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Well, my interest in Yakuza has all but died. That's some terrible translation/voice acting.


Dear lord that's bad. I'm praying they just took the Japanese version and threw some bad voicework on there just to get something out for the American audience. If that's what the finished American version will look and sound like I'm definitely not spending money on that.

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Is JR doing PR for Sony now?


from 1up:


Sony Boss: PS3 is 'Future Proof'

CEO Stringer calls Xbox 360 a 'transitional product.'

by Luke Smith, 06/26/2006


Risk versus potential reward. Sony CEO Howard Stringer admits Sony's company's strategy is a risky one. "The price of the PS3 is high, but you're paying for potential ," Stringer said. What about Sony's competitors, their prices are considerably lower than PS3's two skus: "Obviously, it's a higher-risk strategy as all new inventions are. But if the PS3 lives up to its total potential, then I don't think anyone will be worried about Nintendo or Xbox's cheaper price."

Stringer continues with a jab at Microsoft's Xbox 360's tech, "When you bring into new technology, do you go for a cheaper transitional (product), or do you take a chance on future-proof, higher technology which will keep you going for many, many years?" Coming from Stringer, that's a big punch thrown from the biggest set of hands at Sony.


Ultimately, words between executives mean little more than girls at the mall fighting over the first spot in line to see the next Matthew McConaughey flick. What really matters is whether or not consumers will share Sony's vision of the PS3 as a potential reward and a system that will last them for several years, nevermind if consumers will acquiesce with the notion of the Xbox 360 as a transitional piece of hardware.



The retarded Sony quotes just keep on coming.




Ken Kutaragi: Sony is The Game and we are That Damn Good!



Kaz Hirai: And if you're not down with that, I got two words for ya: RIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RAAAAAAAAACER!!!!

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Sony's strategy is not risky, its stupidity. They've already lost so much money and some of their fanbase using their strategy.

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Plus they lost half of their stock value, too.


But hey, all those fine Sony studio offerings from Sony are so going to sell Blu Ray players. Like Spiderman 3....when that comes out like a year from now....and...um...


(PSM interview with Kaz Hirai)


"PSM: Sony and Microsoft seem to be taking the exact same path.


Hirai: We seem to. Every time we go down a path, we look behind and they're right there - we just can't shake these guys. (here it comes) I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do. If you look at their strategy in other business areas as well, they tend to do that."


"Hirai:...And the other thing is, you take a look at, for example, the fact that we incorporate the Blu-ray drive from day one. You're not going to be asking me, 'So, talk to me about this Blu-ray add-on that you have. Does it work for games? Is it just for movies?' That's exacly the kind of pitfall you fall into if you launch something that's too early, too premature..."


Yeah, stop stealing from Sony already, MS!

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Plus they lost half of their stock value, too.


But hey, all those fine Sony studio offerings from Sony are so going to sell Blu Ray players. Like Spiderman 3....when that comes out like a year from now....and...um...


(PSM interview with Kaz Hirai)


"PSM: Sony and Microsoft seem to be taking the exact same path.


Hirai: We seem to. Every time we go down a path, we look behind and they're right there - we just can't shake these guys. (here it comes) I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do. If you look at their strategy in other business areas as well, they tend to do that."


"Hirai:...And the other thing is, you take a look at, for example, the fact that we incorporate the Blu-ray drive from day one. You're not going to be asking me, 'So, talk to me about this Blu-ray add-on that you have. Does it work for games? Is it just for movies?' That's exacly the kind of pitfall you fall into if you launch something that's too early, too premature..."


Yeah, stop stealing from Sony already, MS!


What the hell is Sony smoking? What did Microsoft steal from them? It sure the hell wasn't the online service Sony now wants to offer. So Microsoft wants to offer a attachable Blu-ray drive and there's something wrong with that? At least Microsoft is not FORCING their customers to have something that may or may not take off or something that makes your system REALLY expensive to buy. Man I hate Sony, fuck them and there RIDDDDDDDGE RACCCCCCCCCCCCCCER!!! tag line. Anyone want to pitch in and buy a system late at night, go outside a best buy and start smashing it with sledge hammers in front of everyone.....then we do the HHH pose and spit water? Anyone at all?

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Actually, the attachable blu-ray drive was just a hypothetical argument. MS is going to be releasing an optional HD-DVD drive for the 360, and HD-DVD is, natch, the major rival format of Blu Ray. MS would never support Blu-Ray as long as HD-DVD has a fighting chance, because it's Sony proprietary hardware.


