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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I'm trying harder to listen to people who disagree with me and try to understand their point of view. One of the many things you can thank Barack Obama for.

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I'm in agreement with Marney's assessment of Ron Paul.

Ron Paul Hate: The Great Uniter.

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And how can you take seriously a nominal "man" who wants to create a "Department of Peace."


Fuckin' pussy.


Yeah, peace is for pussies.

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And how can you take seriously a nominal "man" who wants to create a "Department of Peace."


Fuckin' pussy.

Are we talking about Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich?

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Yeah, peace is for pussies.

Read Robert Conquest's The Dragons of Expectation.


Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.


Are we talking about Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich?

Either or. Both are equally insane.

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King = 909, the guy who went nuts defending you a couple days ago. I never complained to him or anybody else about you. I just got annoyed when he (others, too, but King was the most vocal) claimed that people were whining or 'couldn't take it' when clearly it was a matter of not taking somebody's 'B.O. Hussein' and comically bad links seriously.

I'm going to defend anyone that gets their opinions shit on for no reason other than holding those opinions in the first place. Even Marvin, or C-Bacon. Sorry, bud.


Shitloads of people complained, and it had nothing to do with the links.

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I'm going to defend anyone that gets their opinions shit on for no reason other than holding those opinions in the first place.


Some opinions are just wrong and deserve to be shat on.

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I can understand why some people might not like Ron Paul. Still, with the selection we got on both sides of the fence Paul was the only guy who I thought believed in what he said. Even if I disagreed with much of what he thinks and says it was all I was going to get with the glut of glad-handing blow hards who will say anything you want to hear.


Fuck this election.

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Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.


Good lord that is such bullshit. It's tossed around so often, and so little thought actually goes into that sentiment. You don't need war to achieve peace. In any war which you have a zero sum game-scenario (one winner, one loser), you're setting yourself up for future conflict. War thinking breeds war.


EDIT: Yes, I understand that war is an extension of diplomacy. Are there examples where military intervention was necessary? Yes. Several. But I mean, Grenada? Iraq? My argument is that if peace is the absence, in this issue, of military conflict, then military intervention isn't going to be the path to peace.

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Marney has as much right to be here as anyone else does. Sometimes I think she says stuff just to annoy people, or goes too far with name-calling (not that I'm innocent of name-calling myself), but I'm in favor of a message board full of diverse viewpoints. My biggest pet peeve at this point is when people assume everyone should agree with their views without the need to back them up...just assuming they are right and anyone who disagrees is an idiot.

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Threnody says (19:29):

It's just that they manage to leap from one level of cluelessness to another without pause. You can't even anticipate it. It's like the mountain goats of stupidity all decided to get together and have a convention.



OMG! Somebody PM King of the 909 & break out the fainting couches!

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I have mostly stayed out of this thread because as many of you know, I hate politics, politicians, I think they are all lying assholes, party be damned, they are pretty much the same, and can suck my balls.


But I have been paying attention more now, because I didn't like any candidate. My question...why the fuck are people wanting to vote for Obama? He is STILL giving non answers, just points out problems and says "We are going to have to fix this" and people cheer. I can fucking do that? I am looking for policy suggestions and the like. HOW does he plan on changing things and I am having a hard time finding any. From all three candidates honestly.


Am I looking to pick someone to vote for but I am having a hard time giving a shit about any of them at this point because none of them are saying a goddamned thing.


I think I am closest to voting for McCain. At least he is openly admitting that you can't just pull out of Iraq immediately despite how you feel about the war instead of tap dancing bullshit like Obama and Hil-dawg are doing.


But I am getting off the subject. What exactly about Obama is selling people? The only way he is getting my vote is if my man John Edwards gets on his ticket, because I will vote for some John Edwards. I voted for Kerry's stupid ass for John Edwards.


Them not saying it and you not hearing it are two different things, man. If you wanna be a concerned citizen, go find Obama's stances, they're definitely out there. It's easy to blame the media, but blame the media and spit in the other and see which opinion like an asshole everyone's got two in a bush, anyway. I mean, kvetch all you want, but don't rely on the 4th estate to make all your choices on the first three.


Why are you blaming the media? Obama himself has been pretty vague about his stances on the issues when he's up there giving speeches. I shouldn't have to go to his website to find out how he feels on a particular issue.


I wasn't blaming the media, ladyparts, I was saying it was useless to blame the media. More than that, however, I was saying that you shouldn't rely on the media.


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Wait, we have to count how many sentences there are there, right?

1-2 lines, good.


Seriously though, I'm hardly going to moderate CE unless things get way out of hand. I had more time to think about it.

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I can understand why some people might not like Ron Paul. Still, with the selection we got on both sides of the fence Paul was the only guy who I thought believed in what he said.


