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Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

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Guest Fishyswa

If Brock hits the SSP consistently while breaking out the fatty power moves he could be a serial rapist and he'd still be over.

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Guest Vodka Avenger2
If Brock hits the SSP consistently while breaking out the fatty power moves he could be a serial rapist and he'd still be over.


Shit, put him in a turban and teach him the suicide dive on top of it. That's money.

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If Brock hits the SSP consistently while breaking out the fatty power moves he could be a serial rapist and he'd still be over.


Shit, put him in a turban and teach him the suicide dive on top of it. That's money.


**chokes to death from laughing so hard**

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Guest Vodka Avenger2

Shit, put him in a turban and teach him the suicide dive on top of it. That's money.


**chokes to death from laughing so hard**


Warning: this post may contain graphic depictions of unnerving subjects, and may mention recent events. Reader discresion is advised.


MUAHAHA! My terrorist plot obviously is working as planned.

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Who are all these wrestlers that can work circles around Brock right now?  Brock has been in the best 1 on 1 matches Undertaker and Big Show have had in years,

Taker had great matches with RVD back in 2001 and 2002, and Brock's matches against Show are extremely overrated.


The fuck they are.


The stretcher match at Judgment Day was the most entertaining match Big Show's had in his life, and totally made the show, even with a dead feud going in. Big Show might not be capable of a ****+ singles match, but it was as close to **** as he's capable of going.


The Smackdown match where the ring broke was entertaining as well, and then the Triple Threat at Vengeance with Angle was the best triple threat match in WWE history.


Brock does some incredible things where you don't believe he'll be able to. I bet the guy could even work a **** match with Booker T.

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Who are all these wrestlers that can work circles around Brock right now?  Brock has been in the best 1 on 1 matches Undertaker and Big Show have had in years,

Taker had great matches with RVD back in 2001 and 2002, and Brock's matches against Show are extremely overrated.


The fuck they are.


The stretcher match at Judgment Day was the most entertaining match Big Show's had in his life, and totally made the show, even with a dead feud going in. Big Show might not be capable of a ****+ singles match, but it was as close to **** as he's capable of going.


The Smackdown match where the ring broke was entertaining as well, and then the Triple Threat at Vengeance with Angle was the best triple threat match in WWE history.


Brock does some incredible things where you don't believe he'll be able to. I bet the guy could even work a **** match with Booker T.

So the Triple threat was better than the previous year's Vengeance one (Taker Vs Rock Vs Angle)? I have never seen it and was wondering how good it was compared to that one, which I thought was the best triple threat WWE match I had ever seen.

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Taker/Angle/Rock was probably a better 'match'. Angle/Show/Lesnar was very entertaining though. Lesnar takes a SICK chair-shot from Angle, Big Show gets hit with a Lesnar Running Powerbomb which is just insane. Entertaining, hot crowd. But it's not as good of a 'match', in workrate terms.

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I evaluated it as objectively as I could, and I still thought that the one with Big Show and Brock in it was better than the triple threat from the year before. However, I have to confess that I'm a huge mark for Angle, and I almost creamed myself when he pinned Brock clean with the Angle Slam.

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The only thing I remember about Rock/Angle/Taker was how Taker and Rock completely ignored Angle until he got in their faces. That was a pretty funny exchange.


I'll agree the one a year later was a lot better, though.

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Guest Ransome
The Smackdown match where the ring broke was entertaining as well, and then the Triple Threat at Vengeance with Angle was the best triple threat match in WWE history.


I haven't seen the Vengeance match since it's original airing, are you really saying it's better than even the WM XX threeway?


People here have listed a number of great Brock matches, which is all the more impressive given his true WWE run was really only 20 months and his lack of experience. I rewatched Brock vs Eddie Guerrero at NWO 2004 this morning, and I believe Brock was in full command of his considerable talent at the time. His mat sense had evolved greatly since his debut, and I imagine that upon his return he'll be able to continue at the same level, which should provide for some excellent matches.

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Crazy thoughts:


Billy Kidman uses the Shooting Star Press.

Matt Morgan uses the F-5.

Brock Lesnar uses both finishes.

Brock Lesnar is returning.

He will probably re-sign for a lot of money.

WWE just cut lots dead weight and some useful talent (Haas & Morgan) to trim the budget.




Ya never know.


I dont we will ever see Brock doing a SSP again after WMX19. :(


However, I have to confess that I'm a huge mark for Angle, and I almost creamed myself when he pinned Brock clean with the Angle Slam.


As if everybody here wanted to know that. :bonk:

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If Brock hits the SSP consistently while breaking out the fatty power moves he could be a serial rapist and he'd still be over.


Shit, put him in a turban and teach him the suicide dive on top of it. That's money.


Muslims don't wear turbans. Sikhs do.


I'm curious if he'll have to "pay his dues" upon returning or get put back on top. If he goes straight to the top again I could see a lot of wrestlers resenting that kind of preferential treatment.

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I haven't seen the Vengeance match since it's original airing, are you really saying it's better than even the WM XX threeway?


