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Is Shawn Michaels really turning heel?

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I don't think there's any way Hogan would go over Austin.


Austin is sooo going to be the face in that feud , no matter what he does he never gets booed, and fans would be pissed if he lost.

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I don't think there's any way Hogan would go over Austin.


Austin is sooo going to be the face in that feud ,  no matter what he does he never gets booed, and fans would be pissed if he lost.



I think that is a very good question you bring up despite the fact that you don't seem to think that it is one. Who IS going to be the face in that match? I'm sure both will go in as faces technically, but I mean who will the majority of fans support? You say Austin, but as of right now I'd think it would be Hogan. It will be interesting to see how that aspect of the match plays out.

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I don't think there's any way Hogan would go over Austin.


Austin is sooo going to be the face in that feud ,  no matter what he does he never gets booed, and fans would be pissed if he lost.



I think that is a very good question you bring up despite the fact that you don't seem to think that it is one. Who IS going to be the face in that match? I'm sure both will go in as faces technically, but I mean who will the majority of fans support? You say Austin, but as of right now I'd think it would be Hogan. It will be interesting to see how that aspect of the match plays out.

That depends entirely on how the match is built.

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I don't think there's any way Hogan would go over Austin.


Austin is sooo going to be the face in that feud ,  no matter what he does he never gets booed, and fans would be pissed if he lost.



I think that is a very good question you bring up despite the fact that you don't seem to think that it is one. Who IS going to be the face in that match? I'm sure both will go in as faces technically, but I mean who will the majority of fans support? You say Austin, but as of right now I'd think it would be Hogan. It will be interesting to see how that aspect of the match plays out.



I think Austin would be. I mean when does he ever get booed? He's the type of guy where if they try to have him go heel and beat the shit out of Hogan with a chair or something, he'd get cheered MORE.

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Austin can get booed, but he has to work hard at it. The problem is that the people don't want to pay to see an Austin they 'have to' boo. They want to pay to see an Austin who kicks the shit out of people, flips the bird, and gives stunners left and right. Anything else won't really draw.

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Wrestlemania 22: Nostalgia!!!...cuz that's all we have left that's a draw


Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin

The Rock vs. HHH or do an intergender match with Rock/Trish vs. HHH/Steph

Sting vs. Shawn Michaels



Bret Hart, Mick Foley or Ric Flair can referee one of those matches.


Put those 3 matches on the show and it'll do the highest buyrate in PPV history.

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Hogan would be the face I think vs. Austin. Austin is now in that bad place that Hogan was in circa 1993 or so, namely that he's about 7 years from his peak of popularity. Austin is someone very much of his particular time period, whereas I think Hogan is a more timeless character.

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I'd pay good money to see Austin no-sell the finger wagging, flash the middle finger, Kick WHAM! Stunner, pinfall.

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Guest *KNK*
Wrestlemania 22: Nostalgia!!!...cuz that's all we have left that's a draw


Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin

The Rock vs. HHH or do an intergender match with Rock/Trish vs. HHH/Steph

Sting vs. Shawn Michaels



Bret Hart, Mick Foley or Ric Flair can referee one of those matches.


Put those 3 matches on the show and it'll do the highest buyrate in PPV history.


If sting works WM, it's going to be against The Rock. The Rock pushed so hard for it already.

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Guest Ransome
I don't think there's any way Hogan would go over Austin.


Austin is sooo going to be the face in that feud ,  no matter what he does he never gets booed, and fans would be pissed if he lost.


I'm not so sure that Austin's sizable face pops would outpop that of face Hogan. Someone here not long ago theorised that Austin's popularity only truly worked in the context of that late 90s Attitude period while Hogan's popularity is timeless. I'm not entirely convinced about that, but on the other hand I don't think the fans would instantly barrack Austin at the expense of Hogan. If anything, at this stage I can see a 50/50 WM crowd leaning slightly in favour of Hogan.

