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So who does Cena face at Summerslam?

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I'm still thinking it's going to be Cena vs HHH vs Benjamin vs Jericho vs Kane vs Edge in the Elimnation Chamber. Kane and Edge's feud will spill into this match. Jericho will be just there like he usually is. They'll use this to try and showcase Benjamin some more. HHH will most likely be feuding with Cena up until this point, with the other four showing in the past they have had a good chance of defeating Cena.


Angle and HBK will most likely be having their third match at Summerslam.

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... and when was HHH at Judgment Day? I know he's all over Raw but main-eventing SmackDown's PPV would be a bit extreme, even for him


Maybe I got the year wrong. Wasn't JD 2003 the one with HHH/Nash and then the Show/Lesnar Stretcher Match for the main event?

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I think they may go with Cena vs Angle for the WWE Title and HHH and Flair vs Hogan and HBK as the top RAW matches at Summerslam. All depends on how long Hogan stays around.

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Guest *KNK*

They used the Elimination chamber already this year(remember way back then?) and i hate re-used gimmicks like ladder and cells and chamber matches.


I honestly believe they should try to hold off on using Triple H Vs John Cena.


I would even have Triple H take the next 2 months off (perhaps Flair can educate Trips "Hey, I took a couple months off to sell a injury before, why dont you?")

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In kayfabe, what the fuck has HHH done to earn a title shot?

He lost a one-on-one title match at Backlash, lost a one-on-one title match at Judgment Day, and lost a one-on-one title match at Vengeance.

In kayfabe, Triple H challenged Batista and Batista accepted. When a champion loses, they automatically get a rematch (at least, that rule applies when WWE wants it for a storyline), which was at Backlash. Triple H challenged Batista to the HIAC and Batista accepted. Simple as that.



... and when was HHH at Judgment Day? :huh: I know he's all over Raw but main-eventing SmackDown's PPV would be a bit extreme, even for him



I wasn't thinking straight when I wrote that. What I mean was that he lost title matches at Wrestlemania, Backlash, and Vengeance. What I was saying is that after losing three title matches in a row, he really shouldn't be a world title contender. In kayfabe, he's blown every one of his opportunites, and needs to beat some lower level talent before earning his way back into the title picture.

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Well it's, somewhat, obvious that they're building to a future Kurt Angle vs HHH match. Possibly even at Summerslam. And I think we all know that if that were to happen, that definitely would be a more high profile match then defending the WWE title..


That's not a good thing, but it's the truth. So why not just kill two birds with one stone. John Cena vs Kurt Angle vs HHH, triple threat for the WWE championship.


Yea, it's Angle and HHH..so Cena may sort of get lost in the shuffle..but hey, people didn't even expect him to beat Christian or Jericho, so it realy wouldn't be that much difference.

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They used the Elimination chamber already this year(remember way back then?)  and i hate re-used gimmicks like ladder and cells and chamber matches.


I honestly believe they should try to hold off on using Triple H Vs John Cena.


I would even have Triple H take the next 2 months off (perhaps Flair can educate Trips "Hey, I took a couple months off to sell a injury before, why dont you?")

Not an entirely bad idea (hey, anything that gets Triple H off my TV for 2 months earns a thumbs up), but I just DARE them to stick Triple H in a feud that doesn't involve the title.


If he is really as good as he says he is, he should be able to make a money program that doesn't involve a belt. Since his never-ending saga with HBK in June '04 and the cup of coffee he had with Eugene at last year's SummerSlam, EVERY SINGLE THING Triple H has done has revolved around the title.


Having him sit out 2 months before coming back and going after Cena would further along that thought that Triple H can't work a non-championship program. Seriously, the "I wrestle for the championship or I don't wrestle at all" shtick is crap.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

I heard they were doing Angle-Cena a while back.


The only problem is I cant think of what HHH would do if that played out.


But yeah, they were building up Cena vs Bischoff, and they did that deal where Angle was being friednly with Bisch, so it fits.


The tag match on RAW made it seem like they are still going to do more with JEricho vs Cena, so maybe they'll keep that going till SS. Although I have a feeling it will be done on RAW in July.


Another thought I had was maybe they'll go back to the old tradition of Summerslam and do that interpromotional tag match they are doing at all the TV tapings. Not sure how that would draw, but its something to consider.

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I'm personally hoping for Angle/HHH as Slam...that way Trips doesn't have a title match at Slam.