Yes, definitely. Whereas the WM XX match relied on the typical formulaic "everyone has everyone else beat constantly, but people are always breaking up the near falls" dynamic present in so many triple threat matches, the Vengeance match had a lot deeper psychology.


They were really doing everything they could to wear down the body and take each other out, and it was only because of some of the huge spots earlier that Brock's back and shoulder area got weakened enough to be pinned by one Angle Slam.

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Guest JRE

WWE.com has learned that Brock Lesnar has met with his attorney, David Olsen, to discuss the written contract offer Lesnar received last week from World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. It is unclear when the contract will be signed. The terms were not disclosed.

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Well it didn't say when exactly he was coming back.


The Angle/Brock/Big Show 3 way was as good as it was going to get...for those guys involved. Neither Brock or Show really rocks my world to begin with and if I recall Show spent half the match laid out after crashing through an announce table. It's been a while since I saw it though, and I'd had a few at the time.


The Angle/Rock/UT 3 way was easily better, though it doesn't really have that utter markout quality that the WM XX match does, what with Benoit making HHH tap out and all.

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I highly doubt that the small percentage of internet fans could spread the word to enough of the casual fans that it would ruin the surprise. It'd be like someone peeing in the Pacific Ocean, and worrying it would cause an environmental disaster.

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Eh, I have no idea why they would want to do that though. While I'm hardly a Brock mark (in fact those who have followed my posts know I'm quite the opposite) there might be a dozen or so people who wouldn't appreciate that phony story. :)

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WWE.com has learned that Brock Lesnar has met with his attorney, David Olsen, to discuss the written contract offer Lesnar received last week from World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. It is unclear when the contract will be signed. The terms were not disclosed.


Translation: He signed the contract a month ago and is getting ready to go down to OVW to work off the ring rust.

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WWE.com has learned that Brock Lesnar has met with his attorney, David Olsen, to discuss the written contract offer Lesnar received last week from World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. It is unclear when the contract will be signed. The terms were not disclosed.


Translation: He signed the contract a month ago and is getting ready to go down to OVW to work off the ring rust.


I don't think they send BROCK FUCKING LESNAR down to OVW. Not one bit.

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That could be true, but what if it spread by mouth? Then the element of surprise is ruined. We'll have to see how they go about his return, should he sign the contract.


I think that's exactly what they want: Hardcore Internet fans get it in their heads that Brock Lesnar is coming back, then they spread the word to their casual fan buddies and the anticipation builds. Pretty soon, you start watching shows to see when he's finally going to pop up, possibly even buy a PPV (coughSUMMERSLAMcough,cough), thinking that's where he might come back.


Really, the whole surprise factor is overrated. That's a one-shot deal, and if a surprise is just that- a surprise, then it won't make them any money anyway because they won't have any higher viewership than usual.


The real planning here is how to make money off him long-term, not on his re-introduction. And for once, I think they're going about it the right way: Publicize every little detail of the process of bringing him back. It makes him seem like a bigger deal.

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That could be true, but what if it spread by mouth? Then the element of surprise is ruined. We'll have to see how they go about his return, should he sign the contract.

Really, the whole surprise factor is overrated. That's a one-shot deal, and if a surprise is just that- a surprise, then it won't make them any money anyway because they won't have any higher viewership than usual.


The real planning here is how to make money off him long-term, not on his re-introduction. And for once, I think they're going about it the right way: Publicize every little detail of the process of bringing him back. It makes him seem like a bigger deal.

We have a winner.


You don't make money off of bringing a big name back with zero build, and WWE needs to make as much money off of Lesnar as they possibly can before they mess things up, which history tells us they most likely will.


Making the most money off of Lesnar's return means building it up, and not trying to make it a surprise just to get a reaction, because that makes you a mark for the pop, and we've seen in the past what that has meant for business. What they are doing right now, laying out his return piece-by-piece for their hardcore fans is the first step. Once this part of the storyline is concluded, and Lesnar finally signs, then they need to move on to letting the casual fans know that Lesnar is coming back. And that is the part of the puzzle that I think is where the biggest risk lies, because WWE could very easily make a mess of things. I hope they won't, because Lesnar being brought back could make them a ton of money if handled right, but I won't hold my breath on them pulling the trigger and getting the most out of this.

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WWE.com has learned that Brock Lesnar has met with his attorney, David Olsen, to discuss the written contract offer Lesnar received last week from World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. It is unclear when the contract will be signed. The terms were not disclosed.


Translation: He signed the contract a month ago and is getting ready to go down to OVW to work off the ring rust.


I don't think they send BROCK FUCKING LESNAR down to OVW. Not one bit.


Well, he won't be working the shows. If anything, he'll be working with Snow, Dreamer and others to get his timing down.


On the other hand, Brock hated his time there (didn't like Cornette's way of booking, although he's now gone), so I'd expect him to come straight to Titan, working 'matches' before the event (pyro and videos still being tested, ring just put up).

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