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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Hillary doesn't actually has a shot of winning this.



To get the nomination legitimately with more delegates, she'd have to win every single primary from now on with a double digit lead (Obama is ahead in most of the states after, including Mississipi which has large black population, so she has less than a chance than usual ).


Now, if she could get more superdelegates, get Michigan and Florida seated, then possibly she has a shot of overruling Barack's delegate count. However, no one in the party wants any part of her stealing the nomination (which is essentialy what it is). Partly because they think Obama's more electable anyway, and partly because they don't want to alienate Obama's fan base by looking like they've cheated him out of the nomination. I'm sure fears of being called racist if they overrule the delegate count to the detriment of a black man is a factor too. It would tear the party apart.


Hillary can't win this. So, what the fuck is she doing?



Coming from someone that used to like, even admire her a little, I've lost a ton of respect for her. Her endorsing McCain over Obama was the last straw for me. She can't win the presidency, so Barack can't either? Her selfishness is unbelievable.

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I'd pick McCain over Clinton at this point. He might be too old, too much of a kiss ass to conservatives and think life is one big military action movie ('I'll follow Osama to the gates of Hell!') but at least he's an honourable guy and what you see is usually what you get . As long as he doesn't try to ban abortion or anything like that.

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Guest Beastalentier
Coming from someone that used to like, even admire her a little, I've lost a ton of respect for her. Her endorsing McCain over Obama was the last straw for me. She can't win the presidency, so Barack can't either? Her selfishness is unbelievable.

I'd gain a lot of respect for her if she didn't hop on Obama's dick once the primaries were over. Now that's a change in Politics As Usual.


Also, I hope she gets those Michigan and Florida delegates she won. They're states! With Democrats! Let them count!

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I'd gain a lot of respect for her if she didn't hop on Obama's dick once the primaries were over. Now that's a change in Politics As Usual.


Seeing as how there's basically no real substantive differences between them policy-wise, her not endorsing Obama would really be just about the pettiest shit ever.


Also, I hope she gets those Michigan and Florida delegates she won. They're states! With Democrats! Let them count!


Obama and Edwards weren't even on the Michigan ballot and so most people who would have voted for one of them didn't even bother to vote. Counting that farce as a legitimate win for Clinton without some kind of do-over would piss off way a lot of people and probably lead to a genuine rupture in the party.

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Coming from someone that used to like, even admire her a little, I've lost a ton of respect for her. Her endorsing McCain over Obama was the last straw for me. She can't win the presidency, so Barack can't either? Her selfishness is unbelievable.

I'd gain a lot of respect for her if she didn't hop on Obama's dick once the primaries were over. Now that's a change in Politics As Usual.



I'm not expecting her to kiss his ass from this point foward. But, for the sake of her party, which she claims to love so dearly, she has to refrain from soundbites that will fuel the republican campaign against Obama, and saying McCain has experiencd and Obama has only speeches is exactly that. Why do that? It will only ensure Mccain wins in November. Is she so spiteful she'll help a republican win rather than the democrat chosen over her? Apparently yes.



Also, I hope she gets those Michigan and Florida delegates she won. They're states! With Democrats! Let them count!


Obama's name wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan (and considering the large black poluation, he would have done well there I think).


And as for Florida: there was no campagin, so how can it be a victory? A lot of Obama's appeal is that people go and see him, hear him talk and jump over to his side. If he could have campaigned there it would have made a differece.


Oddly, the Clinton campaign was fine with neither flordia or Michigan having delegates last year, and where the ones pushing for it. But that was when they were twenty points ahead.

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Guest Beastalentier
Oddly, the Clinton campaign was fine with neither flordia or Michigan having delegates last year, and where the ones pushing for it. But that was when they were twenty points ahead.

Real liberals aren't afraid of breakin' all the rules, baby.

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Nothing is more terrifying than the fact Youtube has become this big entity for use of politics


Agreed. Like I'm going to listen to a bunch of damn kids in a badly acted piece of political propaganda tell me who to vote for.


