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Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

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with that being said, when do you debut Lesnar (say he signs a contract tomorrow)?  as niskie pointed out, WM is a long ways away and I can't see them keeping those two apart for that long on a limited roster...Hold off on bringing him in until S. Series or sometime in December or what?

Off the top of my head, I'd build up his return with a series of video packages, hyping that Lesnar is returning on, say, the second SD after Summerslam, to sign his new WWE contract. They can show him working out and getting back in shape, which will show and tell people that Lesnar is in great shape, and could also have him say something into the camera about getting back in the big league and how he is going to prove to everyone that he belongs in the WWE.


The first SD after Summerslam has a main event of Batista against JBL (seeing as how he'll be the lead heel on SD at that time), and it ends up with JBL and a few other top heels beating up on Batista (this will later be explained as The Group deciding that, while they can't beat Batista on their own, if they all gang up on him, one of them will win the World Title sooner or later, and then that person gives the others title shots). Nobody comes out to make the save, because they'll switch to the back, and show the faces locker room barred shut, so they can't get out. As the beatdown is going on, the cameras catch someone coming through the crowd, and as this person hops over the guardrail, the cameras catch his face, and it turns out to be Brock Lesnar. Lesnar runs off the heels, and the SD ends with Lesnar staring down at Batista, and the two locking eyes.


The next week when it comes time for Lesnar to sign his SD contract, Teddy Long can tell Lesnar that while he did a good thing last week, he shouldn't have done it, because he wan't under contract yet. Lesnar signs the contract, but before he can celebrate, JBL or others from The Group can come out and rip into Lesnar for walking out, with Lesnar firing back with saying he knows he didn't handle things right, but he is here to make up for all of that.


Over the following weeks, Lesnar, in trying to prove himself, helps out various babyfaces who are getting attacked, but they don't appreciate getting help from a 'sellout'. Everyone, faces and heels, can deride Lesnar for walking out, and the faces can say they don't want or need his help.


Lesnar can beat Orton at No Mercy and JBL at Survivor Series. I don't know the PPV schedule off-hand, so I don't know the specific PPV's SD has, so that might need to be re-done.


With Lesnar still trying to prove his worth, we go into the last SD of the year with Batista getting ambushed in the ring by a bunch of people, and Lesnar hits the ring to make the save again, but this time he TURNS HEEL and destroys Batista.


The next week, Lesnar explains himself by saying he tried to do the right thing, he tried to prove himself to everyone, but people just wouldn't give him a chance, and he got sick of not being given the chance he felt he deserves, so he had enough, and he snapped. Lesnar then says he came back for one real reason, and that is to be the World Heavyweight Champion, and to that end, he is entering the Royal Rumble.


Come Royal Rumble, Lesnar gets around #20, F5's a few people over the top rope, en route to winning the match, and setting up a WM 22 main event against Batista.


Build up ensues with Lesnar being hyped up as an undefeated monster who has beaten everyone in his path, and Batista being hyped up as the ultra-dominant World Heavyweight Champion, and at WM 22 people are going to see these to monsters collide one-on-one, and one of these beasts is finally going to go down in defeat. With both men having an unbeatable aura around them, the people having seen that aura develop and envolve over the seven-months leading into WM 22, and that these both men look the part, WM 22 would do huge numbers.

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Well, the thing is, he's not that much of a killer if he's getting beat. He's never going to get the point where he's invulnerable if he's been proven vulnerable. You're trying way too hard to find ways to make Brock job



It will take away his unbeatable aura. He's not unbeatable, if he well, can be beaten,


Where is the idea coming from that he carries this untarnished image of being a monster killer? Didn't he job his title to a spear followed by a delayed frog splash? Oh yeah, that unbeatable aura, the one that saw him jobbed out to Goldberg CLEAN in his last match? He didn't go out unbeatable, why should he come back in like that. BUILD IT UP. Right now he DOESN'T HAVE AN UNBEATABLE AURA, it was taken away, IT NEEDS TO BE BUILT UP FROM SCRATCH, which is why you can TAKE THE TIME TO DO IT and have the luxury of jobbing him early if you so choose. Does anyone here honestly think wins and losses are the most important thing in wrestling? Book it smart and you can get away with the jobs, and sorry to say HTQ, but any booker worth his salt could pull it off and draw MORE money than with your sorry excuse for a plotline because the fans might actually, you know, be entertained and surprised at times between point A and point B, plus you'll have more left over to draw more money with down the line. This isn't 1987 and it isn't Hogan/Andre.


