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Guest *KNK*

CM Punk's gimmick

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Guest *KNK*

The WWE creative team has apparently decided on CM Punk's gimmick for his WWE debut. Punk will be 'the first ever deaf wrestler'. He is, of course, not deaf in reality, but will be in kayfabe. The creative team has already planned a number of 'humorous' backstage skits that center around Punk's 'handicap'. This appears to be yet another tasteless attempt at cheap heat by WWE creative.


credit PWInsider




I can't say I'm surprised at all by this, if it's true...Which I hope isnt.

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Guest *KNK*

Punk's #1 talent is his ability to cut a promo and protray a serious edge (no pun intended)...


Deaf people can cut promos (i.e talk) its a mis-conception that deaf people can't properally commicate as my nephew is proof of that (100% deaf and played multiple sports and was a debate champion in HS)


It's just the rest of the country has already determined that it's not true, so congrats Punk, you are Eugene 2.0

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Guest *KNK*



I just found out that it was a joke @ the ROHBOARDS.


I apoligize for spreading it here.

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Most deaf people I know don't have good verbal ability. And most deaf people I know get terribly offended by anything related to deafness ("hard of hearing" is an offensive term, btw). So, if this is true, I'd really like to see how this turns out PR wise for the E.


"Hey Catherine, look at this, a deaf wrestler in the WWE."


"REALLY? Is he really deaf?!"




*various obscenities*

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Guest *KNK*

I'm trying to think of a worst gimmick then the deaf wrestler thing, Wrestling already has a blind man wrestling...


Isn't Steve Cornio basically deaf now?

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Guest nokia

yeah....the only punk topic at pwi is that Cm and Laree isn't going to be teamed up together...


Let's hope none of the "creative" folks at wwe reads this thread and thinks it's a good idea...

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Guest Fook

The saddest part of all this is that even though it's a joke and the writers would have to be total morons to create this gimmick, we can all see it happening for real.

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Guest *KNK*
Most deaf people I know don't have good verbal ability.  And most deaf people I know get terribly offended by anything related to deafness ("hard of hearing" is an offensive term, btw).  So, if this is true, I'd really like to see how this turns out PR wise for the E.


"Hey Catherine, look at this, a deaf wrestler in the WWE."


"REALLY?  Is he really deaf?!"




*various obscenities*


However Rudo, there are many exceptions to that stereotype of deaf people having poor verbal talents.


besides my aforementioned nephew, I've seen others with hearing impairments have standard natural speaking ability.


The problem is, WWE and it's fanbase are too dumb to look past stereotypes.

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I'd say that the vast majority of deaf people have had speech problems. But of course there are exceptions, but then... HOW WOULD YOU KNOW HE'S DEAF HE IF SPOKE PROPERLY!!? That's why the WWE has their black wrestlers be all thugs, pastors, pimps, or guys who lust after white women - how else would you know they're black?

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Guest *KNK*
I'd say that the vast majority of deaf people have had speech problems.  But of course there are exceptions, but then... HOW WOULD YOU KNOW HE'S DEAF HE IF SPOKE PROPERLY!!?  That's why the WWE has their black wrestlers be all thugs, pastors, pimps, or guys who lust after white women - how else would you know they're black?


You are correct, deaf people do have extreme difficulty and I would say the majority not VAST continue to suffer from this difficulties.


The fact remains though, Deaf people aren't naturally retarded, not by a long shot.


However that's precisely how WWE would try to protray a deaf character because Stephanie McMahon has zero touch with reality.

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Guest *KNK*

In fact can we just close this thread since it was a false rumor and we don't need another thread to dicuss the inept writers.

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Nope can't find it either THANK GOD.


I only see a rumor being squashed about CM Punk and Alexis Laree maybe coming in as a duo. If the WWE does this angle anyways all the smarks will go crazy.

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However that's precisely how WWE would try to protray a deaf character because Stephanie McMahon has zero touch with reality.



Actually, Steph's zero touch with reality would be voided some if her father weren't even more out of touch with reality. Remember, Vince gets final say of what goes on and what doesn't go on his TV, not Steph. Steph is a huge factor is the hiring of people with no product knowledge and whatnot, but just remember they ALL answer to Vince in the end and execute his vision.

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