(6000th post!!!)

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I liked the youtube debates, mainly the republicans trying to out man each other by bragging about how many guns they owned, and Mitt Romney not having a clue what waterboarding was.

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I'd pick McCain over Clinton at this point. He might be too old, too much of a kiss ass to conservatives and think life is one big military action movie ('I'll follow Osama to the gates of Hell!') but at least he's an honourable guy and what you see is usually what you get . As long as he doesn't try to ban abortion or anything like that.

Which is exactly why Republicans in open elections will go over to the Democrats and vote Hillary even if it doesnt make sense. Theres no way in the world McCain beats Obama and the Republican nomination is for all intents and purposes locked up for McCain so its a wasted vote..and given both Texas and Ohio are red state enough to have enough votes to cross over to make a difference, I think thats how Hillary wins both tonight and it will be proclaimed "a miracle" and give her back momentum for the next round of primaries.

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Oh, and you know how I am all about "first trans fats, whats the government going to ban next?". Well, a Maryland State Senator put up a bill that would have banned Foie Gras because the practice of force feeding geese to fatten them up is inhumane..


'It seemed like an excellent idea,' Sen. Joan Carter Conway, D-Baltimore, said of the ban. Conway sponsored the ban bill, but told a Senate committee considering it Tuesday that she was likely to withdraw it or change it to study whether foie gras production is cruel.


'It appears to me it's a terrible practice. It's a gruesome practice,' Conway said of foie gras production. But she went on, 'I think the bill went a little far.'


Well guess what other stuff could be banned due to the processes of raising them being inhumane? Cows, Chickens, Pigs..might as well ban all meat and turn as all into Vegans now.


They went with Foie Gras first because its considered a "rich person's food" and your common person probably has never eaten Foie Gras, so they wont care if it gets banned. The geese and ducks raised for Foie Gras are no worse off than cows..


My head is about to explode.

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I'd pick McCain over Clinton at this point. He might be too old, too much of a kiss ass to conservatives and think life is one big military action movie ('I'll follow Osama to the gates of Hell!') but at least he's an honourable guy and what you see is usually what you get . As long as he doesn't try to ban abortion or anything like that.

Which is exactly why Republicans in open elections will go over to the Democrats and vote Hillary even if it doesnt make sense. Theres no way in the world McCain beats Obama and the Republican nomination is for all intents and purposes locked up for McCain so its a wasted vote..and given both Texas and Ohio are red state enough to have enough votes to cross over to make a difference, I think thats how Hillary wins both tonight and it will be proclaimed "a miracle" and give her back momentum for the next round of primaries.


I know rush limbaugh urged them to vote like that, but I think just as many republicans will vote Obama just to get Hillary out of the race once and for all. If you're a republican who loathes Hillary and wants her no where near the white house, why take any chances? All that strategic voting can come back and bite you in the ass.


Anyway, drudge is saying Obama's won vermont. Which isn't a shock at all.


Rhode Island is rumoured to be a dead heat, which is bad news for Hillary considering that was the one she was supposed to win by a large margin.

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Didnt really have the time to go back and search for every signle SWF investment made into US banks but its a significant amount..maybe not HALF but still a significant amount that continues to grow every day. SWF's primarily from the middle east and Asia have about 3 trillion dollars in assets and they've only used $60 billion of it so far to bail out American Banks.

According to the article, China Investment Corp bought 10% of Morgan Stanley.


Your original point was about how the U.S. banks were indebted to the Middle East, so do what you want, but you're a long way from convincing me.

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Oh, and you know how I am all about "first trans fats, whats the government going to ban next?". Well, a Maryland State Senator put up a bill that would have banned Foie Gras because the practice of force feeding geese to fatten them up is inhumane..


'It seemed like an excellent idea,' Sen. Joan Carter Conway, D-Baltimore, said of the ban. Conway sponsored the ban bill, but told a Senate committee considering it Tuesday that she was likely to withdraw it or change it to study whether foie gras production is cruel.


