one. The title defense against Rey before the draft last year wasn't as good as this. I haven't watched Eddie/Angle at SummerSlam so I can't comment on that.

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Is there a reason no one is shitting on the name "Mexicools"? I mean, seriously, it's the worst name I've ever heard in wrestling...period. And the fact that they tried to put it over just now made it even worse. Surely I'm not the only one that hates the name? I mean, of all the ways that they could've been brought in...jumping London, helpin Chavo, gettin in Eddie's ear about Rey....they come out like this? With that name? Why is no one shitting on this name??  :angry:


K someone seemed as annoyed as I am by the horrible name, so, yeah. Good.


I just realzed this Mexicools thing will invariably end with Michelle McCool joining them...

I bet Carlito will tell them that they are not cool at Summerslam or Survivor Series.

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anyone else think that the rey win means either he or eddie is going to raw next week?



anyways great match, but I'm dying for another. a street fight should have settled this, but of course they can always deliver in the ring,no matter the type of match.



Aha I see they stole our lWo reunion idea already, albeit in a weird way. that was the "what the hell?" moment of the year so far IMO.

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Great main event. I'm wondering how things will work next week, though, with Smackdown being taped before Raw on Monday, and 2 draft picks being announced per show. I'll be at that supershow live in Anaheim. :)

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Is there a reason no one is shitting on the name "Mexicools"? I mean, seriously, it's the worst name I've ever heard in wrestling...period. And the fact that they tried to put it over just now made it even worse. Surely I'm not the only one that hates the name? I mean, of all the ways that they could've been brought in...jumping London, helpin Chavo, gettin in Eddie's ear about Rey....they come out like this? With that name? Why is no one shitting on this name??  :angry:


K someone seemed as annoyed as I am by the horrible name, so, yeah. Good.


I just realzed this Mexicools thing will invariably end with Michelle McCool joining them...

I bet Carlito will tell them that they are not cool at Summerslam or Survivor Series.

I think no one is hating on the name because its obvious that they are purposely having a goofy name. They are attempting to get themselves over with self-deprecating humor.


However the whole thing seems like a rejected XPW angle or something.

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Don't you think they'd need Rey for the Cruiser division again? I know he's been working "heavyweight" matches with the likes of Angle, JBL, and Eddie for a while...but with the new influx on "main eventers" on Smackdown!, namely Benoit, Hassan, Orton in the future, next week's 2 new picks (possibly a World Champion), etc., I think Rey just doesn't have a chance.


Plus how can they deny the fans the Rey/Juvy goodness and Rey/Super Crazy (!). London is popular...but not popular enough to be the sole babyface in the division to combat the Mexicools and Chavo.

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I agree with somebody else in this thread who said the winner of next week will be the no.1 contender. Now I don't think Batista will go to Smackdown!, that is just too damn predictable. I say Christian or Jericho beats Cena for the WWE Title and goes to SD! the next night. Batista retains against HHH. Obviously HHH wants to stay in the title scene so you have HHH vs. Batista vs. Cena on the next PPV and Chris Jericho/Christian vs. Chris Benoit/Booker T

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but with the new influx on "main eventers" on Smackdown!, namely Benoit, Hassan, Orton in the future,

Since when is Hassan a "main eventer"?



You didnt know?


Midcarder on Raw=Main Event On Smackdown!

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** Since everyone was saying no one brings content to this forum, or discussion, I thought I'd post this review from Smackdown! this week.. if this should go in the Smackdown Discussion Forum, I apologize. I thought it was well written, and pretty funny in parts. Pretty professinal looking as well.


CREDIT: http://www.wrestlesource.net/


The Smackdown Rundown


Here it goes, my first wrestling “rant” on a very good wrestling news site. This is how the column for my “rants” are going to go, just so you all know. I'm always going to give you a little scoop of my life to start, followed by an overview of the previous week and then get into the Smackdown Rundown for this week directly afterwards.



    - Well it's been an awesome few weeks for me lately. Neo-Spirit show last weekend, prom this weekend, as well as wrestling school shortly. Life just keeps getting better and better. So prom is tomorrow huh? Should be some pretty good times and the date is smoking hot! Ha-ha, I guess prom can end up being good for some of us! School is also over, finally. Exams were just finishing up this week. I think I did pretty well in all my classes, and I’m finally graduating from high school. I’m going to stick around another yea however, because our Rugby team is awesome. Anyway, as Vince McMahon always says… “On with the... Report”


Smackdown Overview from June 16th, 2005

Quick Match Results

Chris Benoit d. Doug Basham via pinfall

Eddie Guerrero [d. Paul London via submission

Big Show d. Matt Morgan via DQ

Orlando Jordan d. Hardcore Holly via pinfall

John Bradshaw Layfield d. The Undertaker via pinfall


The Good

- Orton being the second Smackdown! Draft pick was genius and awesome at the same time. If Taker is going to stick around than Orton is going to get the best possible matches out of the Deadman, so I can feel that.

