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Gary Floyd

Tom Cruise on "The Today Show"

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Great interview.


I like how Matt Lauer wasn't afraid to back down and let the interview get testy and go after Cruise, and how except for the Brooke Shields comment, Cruise was giving it right back.


I agree with a lot of Tom Cruise said, so my respect for him when up even more.


The one problem is that he's officially overshadowed his movie. War of the Worlds looks fucking awesome and yet no one is talking about it or anything. It's just: Man- Tom Cruise is crazy! Paramount has every right to be pissed at him for this, and I'm surprised they didn't try to get reporters to shut up and just talk about the movie.

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I do kinda dig that he just doesn't seem to care if he gets bad publicity. Face it, this is as close to the real Tom cruise, scientologist, as we're gonna get. It's pretty rare in Hollywood to get a look at the real person.


A lot of this apparently has to do with him firing his past publicist/agent/whatever last year, who was known as a Hollywood hard-hitter who relentlessly worked Cruise's image. Now, no more.

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Guest JMA
Chemical imbalances aren't real? Okay...  :huh:


He's also an 'expert' on psychology. No one else. Just him. :rolleyes:

It's ironic that Scientologists deny scientific facts. Maybe they need a new name...


Anyway, I respect Cruise as an actor, but some of the stuff he says is just out there. Did this remind anyone else of a Sean Penn interview?

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Anyway, I respect Cruise as an actor, but some of the stuff he says is just out there. Did this remind anyone else of a Sean Penn interview?

Nah, Tom doesn't go to Iran as a "journalist" and write down notes while thousands of people there shout out "Death to America!"


(Yes, I really hate Sean Penn. More than any other Celebrity in existence.)

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Chemical imbalances aren't real? Okay...  :huh:


He's also an 'expert' on psychology. No one else. Just him. :rolleyes:


He didn't exactly say that though


I don't know about you, but that's what I took from his, "I know the history of psychiatry. You don't," comment.


Don't look for compliments here, either. I have NOTHING good to say about scientologists......... :firing:

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Chemical imbalances aren't real? Okay...  :huh:


He's also an 'expert' on psychology. No one else. Just him. :rolleyes:


He didn't exactly say that though


I don't know about you, but that's what I took from his, "I know the history of psychiatry. You don't," comment.


Don't look for compliments here, either. I have NOTHING good to say about scientologists......... :firing:


But you dont know...Tom Cruise does.

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I don't know about you, but that's what I took from his, "I know the history of psychiatry. You don't," comment.


Don't look for compliments here, either. I have NOTHING good to say about scientologists......... :firing:


He was saying that Matt Lauer didn't, not that no one in the world didn't.

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I'm not a fan of the world's tallest midget. I think his acting is ropey at best, his belief system is a joke, and lately it looks like he's losing what's left of his sanity. I'm not that big on Katie Holmes either, but she needs to get as far away from the little twerp as possible or her personal and professional life will suffer greatly.

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I'm not a fan of the world's tallest midget.


Well that's nice and considering he's 5'7, I wouldn't call that being a midget. Would you?


I think his acting is ropey at best


Tom Cruise I think is more underrated then anything. Jamie Foxx gets all the acclaim and the Oscar nod for Collateral, when it was Cruise that carried the movie.


lately it looks like he's losing what's left of his sanity.


The Oprah thing was a bitch much, and I don't like that he's overshadowed his movie, but I don't think he's gone insane or anything. His religion has always caused him to be a bit out there.


but she needs to get as far away from the little twerp as possible or her personal and professional life will suffer greatly.


Her professional life is declining, yes. But if she's happy with Cruise- who are you to judge and say she's going to suffer?

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I'm not a fan of the world's tallest midget.


Well that's nice and considering he's 5'7, I wouldn't call that being a midget. Would you?


I think his acting is ropey at best


Tom Cruise I think is more underrated then anything. Jamie Foxx gets all the acclaim and the Oscar nod for Collateral, when it was Cruise that carried the movie.


lately it looks like he's losing what's left of his sanity.


