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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Well, now I have to admit I am a day or so behind on this issue, as the Hawaii Supreme Court has already ruled on the case.


But I still heard that Andy Martin was planning on taking the case to the US Supreme Court (my original first part of my post).


Hey... what was the ruling, by the way? Just asking.


They denied him access to the records they had on file for Obama. Its in the pdf file.

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I want someone to attempt to justify the claim that Bill Ayers is a terrorist but people who bomb abortion clinics are not.






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factcheck.org staffers have actually been to Obama HQ and physically handled the certificate that was scanned online on obama website. They confirm it has the embossed logo and refuted all the other "its a fake because... the text is photoshopped, etc etc" comments from the scan.



Unless the State of Hawaii is complicit in this massive conspiracy and issued a false cert. of live birth, this is all a bunch of BS by nutcases.


Not to mention the fact that states have to verify all this before they put a candidate on the actual ballot.


Not to mention there is a scan of a birth announcement on that very day in a HAWAII NEWSPAPER.


So now the conspiracy includes:


The entire Hawaii state government

Honalulu Advertiser newspaper from back in 1961, JUST IN CASE THIS KID WHO'S BIRTH WE'RE FAKING GROWS UP TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT

Every state in the US when time came to put him on the ballot

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I heard the rumor that since Obama has not submitted his birth certificate, that there's a possibility that the Supreme Court may have to take a look into it and its quite possible that if Obama wins the Supreme Court could rule him ineligible and we'd have President Biden.

Another scenario ending in riots.


The Hawaiian Supreme Court is hearing it now (with a ruling before the election), and its just a coincidence that Obama's grandmother is sick in Hawaii now too?


This is the retarded part of the riot scenario. You've posted illogical shit that no one cares about, and that doesn't mean anything to the campaigns, including multiple posts trying to defend the "Birth Certificate" bullshit as some sort of real issue. Not only are you a liar (Again, calling Martin a Democrat is as far from the truth as possible), but your retarded sense of glee that there might be riots if Obama loses is deplorable.


Allow me to also point out that while they are preparing for riots, it's only out of a "worst-case scenario" idea, and they don't believe it to be the likely scenario. You're retarded continuance of this "Let's watch out for riots!" focus on your posts since we've forced you to swallow all your other bullshit is trolling, plain and simple.


But I suppose you'll give us another post as to why the damned blackies are going to go looting, eh?

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She's facing criminal charges for inventing the story. Awesome.


Well, the Obama campaign expressed their hope that the person(s) responsible would be brought to justice in a timely fashion, and it looks as though that is what has happened. Unfortunately, it was all at the expense of the Pittsburgh Police Department, both campaigns and certainly every person who had sympathized with the plight of Ms. Todd, which would obviously include a number of close friends and family members that she lied to.


It's one thing to try and drive a further wedge between the red and the blue campaigns, and I've almost come to expect this kind of behavior from somebody associated with the McCain/Palin ticket, what with the divisive rhetoric that has been coming from their side of the table, but I cannot think for a moment that the imaginary assailant was described as a black male by accident.


My first reaction was the hope that she would have to pay a large fine, or serve jail time. But really, what I would like to come out of this situation, more than anything, is for Ms. Todd to end up with a heavy community service sentence. I think that she should have to spend the next year looking less-fortunate members of the African American community in the face, while working to serve their community and repair the damage that she has inflicted (or at least attempted to inflict) on the relationship between members of the black and white community.

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birth certificate stuff


Not to mention that Linda Lingle is a conservative, so she's a secret liberal governor who's trying to cover this all up for Obama.


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I envision those kinds of "people on the streets with flags n' shit, cheering and spontaneously celebrating" scenes that are really foreign to America on election nights, if anything. Those Europeans always look like they're having so much fun.

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birth certificate stuff


Not to mention that Linda Lingle is a conservative, so she's a secret liberal governor who's trying to cover this all up for Obama.


Indeed. A secret liberal stopping a secret democrat from exposing a secret foreigner who has managed to rise all the way to within stepping distance of the Presidency!


On a more serious note, I think another big shift in the electorate this year is the concept of "patriotism". I think there has been considerable backlash against the Republicans trying to present themselves as more American than others, with comments from Palin and Michele Bachmann (Of "I think we should investigate Congress to find Un-American Congressmen" fame) have all provoked backlash from everywhere except the base. I think people are tired of the Republicans trying to monopolize the idea of "We are the ones who really care about America!", which is a lot of the classic Rove tactics aren't working.

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Ashley Todd Story Pushed By McCain Campaign Aide, Say Reporters


The McCain spokesperson's claims -- which came in the midst of extraordinary and heated conversations late yesterday between the McCain campaign, local TV stations, and the Obama camp, as the early version of the story rocketed around the political world -- is significant because it reveals a McCain official pushing a version of the story that was far more explosive than the available or confirmed facts permitted at the time.