- Orlando Jordan beat Hardcore Holly to retain the US Championship… Thank God for that. As much as Jordan doesn’t deserve the title, Hardcore Holly deserves it even less. The thing that scares me most is the guy still gets a pop! Brutal, brutal stuff. Holly is probably the most unentertaining guy on the roster.

- Eddy/Rey feud continuing. The feud is probably the best one the WWE has going right now, maybe only behind Kane/Edge… try saying that and keeping a straight face. In all honesty, this is probably the only storyline in the WWE right now worth carrying about, other than Captain Charisma’s ride to the top of the card on RAW. Rey goes nuts this week, bashing Eddy numerous times with a chair. Good stuff.

- Carlito. Anything to do with this guy is destined to be in ‘The Good.’ Great stuff again in Carlito’s Cabana with Booker T and Sharmell. Carlito is over my friends, and that is Cool.


The Bad

- Chris Benoit v. Doug Basham?!... While the match had the potential to be good (and it was okay) what the hell is the point of booking Benoit, who is a World Title Contender against Doug Basham? And worst of all, Basham didn’t look all that bad against Benoit. Unless Basham or The Bashams are in for more then just a tag title push, this was pointless. Benoit needs to look strong, as he was the first draft pick from RAW.

- Eddie Guerrero v. Paul London. FOUR MINUTES?! FOUR FREAKING MINUTES?! Taker and JBL get SEVENTEEN?!, and this gets FOUR?! London and Eddie are two of the most talented guys on the roster, and given the chance, London could be a huge draw like Mysterio. And it wasn’t even competitive, it was a squash for Eddie. I understand you need to keep Eddie strong, by why job your cruiserweight champion to him so quickly? Stupid.

- US Champion, Orlando Jordan. This really shouldn’t be listed here, but I can’t buy the guy as a credible US Champ. We have Charlie Haas, Paul London, Super Crazy, Psicosis, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Juventud, Booker T, Rene Dupree… and Orlando Jordan is our champion? Something wrong with that picture.


WWE Smackdown! – June 23rd, 2005.


Live from Tuscan, Arizona.

Hosted by: Michael Cole & Tazz


• The show starts and who other than Smackdown’s second draft pick out to start us off. Randy Orton, who I happen to enjoy, is out to let everyone know that he is the greatest thing on the planet… after Triple H of course. Oh by the way, Orton’s music rocks. He tells us again, he is the legend killer. And as far as his in ring work goes, he’s got that right. But also backstage, running those damn useless diva’s out of the company, GO RANDY! You truly are the Legend Killer. Anyway, he shows the RKO he gave to Taker last week… the lights go out. Arena failure or is that a stupid question. The lights come back on and Taker in the ring.  Orton bails from the ring, but Taker tells him some jibberish about death or something. Then he tries to hit Orton with a lightning bolt and all that believable stuff. Wow, I wish I was smart enough to book this stuff!


Joey Mercury w/ Nitro & Melina v. Heidenreich

Wow, MNM’s entrance just blows me away. I wish the Heartthrobs were over here on Smackdown with MNM. I think those two teams could have a decent match, and I’d watch the match for the shinanigans alone. Heidenreich is really starting to grow on me, I wish the damn guy could wrestle. He’s like RAW’s Viscera, except entertaining. Match is WAY better than you’d expect out of Heidenreich but I guess you could probably credit that to Joey Matt… Mercury. Mercury is a great talent and it’s good to see WWE making him look good. Heidenreich does the whole Hogan bit, “Getting Friendly” I dunno, it’s the best I got right now, and no sells all of Joey’s offense. Heidenreich points at Mercury, to the biggest pop of the night. Man, this guy is CRAZY over. Melina distracts however but Michelle McCool comes out to even up the odds, but still distracts Heidenreich leading to a superkick to the temple from Nitro. Mercury follows with the pinfall for the win @ 3:55. *1/4


• Rey Mysterio is backstage and tells us that he didn’t want to hurt Eddie last week. But after he started, he just couldn’t stop. JUST COULDN’T STOP BAYBEE! Sound like a porn? Mysterio says that he enjoyed it way to much and that Eddie opened a side of him that he never knew existed. Oh god definitely a porn. Rey doesn’t care about the win tonight, he cares about redemption. Did I mention that Rey has an unusually large mouth?