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Hogan would be the face I think vs. Austin.  Austin is now in that bad place that Hogan was in circa 1993 or so, namely that he's about 7 years from his peak of popularity.  Austin is someone very much of his particular time period, whereas I think Hogan is a more timeless character.

And yet you make your argument by saying that Hogan was not a timeless character.

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If Hogan was sticking around until WM 22, I could see an argument for Hogan losing here then getting his back later.


But my point is why would Hogan have anything to get back? Did any of Hogan's fans care than Rock pinned him clean? Nah, he went right on to beat HHH for the title, just like he would have won at WM. I seriously doubt people would say "Well Hogan/Austin is a dream match, I would order it but Hogan lost to Shawn, he must suck now." Anyway, I think the finish for this match is the most important out of Hogan/Rock, Hogan/Michaels, and Hogan/Austin. Neither Rock or Austin are wrestling anymore, just Shawn, he's the only one that could actually use a win over Hogan for something.

People don't pay to see Hogan wrestle to see him lose, unless it's something so huge and monumental that the aura of the match means it doesn't matter. Rock v Hogan was like that. Austin v Hogan will be like that. Shawn v Hogan is not like that. People pay to see Hogan be Hogan. They pay to see Hogan sell for a little while, Hulk Up, wag his finger, hit the big boot, hit the legdrop, and get the pin. If it's a match so big that Hogan can afford to lose and it won't matter because the match is so big, then Hogan can lose, because the nature of the match is such that it overcomes any winners or losers. For all the hype it's been getting, Shawn v Hogan is not such a match. Austin v Hogan is. If Hogan is going to do a job to anyone, it's going to be Austin, not to Shawn.


Ok, I don't see how it makes a difference, but what about submitting to Kurt Angle clean at KOTR 2002? Do any of Hogan's fans care right now that Hogan submitted clean? Of course not. Do most of them even remember? Probably not. Losing to Shawn won't be any more of a big deal (it won't amount to a hill of beans :) ) around WM time. All that will be on people's minds is Hogan and Austin. So again I say Shawn is the only one in this match with anything to win or lose, and he'll be around for years while Hogan won't. Therefore Shawn should definitely without a doubt win.

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I've tried to explain it to you. I've even tried making it very simple. If you still don't get it, and even think that only Shawn has something to win or lose, then you're a hopeless case.


Someone else try.

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Hogan is winning at SummerSlam. I do agree with chaosrage in that I don't really think a loss to Shawn would hurt Hogan, but I also don't think a loss to Hogan would hurt Shawn either. The only thing that can hurt Shawn is attempting to go back to face so quickly after just turning heel. He could have a very good run with this heel character. But again it doesn't matter because Hogan is winning tomorrow.


Yeah, I'd just love to see his heel character after Hogan beats him. "I don't lay down for anyone! well.... except for Hulk Hogan" "I am the best in ring performer of all time, oh except for that Hulk Hogan guy." "I am the most real thing on TV today, but I just lost last month a 52 year old, please take pity on me"

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I've tried to explain it to you. I've even tried making it very simple. If you still don't get it, and even think that only Shawn has something to win or lose, then you're a hopeless case.


Someone else try.


No one else knows what you're talking about because you're not making any sense. Everyone who commented on it on both threads agrees with me that Hogan wouldn't lose any heat. For examples, see The Rock, Kurt Angle, etc...

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Hogan is winning at SummerSlam. I do agree with chaosrage in that I don't really think a loss to Shawn would hurt Hogan, but I also don't think a loss to Hogan would hurt Shawn either. The only thing that can hurt Shawn is attempting to go back to face so quickly after just turning heel. He could have a very good run with this heel character. But again it doesn't matter because Hogan is winning tomorrow.


