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Guest MideonMark

WWE begin the releases

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Shannon Moore was wasted so badly. What little I saw of 3 Count in WCW was I noticed that he was kind of cute in that little-guy wrestler way, and I sat around on this forum about four times and said that a Moore/Kendrick team would draw, and then later a Moore/London team when Kendrick left.


Get two guys together who bump like pinballs and have that neighborhood boy charm and aren't roided monsters. Guys will pop because they kill themselves in the ring, girls will pop because they're kind of sexy compared to all the Mr. Olympia slugs in the promotion. But I guess that McMahon didn't ever bother to figure out how he was selling so much Hardys merch back in the golden age, because he failed to put 2 + 2 together.


Moore's interest in putting holes in his face and Creative's lack of any kind of original idea combined to create a black hole of suck from which he couldn't return. The last time I watched Velocity, he appeared to look like The Littlest Road Warrior.

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Just for a recap, here's a current list of those fired:


-- Marc Loyd

-- Mark Jindrak

-- Maven

-- Shannon Moore

-- Akio

-- Gangrel

-- Billy Kidman

-- Spike Dudley

-- Mordecai

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I thought it was bought for around $5 million.


Can anyone find a source to clear this up?

WCW, along with virtually all of its trademarks and archived footage, was sold to McMahon and World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. for a paltry $7 million in March 2001. --Wikipedia entry for WCW.


So Pruder's actually worth $6 million less than the WCW library.



Good to know.

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I love how they half-assed the list on their site. Why put Akio and Gangrel's real names, yet have Kidman & Spike under their ring aliases?


Also, what was the point of trading Jindrak to Raw [he's still even listed on the "big trade announced" page] if they were just going to release him?

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Also, what was the point of trading Jindrak to Raw [he's still even listed on the "big trade announced" page] if they were just going to release him?


"We don't want him, you take him!"


"Don't give him to us! We don't want him either!"


"No! We don't have to take him back and you can't make us!"

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It's interesting how of the 'WCW 24' that were carried over in 2001, only Stacy, Hurricane, and Cha--Kerwin White remain, with Demott as commentator.  And Booker and Torrie are the only others from the WCW side, period.  What a shame it is that from buying out the #2 company, the only person the E could make some money off of was their world champion.  Not so much WWE's fault as it is failed potential and/or roster.


Out of all the wrestlers employed by WCW talent at the time of the buyout, only Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Shane Helms, and Kerwin White still have jobs on TV. That's four wrestlers out of the entire roster... and yet Viscera is here. I have a trouble accepting failed potential as an explanation for all the others.

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It's interesting how of the 'WCW 24' that were carried over in 2001, only Stacy, Hurricane, and Cha--Kerwin White remain, with Demott as commentator.  And Booker and Torrie are the only others from the WCW side, period.  What a shame it is that from buying out the #2 company, the only person the E could make some money off of was their world champion.  Not so much WWE's fault as it is failed potential and/or roster.


Out of all the wrestlers employed by WCW talent at the time of the buyout, only Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Shane Helms, and Kerwin White still have jobs on TV. That's four wrestlers out of the entire roster... and yet Viscera is here. I have a trouble accepting failed potential as an explanation for all the others.


I'm sure had Visceras Sexual Choclate 2005 gimmick not gotten over with the crowd, he'd be on this list too.

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Guest jm29195

And yet on 411 they said Vince had told all the wrestlers in a post raw meeing last week that people who hadn't worked hard to get over would be cut- then they release Spike Dudley, who I'm not a great fan of but has pretty much destroyed himself to get and stay over- and we've still got Orlando Jones as US Champ, and Masters on Raw in a prominent position.... I know Kidman may not be over at present but every time he has been given a chancve (ie ppv shot) he has had vthe crowd chanting his name and gotten very over (Backlash 02, Vengaence 03), or gotten over as a heel (No Mercy 04).... It's not his fault his angles with Rey and London were dropped for no reason!!

I'd also imagine that guys like Moore and Akio coud get over if ever given a chance on Smackdown, how could they if they were relegated to 5 minute squashes on Velocity....

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It's interesting how of the 'WCW 24' that were carried over in 2001, only Stacy, Hurricane, and Cha--Kerwin White remain, with Demott as commentator.  And Booker and Torrie are the only others from the WCW side, period. 



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Just for a recap, here's a current list of those fired:


-- Marc Loyd

-- Mark Jindrak

-- Maven

-- Shannon Moore

-- Akio

-- Gangrel

-- Billy Kidman

-- Spike Dudley

-- Mordecai

Wow, Mordecai was still employed?