This isn't just a case of this individual volunteer faking the whole thing but now we learn that McCain's Penn communications Director was behind spreading this hoax.


John McCain's Pennsylvania communications director told reporters in the state an incendiary version of the hoax story about the attack on a McCain volunteer well before the facts of the case were known or established -- and even told reporters outright that the "B" carved into the victim's cheek stood for "Barack," according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions.


John Verrilli, the news director for KDKA in Pittsburgh, told TPM Election Central that McCain's Pennsylvania campaign communications director gave one of his reporters a detailed version of the attack that included a claim that the alleged attacker said, "You're with the McCain campaign? I'm going to teach you a lesson."


The sad thing is that there are people out there who will never hear that it was a hoax, and will toot their horn for voting McCain because scummy democrats do things like this.

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From last night....


It had to happen.


Less than two weeks before we vote for a new president, a white woman says a black man attacked her, then scarred her face, and says there was a political motive for it.


Ashley Todd, a 20-year-old white volunteer for John McCain’s presidential campaign, says she was mugged at an ATM machine in Pittsburgh (my hometown) by a big black man. She further says he threw her down, then disfigured her by carving the letter “B” into her face with a sharp implement when he saw that she supported McCain, not Barack Obama.


Part of the appeal of, and the unspoken tension behind, Senator Obama’s campaign is his transformational status as the first African-American to win a major party’s presidential nomination.


That does not mean that he has erased the mutual distrust between black and white Americans, and this incident could become a watershed event in the 11 days before the election.


If Ms. Todd’s allegations are proven accurate, some voters may revisit their support for Senator Obama, not because they are racists (with due respect to Rep. John Murtha), but because they suddenly feel they do not know enough about the Democratic nominee.


If the incident turns out to be a hoax, Senator McCain’s quest for the presidency is over, forever linked to race-baiting.


For Pittsburgh, a city that has done so much to shape American history over the centuries, another moment of truth is at hand.







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Not suprising.....


Christian right intensifies attacks on Obama


Terrorist strikes on four American cities. Russia rolling into Eastern Europe. Israel hit by a nuclear bomb. Gay marriage in every state. The end of the Boy Scouts. All are plausible scenarios if Democrat Barack Obama is elected president, according to a new addition to the campaign conversation called "Letter from 2012 in Obama's America," produced by the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family Action.

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The Ron Howard one is Fuckin' gold.

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I was a little surprised Andy Griffith is still alive.


Hey, anyone else remember that episode of "Happy Days" where Richie was campaigning for Adlai Stevenson, and then Fonzy made that speech at the end endorsing Eisenhower?



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In voting for Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, I made my decision

based neither on a lesser-of-evils theorem or any delusion that we

bask in the presence of some kind of Messianic being. None of the

candidates are evil. I disagree with most of the McCain policies

(especially since weirdly turning neoconservative after building a

name as a moderate), Sarah Palin is the most vapid candidate this

country has ever seen on a national ticket, and they've run the kind

of campaign that makes Bob Shrum look like Marc Hanna, but neither are

evil. Therefore, the first canard may be discarded. As for the

second canard, I don't take Messianic beings of any name seriously.

Barack Obama will not save the world or provide us with a brand new

utopia. But, what he can (and, with both houses of Congress for at

least two years, will) do is make the changes that have driven my



The man who first drew my interest into politics was Harry Browne, the

Libertarian candidate in 1996 and 2000. From then until 2004 my

largely undivided attention was given to the ideals of libertarianism.

They still are, really, but far too often I've come to lament the

pie-in-the-sky theoretical outlook that accompanies it. Since 2004, I

have pared down some of my libertarian stances. I do not see any

point in coddling large business and extremely wealthy people at the

expense of everybody else. There should be a modicum of regulations.

We watch and provide rules for our children, the young lives that we

invest in. I see no reason why we should leave the companies that we

invest in and provide for to hide in shadows.


The wealthiest should also not be the only beneficiaries of the tax

policy. Yes, in an ideal utopia there would be no taxation at all.

But we do not now, nor will we ever, live in an ideal utopia. After

working in factories for several years I can no longer take seriously

the claims that softening the tax burden on the middle/working-class

would be punishing the success of the big business folks. If a

working person puts in too much overtime at their job, they suddenly

find themselves working amost entirely for the government. We already

punish the hard work and the success of the vast majority of

Americans. That is not libertarian, that is not conservative.