After all, Angle has been on an anti-Trips tirade since he appeared on Raw...

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If they go with HHH v Cena at Summerslam, they will blow their load. Perhaps they go with Angle v Cena at Summerslam and HHH v Cena at Survivor Series. Just depends on how long HHH can go without a title around his waist.


I really have no desire to see Hogan/HBK v Flair/HHH. The former DX'ers are stale and Hogan and Flair can no longer perform at a decent level in the ring (at least for me)

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What about RVD? He should be back by then and I really think that they have a chance right now to erase the jobber stigma from him and make him a contender. If they let RVD go all out I think Cena/RVD would be a hell of a match.

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And instead of RAW Smackdown! could do the Elimination Chamber once. Muhammed Hassan, Chris Benoit, JBL, Batista, Booker T and Christian, nice...


Bischoff said in the past that it is RAW only, like CW are SD only. Heres a scary thought, they go down the TNA Lockdown route with 2 EC matches, 1 for each brand.


... and when was HHH at Judgment Day? I know he's all over Raw but main-eventing SmackDown's PPV would be a bit extreme, even for him


Maybe I got the year wrong. Wasn't JD 2003 the one with HHH/Nash and then the Show/Lesnar Stretcher Match for the main event?


Yep, that was it.


I'm personally hoping for Angle/HHH as Slam...that way Trips doesn't have a title match at Slam.


After all, Angle has been on an anti-Trips tirade since he appeared on Raw...


I dont think that HHH can actually focus on anything other than the title any more. Its particurlarly worrying that he says hes all for the business but then the great majority of his actions do nothing to really help it.


I dont follow the E as closely as I used to, so this is probably a stupid question:  Was'nt Edge's MITB a shot at Batista's title, not Cena's?


Yes, it was meant to be. But the E are too obsessed with the Edge-Lita-Kane-Snitsky-Matt love story that they missed the chance of adding another dimension to psycho Edge. As usual, since they forget, they hope we forget.


What about RVD? He should be back by then and I really think that they have a chance right now to erase the jobber stigma from him and make him a contender. If they let RVD go all out I think Cena/RVD would be a hell of a match.


Best idea so far. Cena-RVD and HHH-Angle. RVD deserves a shot and Angle has been calling HHH out. Keeps HHH out of the title picture. However, how good will a Cena-RVD match really be? :huh:

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I dont follow the E as closely as I used to, so this is probably a stupid question:  Was'nt Edge's MITB a shot at Batista's title, not Cena's?


That's what I thought the stip was as well - although unless they bring it up next week, it'll probably just be "a" world title shot, which would mean Cena.


My guess for Summerslam is that Cena will take on the Money in the Bank himself, Edge; while HHH and Angle will have a "look at me Bischoff, I deserve a title shot" match.

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This Is a little of topic and forgive me If this was already mentioned, but doesn't Edge lose his Title Shot now that The World Title Is on Smackdown? Wasn't The Money In The Bank Contract Stip only for a shot at The World Title, not The WWE Title? Normally I would think that The Writers would just ignore this little detail as they do everything else, but I seem to remember an interview on Raw a couple of months back In which Grisham pointed out to Edge should he go to one Show and The World Title go to another, his Contract for a shot at The World Title would be Null and Void. Maybe the Writers were actually doing their homework and trying to plant seeds ahead of time for a change. Then again..

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This Is a little of topic and forgive me If this was already mentioned, but doesn't Edge lose his Title Shot now that The World Title Is on Smackdown?  Wasn't The Money In The Bank Contract Stip only for a shot at The World Title, not The WWE Title?  Normally I would think that The Writers would just ignore this little detail as they do everything else, but I seem to remember an interview on Raw a couple of months back In which Grisham pointed out to Edge should he go to one Show and The World Title go to another, his Contract for a shot at The World Title would be Null and Void.  Maybe the Writers were actually doing their homework and trying to plant seeds ahead of time for a change.  Then again..


From earlier: Yes, it was meant to be. But the E are too obsessed with the Edge-Lita-Kane-Snitsky-Matt love story that they missed the chance of adding another dimension to psycho Edge. As usual, since they forget, they hope we forget.


It was brought up that it only applies to the WORLD TITLE and that only if under the RAW brand if IIRC. Either Edge is just carrying that briefcase round since he thinks it makes him looks cool (^o)), he still has his MitB shot or his going to find that its no longer valid if Batista goes to SD. If its anything but the last option, which it is most probably the 2nd, then the E have forgotten about what they said and thus so should we.

