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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Based on what I've heard in the past, blowing up an abortion clinic is just doing God's will to those loons. Those silly little commandments don't matter when it comes to living, breathing humans, but a zygote deserves protection by any means necessary.


As a Christian, those people legitimately frighten me and annoy me because I get lumped in with them in the same way that your average Muslim gets lumped in with the terrorists who caused 9/11 as though that small minority represents the beliefs of everyone else in the faith.

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I want someone to attempt to justify the claim that Bill Ayers is a terrorist but people who bomb abortion clinics are not.


People who bomb abortion clinics probably dont have the guts to try and set bombs off at Fort Dix, the Pentagon and NYC.


Also, I came across this tidbit on the WUO's wikipedia page:


The founding document called for a "white fighting force" to be allied with the "Black Liberation Movement" and other radical movements[3] to achieve "the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism."[4]


Hmm..where have I heard of Black Liberation before..?

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The McCain campaign's talking head in Virginia is now claiming the Republicans have a great chance to make a comeback and pull out a win there in the senate race. Because apparently that 30 point lead Mark Warner has is just going to evaporate itself over the next 2 weeks.

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she was so mutilated that she refused medical treatment?


I know. The B is also backwards, and the cut is hardly that. There's some speculation that she did it herself. I'd hate to point to her blog to evidence of this, but it's hard to ignore.

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You know what I'm least looking forward to about an Obama victory?


All the insane rationalizations for McCain losing.


Republicans won't be happy with the real explanation: We nominated a grumpy, fumbling candidate even WE didn't like, and who took a ton of self-contradictory positions on issues and mishandled a major crisis. We centered the campaign around two people who turned out to be almost complete frauds: Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber. The electorate just wasn't in the mood for our usual sales pitch, so we kept telling people what we were against, and never told them what we were for except lower taxes. On top of that, we were constantly getting tied to two of the most unpopular things in the country: the Iraq War and George W. Bush.


They'll probably just do what they usually do: blame the media and claim the electorate was punishing them because they weren't conservative enough.

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Authorities say, "Ms. Todd told investigators that she fell to the ground and somehow ended up on her back and the actor climbed on top of her and started beating her about the face."


The actor?

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I don't think I've ever seen actor used in any criminal situation ever. I'm just going to assume she was attacked by a band of former drama club members who have fallen on hard times.

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On top of that, we were constantly getting tied to two of the most unpopular things in the country: the Iraq War and George W. Bush.

I'd also say being tied to the current state of the economy as well.

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She's just confessed to making it all up.




Which means she really carved a "B" in her face backwards because she was looking in a mirror...


Go to sarahsarmy.blogspot.com and read the comments to see the people looking at her twitters, 4 of which apparently happened after the alleged incident in which she was mugged and had her face carved up. Reminded me of that South Park episode.

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On top of that, we were constantly getting tied to two of the most unpopular things in the country: the Iraq War and George W. Bush.

I'd also say being tied to the current state of the economy as well.


You're right. It should have said:


We nominated a grumpy, fumbling candidate even WE didn't like, and who took a ton of self-contradictory positions on issues and mishandled a major crisis. We centered the campaign around two people who turned out to be almost complete frauds: Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber. The electorate just wasn't in the mood for our usual sales pitch, so we kept telling people what we were against, and never told them what we were for except lower taxes. We were constantly getting tied to two of the most unpopular things in the country: the Iraq War and George W. Bush. On top of that, we were in the incumbent party, which was getting blamed for the current state of the economy.

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On top of that, we were constantly getting tied to two of the most unpopular things in the country: the Iraq War and George W. Bush.

I'd also say being tied to the current state of the economy as well.


Of course. McCain's a self-proclaimed "foot soldier in the Reagan revolution." It's just totally incredulous for him to do a complete 180 and start regulating this and that. No where has he provided a comprehensive and convincing plan in relation to where any of the bailout money will go, and what conditions it will be attached to. The only thing he's advised is to buy up all the bad loans at face value, but most economists say that a plan like that could only work marginally if the government bought all the bad loans at less-than-face value. Not to mention the horse he rode in on flies the banner of destroying pork and earmarks, but no one really is convinced that shaving earmarks will solve the crisis right now, figuring that they only amount to about $18 billion in a $3 trillion budget.

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McCain's a self-proclaimed "foot soldier in the Reagan revolution." It's just totally incredulous for him to do a complete 180 and start regulating this and that. No where has he provided a comprehensive and convincing plan in relation to where any of the bailout money will go, and what conditions it will be attached to. The only thing he's advised is to buy up all the bad loans at face value, but most economists say that a plan like that could only work marginally if the government bought all the bad loans at less-than-face value. Not to mention the horse he rode in on flies the banner of destroying pork and earmarks, but no one really is convinced that shaving earmarks will solve the crisis right now, figuring that they only amount to about $18 billion in a $3 trillion budget.

You're on a roll today.

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I heard the rumor that since Obama has not submitted his birth certificate, that there's a possibility that the Supreme Court may have to take a look into it and its quite possible that if Obama wins the Supreme Court could rule him ineligible and we'd have President Biden.


Another scenario ending in riots.


The Hawaiian Supreme Court is hearing it now (with a ruling before the election), and its just a coincidence that Obama's grandmother is sick in Hawaii now too?