•  Melina is backstage and doesn’t look too happy, while Mercury and Nitro are in the backstage laughing and having a good time. Mercury and Nitro are FREAKING GREAT! Melina starts bitching about McCool and says if she wants a fight, next week on Smackdown they’re going to wrestle. OH NO, HELP RANDY! Mercury and Nitro also see the problem to this and try to tell her not too at first, but she starts to make them feel guilty so they talk her up. She’s ready for McCool next week. This is why us reports like feedback, because we have to sit through things like this every week for you guys!


• JBL is backstage and pounds on Teddy’s office door. JBL demands that he is given the Smackdown world title so that all is right in the world. And if it weren’t for Chris Benoit, I’d agree. Teddy Long says that he’ll make an announcement that will please JBL very much.  They make us lead to believe the draft pick is in Teddy Long’s office, but we don’t get to see who it is. Teddy really should get some clothes that fit.


WWE Crusierweight Championship: Paul London © v. Chavo Guerrero

London has a great entrance as well. I don’t care what anyone says and how much the WWE edits Smackdown! I seen some people jump to their feet for London, and that is AWESOME. Starts off with some pretty decent wrestling, including a nice hurricanrana by London. The guy had me fooled too, I thought he was doing the dropsault. London tosses Chavo to the floor and starts to hype up the crowd to fly. Suddenly a giant freaking lawnmower drives out towards the ring. Super Crazy, Psicosis & Juventud are driving a frigging lawnmower to the ring! What the hell?! They beat the hell out of Chavo and London with Crazy doing a nice moonsault and Psicosis hitting a nice legdrop on London, which causes the DQ @ around 4:00. Juventud seems to be the leader of this group as he is going to do the talking as he gets on the microphone. He tells us that Mexicans are better than to be used just for cleaning toilets. And that him, Crazy, and Psicosis are taking over America. They’re taking over the cruiserweight division. Oh and they’re not Mexicans.. there MEXICOOLS. Well I guess that makes sense now that Carlito is RAW. You needed someway to keep the show, cool. Though the angle will lead to some great stuff, the match was too short to be anything. *1/4


• JBL is out and he cuts the same promo he’s cut for the past 3 or 4 months. But for some reason he delivers it perfectly and it’s still entertaining. Everyone needs to get on their feet and bow to the Wrestling God apparently… until Booker T’s music hits. Booker T doesn’t think JBL shouldn’t be handed the title, and should have to earn it. Booker T is an idiot, didn’t JBL just tell us he earned it by defeating the Undertaker? What a frigging idiot Booker T is. He wants a single’s match, and I’m surprised he didn’t ask for a Tag match or something. Benoit’s music hits, and the TRUE Wrestling God is out to save us. Benoit wants it to be a Triple Threat, because he wants the title. Just to note, JBL’s face reactions to everything in this segment are PERFECT. Big Show is out now, and he gives JBL two options. Making this match a Fatal Four Way OR Booker T, Chris Benoit, and himself can beat the hell out of JBL and have a three way for the title… However, Teddy Long is out now. JBL begs him to tell these guys that he’s the rightful champion and demands Long name him the champion right now. Long says that next week he will name JBL the World Champion… IF… JBL is the winner of a special 5 man challenge. Funny stuff here again as JBL starts counting his fingers and realizing there is only four in the ring. He looks so confused and it’s great. Long says the 5 Way will be… Benoit v. Booker v. Show v. JBL v. UNDERTAKER. Big pop for that of course… hold on a second.. HOLY SHIT! MUHAMMED HASSAN (w/ Daivari) is out and talks about being discriminated against again. He says he’s the biggest star on Smackdown! Now and should be handed the world title, if anyone here was getting it. Hassan runs through everyone, making up some pretty lame insults, but hey it’s a family show right. He tells Big Show he can beat him anytime, anyday. Long says that Smackdown is the land of oppritunity, and he’ll get his shot. 6-Man Elimination match next week on Smackdown for the New Smackdown World Title. Undertaker v. JBL v. Booker T v. Chris Benoit v. Big Show v. Muhammed Hassan. Benoit, Booker, Show, and JBL all team up on Hassan and toss him out of the ring. Long gets on the microphone again and says that he wants Hassan to make an impact on his first show on Smackdown! So since he said he can beat Big Show anytime, its Hassan v. Big Show, up next! VERY good segment. I love the way Hassan is a heel, but even JBL will team up with the faces to kick his ass. Fun stuff.


