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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Obama pwns Australian Prime Minister John Howard:




If I were running al-Qaida in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and be praying as many times as possible for a victory, not only for Obama but also for the Democrats.


I would also note that we have close to 140,000 troops in Iraq, and my understanding is Mr Howard has deployed 1400, so if he is ... to fight the good fight in Iraq, I would suggest that he calls up another 20,000 Australians and sends them to Iraq.

"Otherwise it's just a bunch of empty rhetoric.

WTF is this Aussie prick doing poking his nose into American politics anyway?


Paying his American masters back for when Bush attacked his political rival in 2004.

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WTF is this Aussie prick doing poking his nose into American politics anyway?

Don't you hate it when countries poke their noses into other countries politics? Invading is one thing, but to go ahead and CRITICIZE a guy....

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Obama simply must use "If ya smell what Barack is cookin'!" at least once on the campaign trail.


Why? He doesn't look, talk or act like the Rock. Does he?

Hillary's answer to the whole "would she apologize for voting for the war" question just seems off to me. What does she mean? If she knew the public would turn against it so harshly? If she knew all the info? What exactly does she mean? It's a very vague answer that no one seems to ask the follow up of, "please explain Mrs Clinton".


Comes off a little bit too much like political double talk for me.

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Comes off a little bit too much like political double talk for me.


It's Hillary Clinton. Do you expect anything else? She'll basically say anything to any group in order to be elected president.

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Obama simply must use "If ya smell what Barack is cookin'!" at least once on the campaign trail.


Why? He doesn't look, talk or act like the Rock. Does he?

Hillary's answer to the whole "would she apologize for voting for the war" question just seems off to me. What does she mean? If she knew the public would turn against it so harshly? If she knew all the info? What exactly does she mean? It's a very vague answer that no one seems to ask the follow up of, "please explain Mrs Clinton".


Comes off a little bit too much like political double talk for me.





The (Tha) Rock.

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Stop Barack

Can't Stop Barack

You Can't Stop Barack

Can't Stop Barack

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WTF is this Aussie prick doing poking his nose into American politics anyway?

Don't you hate it when countries poke their noses into other countries politics? Invading is one thing, but to go ahead and CRITICIZE a guy....


Saying that Al-Qaeda wants someone elected goes a little beyond criticism.


And I'm not sure where this whole meme of Al-Qaeda <3 Democrats came from (although I would suspect talk radio) given that Al-Qaeda put out a press release before the '04 election expressly saying that they wanted Bush elected and that CIA analysis suggested that Bin Laden was trying to swing the election to Bush with the tape released before the election.

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MSNBC is, by far, the best newschannel for politics.


This chart is funny.


References to Anna Nicole and Iraq on Cable Networks After 3PM ET:



CNN 141 27

FOX NEWS 112 33

MSNBC 170 24


Even worse, that chart is only for 1 day's worth of coverage.


In their defense, "reference" could mean anything, though.

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I think it's hilarious that people think the terrorists are really following our electoral process that closely. Heck, most foreign people, period, don't understand our election process at all (not saying it's their fault...we have a somewhat confusing sytem).

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I think it's hilarious that people think the terrorists are really following our electoral process that closely. Heck, most foreign people, period, don't understand our election process at all (not saying it's their fault...we have a somewhat confusing sytem).


Good point.


I'm pretty politically aware & I still don't completely understand how the hell a parliamentary system works.

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Obama simply must use "If ya smell what Barack is cookin'!" at least once on the campaign trail.


Why? He doesn't look, talk or act like the Rock. Does he?


This is from the talk page of Obama's entry at wikipedia, oddly enough:


I would like to make an observation. Sen. Obama's tone, timbre, and inflection are so similar to professional wrestler/actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson that in a side-by-side, sight unseen comparison, I could only tell them apart by the subject matter.

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I wish they'd quit playing up abortion as a huge election issue. I really don't care what a candidate's stance on it is, since it's been shown that you can have a very conservative president, and it doesn't effect Roe v. Wade in the least. It's just something the Republicans can pander to the religious right with.


"Abortion is murder...of course, if elected, I won't do anything about it, but vote for me!"

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I wish they'd quit playing up abortion as a huge election issue. I really don't care what a candidate's stance on it is, since it's been shown that you can have a very conservative president, and it doesn't effect Roe v. Wade in the least. It's just something the Republicans can pander to the religious right with.


"Abortion is murder...of course, if elected, I won't do anything about it, but vote for me!"

Abortion IS a big issue.


There is a huge group of single-issue voters who are anti-abortion. This lobby is so powerful that the GOP hasn't nominated a pro-choice candidate for president or vice president since 1976. It may not matter to you, but it matters to them, and they have the political muscle to stop someone from getting the Republican nomination. It will take only one appointment to the SCOTUS to overturn Roe V. Wade, and they're life-long dream of having it overturned will be realized. The next president will probably be the one to make that court appointment.

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The Washington Post humorously pointed out today that while the House debates the non-binding resolution on the troop surge, Bush scurried to a seemingly more friendly YMCA, where a little boy ruined the photo-op with a peace sign. Bush told him to, "Put your hands down." In the last line of the story, one kid said, "My favorite president is President Obama."


[via TAPPED blog]





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Smart George, look completely against peace. Good job.

Why doesn't he just start giving people the finger and laughing madly at them? He's gotta know by now he's basically screwed. He might as well be a complete dick about it and turn into President Leary.

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It's little things like that that show how tightly he has been managed as a politician. He just can't seem to handle much on his own...stumbling & stammering over words, calling people 'asshole', trying to open a locked door then standing at attention, chuckling when far from appropriate, and making a spectacle of himself when kids wave the old peace sign. It makes Karl Rove seem like even more of a genius...and that in turn makes last years election collapse even more startling.

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A kid giving a peace sign?


Are they sure he wasn't trying to give someone bunny ears?


Look at the photo.


If I was Bush, I would've given the peace sign too, with a big smirk.

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The other sad thing about that Washington Post story beside the fact of Bush telling the kid to put down his peace sign is that the kid thinks there is a "President Obama." That's a great education he's getting in this country.

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The other sad thing about that Washington Post story beside the fact of Bush telling the kid to put down his peace sign is that the kid thinks there is a "President Obama." That's a great education he's getting in this country.


Bah, I doubt I knew much difference between a president and a senator when I was 8, either.

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