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Smackdown Spoilers

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From the Torch




Smackdown begins with Hassan and Daivari talking about the Fourth of July. Hassan said Undertaker doesn't deserve a spot in the Smackdown Title match later. Undertaker interrupted. They argued. Hassan then backed down. Daivari then hit Undertaker with a chairshot from behind. Hassan and Daivari left, then returned to the ring. Taker then gave Daivari a chokeslam. The end of the segment was awkward.




(1) Paul London vs. Chavo Guerrero was interrupted five minutes in by the Mexicools. There was a brief brawl with London taking the brunt of the beatdown. Juvi then introduced Psicosis and Super Crazy and talked about a revolt against the Gringos.




Eddie Guerrero said he would make Rey Mysterio beg not to reveal the truth - whatever the truth is.


(2) Melina beat Michelle McCool with a powerbomb after getting punched in the corner ten times. Short match. Nitro and Mercury gave the Snapshot to McCool afterward. Heidenreich made the save.


Eddie Guerrero came out. A short video documentary-style aired of Eddie with Rey's kids. He talked to Rey's son about bed time stories. Rey came out and was upset. Eddie teased he was going to tell the truth. Eddie shoved Rey down and forced him to beg. Then he shoved Rey down and walked off. Very strange segment.




Christian was revealed as the first Smackdown draft pick of the night. He replaces Big Show in the Smackdown Title match.


(3) jbl pinned christian to win title. Teddy long

changed to #1 contender and introduced batista as last

pick. No smackdown title needed. Batista and jbl went

at it after major pop for batista. Jbl cleared out of

ring with batista posing to close show. order of

elimination: taker by dq after chair shot on hassan.

Taker chased hassan out to backstage area. Hassan

never officially eliminated. Benoit by jbl with weak

ddt. Booker t by christian. Christian by jbl. Very

long match.




From PW Insider


*Smackdown opened with a recap of Teddy Long announcing plans for a new Smackdown champion to be crowned tonight.


*Muhammad Hussan did an interview saying no one can defeat him, and complaining he was a prisoner in his own country. He called out Undertaker saying Taker didn't deserve to be in the Smackdown championshpip match tonight. Undertaker came out and chokeslammed Daivari.


*WWE Cruiserweight champion Paul London vs. Chavo Guerrero was stopped after Mexicool hit the ring and laid out both. They came out with the lawn mowers like last week and cut a promo saying they weren't going to take it from the "gringos."


*Backstage, Eddie Guerrero was interviewed. He was smiling and the interviewer asked why he was so happy, since he lost last week. Guerrero said he was smiling because he knew that Rey Mysterio was going to be in the ring later tonight begging Eddie not to "tell the truth."


*Backstage, Melina said it was going to be her night to shine.


*Melina pinned Michelle McCool. MNM came to ringside after the finish and hit the Snapshot after the bell. Heidenreich made the save and cleared the ring.


*Eddie Guerrero came to the ring and showed a video of Guerrero at a playground talking to Rey Mysterio's son in a "creepy way" offering to tell him a bedtime story. Mysterio hit the ring and Guerrero asked him if he thought it was time his son knew the truth. Rey asked Guerrero not to do this and Eddie told him to get on his knees and beg him. Rey did and Guerrero pulled out candy and smashed it in Rey's face, walking off.


*Six-Way Elimination match: Christian vs. JBL vs. Chris Benoit vs. Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hussan vs. Booker T. Order of Elimination: Undertaker is disqualified for hitting Hussan with a chair. Hussan went to the back and was never officially eliminated. JBL pinned Chris Benoit. Christian pinned Booker. JBL pinned Christian to win the match.


*Teddy Long came out holding a sack with the "Smackdown title" saying that JBL won the match but not the Smackdown title, since Long was just informed they don't need a Smackdown champion.


*WWE World champion Batista's music hits and he comes to the ring, faces off with JBL and brawls with him.




From LordsofPain.net




After RAW, it took them literally five minutes to change the set for SmackDown! That caught a lot of people off-guard, including myself, as we headed to grab some food and drinks hoping there would be an intermission. I missed an Undertaker/Hassan/Daivari beatdown, but Undertaker's entrance got over huge (I was outside getting a drink and could hear it as if I were inside!) From what I understand, 'Taker just beat the two up, which was the reason we never saw Daivari again.


