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Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

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You know, I'd pay money to see a legit amature-style wrestling match between Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. A real match. Nothing predecided. Possibly a real NCAA referee as well.

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You know, I'd pay money to see a legit amature-style wrestling match between Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. A real match. Nothing predecided. Possibly a real NCAA referee as well.

Wouldn't Brock more then likely win though? Because, and I don't know but isn't Kurt sort..I dunno the word "disabled" somewhat. I know he still has matches of course, but he probaly doesn't have the same strength he did before I'm sure right?

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I really don't want Lesnar back after he gave the bad mouth to the "sport" that made him famous - wrestling.


BTW, I thought this part of his life was over.

Wrestling isn't a sport, it's a business. Business sometimes has strange bedfellows while seeking out the ultimate goal of making another dollar.


Both guys have told each other to fuck off and are pretty much even now. Lesnar managed to make a departure that left McMahon scrambling, and Vince let Brock sit there and get desperate for about eight months.



NCAA matches: Angle is injured, but he always has been. The neck damage occured somewhere on the road to the Olympics. In 2003 it simply became something that he absolutely had to pay attention to. He was having these legit matches with Lesnar, Big Show, and others before then.

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You know, I'd pay money to see a legit amature-style wrestling match between Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. A real match. Nothing predecided. Possibly a real NCAA referee as well.

Wouldn't Brock more then likely win though? Because, and I don't know but isn't Kurt sort..I dunno the word "disabled" somewhat. I know he still has matches of course, but he probaly doesn't have the same strength he did before I'm sure right?


A healthy Angle would mop the floor with Brock. I'd still back him now, in fact, given his insane competitive spirit.

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Brock Lesnar back can only be a good thing. He's a better worker than a lot of the roster, a decent interview and has a look that just screams 'MONSTER!'


But they're going to have to do it the right way. They can have him come back as a monster heel (safest bet since he might get legitimate heel heat for the manner of his departure), a monster face (a bit riskier, but I think that's how his best matches came - he just works at a much higher tempo as a face, and is the sort of unstoppable face monster that Batista would be if he was ten years younger and much more agile), or the sneaky, chickenshit heel he was when he left (which is career suicide - why would someone who looks like he can beat the shit out of 99% of the roster and go a fair toe-to-toe with the other 1% be a coward?).

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Fuck. Do we really need Lesnar now that we have Batista? Hell, I'd take Orton over Lesnar. At least he can kinda talk. I thought he was overrated when he was around and I really don't give a shit about him after the way he left. And then if that wasn't enough he had to go and trash wrestling in interviews. I can't see how anyone would want him back, honestly, even if you liked watching him wrestle.

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Here's how I would book Lesnar's return.


Since there's Smackdown spoilers in here, I'll just spoilerize the whole thing.


OK...Summerslam, after Hassan gets a cheap victory over Undertaker at Bash, the main will be Batista vs. Hassan.


Batista gets the win, but Hassan, Daivari, and his terrorist group all attack Batista. For some reason, even Batista can't hold them off.


Cue the strange psuedo whine sound of Brock's theme, the crowd pops. Brock comes out, and together he and Batista clear the ring.


Batista and Brock shake hands...then Brock catches Batista off guard with the F-5. Brock leaves the ring, smiling and laughing ala against Goldberg at the 04 Rumble, Batista is down and out.


And either Summerslam fade or go to Hogan/HBK or Cena/Whoever.

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Glad to see him back, but I don't really have a desire to see him wrestle Batista at WM. If it were planned meticulously enough I'm sure it would be ok, but Batista just doesn't have a **** match in him (and he's not young). I think they need another dynamic for a match that big (ie someone to bump, sell and provide a different style). They will also book them to be very evenly matched, and the risk they run is of Brock going on offence and making Batista look very pedestrian indeed.

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Not a great source, but noteworthy...


Sable Decides To Leave Brock Lesnar

Submitted by Daniel Pena on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 6:10 PM EST




Despite the 10-year age difference and tribulations, Brock Lesnar (age 27, he turns 28 next Tuesday) and Sable (age 37, yes that is her REAL age) were together as a romantic couple for about two years or so after coming together while they were both on the Smackdown! brand in 2003. As we all know, Brock Lesnar left WWE in March of 2004, but the two stuck together while Sable stayed in WWE for a few more months until parting ways with WWE last August.


Well, seeing how Brock wasn't competing anywhere, he had no source of income whatsoever. His funds have finally dried up and Sable has decided to leave him. There were plans of the two getting married sometime this year, but that would obviously be off the cards now.


There is no doubt that Sable leaving Brock had to be a factor on his impending return to WWE. And seeing how Sable has left Brock, that pretty much dashed any hopes for those of whom who thought Sable may follow him when Brock would make his eventual return to WWE.


source - pwtorch.com



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If WWE is smart enough then they'll have Lesnar will the World Heavyweight title before Mania and then have that dream feud with Batista, the only thing is they need for Dave to lose the title without having to wrestle Brocky.

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Guest The Spike
I just have a terrible feeling that Brock is going to end beating the piss out the Mexicools in his re-debut.


Or he could join their stable. Anyone still have that picture of Brock in the sombrero?


Great news and like everyone else said, I really think he should go to Smackdown.

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Guest Ransome

I don't know that WWE would be capable of keeping Brock and Batista seperated for the 10 months til Wrestlemania 22; it's just too obvious a feud for them. If anything, he might have to make his start on Raw to reestablish his position and then jump to Smackdown around January for the inevitable showdown with Batista.


I agree that Brock's departure in 2004 really destabilised Smackdown, but after the draft (and the return of Undertaker) it appears as though they'll be able to survive without Brock a little longer.

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How odd. I've recently been trying to locate and DL the Rock Vs Brock SS 02 match to no avail. I've yet to ever see it, and now that he's coming back maybe they'll re-release the Here comes the pain DVD.



Check your PMs

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I guess I am the only one not caring much for a Lesnar return.


You and about everyone in the lockerroom, I'm sure.



What are you talking about? Brock's return is announced on the same day that half the roster gets canned. I'm sure he'll receive a great reception!!



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Regarding Batista-Lesnar possibilities, wondering if it might be smart to actually rush an initial match between the two at SummerSlam since the heel side of Smackdown is so weak right now and if he's coming back (I would save the return for GAB ppv), he should make a real impact right away to really get things going. Whether that means giving Lesnar the title at SummerSlam (which could either work or horribly kill off Batista circa Goldberg v. Nash) or having Lesnar job out to him, and then go on a strong long run to get back to facing Batista at Mania - I'm not sure of. But a rematch could then be long builded up for Mania.

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Great news as Brock is a huge talent..I really thought that he had come into his own in his final months during the feuds with Eddy and SCSA/Goldberg. They should build to Mania with this and I salivate thinking about SD! now even on Fridays(if they darken the look some that would help the show out quite a bit)with the heels like Brock,JBL,Orton and Eddy...SD! is superior once more with the dead weight gone..IMf'nO of course.....

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