'It appears to me it's a terrible practice. It's a gruesome practice,' Conway said of foie gras production. But she went on, 'I think the bill went a little far.'


Well guess what other stuff could be banned due to the processes of raising them being inhumane? Cows, Chickens, Pigs..might as well ban all meat and turn as all into Vegans now.


They went with Foie Gras first because its considered a "rich person's food" and your common person probably has never eaten Foie Gras, so they wont care if it gets banned. The geese and ducks raised for Foie Gras are no worse off than cows..


My head is about to explode.

I really commend you for going out on a limb and consistently defending the rich people of the world Marvin.

Too long have the rich not been able to have a voice on internet message boards. Too long have they been cast down and had their rights trampled upon. The rich are people too. If you prick them, do they not bleed?

I say "Well Done" to you sir, for time and time again having the fortitude to stand up for this unjustly persecuted minority.



PS: Yes, banning foie gras would be stupid.

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Guest Beastalentier

"ZGangsta," shut the fuck up. You probably call athiests a persecuted minority and mean it, too.


Marvin, foie gras isn't worth your complaining or anybody else's.

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first exit polls



Vermont: Obama 67% Clinton 33% (It's over, Obama has won).


Ohio: Obama 51% Clinton 49% (Ohio is holding for Obama)


Texas: Obama 50% Clinton 49% (Despite the closeness, Obama will win substantially more delegates).


Rhode Island: Obama 49% Clinton 49%





Anyone want to predict Hillary's reaction if she loses 12-0?

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I'm thinking Hillary Clinton's supporters would have an easier time getting behind Barack Obama, than Obama's supporter would have getting behind Hillary Clinton.

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Guest Vitamin X

I hope Marvin's head does indeed explode however, had it not already apparently imploded.


Foie gras is an inhumane practice, considering the very nature of making the dish is force-feeding a duck through tubes for the purpose of eating its fat. There are more humane ways of slaughtering for meat, it doesn't meat we have to turn everyone vegetarian just because one practice is banned.

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Guest Beastalentier

The moral dilemmas of foie gras can be debated at length, but I don't like the liver of any animal, force-fed, free-range, or otherwise, so I'm not going to let myself die on this hill.

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Yes and they all do it.


I can't wait for Mccain's "Obama is a evil Muslim so a vote for his mis a vote for terrorism" talk to really get into gear. I know it's already started. Sad thing is a lot of people will believe it. The longer this Democratic campaign goes on, The better it is for Mccain.

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Guest Beastalentier

I don't think McCain the man himself will sink that low. He'll have some grunts do the dirty work and then denounce them, but at least get it out there. I don't agree with it, but idiots vote too. Often Republican.


Good withdrawal (with drawl) speech from Mike Huckabee. Onward and upward, you lovable doe-eyed Baptist. Now never try to go theocratic on us again.

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I hope Marvin's head does indeed explode

Don't we all?

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Guest Beastalentier

Given that he won the entire Southeast and that he's been civil with McCain since Romney started visibly faltering, I wouldn't even rule him out as the running-mate. I'm not sure if I want that yet, but I don't think we've yet seen the last of ol' huckleberry. Personally, I hope he lands an analyst job with one of the cable news channels.

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Guest Vitamin X

I guess Clinton is the projected winner in Rhode Island with 9% reporting. she's only ahead 53%-46%, though...


Ohio is a Clinton ass-whooping with 14% reporting so far, though. 60-38 there, although Texas is going slightly for Obama 53-46 with 4% reporting.

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Guest Beastalentier

David Gregory, on the prospect of Democrats referring to the opposition as "John W. McCain," said that this is not as "politically loaded" as saying "Barack Hussein Obama." So this is what it's come to, huh.

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If they go ahead with the 'W McCain' thing it'll be really dumb. It's a pretty simple task to cast McCain as a third term for Bush's huge-govt policies without looking like you're fucking five.

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