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Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

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Best news in a long time.


I think Summerslam would be perfect to launch a bidding war between Long and Bischoff for Lesnar. That would build him up big.


Also, I'd save Batista/Lesnar for WM as well. They should not touch each other for awhile. They can tease and stare down, but not touch until at least Survivor Series. This is where a guy like Heyman could help because he knows the good slow build.


My chops are watering at the potential. Let's just hope the lockeroom leaders JBL, Taker, and HHH don't get it in their heads that Brock needs to be humbled by having him job out.

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I would definitely wait till WM to do a Brock/Batista matchup. It is easy enough to have Brock mess with some others and do what he SHOULD have done in 2002. Which is namely pay some dues and go through the midcard before getting a title shot. Given the obvious story on Brock/Batista it should be easy to do (both entered WWE at the same time, Brock had everything handed to him, Big Dave worked through a shit Deacon gimmick and finally got his chance). I am possibly the biggest Brock hater on this board and even I think this feud could draw money.


Am I the only one who thinks SMDN is still in relatively good shape compared to Raw? People act like Raw got all these guys but take a look at SMDN if you add Brock to the mix. You have Batista as champ and a good array of heels he can go against (JBL, Eddie, Orton, Brock when he gets back, etc.). On Raw the sides are so wildly unbalanced between heels and faces it's not even funny. You currently have Cena and lesser guys like Big Show and Kane as faces (two of which aren't even effective faces) and on the heel side you have a freshly turned Michaels, HHH, Edge, Carlito, Jericho, and so on. When RVD gets back that would give Raw one more face.


Anyway, I think we all knew Brock would be back eventually once his football dreams vanished.

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I would definitely wait till WM to do a Brock/Batista matchup.  It is easy enough to have Brock mess with some others and do what he SHOULD have done in 2002.  Which is namely pay some dues and go through the midcard before getting a title shot. 


I'll agree that Brock was still a little green when he won the belt the first time, but as far as I'm concerned he "paid his dues" when he won the NCAA tournament. He's a legit athlete who could easily out-wrestle anyone on the roster in a real competition (except for Angle), and every fan in the stands knows it. Pushing him as unbeatable is the only way to go with someone like that.

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This is all great news, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that Smackdown NEEDS him now. Before the draft, sure, but now?


They have Batista, Booker T, Taker, Orton, Benoit, Christian, JBL, Hassan, etc... I'd say SD is looking pretty good right now.


That said, I do think Brock would be a better fit for SD. I'm just saying they don't really "need" him anymore. I can't wait for him to show up though, it should be a lot of fun to see.

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Praise the lord.


While SmackDown is in a far, far better position in the upper card than Raw is (and recently has unquestionably become the better show), Brock Lesnar needs to go to SmackDown, this instant, because the feuds on SmackDown would be much, much better than they would on Raw.


They should just let Raw suffer.

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The Headline should be: "RETURN OF THE MONSTER."


I, for one, am extremely happy if this negotiations are positive. I always thought he was/is a unique wrestler the likes that rarely comes along: Big and powerful, but fast, agile and technically sound, with a commanding presence. And add another vote that he should go to SD! for a WM spot vs. Batista. I saw a match they had back in OVW and it wasn't that good but they were both very green at the time. That's the money match IMO.

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Guest news_gimmick

Me neither. It is going to be worth it, in my opinion. There is definately endless potential and star power that he is going to bring back.

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Someone like Lensar breaking the Masterlock will just kill all the "credibility" the challenge has been giving him. Look at Rodney Mack after Goldberg answered the white boy challenge.

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He should go on Smackdown and attack immediatly Batista, destroying him. The week after he ask for a title match but Long refuses invocating the way he left the WWE also he prohibits Batista to fight Lesnar ... So week after week Lesnar destroy everyone in the midcard & even a main-eventer/ borderline main-eventer


One night Brock goes to far ... Long gives Batista the green light, BAM next ppv ...Batista vs Lesnar. It's simple but it will work

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He should go on Smackdown and attack immediatly Batista, destroying him. The week after he ask for a title match but Long refuses invocating the way he left the WWE also he prohibits Batista to fight Lesnar ... So week after week Lesnar destroy everyone in the midcard & even a main-eventer/ borderline main-eventer


One night Brock goes to far ... Long gives Batista the green light, BAM next ppv ...Batista vs Lesnar. It's simple but it will work


Brock goes to far so Long rewards him with a title match? :huh: I guess it makes sense by WWE-standards. :P

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How odd. I've recently been trying to locate and DL the Rock Vs Brock SS 02 match to no avail. I've yet to ever see it, and now that he's coming back maybe they'll re-release the Here comes the pain DVD.

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A more mature Lesnar ready for return

July 6, 2005


WWE fans have not seen Brock Lesnar since his WrestleMania XX match against Goldberg. Shortly afterwards, the former WWE Champion left the sports-entertainment world in favor of pursuing an NFL career. Today, however, Lesnar has confirmed that he is scheduled to meet with Vince McMahon tomorrow to talk about a possible return to the ring.


“I’m excited about getting my working boots on and getting back to business,” Lesnar told WWE.com during a phone interview.


While Lesnar is excited about a return to the ring, he realizes that nothing is definite. “I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow in the meeting,” said Lesnar. “I don’t know if I’m returning to WWE, I really don’t. In order for this to happen, it has to work for both Vince and myself.”


A return to WWE may come as a shock to some fans, as the Internet has been buzzing recently about the rumors of a strained relationship between Lesnar and McMahon. “We need to get on the same page,” admitted Lesnar, regarding their relationship. “There’s some hard feelings on both ends of this. Sometimes it takes a little time to heal. We’ll know more tomorrow.”


The former WWE Superstar admits that some of the responsibility rests on him. “I had some maturing to do. There comes a time in everybody’s life when you have to grow up” said Lesnar. “But professional wrestling is in my blood. I may have second guessed it in the past, but I know it now.”


Be sure to check back here as more information on Brock Lesnar’s meeting with Vince McMahon becomes available.

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Tommorow? This better lead to an announcement on Smackdown!

I heard Morgan had a segment (without reading spoilers) so maybe they could insert a Brock announcment in replacement.

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I bet they announce tomorrow on wwe.com or Smackdown that Vince told Lesnar off and that he will not be re-hired by the WWE. All this, of course, leading to Lesnar's surprise debut at SummerSlam and annhialating someone.

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I bet they announce tomorrow on wwe.com or Smackdown that Vince told Lesnar off and that he will not be re-hired by the WWE.  All this, of course, leading to Lesnar's surprise debut at SummerSlam and annhialating someone.


I keep thinking that SummerSlam is so far away. I can't believe it's already July!

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They should announce that a deal couldn't be reached and Lesnar wouldn't be returning, then Lesnar can release some press release saying he's going to work in Japan. All the while, a deal will have already been signed and kept under wraps, and Lesnar returns after Batista retains the title at Summerslam and attacks him.


I would just like that because announcing the deal is done would kill a lot of the suspense of his big return.

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Donkey Kong is going to be back and doing that stupid retarded ape dance on the stage again. I love it.


I just honestly hope the ring rust hasn't affected him TOO badly, because without the better matches he was putting on late in his first run, he's basically just a big stiffy stifferson with a side-order of stiff. One with a marketable look, but regardless...

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UPDATE -- 1:15pm EDT


Vince McMahon Responds


When asked by WWE.Com if a meeting with Lesnar was scheduled, the Chairman's office issued this response: "This is none of your business."



I really don't want Lesnar back after he gave the bad mouth to the "sport" that made him famous - wrestling.


BTW, I thought this part of his life was over.

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