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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I was just gonna bring up those tax returns. I think it's legit to bring that up.


Clinton's "red phone" ads did turn quite a few voters, but I doubt we're gonna see some mudslinging from Obama. One staple of his campaign is trying to avoid that shit.



Unlike most her smears against him (the Muslim stuff), which is totally BS, most of the stuff he could use against her is probably true or has some legitmacy (whitewater, shady donors, threatening Bill's mistresses).


It's not playing dirty. It's self defence. She started it.


Are we still talking about Rezko? The Chicago Times reported that Obama was in the clear about that.

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I was just gonna bring up those tax returns. I think it's legit to bring that up.


Clinton's "red phone" ads did turn quite a few voters, but I doubt we're gonna see some mudslinging from Obama. One staple of his campaign is trying to avoid that shit.



Unlike most her smears against him (the Muslim stuff), which is totally BS, most of the stuff he could use against her is probably true or has some legitmacy (whitewater, shady donors, threatening Bill's mistresses).


It's not playing dirty. It's self defence. She started it.


Are we still talking about Rezko? The Chicago Times reported that Obama was in the clear about that.



I meant the laughable plagarism accusations, allegations of his drug use (which he already admitted to), the turban picture and the Muslim allegations, the healthcare meltdown, the 3 am advert, Hillary endorsing McCain over Obama...etc basically most of the things she's done since super Tuesday.

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I was just gonna bring up those tax returns. I think it's legit to bring that up.


Clinton's "red phone" ads did turn quite a few voters, but I doubt we're gonna see some mudslinging from Obama. One staple of his campaign is trying to avoid that shit.



Unlike most her smears against him (the Muslim stuff), which is totally BS, most of the stuff he could use against her is probably true or has some legitmacy (whitewater, shady donors, threatening Bill's mistresses).


It's not playing dirty. It's self defence. She started it.


Are we still talking about Rezko? The Chicago Times reported that Obama was in the clear about that.



I meant the laughable plagarism accusations, allegations of his drug use (which he already admitted to), the turban picture and the Muslim allegations, the healthcare meltdown, the 3 am advert, Hillary endorsing McCain over Obama...etc basically most of the things she's done since super Tuesday.


Ah, yeah, I see what you mean. It's all bullshit. Not to say that Obama is perfect, of course.


Our projections show the most likely outcome of yesterday's elections will be that Hillary Clinton gained 187 delegates, and we gained 183.


That's a net gain of 4 delegates out of more than 370 delegates available from all the states that voted.


"our projections" are pretty shady, though.

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Well, no. Playing up Bill's sexual history is dirty politics at its finest. It has no relevance to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign --



Well, that's the thing, isn't it?


Obviously, Bill is some sort of sex addict, and there's nothing Hillary, or any other wife, could really do about that. I don't think it makes her less of a woman or a strong person because she can't control him.


But, say Hillary's in the white house as president, she'll be busy, Bill will be lonely....Mitt Romney pointed this out, as well. Doesn't it make Hillary, and thus America look worse on the world stage if the first gentleman is making international headlines for screwing everyone woman with a pulse? It's embaressing. Who wants to hear about cigars or blowjobs for the next 4 years? We'll hear more about Hillary's personal life than what she's doing in office.


I'm not someone who thinks a poltical spouse be thatat major an issue or should a bearing on whether you vote for a candidate. But, at the same time, it's important that a presidential spouse can carry themselves with some amount of dignity and not get dragged into a scandal every five minutes. Michelle Obama, Cindy McCain (yeah, she had a drug problems but she's been clean for decades) both seem fine, but Bill?


That's all completely and totally retarded and if Obama started stooping that low I'd probably lose a lot of respect for him. Do we really want our candidate of HOPEANDCHANGE taking cues from fuckin' Mitt Romney?


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If this was Barack sleeping around, you think Hillary would be discreet and not mention it? Of course not.


If Ohio and Texas proved anything, it's that negative campaigning works. Ideally, Obama wouldn't have to resort to that, as much as it great that he doesn't want to do that...it won't work. Instead of people going 'oh I respect Obama so much for not stooping to Hillary's levels', they're going 'hmmm...maybe Hillary's right about this guy, after all.'


Do I want Obama to fight dirty? Not especially. But if it's a choice of that, or watching Obama sit back and take it all, losing ground in the polls and looking worse and worse come GE time, then it might be the lesser of two evils.

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The reason Obama was hurt by the Canada-NAFTA stuff is because he's marketed himself as a different kind of politician, leaving cynical self-serving tactics behind. Clinton is immune to ethics questions because everyone already knows her background.


When Obama doesn't live up to his status as the second coming, it is destructive. He comes off as a phony.

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Hey snuffbox, your arch-nemesis has resurfaced


“This is a serious election,” said Chuck Schumer on a conference call about Hillary Clinton’s campaign this morning. He added that voters choose Clinton when they “get close to decision-making time, when they know this is for real."


Schumer spoke after Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, who said that Hillary had started to win now that “people have gotten through the initial job interviews.”


Bayh contested any notion that Clinton should drop out of the race for the good of the party. “We’ve got six-and-a-half million people in my state -- I think they deserve to be heard,” he said, noting that Indiana is a “working-class Midwestern state.”


"Hillary is a fighter," Schumer told reporters who were listening in.


“She’s had everything against her, but she is indomitable,” he added, and “she gets stronger when she is up against the wall.”


“She works and she works and she works,” he continued. “I saw this in New York when she first announced for the Senate."


And before jumping off the call, he said, “I like your haircut Phil -- it’s very nice.”