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I heard the rumor that since Obama has not submitted his birth certificate, that there's a possibility that the Supreme Court may have to take a look into it and its quite possible that if Obama wins the Supreme Court could rule him ineligible and we'd have President Biden.


Another scenario ending in riots.




He has already. He's shown it multiple time, and it's on multiple fact-checking websites. There's no reason to doubt his citizenship, considering he only needs one parent to be American (his mother) to be a citizen.


I call trolling. Bob, defend how putting up bullshit rumors and nothing anyone cares about qualifies at not trolling.

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I wish I were allowed to post animated .gifs of people jerking off and coming all over themselves in this folder.


EDIT: As much as Nightwing arouses me, that was for Marvin, of course.

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I heard the rumor that since Obama has not submitted his birth certificate, that there's a possibility that the Supreme Court may have to take a look into it and its quite possible that if Obama wins the Supreme Court could rule him ineligible and we'd have President Biden.


Another scenario ending in riots.




He has already. He's shown it multiple time, and it's on multiple fact-checking websites. There's no reason to doubt his citizenship, considering he only needs one parent to be American (his mother) to be a citizen.


I call trolling. Bob, defend how putting up bullshit rumors and nothing anyone cares about qualifies at not trolling.


He has never submitted his birth certificate in accordance with the lawsuit that was put against him and now the Hawaiian Supreme Court is hearing the case.


None of this is rumor. and the lawsuit was filed by a Democrat, so we can't have any of this "its the Republican smear campaign"..since its coming from his own party.



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In fact google away, countries, various world wide yahoo or other types of groups and Obama’s name etc and you will find all kinds of admissions of people around the world doing likewise and sticking their noses in our elections. Try Nigeria for fun to get your blood boiling and the same for Kenya. Don’t think we are the only ones with blogs and yahoo groups talking about our elections. You will see how many people who actually have done the same, brag about it and say that it is up to Obama to turn down the contribution and the USA government to check for voter fraud and the various states. Spend a little time and google, it will get your blood pressure up and write your google query for this election on the various foreign discussion groups around the world and contributions etc for Obama. You will see for yourself.



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I heard the rumor that since Obama has not submitted his birth certificate, that there's a possibility that the Supreme Court may have to take a look into it and its quite possible that if Obama wins the Supreme Court could rule him ineligible and we'd have President Biden.


Another scenario ending in riots.




He has already. He's shown it multiple time, and it's on multiple fact-checking websites. There's no reason to doubt his citizenship, considering he only needs one parent to be American (his mother) to be a citizen.


I call trolling. Bob, defend how putting up bullshit rumors and nothing anyone cares about qualifies at not trolling.


He has never submitted his birth certificate in accordance with the lawsuit that was put against him and now the Hawaiian Supreme Court is hearing the case.


None of this is rumor. and the lawsuit was filed by a Democrat, so we can't have any of this "its the Republican smear campaign"..since its coming from his own party.

Just because someone brings it to court, doesn't mean it's credible.


And it's a lie that he's a Democrat, considering he's run on a Republican ticket since 1990. He's an avowed Anti-Semite, and he's already been labeled a Vexatious litigant in multiple places. It is not a real issue, and it isn't true.


And you are a retard and a troll. I want Bob or 909 to explain to me how Marvin's recent string of "Riot Predictions" and such do not qualify as trolling.

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Well, now I have to admit I am a day or so behind on this issue, as the Hawaii Supreme Court has already ruled on the case.


But I still heard that Andy Martin was planning on taking the case to the US Supreme Court (my original first part of my post).



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Well, now I have to admit I am a day or so behind on this issue, as the Hawaii Supreme Court has already ruled on the case.


But I still heard that Andy Martin was planning on taking the case to the US Supreme Court (my original first part of my post).


Hey... what was the ruling, by the way? Just asking.

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I heard the rumor that since Obama has not submitted his birth certificate, that there's a possibility that the Supreme Court may have to take a look into it and its quite possible that if Obama wins the Supreme Court could rule him ineligible and we'd have President Biden.


Another scenario ending in riots.




He has already. He's shown it multiple time, and it's on multiple fact-checking websites. There's no reason to doubt his citizenship, considering he only needs one parent to be American (his mother) to be a citizen.


I call trolling. Bob, defend how putting up bullshit rumors and nothing anyone cares about qualifies at not trolling.


He has never submitted his birth certificate in accordance with the lawsuit that was put against him and now the Hawaiian Supreme Court is hearing the case.


None of this is rumor. and the lawsuit was filed by a Democrat, so we can't have any of this "its the Republican smear campaign"..since its coming from his own party.

Just because someone brings it to court, doesn't mean it's credible.


And it's a lie that he's a Democrat, considering he's run on a Republican ticket since 1990. He's an avowed Anti-Semite, and he's already been labeled a Vexatious litigant in multiple places. It is not a real issue, and it isn't true.


And you are a retard and a troll. I want Bob or 909 to explain to me how Marvin's recent string of "Riot Predictions" and such do not qualify as trolling.

Police prepare for election night riots


I hope CBS is a credible enough source. Im actually worried about this.


Some believe riots could come no matter who wins.


“If [Obama] is elected, like with sports championships, people may go out and riot,” Bob Parks, an online columnist and black Republican candidate for state representative in Massachusetts, told The Hill. “If Barack Obama loses there will be another large group of people who will assume the election was stolen from him….. This will be an opportunity for people who want to commit mischief.”

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