What's one or two jobs when he comes back in if he goes on a killer run after that? If a football team loses their first two games and then sweeps all the way to the championship are they not a dominant team? Do fans not care about that years super bowl if they lost to a non-playoff team early in the season? Hogwash!


Would you have jobbed Andre the Giant before Wrestlemania III?


Your idea is stupid. People need to believe Brock is this unbeatable bad motherfucker that should not be messed with.


Jobbing him just kills any aura he might have coming back.


And jobbing to Eddy Guerrero? That was 18 months ago, it can be forgotten with the help of video packages showing Brock beating the shit out of everyonre.


So Brock comes back, everyone is excited, the potential to draw $ is there....


and you job him to a 40 year old man who doesn't need the rub.



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to HTQ:


That sounds pretty good actually...be sure to hit the WWE up for the money they owe you if they go that route...BUT, does Batista have the staying power, drawing power, etc. to hold on to the belt for what would be a year, with that plan? That could possibly throw a wrench into things, unless they hotshot it off of him for a month or two to, I dunno, Orton or somebody, say at. S. Series, then he wins it back at the Rumble? Follow his title win and Brock's rumble win with the staredown/and or beatdown...

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to HTQ:


That sounds pretty good actually...be sure to hit the WWE up for the money they owe you if they go that route...BUT, does Batista have the staying power, drawing power, etc. to hold on to the belt for what would be a year, with that plan?  That could possibly throw a wrench into things, unless they hotshot it off of him for a month or two to, I dunno, Orton or somebody, say at. S. Series, then he wins it back at the Rumble?  Follow his title win and Brock's rumble win with the staredown/and or beatdown...

No hotshotting the title. That just takes away from Batista's aura, and if they go with Batista v Lesnar at WM 22, they can't do that. If Batista beats JBL at Summerslam, and he should, and it should be booked as a brawl with Batista on most of the offense, then he can move into a program with Orton, with Orton going for revenge over his shoulder. That can be extended through a PPV or two, maybe even involving Undertaker in some fashion to lead to Batista v Orton v Undertaker, with Batista beating Orton, ending their program, and moving on to Batista v Undertaker, off of Undertaker not getting pinned, and they can meet at the Rumble.

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I fail to see why everyone gets so excited about this guy. He's a good amateur wrestler, but unlike Kurt Angle he lacks mike skills and charisma. The guy is no vanilla on the mike he makes Shelton Benjamin look like Hulk Hogan.


He's a good worker in the ring true. But to me he's just a bland big guy.

I'd watch JBL any day in the week over this guy. JBL has a personality.


I hope he goes to SD and they send Hassan back to RAW. It would be even better if they also through in MNM...that way I could watch Melina without an idiotic "blur" effect everytime she turns around.

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I fail to see why everyone gets so excited about this guy. He's a good amateur wrestler, but unlike Kurt Angle he lacks mike skills and charisma.  The guy is no vanilla on the mike he makes Shelton Benjamin look like Hulk Hogan.


He's a good worker in the ring true.  But to me he's just a bland big guy.

I'd watch JBL any day in the week over this guy. JBL has a personality.


If Brock had no charisma, why are a lot of people looking forward to his return? He might lack mic skills but he does have charisma in-ring. Choosing JBL over BROCK is so wrong on many levels.

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Yes, he certainly does have charisma, or he would have never gotten over as well as he did in his earlier run.


