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Guest Frank_Nabbit

OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
No really, has there been a decent theory on what the secret is?  Everything seems to be either "Eddie is Dominick's real father" or "Eddie is a repressed homo" or "Eddie is a child molester."


I think their hasn't been any doubt it's leading to "Eddie is dominick's real father" which is why it will probably never be revealed because it's so obvious.


This is WWE 101 when it comes to a storyline that just becomes painful to sit through with the only hope being the the big reveal at the end of the feud that we never get.



I wouldn't hate on Rey for this though.

If he didn't come up with his own storyline he'd just be still stuck tagging with Eddie going absolutely nowhere because the writers just seem to collect their paychecks and come to work solely to tell all the wrestlers 'we have nothing for you right now'

I'd rather him just be tagging and going nowhere but I imagine the guy is just trying to make his job interesting again.

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I'm tired of the WWE bringing back legends to squash talented young guys. Animal is a fat, past his prime hoss with nothing better to do than return to WWE. He won't be around for more than two months. Animal should stick to tagging with Rick Steiner at some small bar in the indies where he can be appreciated.


I doubt Animal will be doing much squashing. There's no way MNM should do anything but win clean. If the titles go to Animal and Heidenreich, the credibility of those belts is back to zero.

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Guest xSarahx

Does anyone know what the sign said that was blurred out? I believe it was when Muhammad's lawyer was entering the ring......just curious.

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Remember, send all hatemail to Rey Misterio, since this was evidently his idea.


I was just about to post that.


It's amazing how WWE makes some wrestlers become really stupid over time.


Hey, it's dumb but at least it's a storyline for Eddie and Rey.

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WWE goes from terrorist angles to MNM making fun of Hawk's death.  Wow.  Just when you think WWE couldn't get any fucking lower...


That was just good heelery on MNM's part and it set-up a match.

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Guest Deadbolt
WWE goes from terrorist angles to MNM making fun of Hawk's death.  Wow.  Just when you think WWE couldn't get any fucking lower...


That was just good heelery on MNM's part and it set-up a match.


It was poor taste, bottom Line. I don't care if it was to get a fued going even if only for GAB. It was uncalled for and there were plenty of ways around it. Yes, they may just stating the obvious, but it was delivered in a distasteful manner. I don't recall anyone using Owen Hart like this after his passing. Did anyone use an Owen reference like that with Bret, Bulldog or Niedhart? "Oh Yeah, Owen's Dead! ha ha." No. The WWE wouldn't even do that, but for some reason they a jab at Hawk. It was a jab, not a way to promote something or hype a storyline.

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The more Rey, Eddy's wife etc. try and keep the secret hidden from the fans, the more the fans are going to cheer Eddy and boo Rey.


Excellent point, LOTC. Babyfaces aren't supposed to have anything to hide. Shows how much thought process went into this storyline before the execution phase.

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The Eddie/Rey angle at least makes Eddie look like a complete asshole. If he were just cheating to win week in and week out, nobody would notice the difference. Rey's a sympathetic character, Eddie's manipulating him for fun. It works for now and they've been getting good heel reactions on Eddie the past couple of weeks.


The trouble comes when actually they have to reveal the secret, because it can't be anything good.

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Guest *KNK*

I don't get the "Eddy is the father" possibility because clearly Eddy's wife knows the secrect.


I just don't buy the "She was okay with Eddy having an affair with Rey's wife and having a child and staying close to them regardless and Rey being cool with it all this time"


The only way it can work is if they say Rey couldn't have a kid and asked Eddy to be the sperm donor because he considers Eddy his best friend and would be the only one comfortable with as the real father.


Eddie's wife being good friends, understands Rey's wifes plight and reluctantly allows it to happen.


The agreement with all parties involved is that Dominak is never told about this arrangement...


The logic gap is of course, if rey has other kids and i belive he has a daughter.


It's the only intelligent way to blow this off, it can't be that eddy slept with Rey's wife because that makes Rey look like a total bitch for allowing his friend to fuck his wife.

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WWE goes from terrorist angles to MNM making fun of Hawk's death.  Wow.  Just when you think WWE couldn't get any fucking lower...