Coddling is not conservtism. Giving a larger tax cut to a larger

number of people (as Obama is doing vs. McCain) has a bit of a

libertarian/conservative tinge to it. If nothing else, it's the only

policy of the two (and, no, I'm not considering Bob Barr to be a

libertarian or a qualified candidate) that I and my wallet can



Another leftover libertarian ideal is the civil liberties and freedoms

of people. I desire the ability for everybody to live their life as

they choose so long as it does not impede on the similar ability of

anybody else. Here was my biggest concern with voting for Obama. His

pathetic FISA vote. For a couple of weeks I was leaning towards

writing in Warren G Harding for a posthumous second term. My hope is

that domestic spying and the garbage of its ilk will deteriote under

Democratic power, my wish is that Obama would have ignored his cadre

of weasly advisors and made the correct vote in the first place, but

it happened and it is a stain. But, in politics, as in any other

facet of our lives, it is important not to wreck ourselves on the

jagged shores of perfectionism. So, I am able to stomach an ample

amount of bad in exchange for the proposition of actual good. In my

opinion, the greatest threat to American civil liberties, as well as

one of the most embarassing facets of the country, is our federal drug

policy. Obama was one of only a few candidates of either party that

spoke of turning towards a more sensible drug policy during the

marathon nominating process (Ron Paul and Bill Richardson being the

others). He is the only candidate left. A change to the drug laws in

this country will free up tens of billions of dollars in tax money and

thousands of otherwise innocent, wholly non-violent, truly

non-criminals. There are far too many problems in this nation to

focus so much attention on a bad habit at worst, benevolent medicine

at best. It is absolutely inexcusable that a college student can be

denied federal student loans/grants/work study for a marijuana

conviction, no matter the size, while there is no similar handicap

placed upon students convicted of assault, rape, or murder.


Of the two candidates, Obama wins on foreign policy by a mile. John

McCain has been dead wrong on the war on Iraq from the beginning.

This includes the Surge. The Surge was inended to provide security

AND political stability. Security is tenuous but granting McCain that

he's still at a 50% percent. Well below failing. Obama has been

correct in his opposition. We cant spend trillions of dollars on

follies in other lands. We cant maim a generation out of hubris. We

cant ignore our real threats and past assailants. I support Obama's

agenda of renewing our focus on al Qaeda, Afghanistan/Pakistan, and

actual terrorists that actually attacked the United States. I have

found it necessary to vote for a candidate who has shown a willingness

to follow the footsteps of leaders such as John Adams, Franklin

Roosevelt, and George Kennan, to place his attention and ability where

it needs to be rather than on incredibly expensive and self-defeating

red herrings


I had a slight dread during the late spring and summer. A fear was

beginning to take hold that Obama could pan out like Jimmy Carter.

The general election campaign has completely eased that. The

re-assembly of the the Democratic Party after defeating Hillary

Clinton, the calm and confidence during a major economic dip, a

consistent handling of some of the dirtiest pool being played by the

politicians and idealogues that oppose him, and the winning

performances in all three debates have all proven the mettle, the

talent, and the temperment of a successful leader even during a time

of great turmoil. And it was nice to see the day after I sent in my

ballot that Cici Goldwater, granddaughter of an Arizona senator I'd

have pickled my left ball in a bottle of bourbon to have had the

chance to vote for, had endorsed Barack Obama.

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Im so glad to know that Opie and the Whassup guys are for Obama.


I also just read Snuffbox's ripped off essay and this is the part that got me:


Another leftover libertarian ideal is the civil liberties and freedoms

of people. I desire the ability for everybody to live their life as

they choose so long as it does not impede on the similar ability of

anybody else. Here was my biggest concern with voting for Obama. His

pathetic FISA vote.




Obama (primarily through the Democratic Supermajority in Congress and the possibility of him appointing several Left leaning SCOTUS Judges) are going to trample all over the 1st (Hello Fairness Doctrine!) and 2nd Amendments and you're concerned about the FISA/Protect America Act Amendment?


*brain explodes*



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I really enjoy this ad. I have a soft spot for ads that utilize actual footage and soundbites as their body rather than quotes or cliches like "Change We Can Believe In" or whatever. The viewer retains the message better.


Sidenote: Isn't this the biggest douche on television today?




"He's the load his mother should have swallowed."

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Obama (primarily through the Democratic Supermajority in Congress and the possibility of him appointing several Left leaning SCOTUS Judges) are going to trample all over the 1st (Hello Fairness Doctrine!) and 2nd Amendments and you're concerned about the FISA/Protect America Act Amendment?


*brain explodes*


Snuffbox, you're worried about the government surveilling the phone calls of Americans citizens without warrants with the help of telecom companies who then can't be sued when BARACK HUSSEIN is going to STIFLE FREE SPEECH and TAKE AR GUNS?!?!

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I really enjoy this ad. I have a soft spot for ads that utilize actual footage and soundbites as their body rather than quotes or cliches like "Change We Can Believe In" or whatever. The viewer retains the message better.


Sidenote: Isn't this the biggest douche on television today?




"He's the load his mother should have swallowed."


The clip of McCain at the end there is fantastic.


on Morris, ever notice the guy makes every prediction possible, almost to the point of changing weekly... then at the end, points and says "see I was right!"

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