With Kidman gone, I wonder if Torrie Wilson will be next

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It's interesting how of the 'WCW 24' that were carried over in 2001, only Stacy, Hurricane, and Cha--Kerwin White remain, with Demott as commentator.  And Booker and Torrie are the only others from the WCW side, period.  What a shame it is that from buying out the #2 company, the only person the E could make some money off of was their world champion.  Not so much WWE's fault as it is failed potential and/or roster.


Out of all the wrestlers employed by WCW talent at the time of the buyout, only Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Shane Helms, and Kerwin White still have jobs on TV. That's four wrestlers out of the entire roster... and yet Viscera is here. I have a trouble accepting failed potential as an explanation for all the others.

Great post.......... agreed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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With Kidman gone, I wonder if Torrie Wilson will be next

Not really, I'm not sure why people say this. Test was let go and Stacy is still around.


Do people get their ideas about how the business works from EWR or something? A paycheck is still a paycheck, and Kidman is so banged up that IIRC he was considering retirement anyway.

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Shame about Maven though. He was a home-grown talent and he was fine on the microphone. His match against Shelton Benjamin at New Years Revolution sucked but I loved what he did

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Maven and Kidman are shockers, because we'd have expected them cut a long time ago. With TE apparently over for good, they didn't want to bother keeping Maven around. I guess Kidman's bomb of a heel run was the final straw.


David Heath? Isn't that Gangrel? I thought he was only for those couple of appearances, and neither he or Visc were contracted.


Moore cut = Matt's definitely not coming back.


These cuts aren't surprising consisting Heat/Velocity is going to be gone soon. But without Akio, Kidman, or Moore--who are going to make the hosses look good?


With Kidman gone, I wonder if Torrie Wilson will be next


Considering she's one of the few Divas that has a name to most of the fans, and still pulls in $ for her shoots and mag spreads, no.


The appearances of Divas such as Dark-Haired One with Huge Tits who Spins, Brunette One who Makes Snotty Facial Expressions and Walking Racial Stereotype with 'Tude gives one a new tolerance for Torrieberg (of course, not having a major program or extended match in a hell of a long time helps too).

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All I can say is well done to Stevie, yet again. Akio deserves better, and will probably get it. The majority were injury prone and were coming off a decent push in the last few months (heel Kidman, heel spike, maven/dean, Jindrak w/ Angle). No massive losses thus far.

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There are people talking about the possibility that WWE is observing Torrie Wilson's reaction to Billy Kidman getting fired, and if her attitude changes in anyway, she's gone.


Of course, after the current Smackdown magazine is off the shelves.

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All I can say is well done to Stevie, yet again. Akio deserves better, and will probably get it. The majority were injury prone and were coming off a decent push in the last few months (heel Kidman, heel spike, maven/dean, Jindrak w/ Angle). No massive losses thus far.


Stevie Richards is a favorite of Vince. Vince admires Stevie's work ethic and therefore is one of his favs. He's pretty much got a lot of job security.

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It is indeed stupid to assume Torrie would be fired, despite being the main focus on the advertising for the next ppv. It's not as if she's less marketable because Billy effing Kidman was fired. There's zero association between them on screen, and as mentioned Stacy was never under threat when Test went.

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The releases clearly show that it's time to free up money to pay the new WWE stripper...errrr.....Diva.


Kidman had a lot to offer the roster, if Vince had any intention of using him correctly.


Maven...on one hand I will miss the most lethal Unibrow in all of sports entertainment. However, it was an example of the Tough Enough wrestlers getting pushed to the moon too much, too soon that turned me off to him ultimately. They never seemed to earn their dues and took the spots of other hard workers out there.

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It's interesting how of the 'WCW 24' that were carried over in 2001, only Stacy, Hurricane, and Cha--Kerwin White remain, with Demott as commentator.  And Booker and Torrie are the only others from the WCW side, period. 



I'm not surprised there ultimately...I have had this conspiracy theory since 2001 running around my head. When Vince bought WCW, he was going to show once and for all his product was superior to Turner's. So...he deliberately botched the Invasion and ever since has worked very hard to ruin all WCW gimmicks/angles. The NWO, Scott Steiner, the non-signing of Sting (let's face it if Vince threw enough money at him and really had wanted Sting the deal would have been done). Even Goldberg...even though he got a title run it doesn't say much for confidence when Linda McMahon is calling you a "disappointment" before the stockholders.

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