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Guest RickyB

TNA confirms spike TV deal??

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Guest RickyB

From someone on the ROH boards...


My boy Drew just sent me these links:






TNA played this to open their PPV last night. Somebody played it in reverse Ozzy style, and that's the second link. You hear some wild ****, especially if it turns out they are jumping the gun. To me, it sounds like:


"Rhino is here"

"More are coming to TNA"

"TNA is coming to Spike TV"

"Someone will get gored tonight"

"Vince fears Jeff Jarrett"

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"Rhino is here"

"More are coming to TNA"

"TNA is coming to Spike TV"

"Someone will get gored tonight"

"Vince fears Jeff Jarrett"



The last quote is the furthest thing from the truth I've probrably ever seen in pro wrestling, and that says a lot.

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According to this week's Observer, TNA is paying Spike for the time, which if Meltz is right, will be Saturday night with either a 10 or 11 pm start time. It's also the reason Spike stopped showing the Ultimate Fighter ad that was bragging about how MMA was tough and that pro wrestling was fake and such.

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If TNA is paying for TV time yet again, how are they ever going to start actually making money?


According to this week's Observer, TNA is paying Spike for the time, which if Meltz is right, will be Saturday night with either a 10 or 11 pm start time. It's also the reason Spike stopped showing the Ultimate Fighter ad that was bragging about how MMA was tough and that pro wrestling was fake and such.

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The Spike TV deal for TNA is said to be signed, sealed and delivered, and there is a legal issue, which will be expiring imminently, that has delayed the announcement. As soon as the issue expires, which I'm told is "moments away," the announcement would be made, so very possibly tomorrow. TNA in its videos teased the deal was already done in cryptic fashion on last night's PPV show.


Just posted by Meltzer.

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Well sometimes you have to spend money to make it. If they can show Spike they can generate ratings, maybe they wont have to pay.


One hopes there's an actual contract provision that would allow for TNA to not pay should it reach a certain ratings benchmark.

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Da Meltz: The Spike TV deal for TNA is said to be signed, sealed and delivered, and there is a legal issue, which will be expiring imminently, that has delayed the announcement. As soon as the issue expires, which I'm told is "moments away," the announcement would be made, so very possibly tomorrow. TNA in its videos teased the deal was already done in cryptic fashion on last night's PPV show.

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According to this week's Observer, TNA is paying Spike for the time, which if Meltz is right, will be Saturday night with either a 10 or 11 pm start time. It's also the reason Spike stopped showing the Ultimate Fighter ad that was bragging about how MMA was tough and that pro wrestling was fake and such.


Thats not such a bad time. I take it that TNA will debut this October.


Im glad that TNA actually signed with Spike, cause when I read the 1st post in this thread I thought, such a title for this crap.


That rewind shit was weird though. Could a kid have done that? It is the voice they normally use for promos though.

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I wonder if there's ever actually been a contract in TV history that has worked that way...none that I'm aware of. I wonder if this is going to turn out like the deal with FSN where they run for a few months and then Spike wants them to pay up again, so TNA leaves the network, yet again...


Well sometimes you have to spend money to make it. If they can show Spike they can generate ratings, maybe they wont have to pay.

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Normally I would be against a deal that has them paying for the time, but in this case, I think it's gotta happen to be where they need to be. This should be a huge step up in theory as its right before their "WrestleMania" type show and I would bet by that time the booking situation will be relatively strong too, with new stars being brought in as well. Theres been speculation of doing the natural thing and bringing in Shamrock and Ortiz to work a feud to start out the Spike TV run to cross promote with UFC stuff. I heard rumors they might also bring in Dan Severn too.


Another thing to consider is that I believe once in a great while they will be going head to head a little bit with Saturday Night's Main Event when WWE does that on NBC in the fall/wintertime. So this is an interesting move in more than one way.


That is surely an interesting way to get discussion going about the company with a backwards promo to open the ppv with the announcer saying some really wild stuff, its the same James Earl Jones type voice that did it, so that link that has the promo playing the other (well actually the right way forward) is legitimate with what he said. Vince fears Jeff Jarrett? Boy, I wonder who's idea that line was....


