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HBK vs. Jeff Jarrett

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So I just rewatched this last night for the first time in years. I thought it was a fantastic match. First, there's a hot crowd that loves HBK and hates the hometown boy, Jarrett. While the match actually has a slower pace, both guys really get the crowd into it with the one upsmanship for the first few minutes and few highspots every so often. Jarrett does heel moves like teasing walking out several times and getting extra leverage on a submission with help from Roadie. The stalling when Jarrett circled the ring twice didn't even really bother me much. Those that love psychology might be pissed that Jarrett goes from working the back and shoulder into working the knee for the figure-four in the last few minutes. The finish comes out of nowhere, and I think it could've been better, but it was just HBK taking advantage of the heels' mistake. Still, I think they're all minor flaws.


Overall, I think it's the WWF MOTY 1995.

Edited by Aero

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Yea, I absolutley loved this match. I had just got into the WWF around late March 1995 before WrestleMania and was a total mark at that time period. I absolutley hated Jeff Jarrett b/c he'd always manage to scheme his way out of losing the championship and I was totally behind the babyface Michaels. Since this was the first televised Intercontinental championship title switch I was able to see I marked out huge when Michaels superkicked Jarrett and won the match.

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So I just rewatched this last night for the first time in years. I thought it was a fantastic match. First, there's a hot crowd that loves HBK and hates the hometown boy, Jarrett. While the match actually has a slower pace, both guys really get the crowd into it with the one upsmanship for the first few minutes and few highspots every so often. Jarrett does heel moves like teasing walking out several times and getting extra leverage on a submission with help from Roadie. The stalling when Jarrett circled the ring twice didn't even really bother me much. Those that love psychology might be pissed that Jarrett goes from working the back and shoulder into working the knee for the figure-four in the last few minutes. The finish comes out of nowhere, and I think it could've been better, but it was just HBK taking advantage of the heels' mistake. Still, I think they're all minor flaws.


Overall, I think it's the WWF MOTY 1995.


I actually liked the ending. This is Shawn's best ever non-gimmick singles match.


Those that love psychology might be pissed that Jarrett goes from working the back and shoulder into working the knee for the figure-four in the last few minutes.


Double J wasn't really focused in this match. He was more interested in the performance beforehand.

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Guest Fook

This is definitely an underappreciated match. But it's not the MOTY (HBK/Razor Ladder Match at Summerslam) or Michaels' best non-gimmick singles match (vs Mankind at Mind Games).

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Overall, I think it's the WWF MOTY 1995.


Better than Bret-Diesel and HBK-Razor ladder 2?


I think so. Bret-Diesel (Survivor Series) is a REALLY close second to me, though. Ladder II never 'wowed' me. I thought it was a really good match, easily in the top 5 of 95. Just two things I hate, but they don't really take anything away from it: First, the blown finish, and second, the Razor's Edge tease that gets Razor backdropped over the top and outside. I really hate that spot because we all know Razor won't hit it when he's so close to the outside. It might as well be his signiture bump, kind of like how Kidman always seems to be DDT'd straight down from the top rope. The spot is kind of like whenever today, Angle teases hitting a German suplex to someone off the apron to the floor (think the video clip with Big Show from NWO 04), it's never going to happen in the WWF.


I've always said Mind Games was HBK's best non-gimmicked single match, but this can definitely give it a run for its money. I haven't seen Mind Games in a while, so I'd have to watch it.

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This was the first WWF PPV I ever got, so I remember this match quite fondly and still have it on VHS somewhere. It was a match I never got sick of re-watching as a young mark but I never really knew why. I got Jukebox a few months back (this is on it) and I fell back in love. Great match.

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For great HBK non-gimmick matches we shouldnt forget the Raw match with HHH, Vs. Bret at Survivor Series 92, and Davey Boy Smith matches.


Does the 2/3 Falls with Janetty count as a gimmick match?

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For great HBK non-gimmick matches we shouldnt forget the Raw match with HHH, Vs. Bret at Survivor Series 92, and Davey Boy Smith matches.


I'm not. The Jarrett match is better than any of those. The only one that comes close is Mind Games and it is hurt by its terrible non-ending.


Does the 2/3 Falls with Janetty count as a gimmick match?



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The match is pretty good, but I wouldn't call it a MOTY-level bout. The main things I remember are Shawn's crazy bump over the ringpost, and Shawn very loudly telling Jeff to "do it again", after Jeff rammed his head into the steps.

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For great HBK non-gimmick matches we shouldnt forget the Raw match with HHH, Vs. Bret at Survivor Series 92, and Davey Boy Smith matches.


Does the 2/3 Falls with Janetty count as a gimmick match?


The one from May 96? I thought I was the only one who remember how good that match was.

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I ordered that ppv, but didnt have a vcr to tape it and havent seen it since that first time, except a clipped version on a cheapy coliseum video. But I rememebr being great but that was 10 years ago (wow I cant belive it was 10 years ago already).


Sure shawn was over huge, he was over everywhere huge in 95 after turning face. If shawn had won the wwf title in 95 he would have had a better reign IMO as that was the point that he was most over.

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he should have beaten Nash at WM 11 as a heel, still have Sid turn on him to turn him face but DON'T have him be out for a couple months...you could tell the steam was squashed out of the crowd the instant Nash hit the jacknife and got the pin, that crowd WANTED HBK to win...ah well, shoulda woulda coulda...

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he should have beaten Nash at WM 11 as a heel, still have Sid turn on him to turn him face but DON'T have him be out for a couple months...you could tell the steam was squashed out of the crowd the instant Nash hit the jacknife and got the pin, that crowd WANTED HBK to win...ah well, shoulda woulda coulda...

When the fans booed Diesel when he started his lame ripoff of hulking up, you could tell the climate was changing, Vince didn't realize it till it was too late.

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hell the fans LOVED it when he won the Royal Rumble that year, oh that foolish Vince...late 94 thru 95 HBK and post WM13 1997 thru WM14 HBK was when he was at his best and most likeable...

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For great HBK non-gimmick matches we shouldnt forget the Raw match with HHH, Vs. Bret at Survivor Series 92, and Davey Boy Smith matches.


Does the 2/3 Falls with Janetty count as a gimmick match?


The one from May 96? I thought I was the only one who remember how good that match was.


Yeah. The IYH Bulldog match was just a bit better than the King of the Ring, but both were very good imo.

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I'm not.  The Jarrett match is better than any of those.  The only one that comes close is Mind Games and it is hurt by its terrible non-ending.


I'm not even a big fan of the Mindgames match but I never understood "the non ending criticism" The match does have an ending/climax(the Superkick into the chair), it just doesn't have a pinfall.

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Well, it was definately Jarrett's best singles match in the WWE. I can't remember a better match he's had anywhere off the top of my head, except for maybe a Styles/Jarrett TNA match I might be forgetting.

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