I would have him run-in after the JBL-Batista match at SummerSlam myself. Then build for a return to Smackdown a few weeks after the ppv to explain his intentions with his return - obviously to get the belt back. THen from there you just slow build like crazy. Lesnar has perfectly fine programs they could build from now til Mania in guys like Benoit, Rey perhaps, etc.

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Yes, he certainly does have charisma, or he would have never gotten over as well as he did in his earlier run.


I would have him run-in after the JBL-Batista match at SummerSlam myself. Then build for a return to Smackdown a few weeks after the ppv to explain his intentions with his return - obviously to get the belt back. THen from there you just slow build like crazy. Lesnar has perfectly fine programs they could build from now til Mania in guys like Benoit, Rey perhaps, etc.

While the moment of Brock's return can be a surprise, that he is returning at all should not be a surprise. It needs to be hyped up like crazy beforehand.

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The main issue when comparing Brock and JBL is perception. Brock came in and just won the title. He's at least always been perceived as a guy who is a top star. JBL was a midcard bum and tag wrestler for a decade and got an inexplicable title push from nowhere. Regardless of charisma or whatever it's easier to accept Brock in a main event role.

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Yes, he certainly does have charisma, or he would have never gotten over as well as he did in his earlier run.


I would have him run-in after the JBL-Batista match at SummerSlam myself. Then build for a return to Smackdown a few weeks after the ppv to explain his intentions with his return - obviously to get the belt back. THen from there you just slow build like crazy. Lesnar has perfectly fine programs they could build from now til Mania in guys like Benoit, Rey perhaps, etc.

While the moment of Brock's return can be a surprise, that he is returning at all should not be a surprise. It needs to be hyped up like crazy beforehand.


Couldnt you do a surprise run-in at the ppv though, hype that up on Smackdown to get ppv replay buys for it (it would be just a quick run-in F-5ing Batista and maybe even JBL too) and STILL push a return to Smackdown 2-3 weeks after that though, which would draw a decent number hopefully? I just would rather be surprised AND still anticipate the debut of him back on normal WWE TV as thats kind of killing two birds with one stone. The people who get the ppv could be happy as hell that they actually got SURPRISED and the people who can't get the ppvs can still anticipate actually seeing him on the normal show in due time.


Also, I wouldnt even have Lesnar wrestle a single match until No Mercy, no how, no way.

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The main issue when comparing Brock and JBL is perception.  Brock came in and just won the title.  He's at least always been perceived as a guy who is a top star.  JBL was a midcard bum and tag wrestler for a decade and got an inexplicable title push from nowhere.  Regardless of charisma or whatever it's easier to accept Brock in a main event role.


I totally disagree. If Bradshaw would have been brought in and pushed in that manner that Lesnar was, nobody would have bought it and it would have panned out. That NEVER happened with Lesnar. I understand the perception part but the wrestler has to pull their own weight too to make that perception happen. You cant just bring in any old anyone, push them like crazy, and get a guaranteed response you want.


Lesnar has/had those intangibles that people just knew right away he was going somewhere. I remember seeing him in a dark match at a Raw taping back in 2001 in Minneapolis in a tag match w/ Benjamin and he just blew me away immediately (didnt hurt he busted out the SSP that night) and made me think he will be a huge star. I dont recall that same feeling when I saw Bradshaw in the GWF on ESPN way back when.

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Yes, he certainly does have charisma, or he would have never gotten over as well as he did in his earlier run.


I would have him run-in after the JBL-Batista match at SummerSlam myself. Then build for a return to Smackdown a few weeks after the ppv to explain his intentions with his return - obviously to get the belt back. THen from there you just slow build like crazy. Lesnar has perfectly fine programs they could build from now til Mania in guys like Benoit, Rey perhaps, etc.

While the moment of Brock's return can be a surprise, that he is returning at all should not be a surprise. It needs to be hyped up like crazy beforehand.


