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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Guest Beastalentier

While everybody vouches for the fine products of Oberweis Dairy, everybody regards Jim Oberweis as such a worthless hack that he can't even win a district of conservative outer-ring suburbs and western IL farm country. Seems only to be interested in preserving his lifestyle. The fact that the IL GOP keeps trotting this political Barry Horowitz out is a damning indictment of much they've given up on their state*, a foolish policy since the current Democratic governor has orange jumpsuits in his future.


I've got nothin' on Foster.


*As if Alan Keyes wasn't.

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If people fucking cared about issues, Obama would be out by now and Mitt Romney would still be in.


holy shit missed this the first time XD

Its true though.



If issues mattered Dubya would have been laughed out of his campaign when he said foreign policy wasn't important.

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If people fucking cared about issues, Obama would be out by now and Mitt Romney would still be in.


holy shit missed this the first time XD

Its true though.


Of course, because Glenn Beck focuses on talking about the important issues and asking the pertinent questions. Like, for instance, what are the odds that Obama is, in fact, the antichrist? If it wasn't for Glenn Beck and his hard-hitting brand of journalism these sorts of issues would never get the time they deserve in the media.


You watch Olberman don't you? Glenn was laughing when he asked that question as a joke to finish up an interview with that pastor.



GLENN: Okay, notice that I'm laughing all the way through it, if you could even see the audio, which, if he played the audio he would have to play the video. If you could actually see the video, you could see that I'm laughing as I say it, as I ask the question. Well, here's the best part, because what picked this up originally was, I don't even know, Think Progress. Think Progress, yes. Let's Think Progress. Do you know Progressive has "Progress" in it? It must be good. Think Progress is the first that picked this up on the blog. They're like, Glenn Beck thinks that maybe Media Matters then picked up the story and put a Glenn Beck think maybe and then they cut and pasted and put it in the TelePrompTer for Keith Olbermann: Glenn Beck thinks maybe he's the worst person in the world! Then Media Matters reported that Keith Olbermann reported the story that Media Matters reported that Keith Olbermann should report. So if they could just now get Media Matters to alert Think Progress and so Think Progress could report that Media Matters reported that Keith Olbermann reported what Media Matters reported that Think Progress reported originally, it would be a feedback loop that would never end and everything would be perfect in the world.


The reason, the reason this is so unbelievably entertaining is because obviously the truth doesn't matter, but even more is it is so very predictable.


I really hate Media Matters, and Olberman wouldnt have a show without them so..yeah.


Extra special bonus from Media Matters - Glenn thinks Hillary might be the Antichrist too (from 2006)


Yeah that damn Media Matters, transcribing what people say accurately and word-for-word! If only they would leave people like Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly alone for their loyal viewers to enjoy and not expose the things they are saying to people who don't watch them!


I'm sure Beck was also laughing (at least on the inside) when he asked Keith Ellison to prove that he's not working with "our enemies".

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By publicy, repeatedly, offering him the vice-presidency, Hillary is offering plenty of new material for Obama. Nice to see him take advantage of this Clinton blunder.

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I've won twice as many states than Senator Clinton. (huge applause) I've won more of the popular vote than Senator Clinton. (applause) I've won more delegates than Senator Clinton. (applause) Tell me, how is it that the one in second place is offering the VP position to the person in first place. I'm in first place. (huge applause)"


"Make no mistake, I'm not running for Vice President. I'm running for President of the United States of America."


"Back in 1992, Bill Clinton said that the only threshold for a Vice President was that that person had to be ready, if he fell out, to become President on day one. For the last two weeks, their campaign has been claiming that I'm not ready to answer that phone. But now they say I'd make a good VP? They're trying to hoodwink you. They're trying to bamboozle you."


"You ever hear of the Okey doke? (strong laughter) You know the Okey Doke when some one is trying to swindle you (roar of laughter). Well this is like an Okey doke when someone in second place is offering the guy in first place the second place seat (laughter and standing ovation).


He then hammered home his point that you want the person with the best judgment to answer that phone not the person who's been in Washington the longest. "I believe I've shown better judgment than Hillary Clinton. She's gone along with the policies of George Bush..."


rough transcript from a Mississipi town hall.


On the subject of running mates, McCain is apparently being pressured to pick a woman. Kay Bailey Hutchison is strongly rumoured.

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Hillary is definitely coming off as fairly desperate right now. Maybe Obama should come out and say "I'm in first place right now, you're in second...why don't we do what's best for America and you can be my VP running mate?" I bet that would shut her up quick.

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If I was Obama I would seriously consider asking Hillary to be VP. Anything to end all this and get focused on November. I think Hillary would accept, since being VP is a lot better than nothing, which is what she's faced with right now.

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Hillary could be Majority Leader if she doesn't win/come out too damaged.


By all accounts, she's lost a lot of standing with dems due to her actions recently. Endorsing McCain pissed a lot of people in the party off. Gary Hart and Ted Daschle have both voiced their disgust at her regarding that, with Hart saying she broke an unbroken rule in the party.

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Guest Beastalentier

Just when I thought Rod Blagojevich's developing troubles might start to hurt his state's candidate just a tad, now Spitzer is a pimp. Everything's coming up Obama.

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For anyone who recalls, Hilary said that she would release her tax records, "when she became THE candidate" I'm sure she intended to become the candidate that next tuesday. And other tuesdays since.


And yet, she probably won't release them until after PA.


That's uber suspicious to me. It's not like it would take a lot of work on her behalf.

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"Kristen" spoke with a Emperors Club booker, who said that she had been told that Client-9 "would ask you to do things that, like, you might not think were safe..." "Kristen" responded by saying, essentially, that she could handle guys like that.



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Clinton doesn't have as much to gain as being VP though. Obama more so, but he's not in the position to take the VP. He is, after all, in first place.

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"You ever hear of the Okey doke? (strong laughter) You know the Okey Doke when some one is trying to swindle you (roar of laughter). Well this is like an Okey doke when someone in second place is offering the guy in first place the second place seat (laughter and standing ovation).


rough transcript from a Mississipi town hall.



This makes it sound like everyone was like "MUWAHAHAHA..MUWAHAHAHA".


Obama tells her to know her role and shut her mouth


I liked how MSNBC actually showed a lineup of the possible hookers involved.


That's some good journalism.


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Considering it was just a screenshot from their business' website, I don't think it was the same as showing Kobe Bryant's rape victim or something.

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Im trying to figure out why CNN would have Jonah Goldberg on to talk about Eliot Spitzer.


Makes no sense.


Having Jonah Goldberg on period makes no sense.

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