That was just good heelery on MNM's part and it set-up a match.


It was poor taste, bottom Line. I don't care if it was to get a fued going even if only for GAB. It was uncalled for and there were plenty of ways around it. Yes, they may just stating the obvious, but it was delivered in a distasteful manner. I don't recall anyone using Owen Hart like this after his passing. Did anyone use an Owen reference like that with Bret, Bulldog or Niedhart? "Oh Yeah, Owen's Dead! ha ha." No. The WWE wouldn't even do that, but for some reason they a jab at Hawk. It was a jab, not a way to promote something or hype a storyline.


Seeing that it was probably Animal's or Ace's idea, I don't see anything wrong w/ it. It was said to piss Animal off. And in theory, a pissed off Road Warrior is much more of a draw than a meloncholy (sp?) Road Warrior popping up to promote his dvd.

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So in WWE Mark Terms.....If Eddie is the father of Rey's son, that means he cheated with his wife, with Rey's wife and Chyna a few years ago and his wife is still with him.


Remember I'm just being markish here.

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The Eddy/Rey thing has logic holes the size of Gibralter (sp?) I don't think they can go the Eddy-as-Dominic's-father route because Rey CAN have kids and has a daughter. If Eddy's the father of Dom just because Rey's wife and Eddy cheated, then that doesn't work because how and why were they friends for so long until now? Try to stay within the framework of things and it doesn't work. It only works when you do the work for WWE Creative and fill the plotholes so it seems logical. So far, it's been very poorly conceived.


Animal approved of what Nitro said, so it's not as bad. It's tasteless, for sure, but no way Nitro says that without approval from Animal and probrably Johnny Ace and Vince himself, seeing as 90% of dialogue is scripted and has to have approval by Vince before being allowed.

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Guest J0bber
I'm tired of the WWE bringing back legends to squash talented young guys. Animal is a fat, past his prime hoss with nothing better to do than return to WWE. He won't be around for more than two months. Animal should stick to tagging with Rick Steiner at some small bar in the indies where he can be appreciated.


I doubt Animal will be doing much squashing. There's no way MNM should do anything but win clean. If the titles go to Animal and Heidenreich, the credibility of those belts is back to zero.


If Animal and Heidenreich win at GAB, WWE should just abandon the tag team division because the Smackdown tag belts are the only tag team belts left in WWE with some credibility. By the way, nice sig.

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Thanks. And I agree, this is the first time the SD tag titles have meant something since TWGTT and Los Guerreros were fighting over them. I can't even remember the last time I cared about the Raw belts. Let's hope the writers keep up their good booking of MNM.

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Guest Gary Busey

It could be something completely different:


Rey is Dom's hero, because he is talented, loved by the fans and a Mexican hero. Maybe Eddie will reveal that Rey is actually hated in Mexico, because he disgraced his heritage and the fans by losing his mask in America. This would break Dom's heart, so of course Rey wouldn't want it revealed. (I'm not sure if the Mexican fans really do hate Rey, but I remember hearing they were pissed when he lost the mask and then put it back on to wrestle there.)


It doesn't have to be anything sleazy. Is there anything from their storylines in WCW that they could revisit? If Rey and Eddie are really writing this themselves, who knows what they may pull from.

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Guest xad

I too think its probably going to be something completely different from the obvious thing that people are expecting - i mean, rey couldn't have come up with something so silly and simple....right? =\


I think it could be anything, even something as rey missing his sons birth to go and wrestle, i dunno, could be anything, i hope its something other than the "i'm your daddy" storyline and i hope it ends soon- or the "secrets" revealed soon cause its getting really boring.


The Mexicools match i enjoyed a lot and the crowd seemed to be really into it. It was unfortunate that London got hurt at the end, the Juice seemed very concerned and worried about London - but fortunately from what i read, London's fine :)

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Is it just me or does Juvi seem nervous when he gets into the ring. I think he wants everything to be perfect. I watched their debut again and when he gave Psicosis the mic he said the lines with psicosis at the same time so Psicosis wouldn't forget anything ("Mexican Limo 2005!"), maybe he thinks Super Crazy and Psicosis will forget the lines but they looked much more loose in the ring then Juvi and that's why he maybe did the 450 wrong because he was a bit sloppy.