Couldnt you do a surprise run-in at the ppv though, hype that up on Smackdown to get ppv replay buys for it (it would be just a quick run-in F-5ing Batista and maybe even JBL too) and STILL push a return to Smackdown 2-3 weeks after that though, which would draw a decent number hopefully? I just would rather be surprised AND still anticipate the debut of him back on normal WWE TV as thats kind of killing two birds with one stone. The people who get the ppv could be happy as hell that they actually got SURPRISED and the people who can't get the ppvs can still anticipate actually seeing him on the normal show in due time.

Absolutely not. Brock can only make his return once, and you have to make the very most of it that you can. That means hyping it like crazy, not wasting it just to surprise people. You can let people know he is coming back and promote it like crazy, and still surprise them with the manner in which he returns. That way, you're building to his return that generates interest, but you can still pull off the right kind of surprise, that being the manner of his return, that makes money.

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HTQ. You're little business plan is great.......in the short term. You'll get a big number for his return, and you'll draw good buys for Mania. Hooray. However, you won't build the fanbase at all in the long run.


Sure, everybody will be excited to see two shows, and they'll all watch those two shows, but the shows in between will be so damn boring, that after Wrestlemania, the fans will all tune out again and you'll have no progress whatsoever.


If after SS in 1998, the Rock had been "protected" throughout his feud with Foley, do you think the Attitude Era would have taken off as well as it had? Sure, some of the marks might have been a little more interested in WM, and it might have done an extra 50,000 buys, but in the long run, the lack of unpredictable, entertaining, television would hurt business.


With Brock having a year and a half of ring rust, they have a perfect opportunity to give him a surprise loss without hurting his credibility whatsoever, and give him some interesting character development in the process. Foregoing that for the most simple, basic, uninteresting story imaginable is the kind of short-sighted move that has held the company back for the last four years.

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Guest Vodka Avenger2

I have a much better idea, and it fits with the WWE tradition.


1) Put him on RAW inexplicably, since everyone expects him on SmackDown.


2) Let Matt Hardy jump Edge for the 6th time.


3) Let Brock Lesnar destroy Matt Hardy and utterly destroy Matt's newest gimmick.


4) Let Brock Lesnar destroy Edge and utterly destroy Edge's newest gimmick.


5) What the hell, let Brock Lesnar destroy Lita and watch her utterly destroy what's left of her own knee in the process.


6) Viva the shoot promo.


7) Let him rip what's left of HHH's torn quad off (all apologies to the poster of the same name) so there's no reason to job him to Trips.


8) Brock eats John Cena, spits out the belt, puts it on his waist.


9) Champ vs. Champ, Lesnar/Batista, WM22. Lesnar destroys Batista in 18 minutes.


10) Now that Lesnar is the ultimate badass in WWE.... the El Brocko return to screw it all up.



Remind me to turn off email notifications, I have more messages from this damn thread than my family in the last week. And my family sends me WAY too much email as it is.

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I'd have 2 sets of videos setting up Lesnar. I'd have one run 5 weeks before Survivor Series. It would be a countdown - the screen goes black, you get "In 5 Weeks... He returns" in lettering and audio clips of announcers calling his matches ("Oh my GOD!" "That's inhuman" "This man is a monster" "Oh that's gotta hurt" "Somebody call 9-11", etc). Survivor Series comes up, you do the full countdown "5...4...3...2...1" and then you have it go crazy and go back up... Fast paced, hectic, choatic shots of Lesnar and his signature moves. Get a heartbeat in there, the sounds of a monitor (beep, beep, beep), wild animal sounds, intense music, etc. all mixed together. During this you get random numbers "1..3...2...4...3...4...1..." shifting through it. Then It goes up from 1..2...3...4 and slows down to 5...with an F appearing beside it. It stops for a moment ...calm... Then you have shots of Lesnars F-5, moving quicker and quicker... and then.... "Welcome Back" a shot of Lesnar sitting down at a table with Vince signing a WWE contract. This final one ("Week 0") would be at the PPV, as not to identify Brock as a Raw or Smackdown wrestler.