Oh, he absolutely believed in what he said.


Sadly, though, he believes in some pretty fucking looney ideas, so I don't know if that's really a plus in his favor.


For what it's worth, Paul was by far the most nauseating candidate of this race. BY FAR. You know the guy's fucking clownshoes when he can unite both neo-nazi white supremacists and 9/11 truthers behind his campaign.

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What is so loony about saying 'let's get out of the places we aren't wanted?'



I can't fully support a non interventional foreign policy, or at least right away, but he was absolutely right in saying policing the world isn't working either.

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Ron Paul went far beyond just "non-intervention" foreign policy (a concept which you yourself acknowledge isn't entirely practical in today's modern world), he full on advocated an isolationist foreign policy.


That's just one of his looney ideas.


As an aside, his followers can be pretty creepy too. I say followers, because the criticism that the "Ron Paul Revolution" was more like a cult is appropriate. I debated against some of them at other forums and it's disturbing the lengths they'd go to to defend the guy. They pretty much thought he spoke Truth to Power and anyone who disagreed with the man or his policies (even reasonably and politely) would be lashed out at. Apparently, if you disagreed with Ron Paul, you were part of the neocon military industrial complex ruining this nation, mmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Or some such nonsense.

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I'm pretty sure he made it clear early on he wasn't an isolationist. He said he'd still trade and be friends with other countries, he just wanted to stop policing the world. He didn't want to get rid of the military, either. Which is another thing he's been accused of.

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Oh you think everyone you disagree with is a cult.


Ron Paul is a cult. Obama is a cult...


Oh come now, Eric, be fair. I don't think I've ever referred to Obama supporters as a cult, except to poke fun at the inherent silliness that is how he's being touted as some sort of liberal Messiah. I mean, c'mon, Eric, there ARE those reports FROM OBAMA SUPPORTERS who said they've fainted at his rallies and said that listening to him speak (live) is something akin to a religious experience. But that's all just in good fun. No one really thinks that there's a cult of Obama, except a cult of personality.


The "Paulbots" (aka moRons), on the other hand are really just creepy. I know you pretty well, Eric, and trust me, YOU would be genuinely freaked out by many of them. Especially when they start talking about gun rights. I got into a heated argument on another board with some Paulbots because I wasn't down with their assertion that the Founding Fathers intended for us to be able to own fully-automatic assault rifles (lots of them) without any sort of restriction such as licensing or registration.


Most Paulbots belong in the tin-foil hat brigade.

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Oh you think everyone you disagree with is a cult.


Ron Paul is a cult. Obama is a cult...


Oh come now, Eric, be fair. I don't think I've ever referred to Obama supporters as a cult, except to poke fun at the inherent silliness that is how he's being touted as some sort of liberal Messiah. I mean, c'mon, Eric, there ARE those reports FROM OBAMA SUPPORTERS who said they've fainted at his rallies and said that listening to him speak (live) is something akin to a religious experience. But that's all just in good fun. No one really thinks that there's a cult of Obama, except a cult of personality.


The "Paulbots" (aka moRons), on the other hand are really just creepy. I know you pretty well, Eric, and trust me, YOU would be genuinely freaked out by many of them. Especially when they start talking about gun rights. I got into a heated argument on another board with some Paulbots because I wasn't down with their assertion that the Founding Fathers intended for us to be able to own fully-automatic assault rifles (lots of them) without any sort of restriction such as licensing or registration.


Most Paulbots belong in the tin-foil hat brigade.


Eric, do you see where he's coming from, Eric? Eric. Eric.





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Oh you think everyone you disagree with is a cult.


Ron Paul is a cult. Obama is a cult...


Oh come now, Eric, be fair. I don't think I've ever referred to Obama supporters as a cult, except to poke fun at the inherent silliness that is how he's being touted as some sort of liberal Messiah. I mean, c'mon, Eric, there ARE those reports FROM OBAMA SUPPORTERS who said they've fainted at his rallies and said that listening to him speak (live) is something akin to a religious experience. But that's all just in good fun. No one really thinks that there's a cult of Obama, except a cult of personality.


The "Paulbots" (aka moRons), on the other hand are really just creepy. I know you pretty well, Eric, and trust me, YOU would be genuinely freaked out by many of them. Especially when they start talking about gun rights. I got into a heated argument on another board with some Paulbots because I wasn't down with their assertion that the Founding Fathers intended for us to be able to own fully-automatic assault rifles (lots of them) without any sort of restriction such as licensing or registration.


Most Paulbots belong in the tin-foil hat brigade.


Eric, do you see where he's coming from, Eric? Eric. Eric.





TSM's CE folder earns its reputation yet again.


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