Paul London vs. Chavo Guerrero was next. It ended with Mexicool interfering and beating them up to a very loud ovation. These guys are amazing. They breathe so much life and heat into their segments, that you're affraid a riot will happen. They were pretty controversial, saying that Mexicans should start the revolution against "The Gringos." This trio has a lot of potential on SmackDown!. They were driving some hilarious ATV-like vehicles that looked like lawnmowers. They went as fast as 10 mph, perhaps. Pretty funny.


Backstage segment with Melina and MNM. Melina was stretching with Nitro and Mercury checking out her ass. She asked them to stop and then named celebrities that came to see her debut. Nick and Jessica are here, apparently. Ashlee couldn't make it. That was a fun segment.


Melina over Michelle McCool. Lame match. MNM came out afterwords to celebrate with Melina, who's very over. She demands a Snapshot on McCool. MNM does it. Heidenreich hit the ring for the save.


There was a segment with Guerrero where he showed a video of him with Mysterio's Son Dominick. He then said he has a secret to tell him, and asked if Dominick likes bed stories. He told him he had a bed story to tell him that he will never forget. The segment was very disturbing (which is why I probably forgot to put it on here). Mysterio came out and begged Eddie not to say what the secret is. Guerrero said "Just as I thought" and walked out. Mysterio sat there depressed forever, until a beach ball started making its rounds in the crowd, and nobody cared. I believe they were going with a storyline where it turns out Guerrero is Dominick's real father. It was very disturbing, and odd. There was some horrible innuendo.


They played a video package from Be Cool. It was Rock's music video with the country outfit. It got over well. It was to plug the DVD, which comes out tomorrow. Also, throughout the night, they played plugs for the ECW DVD, which comes out tomorrow.


That was it. The Six-Man Elimination was announced next. JBL, Hassan, Booker T, and Benoit came out in that order. Long came out after them and said that since Big Show went to RAW, he's going to make the fourth draft lottery pick replace him. It was Christian, who came out with different tights to a loud ovation. 'Taker's music was next, with only two gongs, and the lights came out for him to show up in the ring. Everyone cleared the ring except Christian. Hilarious stuff here. Christian played it off great, being a wuss at first, then trying to laugh it off with 'Taker. He finally hit him, which lead to 'Ta ker throwing him around, but not for too long. Christian tagged in Hassan. Again, very funny spot due to Hassan's reaction.


This match lasted about 40 minutes. It was incredibly long. I have to say it was booked very well, although there were a very few boring spots.


Undertaker was eliminated first, after he went on the outside and hit Hassan with a steel chair (brutal chair shot to the head), then to the back. Hassan wasn't eliminated, technically, but never came back. I'm sure that will be used for storyline purposes next week.


That left Benoit, Booker, Christian, and JBL. Weird elimination was Benoit going out next. I believe JBL eliminated him, but I do not recall. At this point in the match, it came down to Booker, JBL, and Christian, with mostly Booker and JBL working since Christian had worked the RAW main event.


Awfully obvious here was that the crowd wanted Christian to win and he was the most over out of all six guys in the first place, perhaps except Benoit (he got a huge pop too).


Christian tried to play possum, tagging in and out after big moves, and trying to eliminate both Booker and JBL. It was fun to see him play heel and face at the same time. He was really over when he was in with JBL. Bradshaw went for a high-impact move on Booker and he connected, but before they landed, Christian slapped JBL on the back to tag in. Booker got up, and Christian quickly grabbed his tights, revealed Booker's ass, pinned him down holding the tights, and got the three. Booker, Christian, and the Ref were arguing, as JBL recovered and was behind Christian waiting for him to turn for the Clothesline from Hell. He did. JBL hit it and pinned him for the win.


Right after, Long walked out with a cover case for a championship that had the SmackDown! logo on the outside. He said he has some good news, and some bad news for JBL. The bad news is that he's not the new SmackDown! Champion. In fact, Long said, there's no need for a SmackDown! Championship in the first place. The good news is, that JBL has won the #1 contender spot and will fight the last pick for SmackDown! in the Draft Lottery - the World Champion, Dave Batista! Batista came out (same costume from RAW) with his belt, to huge pyro and a Cena-like ovation. I'd say just as loud. He posed with the belt in a corner, when JBL hit him from behind. Batista then got the #1 contender out of the ring and posed with the belt. End One Hell of a Night!