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that's why he maybe did the 450 wrong because he was a bit sloppy.


It seems like Juvi has been accidently injuring people in the last few years. Even though I read that this may not have been accidental since Juvi didn't apologize about it, but I know he gave Jerry Lynn a stinger in TNA from a 911 Juvi Driver just a year ago.

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Guest xad
that's why he maybe did the 450 wrong because he was a bit sloppy.


It seems like Juvi has been accidently injuring people in the last few years. Even though I read that this may not have been accidental since Juvi didn't apologize about it, but I know he gave Jerry Lynn a stinger in TNA from a 911 Juvi Driver just a year ago.

Where did you get that information from?

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First of all, if Rey hatched the idea for this storyline, he understands that a "who's the real father" storyline extends out of the wrestling realm and into his child's real life, which is probably the last thing he wants to subject his son to. It's understandable when a writer asks the worker and his family to play along with the storyline, the worker is secretly wishing that his family wouldn't be put through said angle. As for the proposed secret, the direction of "Eddie's the father" has been so obvious that it has to be a swerve. If it comes down to Eddie using that for the big reveal, the fans will fart on it and cause irreparable damage to both characters.


As for what it could be, does anyone take any stock into what Eddie did say in his promo this week?


" I'm telling your little secret, Rey! I want you Dominic, because I know you’re watching; I love you Dominic. Get up real close to the television screen, because Uncle Eddie’s gonna tell you the bedtime story he was going to tell you long ago … I think it’s bedtime for Dominic …Once upon a time, in a land far far away, lived a little boy named ‘Dominic.’ And as Dominic ran out into the woods to play with his Uncle Eddie ….”


EDIT: And anyway, Eddie's wife isn't in on the secret either, nor does she take much stock in how it could affect her.

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Guest xad
Where did you get that information from?


I think someone posted it from The Observer in the TNA forum a year ago about Juvi injuring Jerry Lynn.

Sorry, i meant where did you get the information about Juvi not apologising for his messed up 450 on Paul London.

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I know no one here wants to believe it, but Heidenreich actually has more heat than MNM. MUCH, MUCH, more. but of course, since most people don't care for Heidenreich, it shall be ignored. Nothing impresses me about MNM sans their entrance, which is overlong and wears thin after seeing it a few times. They have a gimmick, but what the hell do they do with it? Yeah, they are pompous and arrogant, so what? WWE generic heel #3A-15B shares those same qualities. They get little to no heel heat upon entrance (the tag team unit that is, Melina gets scattered cheers here and there). This team is an exact repeat of the Shaniqua era Bashams where the valet was the only over member of the team, whilst the tag team itself is a heatless wonder.

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I know no one here wants to believe it, but Heidenreich actually has more heat than MNM. MUCH, MUCH, more.  but of course, since most people don't care for Heidenreich, it shall be ignored. Nothing impresses me about MNM sans their entrance, which is overlong and wears thin after seeing it a few times.  They have a gimmick, but what the hell do they do with it?  Yeah, they are pompous and arrogant, so what?  WWE generic heel #3A-15B shares those same qualities.  They get little to no heel heat upon entrance (the tag team unit that is, Melina gets scattered cheers here and there).  This team is an exact repeat of the Shaniqua era Bashams where the valet was the only over member of the team, whilst the tag team itself is a heatless wonder.

You hit it right on the head there, I commend you for taking the stand. MNM have no heat. And why would they the gimmick is all the way generic cockyheels, except for the "Hollywood players" part , which makes little sense unless they are lying and paying off those "Paparazzi" to take pictures of them.


Anyhow back to Rey/Eddie. Perhaps Eddie's secret is not that he is the father, but that Rey's wife cheated with someone else in the past and he is the father. But Rey patched up with his wife and they promised to never tell the kid and Eddie promised to keep that a secret as well.



But no one has answered my question yet, why was Dominick so happy to see Eddie at his daycare thingy when Eddie had been beating up his dad for weeks on TV? As I said before, I guess we are supposed to assume Rey didn't let his kids see that, but come on here.



welcome to wwe with the only thing bigger than Hunter's ego is the plot holes.

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