The Oprah thing was a bitch much, and I don't like that he's overshadowed his movie, but I don't think he's gone insane or anything. His religion has always caused him to be a bit out there.


but she needs to get as far away from the little twerp as possible or her personal and professional life will suffer greatly.


Her professional life is declining, yes. But if she's happy with Cruise- who are you to judge and say she's going to suffer?

Well that's nice and considering he's 5'7, I wouldn't call that being a midget. Would you?

I always considered him short, because he was with Kidman for so long, and she's so much taller than him, and I don't think I've ever seen him with a woman who wasn't taller than him.


Tom Cruise I think is more underrated then anything. Jamie Foxx gets all the acclaim and the Oscar nod for Collateral, when it was Cruise that carried the movie.


I've not yet seen Collateral so I'll reserve comment how he was in that film, but everything else I've seen him he's come across like he's playing a role rather than being the role. I've never been able to take him seriously in anything.


Her professional life is declining, yes. But if she's happy with Cruise- who are you to judge and say she's going to suffer?


Well, considering there were some reports that Holmes hasn't been as talkative, shall we say, with her friends since hooking up with Cruise, then I'd say she could be suffering. Not to mention that when their relationship breaks up, and I have no doubt that it will because I don't think it's love at all, she'll look back on what surrounded their relationship and cringe.

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I don't know about you, but that's what I took from his, "I know the history of psychiatry. You don't," comment.


Don't look for compliments here, either. I have NOTHING good to say about scientologists......... AR15firing.gif


You completely misinterpreted his statement. He pointed out that he had done the research on those drugs and Lauer didnt.

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Chemical imbalances aren't real? Okay...  :huh:


He's also an 'expert' on psychology. No one else. Just him. :rolleyes:


He didn't exactly say that though


I don't know about you, but that's what I took from his, "I know the history of psychiatry. You don't," comment.


Don't look for compliments here, either. I have NOTHING good to say about scientologists......... :firing:


Oops, I forgot. :P

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Her professional life is declining, yes. But if she's happy with Cruise- who are you to judge and say she's going to suffer?


Something smells not good with this story


The newly engaged Katie Holmes still has some explaining to do to her friends and family.


There were 16 days in April during which no one seems to know where she was.


Holmes made a public appearance on April 4 at the premiere of "Steel Magnolias" on Broadway.


She came with her publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnick, and a couple of other friends. They were there to support Rebecca Gayheart, who was making her Broadway debut.


I know this because I spoke to Holmes at length during the play's intermission. She said she had just moved into her New York apartment and was looking forward to seeing the city.


I also know that on April 4, she had not yet made the acquaintance of Tom Cruise. She briefly dated Josh Hartnett after breaking up with actor Chris Klein.


Hartnett, Klein, Cruise: Which of these three is not like the others?



Klein and Hartnett are young and tall. Cruise is middle-aged and height-challenged.


On the other hand, he's the biggest movie star in the world. They are not.


Holmes was busy during that first week in April. On April 7, she was photographed at the Fragrance Foundation's FiFi event.


Four days later, Holmes was still in New York and was photographed at VH1's "Save the Music" concert. She still had not met Cruise.


Sometime that week, her friends say, she flew to Los Angeles for a meeting with Cruise about a role in "Mission: Impossible 3." The meeting took place after April 11.


The next time anyone heard from Holmes was on April 27, when she appeared in public as Cruise's girlfriend and love of his life.


Where was she during those 16 days?


Somewhere during that time, she decided to fire both her manager and agent, each of whom she had been with for years and who were devoted to her.


The manager, John Carrabino, also handles Renée Zellweger and is beloved by his clients.


Holmes also acquired a new best friend, Jessica Feshbach, the daughter of Joe Feshbach, a controversial Palo Alto, Calif., bond trader.


The Feshbach family, according to published documents, has donated millions to the Church of Scientology. Jessica's aunt even runs a Scientology center in Florida.


According to Richard Behar's now famous 1991 story in Time magazine about Scientology, the Feshbachs were the subject of congressional hearings in 1989.


Behar wrote: "The heads of several companies claimed that Feshbach operatives have spread false information to government agencies and posed in various guises — such as a Securities and Exchange Commission official — in an effort to discredit the companies and drive the stocks down.