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The second set of videos would happen after Survivor Series. Now, I don't know if I would have it in regular packaged format, or if I would have someone -say Josh Mathews- following Brock "on the road" doing various training.


"I'm Josh Mathews and I have been given permission to follow Brock around the country as he gets ready for his return of the WWE. Today we're in Minnesoda as Brock gets back to his roots, training with his former amatuer wrestling team". Then you get clips of Brock training, and interviews with the coaches, wrestlers, etc. At the end of the video, I'd have Sheldon Benjamin standing there watching, with another wrestler coming up and asking "Hey, didn't you used to wrestle with Brock?". At the end of each video each week, a different wrestler would be watching - Benoit, Angle, Big Show, Taker, HHH, John Cena, and Batista. Each would be interested, each would have a different reaction.


Now, personally, I'd include Brock training with some MMA guys - When he's in Oregon, he trains with Team Quest. When he's in California, he trains with AKA and Team Punishment. When he's in Iowa, he trains with MFS. It would help show the legitimacy of Lesnar, training in different fighting styles, and having these "real" fighters talk about how impressed they are with him. I think it would be a new way to go, but I am also a mark for that stuff so...


With a few weeks away, after countless attempts, Mathews gets to talk to Brock.


"What are you training for... which brand are you going to be on.... who will be your first opponent?"


Brock: "The WWE"


Mathews: "What?"


Brock: "You asked me who my first opponent was... I answered it."


Mathews: "I don't get it... you're going to take-on the entire company?"


Brock: "That's right... in 5 weeks.. at the Royal Rumble - the first official date of my new contract."


Mathews: "Well, do you have anything to say to those other 29 other men you'll be facing"


Brock: "Get Ready. I'm Back."


The RR is the perfect place to bring back Brock - you get him interacting with both sides of the roster, it'll draw a big number, and it still doesn't specify where he's going - so that when he wins, when he chooses to face Batista, there will be some momentum going for it.

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HTQ. You're little business plan is great.......in the short term. You'll get a big number for his return, and you'll draw good buys for Mania. Hooray. However, you won't build the fanbase at all in the long run.


Sure, everybody will be excited to see two shows, and they'll all watch those two shows, but the shows in between will be so damn boring, that after Wrestlemania, the fans will all tune out again and you'll have no progress whatsoever.


If after SS in 1998, the Rock had been "protected" throughout his feud with Foley, do you think the Attitude Era would have taken off as well as it had? Sure, some of the marks might have been a little more interested in WM, and it might have done an extra 50,000 buys, but in the long run, the lack of unpredictable, entertaining, television would hurt business.


With Brock having a year and a half of ring rust, they have a perfect opportunity to give him a surprise loss without hurting his credibility whatsoever, and give him some interesting character development in the process. Foregoing that for the most simple, basic, uninteresting story imaginable is the kind of short-sighted move that has held the company back for the last four years.


It's nice to see someone else with common sense....


Goldberg's undefeated run in WCW was not by any means "boring". Just accept that you are wrong in this instance.


Goldberg 98 =/= Lesnar 2005


Not to mention they already did the same fucking Lesnar push you all want back in 2002. You're begging for a stagnant rehash. Awesome. Brock Lesnar is too potentially valuable to this company to waste him with this cookie cutter shit. Booking for retards is NOT the way to maximize his drawing potential, but fuck it, I'm done with this argument, y'all will never accept it.

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The second set of videos would happen after Survivor Series.  Now, I don't know if I would have it in regular packaged format, or if I would have someone -say Josh Mathews- following Brock "on the road" doing various training. 


"I'm Josh Mathews and I have been given permission to follow Brock around the country as he gets ready for his return of the WWE.  Today we're in Minnesoda as Brock gets back to his roots, training with his former amatuer wrestling team".  Then you get clips of Brock training, and interviews with the coaches, wrestlers, etc.  At the end of the video, I'd have Sheldon Benjamin standing there watching, with another wrestler coming up and asking "Hey, didn't you used to wrestle with Brock?".  At the end of each video each week, a different wrestler would be watching - Benoit, Angle, Big Show, Taker, HHH, John Cena, and Batista.  Each would be interested, each would have a different reaction.


