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Guest MideonMark

WWE begin the releases

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Guest *KNK*
I remember reading long ago, in '03, that Akio (Jimmy Yang at the time) had pretty much burnt all his bridges in TNA.  Hopefully the Jarretts will give him another chance.  That guy can go!


I don't think he would even waste time heading back to TNA. He'll likely go straight to ROH where he is a fan and has been at various shows before and wait til his spot in AJPW opens up again.

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Gangrel? I don't believe WWE even owns this name but he used the name in the indies didn't he? or at least the gimmick, I want to say Vampire Warrior.



Gangrel is owned by White Wolf, and the WWE got the permissions to use it. That's why he was using Vampire Warrior on the indies.

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I hope the Dudleys get released. The last time I was remotely interested in either of them was during the Reverend D-Von angle. They're stale and work the same routine whether they're faces or heels. The only thing they have going for them is a ridicuolously large number of title reigns. Get rid of them.


I thought Matt went to ROH, but I might be wrong. Still, it's not like a Hardy/Dudley feud in TNA would destroy the WWE fanbase. Might spike buys for one TNA show, but that would ultimately have little or no effect on WWE.

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Guest *KNK*
I hope the Dudleys get released. The last time I was remotely interested in either of them was during the Reverend D-Von angle. They're stale and work the same routine whether they're faces or heels. The only thing they have going for them is a ridicuolously large number of title reigns. Get rid of them.


I thought Matt went to ROH, but I might be wrong. Still, it's not like a Hardy/Dudley feud in TNA would destroy the WWE fanbase. Might spike buys for one TNA show, but that would ultimately have little or no effect on WWE.


He did. He can't compete until 90 days has passed. He debuts on 7/16 in Woodbridge against Christopher Daniels


He's booked for that show and the 8/12 and 8/13 doubleshot weekend in Dayton and Chicago and not beyond that.


Adding fuel to the speculation he'll be back in WWE for SummerSlam.

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I'm baffled that people are ticked that Maven got cut.

His ringwork might not be the best, but, and you wouldn't know it lately from how he's been booked, he is a great talker. When a guy is great at something, you really should find a place for him on your roster.

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Guest *KNK*
I'm baffled that people are ticked that Maven got cut.

His ringwork might not be the best, but, and you wouldn't know it lately from how he's been booked, he is a great talker. When a guy is great at something, you really should find a place for him on your roster.


What is amusing is the fact they always seemingly applauded those with skills to talk and yet in some cases those who can; They won't let them (Maven and Morgan for instance)

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I'm baffled that people are ticked that Maven got cut.

His ringwork might not be the best, but, and you wouldn't know it lately from how he's been booked, he is a great talker. When a guy is great at something, you really should find a place for him on your roster.


What is amusing is the fact they always seemingly applauded those with skills to talk and yet in some cases those who can; They won't let them (Maven and Morgan for instance)

Chris Candido said it best when he said that WWE are the kind of people who will take the world's best plumber and make him an electrician.

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Guest *KNK*
Spike, I'm a little surprised by, as he can bump like crazy and really get monsters over.


Hey, Fertig, Jim Cornette says he'll have fries with that.


They have London for that now. Why take up unneccesary spot when there's untapped hoss potential.


Why exactly does Cornette hate Fertig?

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Spike, I'm a little surprised by, as he can bump like crazy and really get monsters over.


Hey, Fertig, Jim Cornette says he'll have fries with that.

Why exactly does Cornette hate Fertig?

I don't know that he hates Fertig, but he won't be sending him a christmas card this year. Fertig was dicking around in match in OVW, and Cornette sent word to him, via the ref, that he should stop. Fertig kept it up, and when they got to the back, Cornette 'had words' with Fertig, who bitched about it a lot.

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I'm baffled that people are ticked that Maven got cut.

His ringwork might not be the best, but, and you wouldn't know it lately from how he's been booked, he is a great talker. When a guy is great at something, you really should find a place for him on your roster.

I agree he can talk, but what would you do with him? Make him a manager? Can't do that because he's male. Have him talk shit only to get squashed? It's been, what, 3 years now, and the guy is still awful in the ring. A low card guy who can only talk, and who was frequently injured, is expendable, IMO.

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The ones that make me the most sad are Spike Kidman and Maven. I really loved Kidman in WCW. Was the WCW tape library really worth all that much? it seems Vince wasted all that money on tapes and 5 wrestlers.