Edited by RobotJerk

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*Eddie Guerrero came to the ring and showed a video of Guerrero at a playground talking to Rey Mysterio's son in a "creepy way" offering to tell him a bedtime story. Mysterio hit the ring and Guerrero asked him if he thought it was time his son knew the truth. Rey asked Guerrero not to do this and Eddie told him to get on his knees and beg him. Rey did and Guerrero pulled out candy and smashed it in Rey's face, walking off.


What the fuck?????

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Melina beat Michelle McCool with a powerbomb after getting punched in the corner ten times.




They do it on a regular basis? What's the big deal?


Oh, and London/Chavo with the Mexicools running in again? Uh, is the fact Chavo is Latino going to get mentioned?

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Guest *KNK*
*Eddie Guerrero came to the ring and showed a video of Guerrero at a playground talking to Rey Mysterio's son in a "creepy way" offering to tell him a bedtime story. Mysterio hit the ring and Guerrero asked him if he thought it was time his son knew the truth. Rey asked Guerrero not to do this and Eddie told him to get on his knees and beg him. Rey did and Guerrero pulled out candy and smashed it in Rey's face, walking off.


What the fuck?????


If this is leading to what I think it is...oooh boy.

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They do it on a regular basis? What's the big deal?


It just seems like that finish happens way more times then it should.


Hey, you have to admit...it's not as stale as the holding tights/feet on ropes/holding ropes with hand pins...

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I'm just glad Eddie and Rey both stayed on SMDN, they're pretty much all that is worth seeing on the show. But man, if this leads to something like Eddie being the real father of Rey's son, that is all kinds of Russo level bad.

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Guest *KNK*
They do it on a regular basis? What's the big deal?


It just seems like that finish happens way more times then it should.


They need to do the roll up and put feet on ropes finish more often.


and I'm really starting to question Vince McMahon's sanity if this eddy/rey thing is what it sounds like.

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They do it on a regular basis? What's the big deal?


It just seems like that finish happens way more times then it should.


Hey, you have to admit...it's not as stale as the holding tights/feet on ropes/holding ropes with hand pins...


It's still a finish they seem to do a lot. I've seen way too many Taker matches end that way, and Backlash ended that way too.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Eddy and Rey are in the ring talking against each other. Apparently, they're doing a paternity angle - hinting that Rey's son's real dad is Eddy.

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Guest *KNK*
I'm just glad Eddie and Rey both stayed on SMDN, they're pretty much all that is worth seeing on the show.  But man, if this leads to something like Eddie being the real father of Rey's son, that is all kinds of Russo level bad.


I think that's too easy, knowing WWE writers it's "deeper" and more "bizzare" then that.

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Guest *KNK*

You know I was thinking GAB would just the blow off to a traditional wrestling angle but apprently they decided to "entertainment"ize it and do this Russo booking.


Looks like the writers watched the rise and fall dvd and took pieces of Raven and Sandman by using the face's son in a creepy manner, tossed in the creepy vibe in the playground and then washed it with vintage russo.

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Well if Eddie is doing creepy shit with Rey's son it either means he's his real dad or there's some Michael Jackson shit going on here. Either way it sounds like a surefire way to kill a good feud.

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Guest *KNK*
Why would Rey and Eddy agree to do this?


Vince: Either you exploit your son and your best friend's child who you love just as much as your own or go to Raw with HHH.


Rey: He's a big boy, he can handle it.


Seriously I can't fathom this at all, I thought these two had creative control of this angle.


There's no way i could possibly see strong christians like Eddy and Rey(i think) agreeing to use thier son in a manner like this unless it was an actor playing Rey's son.

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Guest *KNK*
Well if Eddie is doing creepy shit with Rey's son it either means he's his real dad or there's some Michael Jackson shit going on here.  Either way it sounds like a surefire way to kill a good feud.


I was getting Jackson vibe too but then the whole "beg me" thing mainly points the other direction

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By the way I just read on wrestlingobserver.com that Christian is the draft pick for SMDN. WTF? I mean the only point in him going to the show was to face Cena, but now Cena is on Raw. What is Christian going to do there?

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Guest *KNK*

they simply have to get a Morgan/Tomko trade done.


Christian doesn't work without Tomko. Morgan can reunite with CCC, finish that TBS deal and flounder over there like he would on Smackdown anyways.


If Tomko sticks on Raw, he will be gone by november.


I really hope they use the simple "Tomko was under MY contract. Never WWE's" excuse.

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Christian was revealed as the first Smackdown draft pick of the night. He replaces Big Show in the Smackdown Title match.



Smackdown World Champion, Christian = Ratings.

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