Now, personally, I'd include Brock training with some MMA guys - When he's in Oregon, he trains with Team Quest.  When he's in California, he trains with AKA and Team Punishment.  When he's in Iowa, he trains with MFS.  It would help show the legitimacy of Lesnar, training in different fighting styles, and having these "real" fighters talk about how impressed they are with him.  I think it would be a new way to go, but I am also a mark for that stuff so...


With a few weeks away, after countless attempts, Mathews gets to talk to Brock. 


"What are you training for... which brand are you going to be on.... who will be your first opponent?"


Brock: "The WWE"


Mathews: "What?"


Brock: "You asked me who my first opponent was... I answered it."


Mathews: "I don't get it... you're going to take-on the entire company?"


Brock: "That's right... in 5 weeks.. at the Royal Rumble - the first official date of my new contract."


Mathews: "Well, do you have anything to say to those other 29 other men you'll be facing"


Brock: "Get Ready.  I'm Back."


The RR is the perfect place to bring back Brock - you get him interacting with both sides of the roster, it'll draw a big number, and it still doesn't specify where he's going - so that when he wins, when he chooses to face Batista, there will be some momentum going for it.



What you see as a boost for the legitimacy of pro wrestling might be considered a taint on MMA for associating itself with "the fake sport".

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HTQ. You're little business plan is great.......in the short term. You'll get a big number for his return, and you'll draw good buys for Mania. Hooray. However, you won't build the fanbase at all in the long run.


Sure, everybody will be excited to see two shows, and they'll all watch those two shows, but the shows in between will be so damn boring, that after Wrestlemania, the fans will all tune out again and you'll have no progress whatsoever.


If after SS in 1998, the Rock had been "protected" throughout his feud with Foley, do you think the Attitude Era would have taken off as well as it had? Sure, some of the marks might have been a little more interested in WM, and it might have done an extra 50,000 buys, but in the long run, the lack of unpredictable, entertaining, television would hurt business.


With Brock having a year and a half of ring rust, they have a perfect opportunity to give him a surprise loss without hurting his credibility whatsoever, and give him some interesting character development in the process. Foregoing that for the most simple, basic, uninteresting story imaginable is the kind of short-sighted move that has held the company back for the last four years.


It's nice to see someone else with common sense....


Goldberg's undefeated run in WCW was not by any means "boring". Just accept that you are wrong in this instance.


Goldberg 98 =/= Lesnar 2005


Not to mention they already did the same fucking Lesnar push you all want back in 2002. You're begging for a stagnant rehash. Awesome. Brock Lesnar is too potentially valuable to this company to waste him with this cookie cutter shit. Booking for retards is NOT the way to maximize his drawing potential, but fuck it, I'm done with this argument, y'all will never accept it.



Your booking calls for Brock to lose. How is that making money off his return?

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The Rumble as Brock's first return match is a great idea; as that keeps the TV time til the Mania showdown with Batista to a minimum. Have him win the Rumble and then appear on RAW and Smackdown! for a few weeks before he decides. Have him also get both rosters stirred up about his return; pissed he'd walk away and such. Maybe have Trips riding him on RAW and Benoit on Smackdown!, claiming he never finished his business with him. I'd have him decide Batista and the World title obviously, with the logic that he's never held that one and has already beat Cena. I'd have him feud with Benoit for No Way Out resulting in a match that pushed Brock to the limits to set up a ready to go feud for Smackdown! after Brock wins at Mania.

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If Lenar were to enter WWE anytime before Royal Rumble; then they are going to need to draw out programs for him before Batista. In that case, he could afford a job to Benoit or Taker as long as he got it back more convincingly before Mania. Rumble is the best idea though; because you won't have two guys squashing the rest of the Smackdown! roster without interacting. Batista being dominant for the rest of the year then Lesnar coming back around Rumble would be much easier to book.

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