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Kurt Angle Mark

Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

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I read teen titans 29 and for a red hood story I was impressed. Nice to have a change from the "Red Hood kills drug dealers" sort of storyline. Although Jason wearing a Robin costume underneath his gear made me burst out laughing.





All I have to say is wow.


Although the yellow tights are a nice addition, IMO.

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Supes forcing to change the world into Earth-2 just seems very out of character considering he's the original boy scout. Especially since his main motivation to do so is something strictly personal and selfish.

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Look at it from his perspective...he gave up his Earth only to see the new one turn to crap. From his point of view, it'd be like going back in time and stopping Krypton from exploding.

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In Gotham Central there is a cop that is named Jim Corrigan? In next months Gotham Central the solicits say that The Spectre and Corrigan are going to cross paths.


Could be interesting....

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Guest ChikoDemono
Look at it from his perspective...he gave up his Earth only to see the new one turn to crap.  From his point of view, it'd be like going back in time and stopping Krypton from exploding.


This is how I see it going. His heel turn really depends on the perspective, I suppose. To me, I see him trying to "fix" the current world, which has been plagued with so much goddamn depressive stuff. Sure there will be casualities if Superman actually does find a way to "replace" Earth-1 with Earth-2, but would it rival to the numbers depicted in the original Crisis? I think it will be very interesting as to how this will pan out, especially considering the similarities/differences between his idea and Parallax's desire of historical change.


Both wanted to change the universe, but for different reasons. Parallax wanted to change history the way he would like it (with Coast City intact) while Superman sees this Earth and sorta ponders, "Hmm... okay, this is what Earth-1 is like, interesting. I'll tell you what, let's bring back Earth-2 and compare to see which Earth really is the *best* Earth."


Then again, I could be completely wrong and he is a selfish bastard who wants his Lois back. I cannot wait to see what happens.

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Solicit for IC #5:



Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Phil Jimenez & Andy Lanning

Covers by Jim Lee & Sandra Hope and George Pérez

The DCU shakes apart as Superman of Earth 2 finally confronts our Superman. Meanwhile, heroes are disappearing throughout the DC Universe, a transformed villain returns, and the mystics of every world and dimension seek help from the very Spirit that is destroying them. Retailers please note: This issue will ship with covers by Lee & Hope (approximately 50%) and Pérez (approximately 50%).

On sale February 15 • 5 of 7 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US


For those not following the tie-ins, in Teen Titans #24-25/Outsiders #24-25, a new Brainiac variation returned and was shown to be working on a new body, IE the George Perez designed metal skeleton body Brainiac had from 1983-1986. When showing it off, he mentioned he'd transfer his mind into it "When Earth has been rendered all but uninhabitable to Superman".


Combined with the plot point that white girl Jesus figure Donna Troy was killed SPECIFICALLY because she's supposed to stop Brainiac from doing something that gives him control over the galaxy, makes me seriously think that HE'S the real big bad and that Golden Age Superman is just one huge fucking red-herring who'll quit his crusade when he learns that he's been played by Brainiac....

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If there's one thing the Identuty Crisis retcon did right, it's make Batman's asshole behaviour seem reasonable. And his current descent into crazy is pretty justified. Every powerful friend he has has betrayed him. The JLA wiped his memories. Superman beat the shit out of him, WW killed, then his contingency plan were turned into a nightmare (Brother Eye) He obviously can't bring any of the bat-friends into this, and for once, he can't figure out a way to do this right. He's fucked. Supes, GL and WW can nut up and fight, he really can't.


BTW, Joker's little scene in IC2 was awesome. good to see their best villain, underpowered as he may be, is remembered this crisis around.

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Guest ChikoDemono
The Joker scene was great.  Makes you truly realize what a nut he truly is.


He is the kid no one wanted to play with and now he is getting his revenge.


Then again, I understand why the Society did not want the Joker. In The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told there is a tale with a plot situated around the Joker killing all of his old henchmen because he felt as though it was their fault for his arrest. It just shows how unsocial he is.


Add in the fact that he is very adamant about being the one to kill the Batman. The Joker would, will, and must kill anyone who is close to killing his arch-nemesis, just so he could kill the Batman himself.


But yeah, the Joker is nuts.

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If there's one thing the Identuty Crisis retcon did right, it's make Batman's asshole behaviour seem reasonable. And his current descent into crazy is pretty justified.


No fucking way.


If anything, the mindwipe is DC Comic's way to hammer home that Batman has always been a soulless little shit who deserves WORSE than having ten minutes of his memory erased.


