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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I dont see how states can raise cigarette taxes and then also pass laws restricting where people can smoke, but its happened here in MD. $2 a pack tax (4th highest in the country) and now you are not allowed to smoke in restaurants and bars, as well as (locally at least)at hospitals and colleges, basically saying you can't smoke on those properties at all, even in your own car if its in their parking lots. It seems sort of stupid to raise taxes for revenue on something you are trying to tax into the ground to make people stop. Eventually either people quit because of the cost due to the taxes or they go to other states (Virginia especially here) to avoid the tax, but either way that revenue stream will probably keep shrinking until they need to find something else to tax.


Oh, and on the gas tax..O'malley wanted to reword the MD gas tax to tie it to the consumer price index or something so that it would automatically increase a certain amount every year, as well as raising it to $.355 a gallon up from $.235 a gallon, which would mean total taxes with federal at about $.535 a gallon, but as far as I can tell that was his only tax increase that didn't manage to get passed.



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Why are you happy that a bunch of people will end up paying 25% more per fill-up of gas? So someone living on a $8.50 to $10.00 an hour wage has to pinch their money even more just to get to and from work?


It's called a negative externality. People aren't paying the "real" cost for a gallon of gasoline now. Especially considering all of the tax breaks and other assorted goodies Congress handed out to oil companies in the last energy bill.


(I actually think cap and trade is probably going to be the way the nation goes on this issue, rather than a carbon tax.)

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

Clinton, Obama, Edwards

Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Old Fred

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It's called a negative externality. People aren't paying the "real" cost for a gallon of gasoline now. Especially considering all of the tax breaks and other assorted goodies Congress handed out to oil companies in the last energy bill.

In a nutshell...


But, yes, a cap n trade system is more likely. And that's fine, as long as credits are auctioned and not given.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise
Giuliani? What are you smoking?

Weird things happen sometimes.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

How do you drop out if you didn't really drop in?


Man, that guy ended up being a disappointment.

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Mitt Romney is a disgrace. He will do absolutly anything, say anything to get votes. He is a slimeball who is desperate for power.


I reckon Obama will just pull it out tonight, with Clinton a close second.

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I'm actually not suprised to see Edwards is doing so well. The guy seems more focused than Obama and Clinton IMO, and is slowly becoming my favorite candidate.


Walking around today, I still can't believe that A.) There are so many Ron Paul supporters, and that B.) That they actually think he will either win or pull in 2nd. I tried telling one Paulite this, and he yelled at me. Good God, this guy's followers are psychos.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise
Mitt Romney is a disgrace. He will do absolutly anything, say anything to get votes. He is a slimeball who is desperate for power.



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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

I'll probably just end up voting for whoever the Republican is, out of sheer obligation.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

Yeah, Ronnie is my first choice.


What time do we get to watch people stand in corners on C-SPAN?

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

C-SPAN is interviewing fuckin' Iowans here. Man, these people exist.

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