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HHH and Ric Flair's return date to TV announced

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In his Charleston Post and Courier column today, Mike Mooneyham reported that "Triple H and Ric Flair are scheduled to return to WWE television Oct. 3 when Raw makes its USA network debut." Given his Carolina roots, Mooneyham's information concerning Flair is usually right on the money. It makes perfect sense to hold off the two men's return until WWE makes its cable TV jump. It will be a great way to start off on USA.

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Guest *KNK*

Triple H is a fucking genius. He really is.


WWE leaves SPIKE with Cena at the helm of the ship and WWE returns "Home" with the big return of it's golden boy to big fanfare.

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Guest Desperate Housewife



I'm calling the end of this pathetic Cena era right now.

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Guest JMA
If they were ever going to pull off the big re-formation of Evolution this would be the night to do it.

I think Evolution's run its course. Hell, I think Triple H and Flair being associated with each other has run its course.


Then again, they could always have Flair's dream Four Horsemen: Himself, Triple H, Kurt Angle, and Shawn Michaels. But that doesn't really interest me.

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I don't think Evolution is coming back. I heard somewhere that they felt that it was better off being an one time thing with the original cast (HHH/Flair/Batista/Orton) and that no one else really fits the role of Evolution.

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Guest JMA

Triple H shouldn't hold the title for quite a while. RAW needs a new number one heel for a while--maybe Edge.

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Awesome, our local dude's finally getting some much-deserved credit. Dude talks to Flair all the time and provides a lot of insight that you miss on the internet with bare-bones news reports. He just finished up a three-week series on Shelton Benjamin (since he's from just up the road in Orangeburg) that was fascinating.

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Triple H is a fucking genius.  He really is.


WWE leaves SPIKE with Cena at the helm of the ship and WWE returns "Home" with the big return of it's golden boy to big fanfare.

He can then lay claim to having played a part in any ratings jump.


Of course, if ratings don't go up, or even fall, they'll use the same excuse they used when ratings dipped a little when they moved from USA to TNN/Spike, and say that fans didn't know where to tune in.


Triple H shouldn't hold the title for quite a while. RAW needs a new number one heel for a while


Yes he shouldn't, and yes it does. However, neither is likely to happen.


I'd rather see HHH has champ than Cena


Yes, because it makes so much sense to go with a guy who is stale and played out rather than a guy who is fresh, and that the people are so crazy for that they are willing to overlook his flaws.


I'm calling the end of this pathetic Cena era right now.


Yes, it really is pathetic that fans go crazy for the guy, buy his merchandise, go to house shows to see him, and love the guy despite his flaws.

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Whatever. I'd rather see HHH has champ than Cena. Then again, I never was one of those bandwagon jumping HHHaters..


The audience seems to actually enjoy Cena despite how terrible he often is. HHH is also pretty boring on the mic and working, but the crowd turns silent when hes around.


But hey, if you like watching the same tired routine over and over than HHH is your guy.


Maybe your right, Maybe we were all wrong and its perfect time for another couple years of HHH squashes.

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Guest Desperate Housewife

Because watching a rapper cluelessly stumble around in the ring is infinitely preferably to a guy who's had awesome matches with HBK, Benoit, Kurt Angle


Cena's had a good match with...........

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Because watching a rapper cluelessly stumble around in the ring is infinitely preferably to a guy who's had awesome matches with HBK, Benoit, Kurt Angle


Cena's had a good match with...........

Maybe you don't hear the fans go nuts for him. Or see them buy his merch. Or read reports that he's generally the most over guy on house shows, and if he doesn't appear, people are annoyed, which doesn't usually happen with anyone else. Maybe you're also ignoring the fact that the fans don't care that he's not that good, which is a great sign of someone being over if the fans are willing to overlook his shortcomings.


Or we could throw all that out, and just assume you're an idiot.

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So, if he comes back as a face who's the first to fall?




Awwwww fuck!

Don't forget the Masterlock you love so much. Someone has to break that, and if they stretch it out long enough.....




'Sides, methinks Big Show is going to be the one do it only to lose on PPV to Masters.

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Because watching a rapper cluelessly stumble around in the ring is infinitely preferably to a guy who's had awesome matches with HBK, Benoit, Kurt Angle


Cena's had a good match with...........


Whether you like him or not, Cena is insanely over with the fans and they should keep the belt on him for a long time.

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I'm not seeing the logic behind "Insanely over = Keep the title on him" but I suppose they could do worse.