Muhammed Hassan w/ Daivari v. The Big Show

Typical Show match. Nothing much here as Hassan pretty much gets an ass kicking. Daivari distracts and Morgan brings in a chair. The ref is out, after Hassan pushed him over. Show gets a chokeslam on Morgan, but turns around and gets clocked with the chair by Hassan. Show however pretty much no sells the shot, but Hassan jumps off the ropes driving Shows throat into the chair which picks him up the 3 count win @ 3:34. *


• Recap of the Mysterio/Guerrero feud. Good stuff.


Eddie Guerrero v. Rey Mysterio

GREAT stuff here. Probably their best match of the year and definitely above their Wrestlemania match. Eddie and Rey go on and on forever. Except it doesn’t feel like forever… until you look at the clock. The only thing I don’t get about this feud is how Eddie never seems to win. Of course that makes an interesting story, as normally, it’s the other way around with the face always chasing after that one important win. But here, the heel seems to be chasing the win, and its working, in a unique way. Match is back and forth, and I really didn’t have time to recap it the right way because I was too into the match. The finish comes as Eddie goes for his Triple Vertical Suplex. He hits the first two, but Rey reverses the final one into a dropkick onto Eddie’s back. Eddie on the ropes and Rey calls for the 619, but misses. Eddie hits the final suplex in his trifecta. FROGSPLASH?! NO! It misses, and Rey hits the 619 and drops the dime for the 3 count @ 28:01. WHAT A MATCH! Brillant, brillant match and in my opinion, slightly better than their wrestlemania encounter. Didn’t live up to Halloween Havoc, but what honestly will. And this match was over double the time that the Havoc match was, so they couldn’t keep as fast paced. Still great stuff, and I’d love to see these guys go at it again. ****


RJ Lewis' Final Thoughts

Actually for once, we get a surprisingly good show out of the WWE this week. The Rey Mysterio v. Eddie Guerrero match was probably worth watching the show for by itself. The match was just a phenomenal TV match and I can’t give it enough praise. Heidenreich, while bad in the ring was fun to watch and MNM just keeps getting better and better. The Cruiserweight Division looks like it might be getting serious for once and that’s definitely MEXIcool. JBL is as great as always and Benoit is going to be in another world title match. Muhammed Hassan being the 3rd Smackdown Draft Pick is also good, as he needed to get away from RAW and he needed a new start where he could actually be a threat to the title. Good show this week, Recommended.

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I'm only about half way through Smackdown so far but quick question - did they play up the Rey/Eddy match as their blowoff? Even though the match sounds good (and went 28:00?) I think there still would be steam left on this program if they wanted to keep going with it. A relatively significant match (maybe on the next SD ppv) where Eddy finally goes over Rey in quite possibly a major ass kicking would be smart (maybe do a parking lot brawl match like Eddy and Cena did that one time) and then do a final mexican death match type blowoff at SummerSlam?

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You don't end a major feud like this after a pointless TV match. There has to be a buildup in terms of a PPV blowoff. The goofy thing about this feud is that they've set it up to where the payoff almost has to be Eddie finally getting the win.

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You didnt know?


Midcarder on Raw=Main Event On Smackdown!


True. Just ask The Big Show and JBL (well, he did unfortunately have a brief flirtation with a main-event spot on Raw when he was still the flamer cowboy back in 2002, but nothing significant). :D

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I'm at the point where Muhammed Hassan is one of my top 5 or 10 favorites in the WWE right now. While I know he's still wicked green, and the Hassan gimmick is pointless, I think that Magnus has a "superstar look" to him ... meaning that with the right gimmick and the right person to play off of, he could be someone that gets a shot at the ME. Of course, that shot shouldn't come for another few years ... I just think that he's good on the mic and has the right look to be a legit ME'er.


My $0.02

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Guest nokia

Rey "has" to be involved with the mexicools in some way or another right ?


Theire portrayed as mexicans, and Rey has a big "MEXICAN" (spelled word) tattoo on his body....


Should be fun to see the writers ignore that fact....

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Guest RadioBurning

When JBL was saying he was the only person on this Earth who deserved the SD title, I was hoping a spaceship would land and reveal his opponent.


EDIT: Time Travelin' Doug Dangerous of course.

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Rudo, Carlito is on RAW and Mexicools on Smackdown!, 'nuff said. They should have done Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera as the Mexicools. They could first help Eddie Guerrero and then go for the Tag Titles as well. Super Crazy and (insert name here) help Rey Mysterio.

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Shouldn't the "Mexicools" be associated with Carlito?  I see no other reason for such a stupid name.


Well, Carlito is from Puerto Rico, but then again, they made Yokozuna Japanese...


Uh, no they didn't with Yoko.


From what I remember, he was billed as "From Polynesia, representing the country of Japan"

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