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You know had Cena not been moved from Smackdown, I was dying to see Cena / Guerrero headline SummerSlam since Eddie is a heel now. Ah well. :(

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You know had Cena not been moved from Smackdown, I was dying to see Cena / Guerrero headline SummerSlam since Eddie is a heel now.  Ah well.  :(


Your not the only one. I think SummerSlam would have been too early for it though, since its the proper stage for the Eddie-Rey blowoff if they could draw it out that long. If not, then yes Eddie-Cena.


I still prefer Eddie using the Mexicools and Chavo to get Rey off him. At 1st have Chavo side with Rey since the Mexicools had a go at him. Eddies the saddist and Reys the avenger who will stoop to any level to destroy Eddie (or at least until the ME of last weeks SD that is). They could have had a lucha libra 6 way at GAB (Eddie and 2 of the Mexicools vs Rey, Chavo and London), with Eddie getting injured. Rey Rey could have faced Juvi at SummerSlam. Chavo could have been playing a tweener till then, but realises that blood is thicker than water. Make him special guest referee or something. He beats Rey up after Rey beat Juvi. Eddie returns to take out out Rey. RVD returns. Have Eddie and RVD brawl. At No Mercy, its Eddie vs RVD, Chavo vs Rey Rey and the Mexicools vs London, Kidman and Tajiri. At Surviour Series have a streetfight between Eddie and Rey or a 10 man elimination Match.


Could have then run Eddie winning the rumble after using tables, ladders, chairs, etc... since they are legal in that match and then going after Cena.


that woulda been okay, did they ever fued on Smackdown?  I mean since they both started meaning something in the E?


Just when they started to mean something. When Eddie had just become US Champ, IIRC it cultimated in a parking lot brawl.

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Cena vs Edge would make me not consider buying SummerSlam (he just jobbed to KANE for christ sake), and Triple H should stay away from the title for a while, even in a kayfabe sense after losing three straight to Batista. The most interesting premise for me would be a face vs face Cena/Michaels match. I like face/face matches as they break the usual face beats up heel > heel gets advantage > face comes back > hot finish that most matches have. Plus they could do a past/future theme.


Batista will be main eventing SummerSlam anyways since it's his home town, so Cena's opponent probably won't be Triple H.

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Guest Ransome
It was brought up that it only applies to the WORLD TITLE and that only if under the RAW brand if IIRC. Either Edge is just carrying that briefcase round since he thinks it makes him looks cool (^o)), he still has his MitB shot or his going to find that its no longer valid if Batista goes to SD. If its anything but the last option, which it is most probably the 2nd, then the E have forgotten about what they said and thus so should we.


What's stopping them from signing a match between Edge and the world champion, regardless of what show the world champion is on?


Edge using his title shot would be best saved for a single-brand Raw PPV, which could least generate some interest. At least they didn't waste it, say, the night after WM 21.

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If I remember correctly, Bischoff said the MITB title shot would be invalid if Edge himself was drafted. He didn't say anything about if Batista was drafted.

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If I remember correctly, Bischoff said the MITB title shot would be invalid if Edge himself was drafted.  He didn't say anything about if Batista was drafted.

He didn't even say the MITB shot was invalid if Edge was drafted...

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Guest *KNK*

Edge really could just weasel in some loophole saying "The contract never stipulated that both men had to be on the same roster, only that I, Edge was guranteed a world title shot good for a year. I can thus walk over to whatever waterhole Smackdown is at next week and challenge Batista for that title and thus stay on Smackdown because i represent their championship...or eric, you can just alter this contract and give me the match against John Cena".


It's simple as that, not outlandish but realistic enough.


What about Triple H/TBS? It's been done before but Triple H really needs to stay away and sell the "injuries" for a couple months or just stay away from Cena until at least Survivor Series. Let him work with TBS and Angle til then.


If they do Edge/Cena, then you should just have Angle/Triple H but the problem is, for what would be the 3rd time, they will face each other in a heel vs heel ppv match.


I can't see Triple H having a problem with going through the roster again building to main event match @ Survivor Series where he can headline that show (since I got a strong feeling Batista is headlining Slam this year).


Thus he wins the title there, and perhaps Cena chases again and wins it back @ WM22.

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