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Guest *KNK*
The ones that make me the most sad are Spike Kidman and Maven. I really loved Kidman in WCW. Was the WCW tape library really worth all that much? it seems Vince wasted all that money on tapes and 5 wrestlers.


He spends more money detailing his cars then he spent to buy those tapes and wrestler's rights.


Think of it like this


Daniel Puder was worth 1.5 million dollars less then the WCW/NWA Library.

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The ones that make me the most sad are Spike Kidman and Maven. I really loved Kidman in WCW. Was the WCW tape library really worth all that much? it seems Vince wasted all that money on tapes and 5 wrestlers.


The lack of use of the WCW tape library in DVDs makes me sad.


If I were Vince I'd rerelease tons of WCW stuff, but if sales were good they couldn't have that...

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Guest *KNK*
The ones that make me the most sad are Spike Kidman and Maven. I really loved Kidman in WCW. Was the WCW tape library really worth all that much? it seems Vince wasted all that money on tapes and 5 wrestlers.


The lack of use of the WCW tape library in DVDs makes me sad.


If I were Vince I'd rerelease tons of WCW stuff, but if sales were good they couldn't have that...


He has released the 80's dvd, road warriors and Flair dvd's.


It's not like he has let that collection sit in the vault. It's used for the 24/7 network as well.


This is without question one of the top investments Vince ever made.

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The ones that make me the most sad are Spike Kidman and Maven. I really loved Kidman in WCW. Was the WCW tape library really worth all that much? it seems Vince wasted all that money on tapes and 5 wrestlers.


The lack of use of the WCW tape library in DVDs makes me sad.


If I were Vince I'd rerelease tons of WCW stuff, but if sales were good they couldn't have that...


He has released the 80's dvd, road warriors and Flair dvd's.


It's not like he has let that collection sit in the vault. It's used for the 24/7 network as well.


This is without question one of the top investments Vince ever made.


My mistake then, I'm talking more along the line of rereleasing PPVs and things like that on DVD. I always ate up the ECW PPV DVD rereleases just because there were so few... there are quite a few WCW PPVs I'd like to watch again.


I'd take the crap with the good to relive a complete show.

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Guest nokia

The releases that "hurts" the most are;


* Akio

* Spike

* Kidman

* Shannon Moore


What happens to the cruiserweight division now ?


London,Hotty and the mexicools are just about the only one's left...

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Guest *KNK*
The releases that "hurts" the most are;


* Akio

* Spike

* Kidman

* Shannon Moore


What happens to the cruiserweight division now ?


London,Hotty and the mexicools are just about the only one's left...


Really makes Kerwin White worthwhile now doesnt it?

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The ones that make me the most sad are Spike Kidman and Maven. I really loved Kidman in WCW. Was the WCW tape library really worth all that much? it seems Vince wasted all that money on tapes and 5 wrestlers.


He spends more money detailing his cars then he spent to buy those tapes and wrestler's rights.


Think of it like this


Daniel Puder was worth 1.5 million dollars less then the WCW/NWA Library.


Pruder's "Million Dollar" contract was spread out over 4 years, so he gets $1 million total for 4 years, not $1 million for every year of the contract.

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Guest *KNK*
The ones that make me the most sad are Spike Kidman and Maven. I really loved Kidman in WCW. Was the WCW tape library really worth all that much? it seems Vince wasted all that money on tapes and 5 wrestlers.


He spends more money detailing his cars then he spent to buy those tapes and wrestler's rights.


Think of it like this


Daniel Puder was worth 1.5 million dollars less then the WCW/NWA Library.


Pruder's "Million Dollar" contract was spread out over 4 years, so he gets $1 million total for 4 years, not $1 million for every year of the contract.


How much do you think WCW was brought for?


2.5 Million.

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The ones that make me the most sad are Spike Kidman and Maven. I really loved Kidman in WCW. Was the WCW tape library really worth all that much? it seems Vince wasted all that money on tapes and 5 wrestlers.


He spends more money detailing his cars then he spent to buy those tapes and wrestler's rights.


Think of it like this


Daniel Puder was worth 1.5 million dollars less then the WCW/NWA Library.


Pruder's "Million Dollar" contract was spread out over 4 years, so he gets $1 million total for 4 years, not $1 million for every year of the contract.


How much do you think WCW was brought for?


2.5 Million.



I thought it was bought for around $5 million.


Can anyone find a source to clear this up?

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