A lot and I mean LOT of people want to see Angle get that belt. So much so that I think the match will be a lot more split then people will give it credit for.


Now if Cena is still doing those kind of merch numbers and getting the huge pops when HHH is taking up half of RAW, then we'll see.

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Guest *KNK*

Good quality wrestling means nothing in the WWE to it's core fanbase.


John Cena's inability to statisfy the workrate freaks is completely irrlevant considering he is godly over with the live crowd, merch sales are through the roof and he isn't a bad draw and time will tell on Cena's draw appeal but we have seen that the previous attempts of draws in Triple H and Bradshaw have been complete busts.


You are kidding yourself if you try to include Eddy Guerrero and Chris Benoit into the list of attempted draws.


John Cena is over. He brings in a crowd and has an mainstream capability.


Something WWE is completely lacking and desperately need.


Forget his lack of work rate and ability to manifest a string of **** matches. Where did that get Benoit? Guerrero? no where.


You keep the title on Cena and you don't flush him down the toilet to statisfy Mrs. McMahon ego.

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They need to keep the belt on Cena until at LEAST Survivor Series. And only then he should only lose it if they're going to do the traditional SS screwjob and put it on a heel - with Cena chasing and then winning BACK the belt at Mania.


HHH hasn't drawn, or even really had any heat, in years. YEARS. Cena is about as hot as anyone can be in the WWE right now - to make him HHH's job boy would be insane. Like him or not, they need a guy like Cena to carry the company, and that won't be done if they establish him as under HHH.

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Guest *KNK*
Your Benoit and Guerrero bashing is cleverly slipped in to try and deflect your obvious Cena love.


The jig is up.




Yeah I'm really bashing them by saying good workrate doesnt draw.

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Because watching a rapper cluelessly stumble around in the ring is infinitely preferably to a guy who's had awesome matches with HBK, Benoit, Kurt Angle


Cena's had a good match with...........

Maybe you don't hear the fans go nuts for him. Or see them buy his merch. Or read reports that he's generally the most over guy on house shows, and if he doesn't appear, people are annoyed, which doesn't usually happen with anyone else. Maybe you're also ignoring the fact that the fans don't care that he's not that good, which is a great sign of someone being over if the fans are willing to overlook his shortcomings.


Or we could throw all that out, and just assume you're an idiot.


Hey, I'm a fan too. And Cena bores the living fuck out of me. The New York Yankees have a lot of fans too. And I'm sure they "go nuts" for them at Yankee Stadium and buy a ton of Yankee merchandise. However, I hate the Yankees, and therefore, I'd rather see them finish last in the East than see them win the World Series.


Just because Cena gets cheered by a bunch of stupid fucking 12 year olds doesn't mean that the rest of have to like him.


In fact, I'll take it a step further, and say that the WWE really can't grow with him as champion. During the Attitude era, regular intelligent people started watching wrestling because the storylines were good and the characters were engaging. Over time, most of those people got stripped away due to the often embarrassingly bad nature of the programming. I'd venture to say that of those lost fans, about 90% of them would see right through Cena's schtick and find no interest in him whatsoever.


It's only the very markiest of the marks who can get into the most banal and simplistic storyline that find Cena to be engaging. If you notice, it's the holdover "smart fans" that seem to be the most disgusted with Cena and dislike his mic "skills" the most. If we happen to have a little bit of taste, and don't want a wanna-be rapper to be the World Champion of Raw, then that's our prerogative. We don't need to be dumbed down to agree with the masses.

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Just because Cena gets cheered by a bunch of stupid fucking 12 year olds doesn't mean that the rest of have to like him.


No but you should acknowledge the fact that Cena is very very over with almost everyone.


In fact, I'll take it a step further, and say that the WWE really can't grow with him as champion. During the Attitude era, regular intelligent people started watching wrestling because the storylines were good and the characters were engaging.


The Attitude era had tons of stupid shit that was not intelligent.


It's only the very markiest of the marks who can get into the most banal and simplistic storyline that find Cena to be engaging. If you notice, it's the holdover "smart fans" that seem to be the most disgusted with Cena and dislike his mic "skills" the most. If we happen to have a little bit of taste, and don't want a wanna-be rapper to be the World Champion of Raw, then that's our prerogative. We don't need to be dumbed down to agree with the masses.


The markiest of marks are the ones who seem to be going to the house shows and tapings just to see Cena and buying all his merchandise.

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