Kaz's position there is that you at least know that PS3 will have blu-ray, and it will be used for both games and movies. There's no extra HW to buy or upgrades to get.


Which would be fine and dandy if they haven't already made bold-faced lies about not having 2 SKUs, how lack of space on DVDs will become a problem (nothing currently even comes close to using up all the space unless it's mostly tons and tons of FMVs), and 360 wasn't already building up a hell of a lot of momentum.


Sony seemed to be caught totally with their pants down at E3. However, it was a given after the PS2's infamous E3 debut showing that there would be skepticism and overanalyzing of every move they made. People were staring right at the man behind the curtain and saying, "Show us something tangible. You don't actually think we'll eat up this BS again, do you?"


Okay, that's not entirely fair. The press raved about the MGS4 trailer, which I honestly don't care about.

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Funny thing happened to the X-Box 360 in the Best Buy I work at. It doesn't know it's an X-Box 360. It loads up, with the boot screen, but then you get a message saying to use this disc you need to put it in an X-Box 360 console. It's hilarious.

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Funny thing happened to the X-Box 360 in the Best Buy I work at. It doesn't know it's an X-Box 360. It loads up, with the boot screen, but then you get a message saying to use this disc you need to put it in an X-Box 360 console. It's hilarious.


Your manager/supervisor/someone needs to get ahold of your microsoft rep so he can fix that problem for you guys. I think the number is 1-800-fix-xbox, i think.


So since Sony is claiming Microsoft stole something from them, what did Microsoft steal?

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Making HW that is manufactured like crap?


.......maybe but that could be the only thing I can think of. I'm so thinking of giving those people a donation so they can smash a PS3......Actually I take that back, shoot the PS3.

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Guest Smues

Making HW that is manufactured like crap?


.......maybe but that could be the only thing I can think of. I'm so thinking of giving those people a donation so they can smash a PS3......Actually I take that back, shoot the PS3.


They've got the money for one. At the moment they're collecting for a 2nd one. I've been impressed that they keep reaching their donation goals. They already smashed an Ipod and an Xbox 360, and they've already got the money via donations for a Wii and PS3.

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Making HW that is manufactured like crap?


.......maybe but that could be the only thing I can think of. I'm so thinking of giving those people a donation so they can smash a PS3......Actually I take that back, shoot the PS3.


They've got the money for one. At the moment they're collecting for a 2nd one. I've been impressed that they keep reaching their donation goals. They already smashed an Ipod and an Xbox 360, and they've already got the money via donations for a Wii and PS3.


And there is a sign right there that we are the richest and most wasteful country in the world.

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Guest Smues

Making HW that is manufactured like crap?


.......maybe but that could be the only thing I can think of. I'm so thinking of giving those people a donation so they can smash a PS3......Actually I take that back, shoot the PS3.


They've got the money for one. At the moment they're collecting for a 2nd one. I've been impressed that they keep reaching their donation goals. They already smashed an Ipod and an Xbox 360, and they've already got the money via donations for a Wii and PS3.


And there is a sign right there that we are the richest and most wasteful country in the world.


The guys who do it are in Canada.

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Making HW that is manufactured like crap?


.......maybe but that could be the only thing I can think of. I'm so thinking of giving those people a donation so they can smash a PS3......Actually I take that back, shoot the PS3.


They've got the money for one. At the moment they're collecting for a 2nd one. I've been impressed that they keep reaching their donation goals. They already smashed an Ipod and an Xbox 360, and they've already got the money via donations for a Wii and PS3.


And there is a sign right there that we are the richest and most wasteful country in the world.


The guys who do it are in Canada.


Wasteful Canadians.

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That makes it twice as unbelieveable, even more so the idiots who donate money and/or systems to this "cause". You want to hate on the system in question, fine. Do what the rest of us are doing: talk about it, send emails to the company in question, get a petition going, whatever.


I'm still trying to figure out the purpose this serves.

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Currently starting to get sucked into a dirt cheap ($5 used) PS2 platformer called Kya: Dark Lineage. It's a game that got bagged on and ignored because other games that were much more exceptional (Ratchet and Clank, Sly, etc) came out at the same time. It's not utter trash like Haven or Vexx, and in plenty of ways I like it more than any Jak game. So if you've toppled every Grade A platformer out on PS2 (and the Jaks), I'd say it is worth the Abe.

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I've had it with my PS2. At home, I haven't noticed much problems since getting a stand-alone DVD player for Christmas, but since temporarly moving into a friend's house, I hate it. It seems to not want to play half opf the DVDs we try in it, and now even some games don't work. SFA Anthology works and GTA:SA works, but I tried playing some GM Mode with a friend in SvR 06 and it was a no load. Some people at the house rented Fatal Frame 3 and that too did not load.