Given that Batman is guilty as the Joker is for every murder Joker commits through his steadfast refusal to not kill Joker, he had ZERO right to condemn the JLA for lobotomizing Dr Light since doing so would keep Sue from being raped again/killed by Light. Batman might be willing to let Sue die/be raped again just to make a point about how "great" his ethics are while everyone else's sucks, but the rest of the JLA wasn't and that's why Batman deserved to be mindwiped.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I disagree with that logic. Remember the line in the Watchmen about staring into the abyss and the abyss staring back? A superhero isn't supposed to fight a monster by being a monster. They have to draw a line some where or else they become as bad as the monsters they're supposed to be fighting against.

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I disagree with that logic. Remember the line in the Watchmen about staring into the abyss and the abyss staring back? A superhero isn't supposed to fight a monster by being a monster. They have to draw a line some where or else they become as bad as the monsters they're supposed to be fighting against.


In that case, what about Batman's habit of writing down his murder fantasies about killing all of Earth's Super-Hero off? Or building a giant satilite to help him do so?


Erasing super-villain memories of super hero IDs/modifying a rapist's mind to erase his rapist tendencies doesn't compare towards Batman's antics. No one died because of what the JLA did. How many people have died because of the litte shit Batman's actions? A hell of a lot.

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By the same token, it's not up to Batman to decide who should live or die. He captures the bad guys and allows the proper authorities to hand out the punishments.


Blame big brother for the Joker's 2000 + victims list.

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In that case, what about Batman's habit of writing down his murder fantasies about killing all of Earth's Super-Hero off? Or building a giant satilite to help him do so?


That's what you call "selective interpretation".

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Blame big brother for the Joker's 2000 + victims list.


Also, you know, comic book sales. He IS the best villain ever, you know.



EDIT: Have we found out why Maxwell Lord was being such a shit?

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The popular rumor / wishful thinking is that he was mind-controlled by some other telepath, such as Despero or something. I personally just like the idea of Maxwell Lord being an evil shit who betrayed all of his friends.


I too enjoyed the Joker interlude in IC 2, and I'm actually hoping that it leads to something. I don't think they'll do this, but it would be entertaining to me if Joker plays a part in ruining the Society's plans. Not that Joker saves the day or anything of that nature, but it would be fun if Joker somehow ruins part of Luthor's master plan just out of spite.

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The popular rumor / wishful thinking is that he was mind-controlled by some other telepath, such as Despero or something.  I personally just like the idea of Maxwell Lord being an evil shit who betrayed all of his friends.


Where was Martian Manhunter while all this was going on? Him and Max were tight back in the JLI days.

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The popular rumor / wishful thinking is that he was mind-controlled by some other telepath, such as Despero or something.  I personally just like the idea of Maxwell Lord being an evil shit who betrayed all of his friends.


An alternate out is that the Maxwell Lord who was running Checkmate was a clone: it was note that Max, in his pre-Countdown/OMAC Project appearances, was revealed to have been resurrected as a cyborg who had no mind control powers. A major plot point since not only was Evil Max fully human, but that he had his mind control powers.


Where was Martian Manhunter while all this was going on? Him and Max were tight back in the JLI days.


With the JLA; indeed it was MM who discovered that Max was behind the OMACs/Blue Beetle's death/Superman nearly killing Batman while under Max's control when he found Max's "psychic fingerprints" all over Superman's brain.


I too enjoyed the Joker interlude in IC 2, and I'm actually hoping that it leads to something. I don't think they'll do this, but it would be entertaining to me if Joker plays a part in ruining the Society's plans. Not that Joker saves the day or anything of that nature, but it would be fun if Joker somehow ruins part of Luthor's master plan just out of spite.


I seriously think Joker only appeared to explain away WHY he wasn't in the new SSOSV, IE Luthor saw him as a loose cannon who would ruin his evil plans.

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Blame big brother for the Joker's 2000 + victims list.


Also, you know, comic book sales. He IS the best villain ever, you know.



I disagree. I think that Dr. Doom is by far the best villain of all. Then again, I'm mostly a Marvel fan so I might be biased. I do find the Joker better than Lex Luthor, though.

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With the JLA; indeed it was MM who discovered that Max was behind the OMACs/Blue Beetle's death/Superman nearly killing Batman while under Max's control when he found Max's "psychic fingerprints" all over Superman's brain.


Where have I been?


Oh, yeah. Reading X-Men.


Time well spent. :rolleyes:

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With the JLA; indeed it was MM who discovered that Max was behind the OMACs/Blue Beetle's death/Superman nearly killing Batman while under Max's control when he found Max's "psychic fingerprints" all over Superman's brain.


Where have I been?


Oh, yeah. Reading X-Men.


Time well spent. :rolleyes:


House of M like totally shook the MU !!

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