Yeah, I'd just love to see his heel character after Hogan beats him. "I don't lay down for anyone! well.... except for Hulk Hogan" "I am the best in ring performer of all time, oh except for that Hulk Hogan guy." "I am the most real thing on TV today, but I just lost last month a 52 year old, please take pity on me"



Well if after he loses to Hogan he cracks him over the head with a chair as Jim Ross screams in agony about "why Shawn why!?!?!" then on Raw comes out and says that since he lost last night everyone he runs into is taunting him about how he couldn't get the job done against Hogan and how he must have lost it and is no longer the showstopper etc. Then takes that and says he will prove he still has it by becoming wwe champion again, and goes on a rampage against all the faces on raw, taking cheaps shots in the back, interfering in matches and beating them down with chairs and such, until he gets a shot at Cena.

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I've tried to explain it to you. I've even tried making it very simple. If you still don't get it, and even think that only Shawn has something to win or lose, then you're a hopeless case.


Someone else try.


No one else knows what you're talking about because you're not making any sense. Everyone who commented on it on both threads agrees with me that Hogan wouldn't lose any heat. For examples, see The Rock, Kurt Angle, etc...


I actually agree with HTQ. While of course Hogan probably wouldn't lose any heat from losing to Shawn, would you really want to risk taking away from what is the "match to end all matches", Hogan vs Austin? Would you really want to risk turning people away after seeing HBK beat Hogan so soon before the Mania match? The difference between that scenario and Rock/HHH/Kurt Angle is that I believe, or at least people here say Hogan got his heat back postmatch, and he is an immortal icon, so no one cares if he loses anymore. However there is a difference between 1 high profile job, 1 high profile victory, 1 mid-profile job and 1 not so profiled job (Rock, HHH, Taker, Angle). This time they're building Hogan/HBK to be a dream match. This makes this match HIGH PROFILE. He can't really lose here and preserve the integrity of the Mania match with Austin. Not to mention it might turn Austin off from the match, "Eh Hogan lost to Shawn at Summerslam. I don't wanna do it anymore."

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Hogan is winning at SummerSlam. I do agree with chaosrage in that I don't really think a loss to Shawn would hurt Hogan, but I also don't think a loss to Hogan would hurt Shawn either. The only thing that can hurt Shawn is attempting to go back to face so quickly after just turning heel. He could have a very good run with this heel character. But again it doesn't matter because Hogan is winning tomorrow.


Yeah, I'd just love to see his heel character after Hogan beats him. "I don't lay down for anyone! well.... except for Hulk Hogan" "I am the best in ring performer of all time, oh except for that Hulk Hogan guy." "I am the most real thing on TV today, but I just lost last month a 52 year old, please take pity on me"



Well if after he loses to Hogan he cracks him over the head with a chair as Jim Ross screams in agony about "why Shawn why!?!?!" then on Raw comes out and says that since he lost last night everyone he runs into is taunting him about how he couldn't get the job done against Hogan and how he must have lost it and is no longer the showstopper etc. Then takes that and says he will prove he still has it by becoming wwe champion again, and goes on a rampage against all the faces on raw, taking cheaps shots in the back, interfering in matches and beating them down with chairs and such, until he gets a shot at Cena.

If they can get Shawn to agree to turn full blown heel again, that would be a good idea. Hogan should be leaving after SS anyway; while there is talk of Hogan v Hunter at Unforgiven, Hogan knows he only works in short doses, and is usually smart enough to know when to leave. Shawn laying out Hogan would give a logical storyline reason for Hogan to be taken off Raw for a while, and it would definitely add more of an edge to Shawn as a heel, because we've never seen him go nuts like that for ages. I also think that when he finally puts Cena over, assuming he does, it will mean more if Shawn is a heel than a face.


If I was going to do that, though, I would save it for Raw. More people would be watching, and I don't think a Hogan headlined PPV should end on a downer like that for the people Hogan drew in. Plus, it would give people a really strong reason to tune in the next week, moreso than the original Shawn turn on Hogan, because this one would be full blown heel, and the imagery of Shawn laying out Hogan with chair shots would be a great way to go off the air.