If the company can keep a solid foot (dare I say increasingly stronger) until October, we may finally have a legitimate competitor to WWE here.

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Guest MikeSC

Well, kudos to TNA. I definitely did not expect this and I hope this does not lead to what I think it very well might lead to (namely one massive talent raid on the part of the WWE), but this could be a good thing for TNA. Paying for a timeslot is not a long-term strategy for success, but they really need to start somewhere.


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Normally I would be against a deal that has them paying for the time, but in this case, I think it's gotta happen to be where they need to be. This should be a huge step up in theory as its right before their "WrestleMania" type show and I would bet by that time the booking situation will be relatively strong too, with new stars being brought in as well. Theres been speculation of doing the natural thing and bringing in Shamrock and Ortiz to work a feud to start out the Spike TV run to cross promote with UFC stuff. I heard rumors they might also bring in Dan Severn too.


Another thing to consider is that I believe once in a great while they will be going head to head a little bit with Saturday Night's Main Event when WWE does that on NBC in the fall/wintertime. So this is an interesting move in more than one way.


That is surely an interesting way to get discussion going about the company with a backwards promo to open the ppv with the announcer saying some really wild stuff, its the same James Earl Jones type voice that did it, so that link that has the promo playing the other (well actually the right way forward) is legitimate with what he said. Vince fears Jeff Jarrett? Boy, I wonder who's idea that line was....


If the company can keep a solid foot (dare I say increasingly stronger) until October, we may finally have a legitimate competitor to WWE here.


Where do you get all these rumours from? I can understand the UFC crossover cause it has been mentioned in the past but the WWE bringing the SNME? Will this be like a Legends rerun show or something?


JJ to VKM, Vince, I am your father.


Well, kudos to TNA. I definitely did not expect this and I hope this does not lead to what I think it very well might lead to (namely one massive talent raid on the part of the WWE), but this could be a good thing for TNA. Paying for a timeslot is not a long-term strategy for success, but they really need to start somewhere.




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That has always been news about the Saturday Nights Main Event thing, Torch and Observer reported it. That was part of the deal signing with USA that made it attractive to them and eased their minds of losing out without getting any revenue from advertising. USA/NBC is a part of a whole conglomerant of networks, USA, NBC, Bravo, etc - much like the whole Viacom deal. I think they have 2 or 3 scheduled throughout the fall and winter seasons.

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That has always been news about the Saturday Nights Main Event thing, Torch and Observer reported it. That was part of the deal signing with USA that made it attractive to them and eased their minds of losing out without getting any revenue from advertising. USA/NBC is a part of a whole conglomerant of networks, USA, NBC, Bravo, etc - much like the whole Viacom deal. I think they have 2 or 3 scheduled throughout the fall and winter seasons.


Ahhh, so its not going to be a weekly thing but more of a supershow.

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Guest MikeSC
Well, kudos to TNA. I definitely did not expect this and I hope this does not lead to what I think it very well might lead to (namely one massive talent raid on the part of the WWE), but this could be a good thing for TNA. Paying for a timeslot is not a long-term strategy for success, but they really need to start somewhere.



Wel, if they make it, good for them. I am not optimistic, but if they can do it, I wish 'em well.

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Well, kudos to TNA. I definitely did not expect this and I hope this does not lead to what I think it very well might lead to (namely one massive talent raid on the part of the WWE), but this could be a good thing for TNA. Paying for a timeslot is not a long-term strategy for success, but they really need to start somewhere.



Wel, if they make it, good for them. I am not optimistic, but if they can do it, I wish 'em well.


Are you OK Mike? :huh:

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Meltzer says he has even more confirmation, and that an announcement is pending. Here's the info from today's update:


--Just to make sure it's all cleared up, we've had even more confirmation the TNA deal with Spike TV is finalized. I don't know if it will be announced to the wrestlers at the tapings today, and then have a press release sent out immediately after. TNA was planning to announce this as soon as it is allowed to. The show will air in the current Velocity time slot.

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Guest MikeSC

SNME was always supposed to be like a Clash of Champions. It was a televised "supercard" a few times a year. The only problem is that the TV shows still aren't squash-a-thons, so these specials are difficult. They'd be wise to put PPV's on those specials.

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