"Michael Russell, who ran a chain of business journals, testified that a Feshbach employee called his bankers and interfered with his loans. Sometimes the Feshbachs send private detectives to dig up dirt on firms, which is then shared with business reporters, brokers and fund managers."


The risk-taking Feshbachs, known the world over for making their fortune "shorting" stocks, and the level-headed, conservative Holmeses would be a difficult mix at a dinner table.


Katie's father, Martin Holmes, is the senior partner in a large and respected Toledo, Ohio, law firm. His son, Martin Jr., has recently joined the firm. He's a Harvard graduate. Katie's mom, Kathy, is frequently cited in Toledo for her charity work.


There is some fear among Holmes' close circle that her instant romance with Cruise is not as organic as portrayed.


For one thing, Holmes was raised a strict Catholic. Also, gone from the picture are two close Holmes friends who used to be with her when she did publicity for a film.


One of these is Meghann Birie, a childhood friend who has suddenly disappeared from Holmes' world. Another, a local TV producer here in New York, was too afraid to discuss the situation with me.


We know that Cruise auditioned several actresses for this role before settling on Holmes. This column reported a story about Jennifer Garner. There have been published stories about Kate Bosworth, Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Alba being approached.


A newer one involves Scarlett Johansson, who ran for her life when presented with a fait accompli dinner at the Scientology Celebrity Centre in Hollywood.


And history has been rewritten since the April 27 unveiling.


Curiously, since the Cruise-Holmes situation popped up, we have heard over and over again that Cruise was the young actress' idol when she was growing up.


That's certainly interesting because all of the publicity that used to run on Holmes — still found all over the Internet — lists another Tom as her favorite actor.


That would be Tom Hanks.




And who is Tom Cruise to tell us "I know the history of psychiatry. You don't," ?

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And who is Tom Cruise to tell us "I know the history of psychiatry. You don't," ?


smh810 right above your post-


You completely misinterpreted his statement. He pointed out that he had done the research on those drugs and Lauer didnt.

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on a similar vein, here is more on Cruise and his thoughts on psychiatry, perhaps the second paragraph is what he meant by the whole 'i know history of psychiatry and you don't!':


from EW

You are aware that your views about psychiatry come across as pretty radical to a lot of people.

In the 1980s, you were supposed to say no to drugs. But when I say no to drugs, I’m a radical? ‘He’s against drugs — he’s a radical! He’s against electroshock treatments — he’s a radical!’ [Laughing] It’s absurd!


Yeah, but Scientology textbooks sometimes refer to psychiatry as a ”Nazi science”…

Well, look at the history. Jung was an editor for the Nazi papers during World War II. [According to Aryeh Maidenbaum, the director of the New York Center for Jungian Studies, this is not true.] Look at the experimentation the Nazis did with electric shock and drugging. Look at the drug methadone. That was originally called Adolophine. It was named after Adolf Hitler… [According to the Dictionary of Drugs and Medications, among other sources, this is an urban legend.]

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You completely misinterpreted his statement. He pointed out that he had done the research on those drugs and Lauer didnt.


Ok he's made research but where ? in the church of Scientology textbooks ? Only there ? Honestly who to believe, science or a religion founded by a science fiction writer ? I'm sorry but the guy is brainwashed

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Guest SP-1

Just to throw this out there: Pay attention to Cruise's logic whenever he encounters something.


He never defends. He doesn't seem to present an actual case. He goes on the offensive, re-directing the conversation. Which is, from the research I've been doing, what Scientologists are trained to do.


It's entertaining. Given what I've been researching about the Scientology movement, if the claims of that article about Holmes' sudden turnaround are true then that's worrisome.

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But you havent done the research...Tom Cruise has ;)


I enjoy how he never backed up his 'research' with any actual facts or information...just said he knew everything, alot.

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But you havent done the research...Tom Cruise has ;)


I enjoy how he never backed up his 'research' with any actual facts or information...just said he knew everything, alot.


I'm amazed how many people keep misinterpreting what Tom Cruise said.

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