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You know its only just a fan's dream really, but how fucking awesome would it be for Wrestlemania 22 if Austin Vs. Hogan and Rock Vs. HBK were both on the card? :D

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You know its only just a fan's dream really, but how fucking awesome would it be for Wrestlemania 22 if Austin Vs. Hogan and Rock Vs. HBK were both on the card?  :D

If Austin v Hogan happens at WM 22, then I don't think any other dream match should take place. Why waste a dream match like Rock v HBK when the only match anybody will really remember is Austin v Hogan? Save the other dream matches for PPV's that need the buy rate boost.

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I guess I'm in my old school mentality with WM 8's DOUBLE MAIN EVENT slogan in mind. :P

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Guest Thrashist

The crowd reaction to Austin vs Hogan would truly be a sight to see. There are so many factors that would go into what would occur:


1. Who is built up as the heel or face? I guarantee you that if Austin plays the heel for the weeks leading up to Mania, he will be CHEERED during the match. On the other hand, if Austin acted like he has the past few years as the boring babyface who stuns jobbers and wastes time, then I can definitely see them going with Hogan or at least 50/50.


2. How fresh/stale are they in the fans' minds? If one of them has been on TV frequently for the months leading up to the PPV and the other is making his first appearance in a while a few weeks before that, then the fans will tire of the guy who has been on TV and cheer the newer guy. Both Hogan and Austin have an act where if you see them on TV every day for months, you get sick, but if they come back you're like OMG YES!


I like Austin by miles and if he plays even 1/10th the heel he was in '96 or '01, then he'll get the cheers. But I do hope that they cheer for Hogan. I think Austin feels very insecure about his place in history next to Hogan, and I mean, Hogan is just a bigger star. End of story.


I don't think Rock would return to face HBK (I don't think they like one another), and if he did, I don't think he'd want to come back just to lose. And with HBK doing a job to Hogan tonight, I can't see him wanting to lay down to two out of three of the biggest stars in the business today in two consecutive 'big' PPVs.

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Guest JMA

It's too bad that the Holy Bible Kid is back. A heel HBK would've been a good foil to a face John Cena. Plus, Shawn could get a good match out of him. Shawn being the face again returns his character to a stale position. What's he going to do, feud with Triple H again to the delight of no one?

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JR, mid-90s: "Folks, this is the WWF. It ain't about posing. It ain't about covering up a bald spot."


Vince McMahon's ultimate dream is to prove that he really doesn't need Hogan to draw money.


That was the idea behind pushing Lex Luger.

That was the idea behind pushing Bret Hart.

That was the idea behind pushing Diesel.

That was the idea behind pushing Stone Cold.

That was the idea behind pushing The Rock.


Everyone who was pushed in the "see what shit sticks" era was pushed in the Hogan mold (especially Luger.) McMahon finally realized that there are people with personalities who like bad guys, and so Stone Cold and Rock got over by disobeying authority figures and verbally putting down the rest of the roster.


Unfortunately, because he can't bear to let someone with that much mainstream draw linger elsewhere in the wrestling world, Vince has repeatedly tied himself to Hogan since 2002, and suddently Cheesy Foreign Heels have made a comeback since that time, and Good Because They're Bad characters have either become dirty rotten 100% evil heels, or baby-kissing 100% pure faces. The bad-boy's "Attitude" WWF became Saturday Morning Cartoon's WWF again very quickly.


It's kind of sad that Hogan's comeback tour (which we originally figured would end with some kind of injury or exhaustion around Summerslam 02) will never end and Vince has tied himself to it again.



Make no doubt about it, though, Hogan is Vince's internal demon whether Hogan likes it or not, and Austin will go over Hogan and will be booked in a way that he does so with a big pop, because that's what Vince has been striving for during about a 10 year span, since the "Billionaire Ted" ads ever started.

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