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Guest stringerbell

Christian still remains unhappy

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Guest stringerbell

Word is that Christian remains very unhappy backstage about WWE ending his push so suddenly. WWE ShopZone has removed the "Captain Charisma" t-shirts and WWE has pulled the upcoming Christian cards from the "Raw Deal" card game. [PWInsider.com]

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He should be unhappy. He's one of the few people in this company who actually got himself over through sheer effort, and he gets cut off at the knees as a reward.


Anyone else, in any other line of work, would be evaluating their career options at this point; all he can do is shut up and take it, because it's the only game in town for anyone who wants to make a decent living in this business.

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Seriously- that makes no fucking sense. The guy is the most over mid-carder they have, could be a main-eventer, and they fuck with his merch sales and bury him to the Mexicools.


Christian is one of the few things I enjoy on WWE programming- if he leaves, I will cry.

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Guest Coffey

What the fuck? This isn't news. Like we needed PWInsider to tell us that someone is upset that their push ended? "Well golly gee, you're going to bury me, stop selling my merchandise and give me a beatdown? Sign me up!"

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What's news is that while he's one of the hottest guys in the company, they pull his merchandise from the shows and from the website.



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I'm honestly starting to think that the WWE is trying to piss the fans off. Here's a who got over without the company shoving him down our throats (unlike Randy Orton) so what do they do? They bury him because they don't think he's "worth it", because he managed to get over without the company's help. It's like the company is telling the fans "Fuck you for liking someone who we didn't tell you to like!"

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Randy Orton wasn't shoved down our throats?

You read that wrong. I'm saying he was shoved down our throughts.

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Though it's unrealistic to want him in TNA, I want him in TNA.

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I have no interest in seeing Christian in TNA. Why does everyone want everyone else to go there? It's a badly run promotion that had an ugly tv show and focused way too much on a guy that was never as over as he'd like you to believe he was...


Sure, it's not much different now, but at least he's usually on TV every week

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No fair!  You changed "i.e." to "unlike".  Now it looks like I lack reading comprehension.

sorry about that.

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"Nobody gives you a chance in this business.  You can't sit back and wait for thew company to push you.  You need to make your own breaks, and force the company to give you the ball to run with."


But, here's the thing. You can only do so much before it's out of your hands and it's in the hands of the company. For his part Christian has done all he can. He's over, his shirts sell, and he puts on good matches. But, now it's up to the WWE higher up to push him to the next level. And if Vince doesn't want to push you then it doesn't matter how over you are, how great a wrestler you are, or how great a talker you are because you're not going anywhere.

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Guest Fook

Ha, Spiff lacks comprehension.


This sucks for Christian. His potential feud with Cena was going great and was going to FINALLY give Christian a shot at the main event. So of course, they dump the entire thing and send him to SD. I could hope that Benoit beats OJ at SS and then feuds with Christian, but something tells me not to hold my breath.


The thing about Christian is that he's a heel who plays his character so well that it causes the crowd to love him. Both Rock and Austin had this type of character. Nowadays though, if they do decide to turn him face, I'd bet the farm they ruin his character by pussifying him like they did with Cena.


Christian and Shelton are my main reasons for watching now, and both are getting so misused.


You hit the nail right on the head.

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"Nobody gives you a chance in this business.  You can't sit back and wait for thew company to push you.  You need to make your own breaks, and force the company to give you the ball to run with."


That is such bullshit. Jericho, Christian and RVD did their part, they got over. That should be enough. How can they make their own breaks? By fucking Shane? This is just something Triple H said to cover his tracks when people started asking why he was on top for 6 years, when there were lots of other, more over wrestlers who had the potential to be big draws, that were completely overlooked in favour of a guy who was never much of a draw by himself and who's drawing power has been declining for years.

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well I would think the mexicool attack would lead to a face turn no?


and yes if WWE doesn't want you to be over, then you wont be over. They hate having to change thier plans (last time they did that was putting Batista in the slot vs HHH at WM, buts thant probably cuz Batista is a HOSS)

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Guest Coffey

I'd assume it would involve Christian refusing to work and when contacted by WWE, they would have to refer to his agent.

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I wonder if it will ever get to the point where a group of workers will ask to quit all at once (ala the Revolution/Radicalz guys in WCW), and Vince will either let them all go or finally be forced to take a look at the direction his company is going.

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