Apparently if I give EB my current PS2, I can get a new slimline PS2 for either $46 or $83 (I asked what I would get for a trade-in, the girl said "$45.99, and there's no tax so you don't have to pay that - I don't know why I would have to pay tax to give them something, so I assume she quoted me the price... although there is a chance she thinks I am giving them a slimline and not a non-working dustfilled loud box from 2001).


Do you guys feel it's worth paying some extra money to know that I'll be able to save space on my console shelf (which was becoming a problem once I added an Xbox last year) and be able to load games (and DVDs when taking the system on the road) without it being a 50/50 situation?


Also, will EB take / test my PS2? Does "refurbished" mean that they take possibly broken systems and get them repaired before re-selling them, or do they only take fully operational systems?


I don't have a warranty handy for the PS2 (and if I did, it would be 5 years old and probably not valid) so I don't know if just getting the laser repaired would be easier or cheaper. I've wanted a PS2 Lite, and the recent DRE errors I've been getting seem like the best excuse to trade. I just don't want to pay $100 for it, or to go to EB and find out they can't accept my system for much / any tade-in because it's 5 years old and has laser reading issues.

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When I traded in my PS2 at EB, they checked for damage on the exterior but didn't test its functionality at all.

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They ask you if it is operational, and they of course have you give them your info. They take broken systems and send them to get repaired.


I suspect this practice will end sometime mid-2007, and they'll only take working systems. Last Christmas PS2 were constantly sold out everywhere, so maybe they expect to cash in despite the next gen systems.


However, I'd first contact Sony and see if your system qualifies for free repair. Remember to stress the DREs you're getting:



I had opened my old monster PS2 to mod it, so I just traded it in for a slim, myself.

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Guest Smues
Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XII will be released in North America on October 31. This title has been rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB and will retail for $49.99 in a regular edition, and $59.99 in a collector's edition. One thing that importers of the Japanese release might be interested in knowing is that new fully voiced cutscenes have been added to the North American versions of the game.


Also revealed was that there would indeed be a collector's edition released on the same day, exclusive to GameStop and EB Games. This version includes:





Collector's Steel Case


As well as a special DVD which includes:





Japanese and American trailers

In-depth developer interviews

Art gallery

Featurettes of the history for Final Fantasy


About damn time they announced a release date. The collector's edition doesn't look like anything worth an extra $10 so thankfully I don't have to reserve this game at gamestop or EB games.

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My free Braves hat from MLB 06 The Show showed up today. I'd completely forgotten about that considering I sent in for it 3 months ago. Still, it's not a bad hat, and now I've got a poster of hats!

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Still no final decision on a PS2 trade-in (or even attempt or thought of going to the mall).


I was playing some Genesis multirom on the Dreamcast today and I was surprised at some of the stuff on there, like a 2D Virtua Fighter 2 and a really, really bad 16-bit interpretation of Duke Nukem 3D. Duke was a disaster and should never have been made (and I'm actually wondering if it ever was, or if it's a hack/unreleased rom). Doom for SNES was bad enough - this was taking a superior game and putting it on the weaker 16 bit system.


VF2, on the other hand, was one hell of an experiment. The friend I was playing this around said he recalled this game really existing. Presentation wise, it was pulled off great - the title screen and character select screen look pretty awesome for Genesis and the fighters look pretty good in gameplay. Unfortunatley, the game plays slowly and doesn't control very well in it's 16 bit faux-3D/2D environment. Worth looking at for the attempt, though.

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The VF2 title screen is a white background with the logo. I would hope Genesis could do that well. I played VF2 for that like once for 5 minutes. That was enough for me. It's worse than Tekken Advance.


Doom for SNES was hard to play, especially at first. Once I played it for hours I could get into it. It has more content than the 32X port which is missing like half the game...it's just so ugly.



Tekken DR comes out soon. I still haven't decided if I want to get a PSP for it. Maybe not...the main reason I wanted it was to play as Lili at home and lately I've been back to Julia more than her anyway.




Time Crisis 4 is out. I don't really like the new feature, in some scenes you can move left and right to change directions, but the level design is good. It's better than 3 but still hasn't topped 2. A dollar a play is INSANE though. I hate it when arcade games are that much. Even 75 is weak. At the very least the settings need to match the price. If I'm paying 75 for T5 I want 3/5 rounds. If I am paying a dollar for House of the Dead I want 5 lives.

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