People who vote for Obama are "unserious" retards! Smart, thoughtful people know that what this country really needs is knowledgeable, experienced leadership from spineless hacks like Evan Bayh and Chuck Schumer.

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Which is exactly why Republicans in open elections will go over to the Democrats and vote Hillary even if it doesnt make sense. Theres no way in the world McCain beats Obama and the Republican nomination is for all intents and purposes locked up for McCain so its a wasted vote..and given both Texas and Ohio are red state enough to have enough votes to cross over to make a difference, I think thats how Hillary wins both tonight and it will be proclaimed "a miracle" and give her back momentum for the next round of primaries.

Considering that Clinton won by a considerable margin in Ohio and considering that the Republican and Democratic polling locations weren't collocated in Texas, you didn't really predict anything accurately.


Also, according to MSNBC's exit polls self-identified Republicans broke in favor of Obama in Texas and went 50/50 in Ohio. Good job, Nostramarvin.


so I guess all the "Hillary doesn't have a shot at winning both states" were all wrong too then huh? That was what I was really right about, nevermind my main reasoning behind that idea was off although from what I was hearing today, it was a bigger factor in Ohio than just 50/50.


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She led by 20 fucking points mere weeks ago, you braindead twit. She was supposed to win both. For Obama to comeback (a real comeback, not the kind the media lets Hillary get away with talking about), in such a short amount of time, and win both, it would have been an incredible feat.


Is Beck really this stupid? Does he just have absolutely no clue what is happening in the country/world?

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I don't think you can understate that enough, if the SD's overturn the popular vote, it will completely disillusion everyone in the party under 35, I swear it.

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She led by 20 fucking points mere weeks ago, you braindead twit. She was supposed to win both. For Obama to comeback (a real comeback, not the kind the media lets Hillary get away with talking about), in such a short amount of time, and win both, it would have been an incredible feat.


Is Beck really this stupid? Does he just have absolutely no clue what is happening in the country/world?


Hillary was at best in a deadlock with Obama in Texas if you figure in margin of error of the polls and only a couple points up in Ohio. Its not like she had huge insurmountable leads in either state as of just a couple days before the election. Polls in general are useless, especially ones for an election thats 2 or 3 weeks away when a good portion of voters (in Texas and Ohio it was 21%) dont make up their mind until a couple days prior to it.



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I don't think you can understate that enough, if the SD's overturn the popular vote, it will completely disillusion everyone in the party under 35, I swear it.


Obama's race makes it even more of a tricky situation. African American's make up a large base of the democratic base. A black man cheated out the nomination by a white elite? How would that look? Many would leave the democrats altogether and vote republican out of spite from this point foward.


Anyway, it's not like Hillary is beloved enough to even warrant the effort of screwing Barack out the nomination. I have to think endorsing McCain must have pissed off a lot of Dems as well as her other dirty tactics. Part of why Ted Kennedy switched was because he was fed up with Bill's race baiting crap in South Carolina.

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Dan Abrams is convinced that Hillary's turn toward negativity lately had nothing to do with her wins last night.


You should probably watch his program, Marvin. He's on your level.

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Guest Beastalentier
Dan Abrams is convinced that Hillary's turn toward negativity lately had nothing to do with her wins last night.


You should probably watch his program, Marvin. He's on your level.

Would you go gay for Dan Abrams's eyes?


I generally like his program. He does a good job of bashing the other news programs without coming off as Bill O'Reilly's stalker like Olbermann does.


Come on, snuffer, he's an MSNBC guy. He's an Obama supporter too. Obama vs. the far-right smear machine! He's also against the Miami Sound Machine.

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Yeah, I actually dont mind Abrams. He was just really struggling tonight to "prove" that Hillary's recent turn towards negativity didn't help her last night. That numbed my brain for a bit there.


That Jack Kingston thing was really funny. I couldn't believe that guy could be so stupid.

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Guest Beastalentier

I saw it coming the second he went on camera. Also, I'm feelin' Joe Buck + Larry Craig.

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Let's take a second and take pride in our country.


Cynics have been saying for years that Americans--especially young Americans-- were too disengaged, and that we were ignorant about the system.


Here in the year 2008, when young people--along with everyone else--is turning out in record numbers. Everyone has an opinion on the internal working of the nomination process. And, of course, understanding the once-incomprehensible electoral college has become commonplace and basic knowledge to citizens. Issues such as foriegn policy and immigration that once were things only a few care about now inspire people to demonstrate and voice there views in huge rallies.


America is engaged again, and we're fired up about doing our civic duty.


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Let's take a second and take pride in our country.


Cynics have been saying for years that Americans--especially young Americans-- were too disengaged, and that we were ignorant about the system.


Here in the year 2008, when young people--along with everyone else--is turning out in record numbers. Everyone has an opinion on the internal working of the nomination process. And, of course, understanding the once-incomprehensible electoral college has become commonplace and basic knowledge to citizens. Issues such as foriegn policy and immigration that once were things only a few care about now inspire people to demonstrate and voice there views in huge rallies.


America is engaged again, and we're fired up about doing our civic duty.




Nobody cares about the politics, they've just turned the election into American Idol: Who wants to be a President Edition.


If people fucking cared about issues, Obama would be out by now and Mitt Romney would still be in.


Funny how everyone's biggest issue now is the Economy, and the best candidate to fix the economy got knocked out last month. Way to go morons.

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Is there no bottom to Marvin's dumbass spiral?



Hey Marvin, Andy Kaufman talked to me from beyond the grave. He told me you are an idiot.


This cannot be posted enough:



It looks like he's breastfeeding McCain

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